
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Powering Up!

"Huh? what do you mean by the best is yet to come?" Noah asked as he was already more than satisfied with the skills he had.

[Yes , your skills are quite good and may be even give you a edge even if you don't level up for five years but what about your stats? ]

Noah heard this sentence and glanced at his stats

[-Strength - D(-)

-Agility - D(-)

-Endurance - E(+)

-Magic - E

-Luck - ????]

"Well I didn't said anything as I wasn't aware if they were up to the mark or not" Noah trying to convey his ignorance

[Yeah , So most of the children around your age are in range from F(-) to F(+), and as for the prodigies , they are in E or E(+)]

"Hmm so it means , my stats are certainly good " Noah said

[No they are not]


[Well unlike you they wouldn't be staying in the same level for five years]

Noah who heard this statement finally realized the gravity of this situation , he asked "So, what plan do you have?" as he knew system wouldn't have dragged this question into the conversation if he didn't have a solution ready.

[That's why I told you to drink the blood and eat the hearts]

"Hmm , I see but before that I have a very serious question" Noah said with a stern voice

[What is it?]

"Why is the Life Essence left only 7%? , from what I remember it should be 10% right?"

[Oh that , yeah I used it , do you really think I would have information about powering you up from some ancient method without paying sufficient price?]

"Sigh! thought so , So you paid 3% for that method" Noah said in a down tone as he was sad that such a precious scarce resource was getting depleted so quickly

[Nah , it took only 1% , and you will permanently get a skill when you complete the process]

"Then what about the rest 2%"

[Heh , that's surprise for you]

Noah who heard this message couldn't help but raise a eyebrow as system's playful tone (He got goosebumps too!)

"Fine , so atleast tell me a little about the process or this ritual " Noah said as he glanced at the room he was in.

And what he saw really matched the description of some cultist ritual , He was standing in the middle of a pool of red blood , which was shining with blue and red mist as it seemed mana was condensed into liquid form.

In the corners of Octahedral pool were Hearts of different species situated, which were hovering and covered with different colored mist below which were intricate symbols which were shinning brightly .

Noah couldn't help but find this scene directly come out of some fantasy novel.

[Enough of the sight seeing , and as for the information about this method , Guess the obvious]

"You can't share" Noah replied in non-chalant manner

[Bingo! ]

[Ahem! , As I only paid the price of 1% , The system restricted it to me only]

"Hmm , so this method is that important that just for you to know it requires the price of 1% of a deity's Essence" Noah reasoned


"But there are no restriction for me to study and recreate it myself in the future is it?" Noah said with a smile forming on his face but if anyone else were to see it they would mistake it for a grin.

[Woah! I didn't expect that ,though its not as easy as you may think but whatever .]

"Hmm well let's leave it for the future , Let's first complete the work at hand" Noah said finally readying himself to eat everything up.

After what seemed an eternity to Noah , he ate the last piece with a bland look.

[Heh , it seemed you enjoyed your first meal in Archanos]

"...." Noah wanted to say so many words but alas he was too tired to retort.

As Noah laid down in the empty pool something miraculous started happening!

The runes which were below the Organs started vibrating as they were alive and slowly started moving towards Noah , encircling him!

And then , no there was no then a loud boom of energy exploded whose source was none other than Noah , but the confusing thing was that all the energy that Noah's body emitted was being absorbed by the Runes!

After this process was being repeated for countless times , Noah's body was undergoing a phenomenal change.

His muscles and Bones started absorbing the mana and some unknown energy from the runes , fortifying themselves but the strangest thing was what was happening to his heart!

Normally a being heart should be Red , the same color as their blood but Noah's case was unique , his blood may be red but his Heart was multicolored , changing colors as it kept absorbing the energies from the runes but alas Noah wouldn't be able to know this information as after absorbing sufficient energy his heart reverted back to original red color.

His eyes and soul being no exception as the same phenomena was happening with them!

After few hours passed , the shining from runes started to dim and Noah's body could be found lying at the center of the hall.

After a while , Noah woke up while massaging his eyes , He supported his body trying to stand but what startled him was the system's message.

[Oh, you are finally awake ]

[How does it feel to get stared by two beautiful girls?? Pervert?]