
Journey: The World of Witches

Andrew is an Anti-Mage, a soldier of Mires that specializes as a countermeasure against witches. He first believed that everything he does, no matter how callous to another life, is necessary in order to protect those close and precious to him, but one day he meets a witch that threatens that worldview.

Rokuhine · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

Lucifia's wish

"We're here~," Adela says welcoming Lucifia to the hideout they teleported in. It's nothing grand, just a cabin situated around a regular green forest.

They're no longer in Aspen. In fact, They're far from the city that they don't have to worry about any problems for now.

Lu ignores everything and quickly changes back to her docile appearance. She then puts her hand against Andrew's chest. She feels how cold his body is getting, making it imperative for her to heal him as soon as possible.

Transfer le sien blessure in maine


The wounds Andrew has around his body rapidly close and heal but in return, all of his wounds carry over to Lucifia. Her body not only bursts into multiple wounds but also her insides. Her lungs are tearing, her muscles are snapping, and her bones are splintering. All of the pain she's taking from him is from holding off all the knights as everyone made their escape.

She spits blood onto the floor as anger begins twisting her expression into a scowl. She shoots an intense glare at Adela as her body begins to heal from the wounds she took.

"What happened to our agreement, Adela!?" Lu shouts at the Cerulean Witch who raises her arms in response.

"I didn't lay a finger on him, I can attest to that~"

"You forgot the part about keeping them safe." Gently, Lu put her arms around Andrew to do her best to warm him up. Her voice along with her sharp glare towards Adela becomes even grimmer.

"He told me not to interfere, so I didn't -well I did but it was to save him~ So I'm holding up that end of the bargain as well." With her usually sultry and carefree tone, Adela argues to Lu.

The archdemon clicks her tongue and decides that scolding the witch won't solve Andrew's condition.

"Lu-…" Andrew calls out for her with his pale voice.

"I'm here, I'm here you moron," she responds while holding him closer to keep him warm and also to feel his breathing.

At first, his breaths are clean and steady that it puts Lu at ease, but then he starts coughing and spitting blood on Lu's chest.

Then she sees burns appearing on the surface of Drew's skin from all parts of his body. They're gradually spreading and she can tell how painful the burns are just from his wincing.

She doesn't understand what's happening to him, this is the first she's seeing something like this that it puts her off and sets her into a quiet panic.

'Why? Why!? What's happening to your body!?'

Transfer le sien blessure in maine


She cries out while holding Andrew tightly. The burns on his body as well as the internal damage inside recovers as Lu takes them for herself.

Blood begins to flow out of the corners of her lips as she stares carefully at Andrew.

"What was that?" Lu asks as she turns her attention to Adela who witnessed everything and judging by the look in her eyes she knows what's happening.

"I only saw him only take two, but I suppose he took a few more before heading to the plaza~ He even had ones that were crystallized."

"What did I say about beating around the bush? Out with it already!" Lu makes it clear to Adela that she's out of patience.

"His body's suffering from the strain of expending and regenerating too much vis in a short time.

Right now, his body is constantly releasing vis and has no way of stopping it. Think of it as blown blood veins, but instead of blood it's releasing vis that's burning his body from both the outside and inside," Adela explains as she walks towards the two of them. She lets Lu know that she means no harm towards Andrew and that she genuinely wants to help.

"He wouldn't be in this condition if you had helped him in the first place," a snide remark leaves Lu's lips as she sets Andrew down on the only available bed in the cabin.

"He wouldn't be in this condition if he hadn't taken all those vis phials. He reaps what he sows," Adela bites back as she goes over to Drew and straddles him while undressing the young man.

"Do you find this tiltillating~?" Adela suddenly turns to Lu with a cheeky grin as she starts running her fingers across Andrew's toned body. As much as she looks like she's taunting her, Adela is genuinely checking Andrew's condition and how bad it is.

"I'll punch you," Lu frankly replies, but Adela's taunt does somewhat help in calming her tense nerves. She looks at Drew with worry in her eyes, as she's done so many times now. 'For once, I want you to be in my position. See how it feels to worry this much.'


"What? Did you find something?" Lu asks.

"Yes, I found that he has very nice muscles~" Adela answers and as much as Lu agrees with that statement she's at her limit with the witch's teasing.

Adela hops off Andrew and makes her way towards Lu.

"Can you please take this seriously and give me a straight answer?" Lu breathes out a strained sigh.

"So stiff. Fine, I'll break it to you. It'll take time for his body to recover from the stunt he pulled and he needs constant care. You know what that means right?" Adela responds crossing her arms together.

If it takes repeatedly taking in Andrew's wounds to save him, it's not even a question what Lu would do.

She walks towards the unconscious Andrew and sits at the edge of the bed. Gently, she puts her hand against his cheek and begins caressing it while staring at him with a pair of loving blue eyes.

"Just who is he to you?" Adela asks while looking over her shoulder and seeing Lu's display of affection.

"He's an old friend of mine, believe it or not.

He may not remember it, and I have no idea why, but at the same time I think it's fine if he doesn't." Lu's lips curl into a smile as she reminisces the past.

"Yeah, I find it hard to believe considering our families are like oil and water, but go on? And also how did you get sent here in the first place? I found you in the woods but that's about it." Adela's curiosity is piqued that she leans against the wooden wall to listen to the archdemon's story. Adela believes that by doing so she'll understand the fourth condition that Lu set for her.

"It's a long story, just know that I got exiled for killing three of the Original sins."

"Ah~ that would explain why you were in such a feral state." Adela snickers.

"Anyways, his father and mine got along pretty well, and I think it's because of them that I even managed to get to know Drew and become good friends with him back then."

"So? What ruined it all?" Adela asks trying to draw more of the story out of Lu who's lost in her own sea of thoughts and questions.

"Nothing. It's just that one day Andrew disappeared with the rest of his family. I don't even know when it started, I just realized it on my own after a year of not hearing from him.

Looking back at it, my father did act quite strange during those times, but I was too caught in my own sorrows to notice it." Lu stops caressing Andrew's cheek and instead does her best to hold it softly.

"It's fine if he doesn't remember his past, because I can see that the life he's leading right now is much more quiet than what it would be if he knew that he's just like us, demons.

His life right now, the fact he's able to have normal friends and live a fairly normal life, what friend wouldn't be any happier?

That's why … That's why I'm going to do everything to make sure that he finds his way back into living a normal life. One where he doesn't end up getting hurt like this." With a confident look in her eyes, Lu vows to herself that she'll give Andrew back the life he deserves to have.

UPDATE: And with that ... Arc 1 is finished. Next chapter will be on October 7-8th.

As usual, I wanna thank you all for reading this far and for voting for this story. All of you, every single one of you, from my silent readers to my active readers, and my readers who both gift and vote for this story,

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I couldn't have asked for more patient, kind, and supporting readers. So, as long as you guys still enjoy my work I'll always keep doing my best to provide you all a good story.

To those who are reading this in the morning, I hope you have a good start on your day.

To those who are reading this in the afternoon, I wish your day is going well

To those who are reading this at night, I hope my my dawdling here puts you to sleep.

Coyote, thanks for always voting.

Tyler, Rob, and Kninety- technically you three are my top 3 voters since there's no catching up on Broyote- HAHAHA.

F13ND, Alvin, Joel, and Rhax, you guys are amazing as well for continuously voting for this story- to dedicate all those stones to this. Thank you.

Now, all of you guys should check out Breno_Ranyare, Joseph_char, and Tamaki_leon because they're authors and they have amazing stories as well. They're my good friends just like you guys.

And- lastly, I was thinking of making a Discord server for you guys? But I'm a bit unsure on that since I'm poor at managing things like that. I would like all of your opinions though. And, as for those who I couldn't mention, I'm sorry- but you guys are also entitled to something from me and all I can do is .. just give my thanks and hope that it personally reaches you all, as selfish at that sounds.

That's all for now, see you all on October 7-8.

Rokuhinecreators' thoughts