
Journey of the Fateless

Join the journey of a fateless, as he roams new world, falls in love, challenges gods with his fate system. It will be total AU. So plot might not follow the canon.

Child_of_Fate_9204 · Livres et littérature
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16 Chs

Chapter-5 <REMAKE>




By: Child of Fate 






"Why and what were you all doing in the Soul Dimension of my fiance?" The Goddess said while already considering Noah her future husband without his permission.

Talya knew the answer to her question but she still wanted to confirm it from these women. She hoped very hard that her guess is wron-.

"You guessed it correctly. We five had decided to give our whole being from soul, heart, and body to him as our Master." The Assassin said with a dream-like look in her eyes. 

All women looked at the casual clothed brown hair beauty who just wore a blue t-shirt and black shorts. Just from her response, everybody knew that her wish had come true, which was to have a beloved partner and a happy and big family.

"For now we are Noah's bodyguard and will protect him- till he becomes strong enough -from greater dangers." The Lion King said arrogantly while feeling proud for choosing a worthy Master.

"And who declared that you are his fiancee, Talya? For once I have never seen him agree to become one." The Witch of Betrayal said with a dangerous look in her eyes. 

With a sigh, Talya said " So you are also a lost case huh? I can see Mata Hari is still sane enough, but you…have become like those crazies or should I say yandere for Noah."

Before her sister, Goddess of Fate was prisoned for her crimes, she had released all her Heroic Servants and from those only these five considered Noah as their Master while the locations of the remaining Servants were still unknown.

"Talya, even though we considered you as our friend once, we will still not hesitate to kill you if you tried to harm or do any nefarious things to Noah. So take this as a warning and never show your face in front of Noah." The Devil's Bodhisattva said while the other four nodded their heads and glared at the Goddess of Luck.

But instead of flinching, Talya also glared at them without fear, and with an evil smirk, she said "Heh. You can't stop a Goddess from meeting her Champion. But I will also not hesitate to kill you all permanently if I see any harm done to my Champion."

And soon enough the atmosphere became tense and heavy between the Goddess and the five Heroic Servants. 

"Fufufu. It was wise to choose him as my dear Master. Even before he started his journey, I got great inspiration for writing a book." A soft and gentle voice shattered all the tension as Lady Murasaki spoke. 

But to Talya's surprise, the four of the servants slightly reduced their hostility towards her after listening to the Rider Class Servant. 

And soon enough she understood that Murasaki might have said something to the remaining four through their spiritual links which reduced the hostility towards her.

And if her guess is not wrong, she must have said something offending about her. Which was a correct guess…

'Don't fight with her like that. In the future, she can become a good meat shield for our Master.'

'Hmm. Knowing well Master and his bad luck, this King for once agrees with her.' Altria said through the spiritual link.

'Hmph. At least she will have some use for my Master.' Medea said.

Soon enough they started to bicker on the usage of 'our' Master instead of 'my' Master through their spiritual link.

"Do you all know anything about his Shishou?" asked Talya who was unaware of the talks of the Heroic Spirits.

Murderous intent filled the atmosphere. Without hiding four Servants were showing their murderous intent at the mention of that woman while Murasaki had a cold and indifferent look in her eyes.

"She tried to kill our Master…"

"That bitch just changed sides and accepted the Chaos…"

"Hmph. That Queen was not able to accept the Gods of the Void and decided to turn against them at first sight…"

"Before we all five could kill her, she injured half of the Master's soul and ran away in Chaos to hide…"

Mata Hari looked depressed and ready to kill someone while Medea without stopping cursed the Queen of the Land of Shadows. Altria and Kiara just grumbled and had a frustrating look at not being able to kill the Immortal Witch.

But different from everyone Murasaki muttered coldly "She knows what she is playing with but she didn't see the bigger picture and took the risk, even though it might kill her disciple."

Talya sweated heavily as she saw how the mood was not good and decided to change the topic for her safety.

"Then does anyone know what type of Universe Noah should conquer after he reaches the peak of F-rank?"

"That will not be decided by us. And it will be better for us to go back to him. But remember our warning Talya because even if Master showed mercy to you…we won't."

With a cold reply from Sessyoin, the Heroic Spirits started to disappear leaving the Goddess alone.

"Heh. You all are not the only ones who waited for my dear for this much time in Void. I think it is time to make some alliances with crazies." 

The Goddess of luck laughed maniacally while showing a perverted grin towards the place where her Champion vanished and disappeared into the vast Void.






"So I am going out to buy groceries, take care of Cara for me. And Cara, do not cause trouble for your elder brother." Aunt Debi said before closing the door.

"Okay, Aunt Debi."

"Okhay Mom."

A five-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl replied.

And soon enough both siblings not-related-by-blood started to stare at each other with their eyes.

"So Cara, now you will go and play with your toys in your room while I-"

"No! Ian will read the storybook to me!" Interrupted the cute girl.

"Okay, then there will be no stories for you at nighttime."

"...Okay, I will play with toys in my room."

Seeing tears forming in the eyes of his sister, Ian sighed and said "If you behave for today, I will take you with me to sneak outside once."

With stars forming in her eyes, the small girl excitedly replied "Ian is the best brother."

And soon enough Cara Starling went to play with her favorite toys in her room without giving any trouble to her brother.

"Sigh…Playing and taking care of two girls is too much. I hope Mom comes back soon." Ian Cahill or once known as Noah hoped.

The two girls mentioned by Ian were Sarah and Cara. He was only able to complete the request of the UW of his Home Universe after he became three years old.

This led to the demand from Sarah to come twice a week to play with her for the missing three years he didn't come to play. While he also had to take care of one-year-old Cara with his Mom and Aunt Debi sometimes.

After his soul was reborn into this universe or world, Ian realized that this universe is a normal world without any magical or supernatural world. 

But when his skill Fateless poured the knowledge or the plot of this universe, Ian felt excitement and thrill. 

And the world he was born in was almost similar to Origin(Earth). But the word 'almost' means a lot here. 

The Cahill family is the most powerful in human history. Founded by Gideon Cahill and his wife, Olivia Cahill, around the 16th century, the family was split during a fire that destroyed Gideon's laboratory.

Before dying, Gideon had made a serum that can make one stronger, younger, and more physical overall. But like in a cliche story he was betrayed by his best friend Damien Vesper, who wanted that serum for himself. So Gideon destroyed all his work and died in the fire of his lab.

But before he destroyed the serum the poor guy gave the parts of his serum to each of his four children ( Luke, Katherine, Thomas, and Jane) which resulted in them trying to kill each other for that serum.

As if this was not enough, they separated and went to different places to spread their influence according to their skills. Before dying they all four hid away the clues in different parts of the world and hoped their future generation will steal the clues from each other and make the complete serum.

When the siblings got married and had children, their skills were passed down to their offspring. These were passed down generation after generation. The hatred of each other, their parent's interests/powers, and the longing for the completed serum never stopped.

Sigh. After getting all this information from his skill, Ian understood one thing, he is not ready. Not ready to face the current shitstorm happening in the real world. 

It was better for him to live with his mom, Aunt Debi, and Cara in this unknown town of Iceland. Living in this corner of the world only meant one thing, something big happened which led his mom who might or might not be from Cahill to hide.

And to know the current status of the outside world, he can only rely on his skill Fateless which could provide him with all the inside and outside happenings of the Cahill family. But his rank was not enough to gain the information.

So he could do the only thing he can do as a Champion, which is to conquer other universes.






A/N: Few more things will be mentioned in the next chapter to make you understand the second part of this chapter.

You don't need to worry much about the plot of the MC's Home Universe, as it will start properly after he conquers his first universe. For now, please be patient if possible.

The universe he is going to conquer is decided. It's Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled **** Sect.






