
Only the beginning

Our start had us hopeful. Our beginning was one of chance and we have taken such a beautiful coincidence and tainted it with so much death. Small groups have started to notice the path our species walks upon and have started speaking about the end days. Prophecies to warn those that come after of the nature with which we are born. Idealists have gathered and have begun leading a great project. A text in which they hope to lead the next generations on a path greater than our own. We can only hope they are successful in their endeavor. We can't put all our eggs in the same basket though. Many people have come to with ideas meant to alter our course onto a brighter path. They remain ideas for now. Untested and unproven ideas can deal greater damage than what we seek to prevent. So we test our ideas with small groups, yet small groups can never account for the chaos that numbers bring.

With the times changing and our people able to spend time doing things they enjoy we find ourselves at an impasse. Ideas we never imagined have come forth and flourished under the watch of the courts of the lands. With not everyone having to spend all day working towards procuring supplies for our imminent survival different fields have started to flourish. Our people have come to appreciate finer things and we too have seen the need for changes to our approach. Art as we have come to call it has started spreading among the higher courts. Whole stories can be told with just a few portraits. Oh to be young!

I truly feel as if the image in my head is so far away from what i am creating. it gets furthur away with each chapter. Ill keep trying!

Danny_Mementocreators' thoughts