
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

William Family

While Ben from time to time continues messing with her hair. Amelia explained about the shop they're going to visit. "You know Ben, about the clothes shop, we are going to the shop of my mom, Evelyn."

Ben looked at her with a strange gaze, and asked, "Did you guys get involved in every business, whichever I want to visit you, they belong to your family."

Amelia blushed after hearing it, "Well my family is not on everything, it was my father who opened a company. And then, my mom becomes bored at home, so she also wants to open the company, and since we are their daughters. So, how can we stop ourselves?"

"Ok," Ben nodded with understanding, and asked, "So, what is special about your mom's company, since you sell the houses for royalty. Mariam sells cars for royalty."

"Well, my mom's name is Evelyn, her shop sells Evelyn brand clothes. Evelyn brand clothes are famous in rich circles. If someone doesn't wear the Evelyn brand clothing in a rich circle, everyone sees them with disdain." Amelia explained how much the Evelyn brand was famous.

"Why is it important to wear the clothes to give authority, I don't think I need clothes for my recognition," Ben asked, because he never wears any branded clothes for his identification. His powers were his identity.

"I know Ben, maybe it looks weird to you. But from the old times, in the gathering of noble or rich people. It was always the clothes and vehicle that decided your standards. And as the same, if someone does not wear the Evelyn branded clothes, then forget to say. But it was a brutal truth, the people will think the person as some ruffian." Amelia explained the importance of branded clothes.

"Oh," Ben nodded, but he still thinks it was all useless things. "Still, it was amazing to see that your mom was able to create a brand in her name, which made people desire to wear it." He appreciates the courage of her family, that they were able to bring the company to such height.

"Yes, my mom is amazing," Amelia nodded proudly.

Ben nodded, while thinking this family was so mysterious.

"Okay, so what's so special about Evelyn brand clothing, other than giving a sense of authority?"He asked.

"Well, there is," Amelia nodded, "The most important thing is that Evelyn Royalty produces clothes which are bulletproof, and it was only for our family members, not anyone can wear it."

Ben finally understood why she was bringing him to the Evelyn Royalty company. "I understand, so by introducing me to your mom and making me wear Evelyn Royalty clothes, you want to prove that I now belong to you."

"Yes," Amelia nodded. She explained many things about the Evelyn branded clothes, before they reached the Evelyn Royalty.

It was not just a shop, but it was even bigger than some supermall. It was a big building in a 1 km area. And outside of the building were designed many marvelous statues of magical animals. There were so many fountains around the building. While leading in the area going through a security check, many ladies and gentlemen showed a card to the security guard.

Card was designed with the Evelyn brand, security also scanned the card with a machine for checking if it was fake or real, then the barrier opened for the ladies and gentlemen.

"Amelia gives me the card, so I show it to security," Ben asked for the Evelyn Brand card from Amelia.

Amelia gives a chuckle, while she didn't give any card to him. Before Ben asked the reason, Amelia took the car to a different lane. When the other security guard notices the car coming towards her lane, she scans the person, when she realizes it was miss Amelia. She quickly opens the gate while giving a salute to Amelia.

"Ben, I have already said, this is our family business. And I am the most loving person in my family. So in every business of our family, my profile was regularly updated to everyone's security guard or staff. So even by mistake, they can't ignore me." Amelia explained while again showing off her family powers and connection.

Then she gives the car for parking to a staff member, while she and Ben go inside the lift. Lift started going upwards. Since the lifts were made of transparent mirrors. He was able to see every floor of Evelyn Royalty.

It was a high-end clothing store that radiated sophistication. The floor was filled with the luxury fabrics and the designer garments. It was a lavish and prestigious clothing store, with an exquisite range of tailored suits, luxurious fabrics, and unique designs.

Each floor was filled with many ladies and gents, while there were also the desert, and snacks shops. Ladies were checking the ladies wardrobe, while gents checked the gents clothes.

Lift then stop on the fifteenth floor. Ben didn't need to ask, why did they come to the fifteenth floor.

Because Amelia already started explaining to him, "From here on we will go towards the VIP Area and from there on we will go to the Family Area." Amelia replied as he guided Ben towards the VIP area. On the VIP were also staff stands, they only gave the entry to the people, who had the VIP Evelyn card.

Seeing Amelia, the staff quickly stands up, "Young Madam comes to this side," Staff quickly pass them without making them stand in a queue.

"I am going to aunt's office," Amelia said to one of the staff, while passing the VIP section.

"Madam is busy in meetings," One of the staff replied, who was guarding the office gate. She stood aside after seeing Amelia come towards the office.

Entering the meeting room, Amelia and Ben were met with astonished faces. The interruption seemed to have caught everyone off guard. Murmurs of surprise filled the room until they realized who it was. Amelia William, the beloved member of the Williams family, had arrived.

In the midst of important discussions, Evelyn William, the matriarch of Evelyn Royalty, looked up from her papers.

Evelyn, with a raised eyebrow, gestured for everyone to leave the meeting room. The staff and executives exited, leaving only Evelyn, Amelia, and Ben in the room.

Evelyn turned to Amelia with a mixture of curiosity and surprise. "Amelia, dear, what's the meaning of this sudden interruption?"

Amelia, with a shy and blushing face, replied, "Mom, I wanted to introduce you to someone special. This is Ben Tennyson, my boyfriend."

Evelyn's eyes widened in genuine shock. "Boyfriend? Amelia, how can you make a boyfriend? And even without asking for the family's permission first? Did you realize what mistake you have made?"

Amelia quickly hugged Evelyn, "Mom, I know, but sister has not gotten any result. And, even knowing that it was wrong, but still Ben has attracted me so much that I was not able to stop myself."

Seeing Amelia in her arms, Evelyn didn't know what to say to this naughty girl, moreover since she was the youngest of all. She was the dearest to the family.

Evelyn wants to scold her, but after thinking something, she asks in her ear, "You are a virgin, or you have crossed the limit."

Blushing, Amelia again gave her a puppy-eyed look. "Mom, I didn't plan for it. It just happened. I realized I've fallen for Ben, and then in the night, I gave myself to him."

After hearing it, it felt like the ground bursted from the place she was standing. Evelyn didn't know what to say about it. Their family tradition has broken, it was a very important secret but now it is broken.

After some time, Evelyn sighed in resignation. It seemed the decision was already made. Amelia's forbidden fruit was already broken and eaten by Ben. She knows now her daughter's field was already watered by Ben. Ben's arrow has left from its bow and already hit Amelia's mark, now it can't be undone.

As Evelyn, though reluctantly, accepted the situation, she took a moment to address Ben directly. "Ben Tennyson, if you're going to be a part of this family, there are rules to follow. Amelia is precious to us. Take care of her, cherish her, and never harm her."

Ben knows, since Evelyn is the mother of Amelia, she will care for her family. understanding the gravity of Evelyn's words, promised, "I'll take care of Amelia with all my heart and responsibility."

Evelyn, now since it can't be undone, satisfied with his commitment, led Ben to the Family Section area. Here, Evelyn Royalty manufactured clothes exclusively for the William family members. These clothes were not only elegant and classy but also possessed practical features like being bulletproof and fireproof.

After Ben adorned the specially crafted Evelyn Royalty clothes, Evelyn nodded in approval. "Now, Ben Tennyson, you're officially accepted into the William family. Amelia's husband and our son-in-law. Be ready to meet my husband at night."

Amelia, with an amused smile, can't help but comment, "Ben, you look fantastic in every outfit. You were made for luxury. Now I have confidence that my dad will accept you, since mom has already accepted you."

"Well, I have to live up to the standards of your parents, right?" He asked.

"Of, course," Amelia nodded, while Evelyn also ordered her assistant Isabella to pack a variety of suits, t-shirts, shoes, jeans, and shirts, each meticulously crafted to embody sophistication and style.

"Amelia brought Ben to Washington DC. I am going to explain to your father," Evelyn said, as she prepared to visit her husband.

"Yes, mom," Amelia agreed, she knew it was time to introduce Ben to her dad.

While Amelia and Ben were preparing to meet with Amelia's family. Ben using his Diamondhead powers, he created two beautiful diamonds, then using Upgrade, he turned into a Diamond necklace and Diamond ring.

"Amelia, close your eyes," Ben said, Amelia followed it, then he put the Diamond necklace and Diamond ring into her neck and fingers.

Amelia is so surprised and happy by the gifts, while blushing, "Ben, you really didn't have to do that." She gives a peck on Ben's lips.

But Ben wasn't satisfied by just pecking, he pushed his tongue inside her mouth and started savoring her rosy lips taste. Amelia also cooperated with him.

They didn't know what happened. The peck turned into kiss, and the kiss awakened a passion inside them, and followed by Amelia dominated by Ben's dragon. Amelia rides the Ben's Dragon two times before they become ready for meeting Amelia's parents.

As Ben and Amelia arrived at the William Family house in Washington DC, the grandeur of the estate was evident from the moment they approached. The house was situated within a vast expanse of five kilometers, surrounded by lush greenery and guarded by ten security personnel stationed at the imposing gate.

The gate swung open, revealing a meticulously manicured landscape adorned with trees lining the road leading to the mansion. Flowers adorned the sides, creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere. The opulence continued with a sprawling swimming pool on one side, a well-maintained golf playing field on another, and a badminton field on yet another side.

A collection of Mariam Interstellar cars gleamed on one side. Adjacent to it was an area designed for horses. Nearby, another section was dedicated to the care of dogs and cats.

Amelia and Ben reached the grand entrance of the mansion. Tens of female security personnel saluted Amelia as they entered through the gates. Inside the foyer, a luxurious setting unfolded. On a beautiful sofa, Amelia's father, Stephen William, sat with her mother, Evelyn William, on his right.

On the adjacent sofa, Amelia's sister Mariam William occupied a seat. Ben and Amelia took their places beside Mariam, completing the family gathering in the living room.

In the living room of the William Family mansion, there was a momentary silence as Amelia's father, Stephen, observed Ben and Amelia. He stared for a few moments, contemplating, before finally releasing a sigh that carried both acknowledgment and resignation. He turned to Evelyn.

"So, they really have crossed the line."

"Yes," Evelyn nodded.

Stephen sighed deeply, upon realizing about it, "It seems nothing can change now."

Turning toward Ben and Amelia, he addressed his daughter. "Amelia, since you have already chosen Ben, and we love you so much, we can't help but agree with your decision."

Amelia couldn't contain her joy, jumping up and hugging her father. "Thank you, Father! I knew you would accept my decision," she exclaimed, playfully messing with his hair.

Stephen chuckled, "Well, what can I say." He then turned toward Ben, his expression more serious. "Ben, I don't know who you are, but just promise me you will never hurt my Amelia, or I will hunt you down."

Ben, with sincerity in his eyes, replied, "Of course, Father-in-law. I will take care of her."

Stephen nodded, satisfied with the response. "We will arrange for the wedding when Amelia's grandfather and grandmother come from London."

Evelyn, still smiling, reached out to pat Ben's arm affectionately. "Take good care of our Amelia, Ben. She's a treasure, and we're entrusting her happiness to you."

Ben, with sincerity in his eyes, nodded. "I promise, Mrs. William, I'll do everything to make Amelia happy."

Evelyn's gaze lingered on the couple, and with a final nod, she expressed her satisfaction. "I believe you will, Ben. Welcome to the William family."

The dining room of the William Family mansion was filled with various types of food and fruits, as the family gathered for a dinner.

While eating the cuisine,Stephen William began explaining the family business to Ben.

"Ben, the William Family is not just about wealth. We focus on meeting people's needs while also venturing into various projects."

He elaborated on Evelyn Royalty, the clothing line tailored for the affluent. "Evelyn Royalty caters to the clothing needs of the elite, designed for noble and rich people."

Stephen then moved on to Mariam Interstellar, "Mariam Interstellar crafts luxury cars for our family and selected clients. And the Amelia Dream Society ensures that the rich and powerful have homes in prime locations."

The family's business in tourism came next, but with a unique twist. "And lastly our tourism business. It was about giving a tour of every place on earth, even space."

Ben nodded, understanding the various industries of the William Family.

After the good talk and delightful dinner, Ben and Amelia retired to Amelia's bedroom.


Thanks For The Zyes 1, suggestions. I appreciate it.

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