
Rider War - First Half

Natsuki Hikari has a nightmare of every Kamen Rider including Kuuga in his fearsome Ultimate Form, being defeated by a figure called Decade, She pondering why she always has same dream lately and always seding a tear.

after wake up she hear some comotion at studio room . after see what happen she help her grandfather Eijiro deal with unsatisfied customers. The course of comotion is studio new photographer, Tsukasa Kadoya always produce fail photo.but when Natsuki ask what's wrong he simply tells Natsumi the photos are bad because he does not belong in this world. now she's very angry because Tsukasa bring trouble to her grandfather. she left studio go to lake park to find Tsukasa.

When she find Tsukasa, Tsukasa arguing with three angry costumer. she apologize to costumer than..

"Tsukasa-kun... Hikariken Hidden Ougi Warau no Tsubou!" Expecting Tsukasa lough out control whit poling her thumbnail into Tsukasa neck but what she see make her panic because Tsukasa fall to the ground uncounsius.

"Tsukasa-kun! please help me bring him to nearby bench!" said Natsuki to three costumer, unknown to them a dim light enter Tsukasa body.

When Natsuki want to call ambulance our MC Ryoko Sekai already to open his eyes as Tsukasa Kadoya. Seeing this Natsumi want to lecture Tsukasa. But before Natsumi speak a word, reality crack open between them spliting the two, in another location reality crack open allowing Monster such Orphnoch, Undead, Makamou, Worms, Imagin and Fangires to start terrorizing their world.

#Natsumi Side#

"Tsukasa-kun! Tsukasa-kun! What happen! Tsukasa-kun!" Natsumi calling for Tsukasa but the guy didn't hear her.

Then she see Monster aproch her. she begin running leaving Tsukasa alone on another side. when she running whit Monster keep chasing her she accident lyrics jumping to another dimensions chased by different type Monster until In the bedlam, she finds a corroded belt and book, recalling it as Decade's from her dream. She took it then begin running again but cornered by worm like Monster and another wall of reality crack. but then she hear Tsukasa voice.

"Natsumi! Natsumi! NATSUMIKAN!!"


"Natsumi, hurry give me the belt and the book!"

without thinking natsumi gave what Tsukasa asked for. gives Tsukasa the belt and book, allowing him to transform into Kamen Rider Decade by using a card from the book and inserting it into the belt.