
Journey Of Sharky Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Sharky Tennyson, Who Has Belong To Omnitrix Multiverse, But Something Happened, And He Goes To Marvel Multiverse.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 4 - Significance Of Beasts Multiverse

With the fusion of his body and the Omnitrix, Sharky discovered a newfound ability – he no longer needed to activate it. A mere thought was enough to unlock the alien powers within him, eliminating the need for a physical transformation. Much like Ultimate Ben, who seamlessly harnessed alien abilities without assuming their forms, Sharky could now access a vast array of powers effortlessly.

Yet, the extraordinary didn't stop there. Merging with two Omnitrixes had elevated his alien powers to new heights, making them ten times more potent than before. Each individual alien in his repertoire now wielded unparalleled strength and advanced capabilities.

What truly astonished Sharky was the ability to tap into the powers of fusion aliens. Just like Ben 10000 and his Biomnitrix, Sharky could now combine the strengths of two aliens into one formidable entity.

"It's unbelievable. I never thought I'd achieve this level of power," Sharky marvelled, struck by the sheer magnitude of his newfound abilities.

The sense of amazement continued to unfold for Sharky as he discovered even more extraordinary capabilities. The once-elusive Alien X was now under his complete control; negotiating with Serena and Bellicus was a thing of the past. Among the Celestialsapiens, he had become the ultimate authority.

"It's just like how Ben 1000 was able to freely control Alien X. Now I can do it too," Sharky marveled, realizing the extent of his newfound abilities.

The amazement escalated further as he uncovered the final piece of the puzzle – mastery of mana. The Anodite life, dormant within the Tennyson bloodline, now responded to his command. While Gwen had harnessed mana, and Ben 900 had wielded it skillfully, it had always eluded Sharky. Yet, now it flowed through him like a second nature.

"I could never quite grasp how Gwen harnessed mana, or how Ben 900 used it. But now, it's like second nature to me. It's truly astonishing," Sharky marvelled at the depth of his newfound capabilities. Today, he had gained more than he could have ever imagined.

In the extensive history of the Tennyson family spanning 200 years, Sharky became the fourth member to master the art of harnessing mana.

Realizing the need to catch up on the events that transpired during his absence in the Omnitrix Multiverse, Sharky activated Clockwork, utilizing its time powers to gain insights.

He first focused on his own family. "So Bad Ben has transformed into Good Ben, now residing with Mom and Dad, and embracing the responsibility of saving the Sharky Universe. Well, that's good for him," Sharky acknowledged the positive transformation within his family.

Turning his attention to Grandpa Max, he observed, "So he's living with Ben 23. It's beneficial for Ben 23; he'll learn a lot from Grandpa."

"And Grandma," Sharky continued after glimpsing into her life, "Is leading a happy existence with Gwen 900 and Ben 900. She's dedicated to imparting Anodite powers to Gwen and finds immense joy in teaching Ben 900. It warms my heart to see her so content," Sharky's observations painted a picture of contentment and growth within his extended family, easing his concerns about the well-being of those he cared about.

Next he turned his attention toward Ben 1000 and Gwen 10, the weight of their past pain lingered in his mind. However, the sight that greeted him brought a sense of joy. "They now have a daughter and a son, and Ben 1000 has even united Mad Ben and Nega Ben in saving the Omnitrix Multiverse," he commented, relieved to see the positive changes.

"Now that everything is well and good, it's time to fulfill my dream. I was ready to embark on a journey across the Multiverse after Gwen's wedding, but unforeseen circumstances led to my sacrifice. Since I've been reborn, it's time to travel the entire Multiverse," Sharky muttered with determination. Opening Professor Paradox's location, he prepared to find the enigmatic time traveler.

Upon arriving at Professor Paradox's place, Sharky noticed the Professor was immersed in some serious writing. However, his curiosity was quickly drawn to a peculiar tree nearby, its branches adorned with a variety of names. Unable to resist, he inquired, "Professor, what are you doing?"

Caught off guard, Professor Paradox nearly jumped out of his skin. But once he realized it was Sharky, his face lit up with joy, and he pulled Sharky into a tight hug.

"Sharky! You're alive! I thought I had lost you. You have no idea how much it pained me to discover all these fascinating places without anyone to share my discoveries," He said.

Amid the warm reunion, Professor Paradox couldn't help but wonder how Sharky was alive. He decided to check on his Omnitrix Multiverse Population Device and Time Watch, essential tools for maintaining the balance of time and existence within the Omnitrix Multiverse.

He began to explain their importance, "You see, the Time Watch is designed to capture even the tiniest disturbances in time. Something as small as a leaf falling differently in the past can have enormous consequences in the present, even leading to the destruction of entire universes. So, Azmuth and I created these devices to protect the multiverse's integrity. They act as guardians against any meddling with the time continuum, helping to identify those who attempt to disrupt the balance."

Amid his explanation, Professor Paradox delved into a detailed account of the Omnitrix Multiverse Population Device.

"The Omnitrix Multiverse Population Device is another crucial component. It meticulously records every DNA that is born and dies, making it an all-time record-keeping device for the Omnitrix Multiverse. It helps us recognize when someone has entered from another Multiverse," Professor Paradox explained.

However, when Sharky returned, Professor Paradox didn't receive any warning of temporal disruption on the Time Watch. So, he decided to check it on the Omnitrix Multiverse Population Device.

To his amazement and confusion, Sharky's DNA on the Omnitrix Multiverse Population Device showed that he did not even exist in the universe. This left Professor Paradox both amazed and confused, as just a few days ago, the device had indicated Sharky's death. Now, without any warning, it automatically erased his existence.

Perplexed, Professor Paradox tried to comprehend the situation "Sharky, how are you alive? According to the Time Watch, you shouldn't exist, and there's no record in the Omnitrix Multiverse Population Device."

"I didn't know how it happened; it just happened over the six years. Every strand of my DNA gathered together, and finally, today I was completely reborn. More than that, I don't know anything," Sharky explained about himself.

Initially confused, Professor Paradox soon had a realization. This was an anomaly he had encountered once before, happening to himself. He had managed to break free from the constraints of the Omnitrix Multiverse Time, much like what had just occurred with Sharky.

From that point on, he became Professor Paradox, defying the laws of the Multiverse, gaining amazing time-like abilities. He could travel to the past, present, and future, traverse any space, and even alter someone's age with a touch.

He decided to check if Sharky had also acquired time powers. To his disappointment, although Sharky was free from the constraints of time, he hadn't gained any time-manipulating powers and had become an anomaly.

"Sharky, you've escaped the Omnitrix Multiverse Time, just like I once did. However, I didn't detect any Time Radiation from you, so it seems you haven't gained time powers. You've become an anomaly. According to the Multiverse's will, you should be dead." Professor Paradox explained the reason.

"But your strong will to live broke you free from the Omnitrix Multiverse Time Line. So you can also travel anywhere, but since you haven't acquired any time-manipulating abilities, unfortunately, you can't be amazing like me,." He further clarified.

"No problem, I have Clockwork," Ben replied, which amused the Professor Paradox.

Assuming his professional demeanor, Professor Paradox asked, "So why have you come to me, Sharky?"

"When you explained the other Multiverse and the Universal Tree, I mentioned that after Gwen and Kevin's wedding, I would travel to another Multiverse. So, I've come for the coordinates of the other Multiverse. I've decided to explore beyond," Sharky explained the reason.

Understanding Sharky's resolve, Professor Paradox encouraged him. "You've made a good decision, kid. To help you get started, let me tell you about some of the other multiverses I've explored."

Gesturing towards branches on the Universal Tree, Professor Paradox continued his enthusiastic explanation. "This one is known as the Beast Multiverse. In this multiverse, I found different universes, but they all have a common theme related to various kinds of beasts."

"What is special about the Beasts Multiverse?" Sharky asked for more information about the Beasts Multiverse.

"This Multiverse mainly depends on human bonding with beasts. In different universes, there are different beasts," Professor explained. Then he pointed to some important universes in the Beasts Multiverse.

"For example, this universe is known as the Pokemon Universe. In this universe, there are creatures called Pokemon, and humans, known as trainers, capture the Pokemon, form bonds with them, and train them for battles," Professor explained about the Pokemon Universe.

"There are some Pokemon that are considered god-like, especially one named Arceus, who created the whole Pokemon Universe. You could say he could even easily defeat the Celestialsapiens," Professor gave a brief overview of Arceus and his powers.

Pointing to another leaf, Professor continued, "This Universe is known as the Digimon Universe. Here, you'll encounter Digimon, digital creatures, and their human partners who embark on exciting adventures."

He shifted his focus to another leaf, saying, "In this Universe, monsters exist within cards, and people engage in card battles. It's known as the Yu-Gi-Oh Universe."

Moving on to the next leaf, Professor Paradox explained, "In this universe, players battle with spinning tops called Beyblades, each containing hidden mythical beasts. This is the Beyblade Universe."

He directed Sharky's attention to another leaf on the tree. "This universe is known as the Dragon Drive Universe. People here battle with their very own dragons within a virtual world."

Pointing to a different leaf, Professor Paradox described, "In the Dinosaur Universe, different types of dinosaurs are confined to cards. However, when captured, they materialize as small pets, ready to assist their masters."

Next, he said, "In this universe, people fight using tiny dolls that can transform into mighty angels, and they engage in combat against opponents. This is the Angelic Layer Universe."

Finally, Professor Paradox introduced a significant universe within the Beast Multiverse. "This universe is one of the most extensive in the Beasts Multiverse."

"Why is this important in the Beasts Multiverse?" Sharky asked Professor Paradox.

"It's because this single Universe is made of ten universes combined into a single Universe. This is formed with two layers. One is known as the Mamodo World, while the other is Earth. Every 1000 years, a new Mamodo King is chosen to rule. All Mamodo are sent to Earth with a Grimoire, where they find their human partners. Their bond determines the outcome of the battles."

"So this Universe also depends on the Beasts known as Momodo," Sharky replied as he understands.

"Yes, but in this Universe, when Momodo is present on the Earth. They are utterly dependent on their partners. Only their partners can read spells from the Grimoire. Through a strong bond, they can unleash powerful and unique spells. Losing a battle means the Mamodo returns to the Mamodo World, eliminated from the King Crown Race." Professor Paradox explained the importance of the King Crown Race.

"But when they return back to their Momodo world from the earth. Then they became incredibly potent beings. Unlike Earth, where they relied on human partners to use their abilities, within their home world, they merged with their Grimoires and unlocked their true potential. Even a single seemingly ordinary Mamodo was equivalent to a thousand times the power of the normal human beings. This distinction underscored how formidable they were in their own realm," Professor gives the information about how much Momodo were strong in their own Momodo world.

Then Sharky pointed to one of the big colossal leaves on the Beasts Multiverse branch and asked, "Why is this one Universe so big, Professor?" This leaf is adorned with cosmic patterns. Each line and curve signified the immense power this universe held.

"This universe is known as the Beast Universe, and it serves as the central hub of the Beast Multiverse. While other Multiverses control nearly 3000 universes, the Beast Multiverse consists of just 1666 universes. The reason for this is because the Beast Universe was formed by the fusion of 1111 universes. Its presence in the Beasts Multiverse alone could sway the balance of all the other worlds."

Sharky was intrigued. "What makes the Beast Universe so special, Professor?"

Professor Paradox explained, "This universe, born from the fusion of 1111 universes, is incredibly diverse. It's inhabited by a wide array of creatures, including humans, elves, druids, dragons, phoenixes, orcs, goblins, dwarves, and more. Humans play a dominant role here, primarily due to their highly advanced reproduction capabilities. They hold sway over many worlds."

"This universe is essentially divided into two major factions," The professor elaborated. "One consists of the humanized characters like dwarves, elves, druids, goblins, titans, giants, orcs, and, of course, humans themselves. The other camp comprises more beastly creatures, including dragons, phoenixes, vermilions, rocs, and species of cats like lions and tigers."

Sharky assumed, "So, the humanized and beastly characters must be in conflict, right?"

Professor Paradox unveiled the surprising twist. "No, Sharky, these two factions don't fight one another. The real complexity arises here. The humanized characters engage in fierce conflicts within their camp as they strive to dominate the universe."

"So, they have the same human conflicts," Sharky nodded.

"Yes, and the Titans are powerful beings known for their strength and peaceful nature. Despite their formidable capabilities, Titans stand out as a unique faction within the humanized characters camp. Unlike other groups engaging in conflicts for dominance, Titans choose a more serene path," Professor explained, as he continued.

"These beings manage approximately 100 worlds where their focus revolves around essential aspects of life—farming, eating, and sleeping. The Titans, in their peaceful coexistence, showcase a distinct approach to their existence within the diverse universe. What sets them apart further is their remarkable ability to reduce their size. This unique skill is not an inherent trait but rather a result of consistent training and precise control over their abilities," Professor takes a little breath, before continuing.

"In essence, the Titans contribute to the complexity of the Beast Universe by embodying both strength and tranquility, carving out a niche that contrasts with the more tumultuous struggles taking place among other humanized characters," He explained the significance of Titan.

"So, they were powerful beings with Way Big like height," Sharky nodded after understanding about the Titan.

"Then there are the giants," Professor continued, "A unique crossbreed between titans and other can be quite arrogant and have struggled with their identity as mixed-breed beings, resulting in smaller sizes compared to titans. Nevertheless, they still tower over humans, with baby giants measuring up to 6 feet in height. Upon reaching adulthood, their size ranges from 10 to 50 meters, determined by their genetic lineage."

The professor then introduced the concept of a perilous type of giants, "Depending on the origins of their breeding, giants inherit various traits. If their lineage includes humans and titans, they have human-like brains and access to human-related abilities. Giants with elven heritage gain magical powers and exquisite beauty. When their ancestry traces back to dwarves, they become expert blacksmiths, while goblin lineage results in mechanical giants. These giants are known for their peaceful coexistence."

"However, there are other giants with a different lineage. These giants lack the advantages of superior giants, which drives them to hunt titans."

Sharky was puzzled. "But if they are born alongside titans, why do they hunt them?"

Professor Paradox revealed the startling truth. "Here's the twist, Sharky. When giants consume Titan body parts, drink their blood, or especially their hearts, they gain even more incredible power and acquire Titan abilities. This is the reason for their hunts."

Thoroughly engrossed, Sharky eagerly inquired, "Tell me more, Professor."

Professor Paradox, brimming with enthusiasm, continued to provide an insightful narration about the fascinating Elf race.

"Elves are renowned for their ethereal beauty. They possess such striking beauty that if you were to gather 100 of the most beautiful girls from our universe in one place, they would likely faint from sheer embarrassment upon seeing an Elven girl. Similarly, encountering Elven men would evoke an irresistible attraction in anyone."

He then revealed intriguing aspects of their way of life. "Elves inhabit homes crafted from trees, and each of their forested towns centers around a World Tree. Wherever the Elven race settles, a World Tree is certain to be present. This extraordinary tree, with just one leaf, possesses the power to grant life to a person on the brink of death, adding ten more years to their existence. However, this life-giving ability can be employed only once. By blending a thousand leaves together to create a potion, one can transform a regular human into a magical being, rejuvenating them with an additional hundred years of life. But this potion can also be used only once."

Sharky was enchanted by the wonders of the Elven race, "This is truly incredible, Professor. I've never encountered anything like it."

Professor Paradox then ventured into more intricate details. "If you take a single branch from the World Tree and mix it with a hundred thousand leaves to create a potion, you can instantly turn a human into an Elf. However, it's vital to note that each World Tree contains a maximum of three hundred thousand leaves, so it can transform only three humans into Elves, albeit at the cost of the World Tree's destruction."

He continued, "The World Tree has another vital use. Crafting a potion from it grants the imbiber powers comparable to those of a half-immortal. This endows them with a lifespan and strength ten times greater than that of an average Elf. However, they do not become Elves but rather Dark Elves, driven by insatiable greed for power and the corruption of the World Tree's beauty."

Sharky expressed his indignation at the thought of those who would harm such natural beauty. "It's truly shocking, Professor. How could anyone destroy something so precious?"

Professor Paradox shared his concern, saying, "Indeed, it poses a threat to the Elves. Only the peaceful Titan community and the Druids, who are born from trees, remain as friendly races to the Elves. The relentless desire for power within certain beings keeps them ever ready to seize an opportunity to control a World Tree."

"Elves have the remarkable ability to communicate with the forest, animals, and even plants. This gift enables them to protect their homes and maintain harmony within their surroundings. Every Elf forms a bond with magical beasts, serving as protectors of the Elves," Professor Paradox moved on to another remarkable feature, stating, "What's equally astounding is their exceptional longevity. A one-hundred-year-old Elf is equivalent to a sixteen-year-old human. A thousand-year-old Elf resembles a middle-aged human of thirty to forty. The lifespan of a typical Elf is a minimum of five thousand years. Their prolonged existence, coupled with their unique perception of time, allows them to view time as a flowing river and interact with it. This insight has led to their mastery of time magic, enabling them to manipulate time in various ways. Additionally, every Elf is born with the innate gift of plant magic. An Elf who gains control over time magically ascends to the rank of Royal Elf and becomes a ruler of the Elves."

The professor went on to explain, "A Royal Elf who can perceive the past and future and manipulate time to some extent becomes a High Elf, relinquishing their royalty to become an Elder. Elders distance themselves from politics and dedicate their time to the study of time magic. They are also known as the Protectors of the World Tree, guarding against the numerous threats that endanger both the World Tree and the Elven race."

Sharky was amazed to knowing different features, "It sounds like a magical world, Professor."

Professor Paradox continued, "It certainly is, Sharky. Then comes the Druids. Druids have a unique origin as they are born when the tree residing in the Elven forest gains sentience. Being born from the tree imparts them with magical properties. Wherever Druids reside, that place begins to turn into a magical area. If a sick person lives in a Druid's area, not only are they relieved of their sickness, but they also gain an additional 20-30 years of life."

The professor went on to describe another fascinating ability of the Druids, "Whoever consumed a type of fruit. Which is cultivated by Druid, they age backwards by 5 years and gain an additional 5 years of life, but this power is limited to 50 fruits. If they consume more, there's no further effect. However, as special as Druids are, their lives are often in danger. Greedy races frequently hunt Druids, as the Druid's body can extend another being's life by a significant 100-200 years."

Sharky expressed his sadness at the brutality in the Beast Universe, "It's truly disheartening to see beings take another's life to increase their own."

Professor Paradox agreed, "Yes, Sharky, there seems to be no limit to greed. However, the Druids are not left to fend for themselves, as they always live alongside the Elf race. They are close friends with Elves, and Elves, as protectors of nature, ensure the safety and protection of Druids. In return, Druids enhance the magical nature of the Elves' land."

Please Follow My Story 'Ruler of the Beasts Multiverse'

This Chapter You Can Skip, if You don't mind, but I especially mention this chapter, because. My one of story is going to similar this.

That's the story will be known as Ruler of Beast Multiverse.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know; I'd love to try something new!


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