
Journey of the Lionheart

In a world filled with talking animals and half human, half animal people an action filled trip to get the man's memories back, resolves in a quest to save the country and the lion's daughter. A story about a new/old friendship between a man and a lion starts in a rather peculiar way.

Kuroo_san · Fantaisie
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An odd beginning

A lion finds an old friend (slightly injured) in a alley and decides to help him, and find out the man lost his memories of him and everything else. The man just to ensure his safety asks the lion to prove they know each other.

Lion to man- "You're a dick."

Man– "I mean, to take something as strong to lose my memory and be talking to a lion, I must be."

Lion- "Fuck you."

Man- "See even my imagination insults me."

Lion- "You know I'm real, right?"

Man- "I knew the world got to shit, but this far."

Lion- "This proves that I know you."

Man- "How?"

Lion- "You're a dick."

Man- "Fair enough."

Lion- "Wouldn't it be easier to have done that from the start."

Man- "I'm a dick remember."

Lion- "Fair enough."

Man- "To think I'm the one with amnesia."

Lion- "You're a dick."

Man- "I think everyone knows that already."

The man follows the lion, leaning on him, through the streets.

Lion- "Do you really don't remember anything at all?"

Man- "Vaguely my name, but when I saw a bar I remembered my favourite drink and the time I fucked the barlady. No need of commenting about me being a dick." Lion- "At least we know it is possible for you to remember and it ain't a lost cause." Man- "Why are you helping me so much?"

Lion- "You see, there is a reason for us to be friends. You are a Lionheart. Your name is Kaspio Lionheart. You possess the armour of ''the golden one''..."

Kaspio- "It sounds like if you're talkin' about a dildo."

Lion- "I'm talking about the legendary golden lion warrior. You're the first human to inherit this armour, it adapted pretty well to your body though."

Kaspio- "I love how you told me my name but not yours".

Lion- "Sorry I forgot you don't remember it."

Kaspio- "Head ache."

Lion- "Anyway, my name is Chatah Isconoir."

Kaspio- "Nice."

They remain in silence for some time making turns from now and then. After a while Chatah says- "We've arrived, this is my house. Narah will treat you upstairs. Kaspio- "Fuck, dude, who is Narah?"

Chatah- "My daughter."

Kaspio's expression is really confused and after thinking for a bit asks- "How old are we?"

Chatah- "Oh, yeah that is quite important. You're a year younger than me so you're 26..."

Kaspio- "If you're 27 then how good at medicine must be your daughter to be able to treat me at a young age?"

Chatah- "She's 14."

Kaspio- "Have I forgotten how to do maths or you had a daughter at 13?"

Chatah- "Well I'm a lion; I won't stay in this world for as long as you so having children at the age I did is normal."

Kaspio's expression turns suddenly to serious.

Chatah- "Here we are."

Chatah somehow opens the door and manages to take Kaspio through it. A neko girl comes with a smile greeting her father. She has lion ears and tail, also golden eyes. Her expression changes suddenly when she sees Kaspio's condition.

Narah- "Uncle Kaspio!" looking at her father "What happened?!"

Kaspio's expression changes, his fist clenches and a solitary tear appears in his eye. Chatah- "Help Kaspio please, I'll explain everything."

Kaspio- "This is going to be the most awkward shit ever."

Kaspio takes his shirt off showing a pretty awful set of scars and a fresh wound. Chatah notices Narah's confusion and tells her the situation. Narah is shocked but listens while healing without stopping.

Narah- "But how did it all happen?"

Chatah- "We'll find out, and when we do... oh boy, the storm that's coming." Kaspio- "It's kinda creepy the way you said that, try to turn the revenge sense down. We aren't even sure if this is someone's fault and if it was deliberate."

Chatah- "Of course it was, you are hurt and have a shit tone of enemies that benefit from this situation."

Kaspio- "OK, fuck. How is it that I have so many enemies?"

Chatah- "Well, you see, you are a hero. You have defeated a lot of villains, dishonoured their families in the process and are a potential threat to any evil person's plans."

Kaspio- "Oh, that makes sense... Not really. WTF do you mean I'm a hero?!"

Narah- "But uncle, you are a famous personality. You have always been a role model for me. You have honour, power and a pure heart."

Kaspio's expression turns really thoughtful and serious while Chatah's gets confused since he was expecting a laugh and a joke about Kaspio being a dick.

Narah- "Well I'm finished, this is all I can do for now. You should get some rest uncle."

Kaspio with unbelievable speed hugs Narah and whispers: "I promise I'll remember, then everything will be alright and I'll be able to love all of you again. It really hurts to be loved and knowing you love someone but not knowing the ones you love. I'm really sorry, I'm really, really sorry..."

Narah hugs him back and says: "It's alright uncle, I will love you anyway, just as I always did."

Narah smiles and Kaspio starts crying.

Chatah- "Get some rest, you need it."

Kaspio now more calmed down: "Alright, I'll get the couch."

Kaspio does as he says and lies on the couch. Narah and Chatah go to the kitchen and stare at the sleeping man who is crying in his sleep.

Narah- "Poor uncle."

Chatah- "Don't worry, everything will be fine, even though I cannot understand how much he really is hurting inside I know he can stand it and that he will go through it to get his memories back and restore his life."

Narah smiles and then gets up and holds up Kaspio's head, then sits on the couch and putting his head on her lap, she wipes his tears then she starts petting his hair.

Chatah- "He always used to pet you that way when you got stubborn and stayed up all night listening to our journeys' stories and then fall asleep on his lap.

Narah- "Yes, I know." She says as she sighs.

After a while Kaspio wakes up and sees Narah he smiles.

Kaspio- "Thank you, I knew pillows weren't that comfortable" He says as he laughs. He sits up and looks at Chatah then smiles again.

Chatah- "A friend is the one to see the pain in your eyes while everyone else sees the joy in your smile, and I'm your best friend; you don't have to fake Kaspio."

Narah noticing the mood quickly changes the theme of the conversation: "Well it's time for dinner, what do you want uncle, father?"

Kaspio- "I have no clue."

Chatah- "Prepare some barszcz; you normally love this so it may spur some vague ideas of yourself once you eat it."

Narah- "Good idea, I have all the ingredients so I can start right away."

Kaspio- "Sounds lovely, tell me how can I help you?"

Narah- "Wait! You know how to prepare barszcz?"

Kaspio- "No idea. Sorry. I just thought the least I can do is help out by doing anything you tell me to, so if there is anything you want me to do I gladly accept." Narah- "I got my hopes up for a second, sorry. You could help me peel the potatoes uncle."

Kaspio- "Sure."

Kaspio gets one of the vegetable peelers and sits next to Narah by the trashcan and potato sack and starts peeling. Narah is doing the same, she seems to want to start a conversation but struggles to do so; Kaspio notices and says with a smile: "Well, at least I remember how to peel potatoes. Narah bursts into laughter and says between chuckles: "I just imagined you having an arm spasm and flailing your arms around with the peeler and the potato..."

They both laugh.