
Journey of love and loss

Jay_Jay06 · Sports, voyage et activités
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The Past: Senior Year

The first day of my 9th grade, as I was looking for my classroom, I saw Blake, he was my classmate back in grade 11 but he had changed so much. He was, well, different from what he looked like back in 11th grade. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had an appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, deep blue eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. His lips were so beautiful, pink and tender. His smile, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted his modesty and humility. He was just too perfect. Many times girls would walk past him just to get a glimpse of his beauty hoping he notice them. He wasn't like this before, I guess he changed in character and in looks, but that wouldn't stop me from admiring him.

Unfortunately for me, this time he wasn't my classmate, we were supposed to be in the same class but something came up so I was moved to another class. When I got to my class I met Kaila, she was small and petite like me, with beautiful black eyes and thick natural curly hair that hangs a little above her shoulder and a beautiful set of freckles underneath her eyes that are complemented by a beautiful set of glasses.

"You have a beautiful smile" she said as she walked up to me to ask if I was sitting alone or if I had a seatmate. I then said no, that she could join me. "So what's your name?" she asked, then I said "My name is Paris, and you are?". "Kaila, I'm Kaila". While waiting for our class teacher to address us, two tall and good looking boys entered the classroom. One was brown skinned, a bit thick or let's say he was a bit muscular or a little bit of both. He had big eyes, I guess that was the most prominent feature on his face. He had a short ginger reddish tightly curled hair and also wore a nice pair of glasses. He had a moustache and a goatee that fits his entire look perfectly He basically looked like a cool nerd to me. While the other boy was rather slim with beautiful golden brown eyes. I think he was a black asian mix, with dark wavy hair. he had a little moustache also. They looked like close friends to me so they sat behind Kaila and I.

As a social person that I am, I asked for their names, the black boy's name was Light, while the other was Kira. They both seemed introverted and didn't want to talk so I decided to stop bothering them. Afterwards, Our class teacher came to address us. He goes by the name of Martins, Mr Martins. We had a mini election for class president, most of us nominated and voted for Kaila, then Kaila became our class president. After the election, we had a Chemistry class immediately after. I got to the class late because I forgot my phone in the class, so I had to go back to get it. When I got to the Chemistry lab, the sit Kaila had kept for me was already taken and the only available sit was directly next to Kira. "Oh why him???, when he doesn't even want to talk to me". Anyways, I didn't have a choice, so I sat next to him. " Can you see what the teacher wrote on the board?" I asked then he said "How would you see, as short as you are you are sitting at the back" I was a bit offended because I wasn't sitting there by choice and it's not my fault I couldn't see, the teacher's handwriting was pretty bad. Anyways I laughed it off, and just told him to lend me his not after the class.

After the class, I waited for him to pack up his things so I could get his note, but he still had the audacity to ask if I was obsessed with him . He went further to say that I kept up staring at him like he was some k-pop idol. The fact that he thought so low of me was annoying, but I laughed it off once again.

"Your note please" I said while he acted all surprised as if we didn't have a previous discussion about me collecting his note. "Why else would I be waiting for you??" I said angrily. "Oh I'm sorry, you can have the note" he said with an awkward smile on his face. He then asked for my name and the we shook hands. "Why are your hands so sweaty?" I asked, but he didn't answer, instead he gave me an awkward smile again. He asked for my contact, then we exchanged numbers.

After the class, Kaila and I met up and talked a bit, on our way back to our classroom, we saw Blake and some of his friends. I think they were coming back from a class too. Amongst his friends was Jackson. Jackson was your average geek. Jackson had a crush on one of my friends called Rose back in junior year. I don't know if things worked out for them, or if they ended up just staying as friends, but I and Rose didn't talk much throughout the summer so I don't know. "Kaila, come online" she said, I guess she noticed me staring at Blake again. "So you have a crush on Blake?", she said with a huge smile on her face. Who knows, maybe I do, maybe I don't.