God Empror: highest level of God hood. Rule their own multiverse. Ex Basi.
Major Gods: The nobles of the gods and the only ones with their own universe.
Minor gods: their like the normal people of heaven. So basically middle class people.
Arch Angels: usually the creation of major gods or the child of a God and angel. Can be promoted to major God level. One step or on par with certain major gods.
Angels: equal to minor gods. Have wings, their color represents their magical affinity.
Demigods: One level above mortals and just below Minor gods. Usually the child of a God and a mortal.
Demon Emperor : equal to God Emprors. Ex. Rego.
Demon Gods: equal to major gods
Demon Lords: equal to major gods.
Demons: equal to minor gods
Genuine Dragons : equal to God Emprors.
Ancient Dragons: equal to major gods
Dragons: equal to minor gods.
Spirits : equal to angels. Work for dragons
Halfling:The child between a dragon and a mortal. Can be equal to demigods all the way to arrch angels depending on the purity of the blood or rank of dragon parent.
Nephilim : the child between an angel and a mortal. Equal to demigods and usually have wings that pale in comparison to an angels due to being half angel but are drop dead gorgeous. Like a male Nephilim could make straight ppl think twice about their sexual orientation not to mention female. Similar to halflings
Monsters: beings created from void energy. They have no thought process and torment living beings not of the void
Devil Emperor : equal to God emprors ex. Diablos
Devil lord: equal to major gods.
Shades : the people of the void. Blood thirsty beings who have blood red pupils and hair with pale skin, their similar to vampires except vampires are classified as demon lord's and only feed off of their servants while, shades literally drain the life of every thing. They fall under the satans. Their heirachy is based on strength