
giving an unexpected surprise to Sun Xuanyin and Zhao Yanyan

Ye Chen approached the two; no one knew and realized that Ye Chen had come.

"The situation is starting to get out of our control; that woman has gained more support, in the near future, she will definitely lead and overthrow the new emperor," Zhao Yanyan said to Sun Xuanyin.

"Plus, our people are decreasing, aren't they, many people are retreating because they are afraid," Sun Xuanyin said.

"They are being threatened; they prefer their lives, we can't blame the decision they have made," Zhao Yanyan said to Sun Xuanyin.

"Um, I understand, still, this is annoying." Sun Xuanyin also understood; they did that to stay alive.

"The method used by that woman is cruel, she will kill everyone who tries to find trouble with her, she won't even hesitate to kill anyone even those closest to her, infiltrating there will also not be possible and capable of being done," Zhao Yanyan said.