
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 93- Protege and Beyonder


"Then I heard of a guy who might be able to help me-a sage... a mystic... a. sorcerer. No one seemed to know much about him! The few who knew of him at all spoke his name, no kidding, in whispers! That's him-Doctor Strange!

"So I started looking for him-rather drunkenly- and amazingly enough, I found him! He is far more, far greater than any in your multiverse suspect, as it turns out!"

"At first, for a moment, he had me at a disadvantage! I was drunk, disoriented... uncaring! He might have been able to zap me off into a pocket dimension some- place, keep me constantly inebriated, and thus rid your multiverse of me forever! But instead he had acted as a role model, showing how I could be a champion of life like Strange," Beyonder explained his plan.

"Wow... but... what does that mean?" Dave asked, he was amazed by seeing the Beyonder history, but he didn't know, Beyonder didn't reveal his shameful past of getting killed by Sharky.

"Well, in simple terms, as the universe goes along, there is a constant struggle taking place between life and death! Ultimately, either all things will die and the Universe will reach total Entropy, or all the inhabitants of the Universe will evolve into Godlike, Immortal beings and death will be vanquished! I'm siding with the forces of life!" Beyonder tried to explain.

"Uh- huh…" Dave became more confused.

"It helps if you think of death as a being who is in constant combat with other beings who represent life! Come on, I'll show you!" Beyonder said, as he formed some images, which made Dave more amazed.

"These are the images of some of the main partici-pants in the life/ death struggle! There are many more, of course!"

"Chaos and Order represent the internal struggle of life-the randomness and confusion versus the patterns and cycles of existence!"

"Eon is the guardian, the self-preservation instinct of all living things personified! He's the most bitter and active foe of death! Against them stands Death! Death has no allies, and needs none... but it has lovers," Beyonder explained, as he moved to the next image.

"Such as Mephisto! He is evil, suffering, and pain incarnate! He thrives upon death, whom he ever attends, and yet is served by!"

"The In-Bettweener divides these opposing forces and is the division between them personified! Eternity is the sum of all these... and represents the universe itself, which contains them!

"Lastly, the Living Tribunal stands apart and is the judge of the mighty! He has the very bond which inextricably links them together- and he rules upon disputes among them!" Beyonder explained the many mighty Entity works, which he gains from the Dr. Strange.

"Are those guys... for real?" Dave asked, looking at them.

"Not in the sense that you and I are! They're conceptual beings-insubstantial as an idea yet powerful beyond imagining! Actual beings, especially lesser ones like you, have trouble conceiving of them much less understanding them! What you saw were their essences expressed in representational forms that you can relate to!" Beyonder cleared his confusion.

"This is over my head," Dave said, he still didn't understand what these things are, but what things he understands, he put a proposal, "B-But i think i got one thing clearly-! You're out to help preserve life! You're one of the good guys! I think that's great! I-I've already dreamed of doing what you're doing! something noble... something important! The heck with journalism! I want to help you! Here's what I have in mind…"

The next day, as a huge tsunami, given birth by a major earthquake at sea, thunders toward the port city of Perth, Australia. But Beyonder comes there and immediately stops the tsunami.

Like this he started saving the World from different problems, and also the other planets in the Galaxy, while Dave and many other reporters started showing each of Beyonder's works to the world. Beyonder gained massive fame, but he didn't understand whether he likes this or not, but still for Dave's happiness, he is doing this.

But suddenly he is visited by Reed Richards and Captain America, asking him to stop, or the people of earth may forget how to take care of themselves.

"Is there nothing for me? No role, no place in the Universe, no suitable purpose?" Beyonder asked, looking at them.

Dave quickly brings out the device, which showed their thoughts on a screen, he said the Earth heroes were just jealous, and that the Beyonder would be the greatest hero of them all-that only Death itself had anything to fear from the Beyonder, and the heroes certainly had no reason to worry.

Dave puts on a press conference, where he explains the Beyonder is fighting with the side of forces of living, and they will not stop until death is vanquished. Many people cheered for it.

This gave the Beyonder a new idea-a way in which he could fulfill his role as a champion of life in a way that no one else could ever achieve. Other heroes could stop muggers or tidal waves, but only he could stop the named Death.

When he decided to do this, the other cosmic forces like Mephisto immediately felt great fear at the way this would upset the existing order of the universe.

The next day, Beyonder, however, summoned Death to a in an elegant St. Louis restaurant.

"So, where's this woman you want me to meet?" Dave asked, looking at the Beyonder.

"Did I say woman? Well, not really... not always-this individual can be... whatever!" Beyonder replied, which made Dave confused, "There, uh, she is now!" He pointed towards a woman, who was wearing the clothes of a grim reaper. "Dave, I'D like you to meet Death!" Dave was shocked seeing her, and also fear has grown inside him.

"She's here to have a drink with us! Her last!" Beyonder replied he had planned to kill Death.

"This is really... D-D-Death?" Dave again asked to clear his confusion. Beyonder nodded, he poured a cup of his godly power, and gives it to Death, which would destroy her.

But suddenly, Mephisto comes there with his hordes of demons to stop the Beyonder.

"Now! Now, while much of his power is in that cup! Destroy him," Mephisto gives the command to his hordes of demons.

Seeing Mephisto with his hordes of demons, Beyonder tried to save Dave, but it was too late, Mephisto first attacked Dave while mocking at Beyonder, "So, how much agony must I inflict upon your idiot friend."

"Even a small fraction of my power is enough to blow your horde back to the depths, batter you into helpless submission, and free Dave!" Beyonder shouted and he easily drove the demons back.

And again Beyonder gives this cup to Death, while Mephisto looks towards him with a helpless expression. He even tried to explain, if he kills Death, life too shall lose its meaning, but Beyonder ignored his pleas.

Then the other powers of the entire multiverse showed up to beg him to stop. These included a Celestial, Eternity, Order and Chaos, the Living Tribunal, Uatu, the Gardener, the In-Betweener, and others.

"Hold! Beyonder! We ask of you as an audience! Please hear us! I, Uatu, have gathered the mighty to speak with you!" Uatu shouted before the Beyonder gave the cup to Death, Beyonder decided to hear what they wanted to say.

"I am the In-Betweener! I have been asked to speak first for the delegation! Though Mephisto is the great deceiver, he spoke the truth to you! It must have pained him grievously– Some of us are sworn enemies of Death and its lovers. Yet all of us implore you not to eliminate Death!" In-Betweener explained the situation, which makes Beyonder confused.

"Give me a break! You guys just don't want to end up on the unemployment line! You want to keep sparring with Death, at the expense of all us lesser beings-for all eter... I mean, forever! Some 'enemies'! You're in cahoots!" Dave replied before the Beyonder hesitated, Dave tried to prove his point, "We're the real champions of life! We know what to do! And we're going to do it!"

"I, Eternity, an enemy to none! I take no sides, for I encompass all! Therefore, it is my destiny we consider here my destiny you hold in your hands. So, the one from beyond! I would have the cup pass from Death! Please!" Eternity also put his proposal and tried to stop the Beyonder.

"Look, I'm sorry, mister E but... my mind's made up! See, you guys are just Conceptual Entities! You're not even real, in the sense that we are! You can't conceive of what Death is to us actual beings! It's... over your heads!" Dave replied and he quickly gave the cup to Death, "Here, Death! Drink up!"

"Dave, uh... a lot of my power is in that cup," Beyonder said to Dave.

"Yes, but, you must still be stronger than everybody else in this room combined, or they'd have jumped us by now! So, what you want to say," Dave nodded, but he asked what's in the Beyonder mind.

"True... But the point is… Once this is done, I won't have enough power to undo it! I can't bring her back!" Beyonder replied, Dave assured him, there isn't any problem in this, Beyonder nodded. Death drank the cup, and she died, seeing it, everyone was shocked. Mephisto screamed, "Noooooo," But the deed was done, while Dave nodded with satisfaction.

"Do you sense it? It begins!" Chaos said.

"The absence of Death ripples through the ether like a shockwave!" Order said.

"The simpler life forms are already affected! The energy- sustained forms, plants…" Gardener also feels the effect

"Soon, the full effect will reach all life in the MULTIVERSE!" In-Betweener explained.

"THUS PASSETH THE OLD WAY!" The Living Tribunal said he was also in shock, and didn't know what to do.

But suddenly, an Interstellar Harley comes in front of them, and Sharky Tennyson is seated on it. "Hello everyone!" He said and walked out from the Interstellar Harley, he made a throne, and sat on it, while the throne went towards the Beyonder.

"Let him pass, he can solve everything," The Living Tribunal answered, because he knows about Sharky and his powers.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to speak to the beyonder and his friend alone," Sharky said, and everyone vanished from there.

Beyonder looks towards Sharky, he doesn't know why Sharky will always follow him. Wherever he goes, Sharky appears there. "Why, again, why did you come to me?" Beyonder asked looking towards Sharky, Dave was shocked to see, the once omnipotent Beyonder has fear in his voice seeing Sharky in front of him.

"Beyonder, Beyonder, Beyonder, how many times you need to learn from your mistake, first you create a Battleworld. Then you take control over the people of earth. Then you killed the whole galaxy with your anger. And now you even killed Death," Sharky counted the mistake of the Beyonder.

"So, what's wrong in killing Death, it shows I am fighting ik the side of life," Beyonder argued back.

"What's wrong with the killing of death? Then I will show you your mistake," Sharky said and then he pointed towards a rose on the table, and commanded the Beyonder, "Just you tried to kill this rose."

Beyonder nodded, and then he used his little bit powers, but he wasn't able to kill the rose, then he used more powers, but still unsuccessful, finally he used all of his powers, but the rose was still fresh.

"What have we done?" Dave shouted, he didn't understand what's the mistake he has done just now.

"Now, you understand. Nothing can die now. Now, nobody is interested in watering the flowers in the garden anymore? Nobody even bothers to eat? You as an outsider ended the purpose of living in this Universe. And the people of this Universe are stuck with it. And you haven't powers to bring back Death," Sharky shouted on Beyonder.

Dave was now more panicked, "Beyonder..! I was crazy! I didn't realize-! Y-You've got to fix it! Bring Death back! please!" He shouted while holding the Beyonder.

"Dave, I can't! It's beyond even my power now!" Beyonder replied in a helpless tone.

"I can't believe that! You still have more power than all of the mighty combined there must be a way–!" Dave said, but Beyonder still showed, he was helpless in the situation.

"So Beyonder, it's time to come to your death," Sharky then released his judgment. "But the Death is already gone, so how will I die," Beyonder asked Sharky.

"I have said, you have not the powers to bring back the Death, but I have it," Sharky replied, then he gave his command, "Recreate the Death, and kill the Beyonder." With his Alien X powers the command was accepted, and like a magic, Death has again appeared, where she has vanished, all over the Universe, the command of Death was organized.

Dave quickly used his powers to break the Rose, and he was able to do it. But again Beyonder's journey comes to an end in this Universe, but still he will again rebirth in the new Universe, since he was omnipotent.

Sharky then used his powers, and made the people of Universe 765 forget about the Beyonder and every abstract Entities existence from their minds, and all the things which Beyonder has done till now.

And Sharky again followed the Beyonder to the different Universe, where Beyonder will be reborn, but he also didn't know how to kill the Beyonder. It was also difficult for him, he just hopes, with each lesson Beyonder will just go the right way.


(Author note, this Universe Guardian of the Galaxy were different members, I will give a brief introduction.

1. Vance Astrovik known as Major Victory.

2. Talon the Inhumans. Talon's body is covered in orange fur, has razor sharp claws on his hands and feet, pointed ears, fangs, and a 3.5 foot long prehensile tail.

3. Charlie-27 was a soldier and space militia pilot, genetically engineered to live in Jupiter's gravity.

4. Nicholette "Nikki" Gold was born on the planet Mercury in the 31st Century.

5. Rita DeMara, who was previously a small-time criminal with some minor convictions, later became the Yellowjacket with her own technical skills.

6. Aleta Ogord was born in the 31st century on the planet Arcturus IV known as Starhswk.

So please remember it.)

Meanwhile Beyonder appeared on Universe 691. And his focus was on the Guardian of the Galaxy's spacecraft.

The Guardians Of The Galaxy have closed a major chapter in their history. They were traveling to the 20th century, they welcomed a new member, defeated the dread Dormammu with the aid of the Galactic Guardians, and acquired a new Starcruiser Icarus!

At Simon Williams! Request, they are about to head for Earth on the 21st. They were the Guardians of the Galaxy of the 31st Century, but they were traveling in the past to stop Dr. Doom from acquiring the Wolverine's Adamantium's Skeleton.

Because when Dr. Doom acquired the Wolverine Adamantium's Skeleton and he fit his brain inside of it, he became a danger to the future. But this road is going to be bumpy.

"Break time Guardians except for me and ponytail here! We'll take the helm," Charlie 27 said.

"As long as you don't jump on top of me like the last time," Talon replied.

"Sounds good to me, Chunky," Nikki agreed and Vance nodded.

"C'mon Nikki! I saw a U.M.F costume room below. This outfit is a thousand years out of style," Rita said as she was going to try to upgrade her costume.

"Aleta! This will give us time to get reacquainted!" Vance was fixing his date to Aleta.

"If you insist, then okay, Major Victory!" Aleta agreed. Near a transparent glass, Vance and Aleta were busy on their dates, but it was suddenly disturbed by their team members. Aleta goes towards them, then suddenly Beyonder appears behind Vance.

"Hey, What? Who are you? How did you come here?" Vance asked in a shocked voice, he didn't know how the other person came inside their ship.

"I am from beyond!" Beyonder replied and repeated his same words about understanding the purpose of life. "Can you explain in simple words, Mister" Vance asked him, he didn't understand even a little bit now.

"I observed many more unique beings Firelord! The Spirit Of Vengeance! Krugarr! Dormammu! Starhawk! All fascinating creatures! Yet I found two even more interesting creatures," Beyonder said as he revealed he had captured the Protege and Malevolence, holding them in a miniature crystal as a source of amusement, because it was the first time he met the two new creatures.

"Beyonder, do you have any who you've got there?" Vance asked while looking shocked.

"Indeed! Two interesting specimens from this Universe that I have decided to retain and study!" Beyonder replied.

Meanwhile inside the miniature crystal, "You can duplicate any power display you observe! Release us from this prison-now!" Malevolence said to Protege from inside the prison.

"I… I cannot! That man trapped us by merely thinking it so! I can't mimic an unseen thought! Not yet, anyway!" Protege answered her. So Malevolence tried to summon her father Mephisto, but she wasn't able to send her thoughts.

"Beware of this boy, Beyonder! His power is virtually limitless," Vance tried to warn the Beyonder from the Protege power.

"Presume speak to me of power? I am omnipotent! The beginning and end of all things! You have no concept of true power, Vance Astro not even your own... Perhaps it is time you learned!" Beyonder said as he created a new costume on him.

"You've altered my costume and given me a black undergarment, why?" Vance looked shocked by his new costume.

"Let it serve as a reminder of unrealized potential! The power within is yours to discover, Major Victory! Do not squander it amidst a sea of self-pity, guilt, and remorse! Farewell!" Beyonder said, and before Vance asked him anything more, he vanished from there.

"Vance! We're coming out of hyperdrive in a minute. You want to be up here when we enter Earth orbit? Vance? Vance? You okay down there?" Charlie 27 informed him.

"Yeah! I... I guess so I'll be r-right up…" Vance said he was still in a shocked mode.

"Awww! Did-ums put on a turtleneck? Is-ums afraid Manhattan will be too chilly-willy?" Talon asked, looking at Vance's new dress.

"Now, boys, no fighting! Not when we got a serious fashion statement to make," Nikki said as she showed them Rita also in a new costume, "Say 'hello' to the 31st century Yellow Jacket! Lovely Rita-meter maid."

"We're Guardians! Stand by, Icarus is coming out of hyper-space. We should arrive about a stone's throw from the Earth," Charlie 27 brought everyone attention as they finally landed on the Earth.

Meanwhile, at the moment, Beyonder was still looking over the Protege and Malevolence in his crystal prison, while Protege is continuously trying to break the prison but was unable to do it.

"Yet another feeble attempt to break free, Protege," Malevolence asked.

"I used every bit of power I've ever observed and absorbed-to no avail, Malevolence!" Protege replied.

"Of course not, young fool! The omnipotent Beyonder knows your limits!" Malevolence mocked him.

"Watch your tongue, matriarch! I still have the ability to lay waste to YOU!" Protege shouted at Malevolence.

"Bicker on my little pets! You are truly an amusing pair! Perhaps I should sample more unusual specimens from your Universe!" Beyonder chuckled at their antic action.

Meanwhile, from Hell, Mephisto was searching for his children and the Beyonder, and he had found the Beyonder South Pacific on an island, where Beyonder was looking over the Protege and Malevolence. Mephisto was particularly enraged for Beyonder to dare kidnap his children.

He created a machine called Beyondersbane to kill the Beyonder. The machine would only be able to hold the Beyonder's power for a short time, so Mephisto put together a plan to trigger it. He made a deal with 99 super villains: he would give them immense rewards if they attacked the Beyonder.

However, unknown to super villains, if they touched him, they and the Beyonder and a third of the universe would be destroyed! Or at least so Mephisto hoped; even with all this power, he wasn't sure it could kill the Beyonder and freed his children.

The Beyonder, however, was not paying attention to any of this. He had withdrawn into himself and was meditating on a South Seas island to find out his role in the universe while finding the secret of Protege and Malevolence.

Suddenly, A man from a nearby Island comes near the Beyonder, "Hello, my name is Ed Strunk! I'm on the next island over! We're neighbors! I thought I saw signs of life here from the Sales Exec, so I came here. So what are you doing?" The man asked.

"Thinking!" Beyonder replied.

"Thinking? Thinking? Thinking! Great Idea!" The man was inspired by Beyonder. And he started the conversation with Beyonder.

"Boy, you sure don't talk much, do you? I spill my guts, tell you my life's story, and all I get out of you is that your name is BEYONDER, and that you've been searching for your role in life, but nothing works out. Which sounds a lot like. and that you came here just to be alone and think it all over! right?" The man said, which Beyonder nodded.

"Well, pal, I think you're onto something here with this sitting and thinking approach! You've really been an inspiration to me! See you later, okay?" The man then goes away from there.

The man returned back two days later, but with more of his friends. "Hiya, Beyonder, old buddy! Look, I was telling a few of my friends over at the big island about you and your "think system," and, well, a bunch of them were really interested! They, uh, wanted to come here and emulate you! I hope you don't mind! Don't worry, we'll be real quiet and stay out of your way!" The man explained the reason, to which Beyonder nodded.

At the same time, Mephisto was busy in inviting the villain, like Juggernaut, Dr. Doom, Electro, and many more of, even one of the villains known as Tracker.

Meanwhile, many people have come towards the Beyonder, they were inspired and thinking the Beyonder was a guru of sorts.

However, the Beyonder was really just sitting and thinking. But when too many people started coming to his island, he began to wonder if he should move.

This would have wrecked Mephisto's since he would have to recalibrate the machine. So he tricked the Thing, who was making a movie on a nearby island. He increased the Thing's power a hundredfold, then had him go attack the Beyonder, which would hopefully keep him in one place.

However, just as the Thing was ready to attack, the Legion Accursed arrived. The Thing realized he could just do nothing and let the Beyonder die at their hands, so he fought them. He single-handedly defeated them, including the Juggernaut.

Because none of the Legion Accursed managed to touch the Beyonder, the Beyondersbane went past its critical point and melted down, its energy returning eventually to the Beyonder.

But the Tracker was able to attack the crystal prison at the last moment, and it freed the Protege and Malevolence.

"You freed them! This is an outrageous, tracker one that shall not go unpunished!" Beyonder shouted at him and killed him.

"Malevolence," Protege said, looking towards Malevolence.

"Be silent child... and observe!" Malevolence replied. And Protege finally focused on the Beyonder and started copying his power.

"Well done my kid, good work," Mephisto shouted while seeing that Protege was now able to keep on the Beyonder.

"There is no level you can achieve that I cannot match! Such is the power of the PROTEGE!" Protege shouted while fighting with the Beyonder.

"Let us see if you can keep up with me, insolent pup!" Beyonder replied back while fighting with the Protege.

(Author note: Living Tribunal knows about the Beyonder. But Universe 691 or any other beings didn't meet the Beyonder, so it's their first meeting.)

Just then, in a place only attainable to cosmic deities, the voice of the Living Tribunal is heard, "ETERNITY, I TOLD YOU THE BOY WAS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!" He shouted at the Eternity while looking at the Protege, who have copied the Beyonder's powers.

One Beyonder is already harmful to the Multiverse, now the second one has come. It all thanks to Sharky Tennyson, who was continuously reversing all of the effects of Beyonder, or even the Living Tribunal didn't know what to do about it.

"Acknowledged! However, there are forces at work that I could not anticipate! Perhaps we need to contact-them!" Eternity accepted his fault.


Eternity has wounds on his chest, which was created when Bubonicus was fighting with the Galactic Guardian.

In the Galactic Guardian the team members were, Wileaydus Autolycus, able to generate Kauri (Hell) fire and transform into the skull-headed, Death-Cycle riding Spirit of Vengeance.

Firelord, former Herald of Galactus and now Eon's chosen Protector of the Universe.

Hollywood, formerly the hero Wonder Man. And the last Giraud also known as the Phoenix, Universe 691 Phoenix Force was gone inside him. They all were fighting with the Bubonicus with his pulse Wanda, and in the middle of their fight a wound was created on the Eternity.

"Your concern does me honor, Tribunal. The wound is- closing slowly!" Eternity replied.