
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 64 - Exodus


When Avengers goes outside of Tricarrier to find about the Cabal's plan and search the other Cabal members, leaving behind Captain America inside the Tricarrier to look over the Red Skull.

At the same time Dracula infiltrates the S.H.I.E.L.D. Tricarrier by transforming in the gaseous form, and he successfully captured Captain America and also rescued the Red Skull taking over the Tricarrier. Attuma and Super-Adaptoid also get inside it.

When the Avengers realize it was just a diversion, but by the time they comprehend, it's too late. Fury, able to escape from there, Avengers head to confront the Cabal. They managed to get inside the Tricarrier.

But then Red Skull manages to disassemble the Tricarrier into three parts. One goes inside the water where Hulk and Attuma were fighting.

One goes near the moon where Dracula and Thor engage in battle.

Meanwhile inside the main parts of Tricarrier, Avengers manages to get inside. Red Skull leaves the place on Modok and the Super-Adaptoid by saying, "Modok, I leave the Avengers in your adaptable hands."

But Iron Man and Sharky go towards the Red Skull. Just as they were going to fight him, Red Skull throws Captain America from the Tricarrier by binding him on a heave metal. "Now, decide yourself, who you want to save," Red Skull laughed, and he flew away from there.

Sharky concurs, "Tehehehe Let's split up. We'll save the Tricarrier. And Tony, you save Steve. Wheeewww, we need to do it fast."

In the ensuing battle, Sharky engages in combat with Super-Adaptoid, Black Widow and Falcon manages to stop the Super-Adaptoid for a few seconds, and then Sharky uses his sound to break the Super-Adaptoid.

While Tony caught Steve, Thor and Hulk also came to save him. Sharky, with the rest of the Avengers , is able to save the Tricarrier.

Exploiting the chaos as a diversion, the Red Skull and the Cabal slip away, taking advantage of the Avengers' preoccupation with rescuing the Tricarrier and Captain America.

"What have you done? Red Skull has used me as a diversion." Captain America questions.

"Captain, you are our priority, and we have already saved the Tricarrier. And the Avengers can't leave his member alone," Tony explained.

"Tony, in the Tricarrier there was also something, which was taken by Red Skull," Steve said, he sighed and didn't know how to explain.

On the Cabal team side shows, everyone was celebrating their first victory against the Avengers, they all attacked the Avengers just to obtain a specific object from the Tricarrier, and they succeeded.

"Now, what is our next plan?" Dracula asked Red Skull.

"Why not, we asked, from our new partner," Red Skull replied. It revealed the object they had stolen from the Tricarrier was a cell, and it opened revealing the Hyperion. "Hello Hyperion, welcome to Cabal," Red Skull greeted Hyperion.

"Avengers will get punished, how dare they capture me," Hyperion shouted.

"Of course, together we will beat the Avengers, but when the time comes," Red Skull said, as he brought out his hand for a handshake, which Hyperion accepted by doing the handshake.

When the Avengers travel back from a mission to Dimension Z, they arrive home, but their Avenjet starts creating the turbulence.

"Whoa. Planetary alarms are going crazy!" Falcon said in a shocked voice.

"Sounds like we missed a party. What happened?" Tony asked.

"That happened!" Falcon replied by pointing towards a machine in the middle of New York.

"He has returned, Avengers! The Devourer of Worlds! Galactus!" Thor said while seeing the Galactus.

"And he's already past the appetizer stage. Avengers, we've got less than five minutes before Galactus powers up his munch-o-tron and sucks all the energy from Earth." Iron Man explained as he noticed Galactus was going on the next stage.

"It means, if we don't stop him now, hehehe there will be nothing left," Sharky said, he asked, "So what's the plan?"

"I've prepared a strategy specifically to deal with his return," Captain America answered. He gives command to Thor, "Thor, summon every electron within a hundred kilometers. One bolt, make it count."

Then Steve turned towards Hawkeye, "Hawkeye, break out the heavy artillery." Then he turned towards Tony, "Tony, route all uni-bram power…"

But before he completed his sentence, he was cut by Tony, "Captain, I never told you this, but I only went along with your Galactus prep drills because I thought he'd never come back. Now that he's here…"

"Oh, no. You are not going rogue. The entire planet is at stake! We need to act as a team!" Captain explained his reason.

"And hopefully, you will. Sharky you come with me, and make Galactus fall asleep," Tony said, as he flew away from there, Sharky followed him back by saying to the team, "Wheeewww, good luck Avengers, hehehe." He also flew towards the Galactus.

"Jarvis locked onto the Galactus data stream, Sharky tried to go inside his ship, when he attacked me, you made him fall asleep." Tony gives his command, Sharky goes inside the ship by hiding, while Tony starts the conversation with Galactus.

Seeing that Tony was disturbing him, Galactus released a beam from his eyes, which hit Tony, "Few have attained direct communication with Galactus. You are unlikely to survive," He said to Tony.

"Galactus, you need to think about the seven billion other people on this planet who aren't going to fare any better." Iron Man shouted back on him.

"Forget about them, Galactus' hunger is more important than them, and Galactus will feed them," Galactus argued back, but at the same time, Sharky started flying around him.

"Tehehehe, sleep Galactus, sleep Galactus, you need a good sleep, wheeewww," Sharky shouted as he spread the Sleep Dust all over the Galactus face, causing the Galactus to sleep down. But at the same time Tony did something, and Tony, Sharky and Galactus with his ship all disappeared from the place.

The Avenjet comes towards them, they see Iron Man, and Sharky disappearing with the Galactus, "Iron Man, Sharky, no," Thor shouted, but they aren't able to do anything.

"That was his plan," Hawkeye asked.

"Iron Man and Sharky have Perished? This cannot be!" Thor shouted.

"Why is he always pulling these crazy moves and not telling us?" Hawkeye questioned.

"This was his style, but this time he also took Sharky," Hulk said.

"Do you all think he actually sacrificed himself and Sharky for saving the earth," Captain asked.

"Don't say that. Jarvis! Replay event from onboard recorders." Falcon said, as he brought back everyone's attention towards him. "Extreme slo-mo. Full-spectrum enhancement!"

They noticed again that Iron Man and Sharky vanished together with Galactus after making him sleep.

"See. He evaporated," Hawkeye said.

"No, he didn't evaporate, he teleported with everyone. Tony's armor has a built-in travel frequency. Micro pings that only we can track. Even across light years." Falcon explained, and they all went in for hyperspace travel.

In space, Avengers noticed, the group of millions of Aliens were evacuated somewhere. There they find Galactus' vessel, and go towards it. But they were attacked by another big ship, and the big ship pulled the Avenjet inside their ship.

Inside the ship, they are confronted by the Guardian of Galaxy. Star-Lord explained they are evacuating the ten Billion D'Bari species.

"We're here to find our missing teammates, not to interfere in your matters," Captain explained.

Then they go and find out that Tony has brought Sharky and Galactus to the D'Bari planet.

"Hello, Tony, Sharky, what is happening here?" Steve asked Tony and Sharky.

"Tehehehe, Thanks for coming here, but now we need to go away from here," Sharky said while surrounding them.

"Why, you bring Galactus to this planet?" Star-Lord asked Tony.

"It was because of D'bari's planet because it had already become unstable; even before Galactus arrived. So the Galactus' arrival will make the D'Bari people escape." Tony explained his reason for bringing the Galactus here.

"Wheeewww, And the same time planet's explosion will give so much energy to Galactus, that he is not able to consume it, and will fall asleep for many years," Sharky explained, and when they noticed the planet was going to explode, they flew away from there.

After they repaired the Avenjet, after saying goodbye to Guardian of Galaxy, Captain America tells Star-Lord that he hopes that their paths cross again. They returned back towards the Earth.

After a few days, the Avengers were going towards a place, to search for Cabal's members. It happened because Cabal had stolen the Tesseract, and after it ,they just vanished. This was the first time they knew a little bit of information about the Cabal.

"Widow, you sure your tip was accurate," Hawkeye asked, looking towards the scene, he continued, "This place is emptier than Hulk's head."

"It is the S.H.I.E.L.D tip. It's the first place we trashed and the last place we looked," Black Widow explained.

"Stop talking. After Cabal get Tesseract, it first time we get some information, we need to search it every place," Captain America said.

"Listen to uncle cap, he is right. Who knows what weapon they've supercharged with its cosmic energy," Tony said while flying around, he continued "Jarvis broadened my infra-reds. Skull not catching me with my iron pants down again."

"Supercharged? Tesseract can do it," Falcon asked in amazement.

"Yes, Tesseract is a mass of energy, with it it can do many glorious and terrible feats," Thor replied.

"Wheeewww, wheeewww, hehehehehe," Sharky was flying here and there, "I think there they were, hehehehe," he pointed towards a big bunker. And they all go towards it.

Inside the bunker, a portal opened, with the help of Tesseract, and from it Modok, Dracula, Attuma and Hyperion came out with some Atlantean's and some A.I.M soldiers.

"Why Modok, why did you bring the Attuma in this Frozen placem? Reply me, or I know how to make you talk," Attuma questioned Modok.

"Not for listening to your rubbish talk, bloated puffer fish," Modok said, then he did something with a device, and a container came out from the ground, "Behold!" Inside the container was Iridium.

"Iridium? Interesting!" Hyperion chuckled.

"More than interesting, Hyperion! It is the keystone to our success," Modok explained, as he was going to take it, suddenly Avengers came, where they attacked on the Cabal.

Sharky was going towards the Hyperion, because only Hyperion is easy for him, but before he reached there, Attuma with Tesseract powers weapon, attacked on the Hulk.

Hulk collided with Falcon, and both by breaking the bunker, started falling outside, Avengers goes to first save them, while Cabal gets the Iridium and they open a portal and go away.

Falcon was falling down from the, and since Hulk was also on him, he wasn't able to leave. Both of them collided on the ground.

When the team reaches, Falcon was knocked out, after they bring him, although he was safe from critical harm due to all the attack taken by the suit, but he goes in the Cama.

Seeing the Falcon was injured with his decision, Tony decided to take a strict action on himself, "Listen Avengers. Effectively Immediately. I'm stepping down as leader of the Team."

"Do you think this is really the time for that, Tony?" Captain asked, looking at him with an awkward expression.

"What time for that?" Tony asked back.

"The 'woe is me' routine," Hawkeye mocked.

"Hulk will become leader," Hulk shouted, making every Avengers stare at him. He continued, "What, you all never understand."

"Today's already been full of so many surprises, that my brain literally cannot comprehend the words coming out of your mouth," Hawkeye said to Hulk.

"Can it comprehend my first?" Hulk shouted as he pointed his punches towards Hawkeye.

"Stop, all of this joke," Black Widow tried to calm the situation.

"I will become the leader, leader position only suits the son of Asgard," Thor shouted.

Hulk and Thor were just going to fight, but stopped when Sharky started flying around them, "Wheeewww, I will become leader, I am stronger than all of you, I can make you fall asleep, and also feel your dreams with pain, hehehe," He pointed his fist in sky position and decided.

Hulk and Thor quickly surrender, they have first hand experience of Sharky's dream torture. After some bickering, it is decided, Sharky will become the leader, Tony will give the support from his room.

But in midst on their decision, they got a message and found the Hammer Industries was attacked by Modok and his Super-Adaptoid

With Sharky leading the team they easily best down the Super-Adaptoid.

"Well done team, you have done a good job, hehehe," Sharky praised all of them.

"Hulk will do it more better," Hulk murmured, getting stare from everyone.

"Where is Skull, Modok, quickly give details," Captain asked Modok, but instead of answering them, suddenly Modok controlled Super-Adaptoid to use the Tesseract powers and create a giant robot using Hammer Industries weapons.

While the Avengers become busy in fighting the giant robot, Modok opens the portal and runs away from there. After the Avengers beat down the giant robot, they go towards the Red Skull location with their Avenjet.

While the Avenjet was going towards the Skull, Red Skull used a giant weapon, Tesseract was fit in the middle of it, from which he fired the Avenjet. The Avengers escaped from the Avenjet before it was destroyed.

And the Avengers jumped towards the Red Skull location. Red Skull goes inside the controller of weapons, "Cabal stop them, before my works completed,"

Avengers start fighting the Cabal, Hulk goes to Attuma. "Let's end our rivalry with this last fight, big monster," Attuma shouted at Hulk and started fighting with it.

"You got it stunk fish," Hulk smiled, and he engaged with Attuma.

Thor goes towards Dracula too, Sharky flies towards Hyperion.

Rest of the Avengers goes were fighting the A.I.M soldiers, Atlantean soldiers and Super-Adaptoid controlled by the Modok.

"Tony, Red Skull pointed the giant weapon towards the sky, which was run by Tesseract, what he wanted to do," Sharky asked Tony on the comms'.

"Wait few minutes, I am searching for it," Tony replied, at the same time, Falcon woke up from the coma, he wanted to help the team.

"Then you're gonna need something awesome," Tony said, and in many various parts Falcon was covered by his suit.

"What are you trying to say…. Wow, cool!" Falcon said, he was first confused and then he became amazed.

"I made some upgrades while you are out. They were supposed to be later. Much later," Tony explained.

"Well, no time like the present," Falcon said, then he noticed Tony was not wearing the suit, he asked, "Why aren't you armoring up?"

"Red Skull made some plans. I need to stay here and figure it out. I'm on mission control on this one. And also warned the team to not destroy the giant weapon," Tony replied, Falcon nodded and he flew towards the battle.

Sharky was going to shatter the giant weapon through his voice attack, Falcon appeared there, "Sharky, don't break the weapon, Tony warned us," He shouted, Sharky nodded and stopped his attack.

But then the Red Skull fully charged the giant weapon, and using the Tesseract powers, he opened the portal to give different worlds.

"This invasion is not for earth," Captain asked in shock, he looked towards the five different worlds on the other side of the portal.

"So, Avengers. Finally you understand. Why fight over the scraps? When there are countless worlds to conquer in space," Red Skull comments, then he points towards the other world to Cabal, "In present of you, Cabal. We stand on the edge of total victory. All you need to do is step forward!"

"Falcon, did Tony say anything about them invading other worlds?" Captain asked, but Falcon denies, "No, not anything."

"This just got a whole lot more complicated," Sharky comments.

"Look, Cabal. Each world is ripe for subjugation!" Red Skull continued to focus on the portal, he pointed towards a world, which was filled with night, "Lord Dracula, for you a realm of complete darkness, where no sun stands in your way." Dracula starts going towards there with his Vampire minions.

"A planet composed entirely of vast oceans, hand tailored for Altantian kings," Red Skull pointed towards the world, which was filled with water, Attuma went towards there with his Atlantean soldiers.

"An advanced civilization in desperate need of Hyperion greatness," Red Skull pointed towards the world which has so many advanced machines, Hyperion goes there.

"And lastly for you Modok. My most loyal ally, we have the gem of the night sky. The Eternal City, Asgard!" Red Skull showed Asgard in one portal.

"Let's not weep for little places, for there are always more worlds to conquer!" Red Skull shouted, and with Modok, Super-Adaptoid and A.I.M soldiers, he also started going towards Asgard.

"Avengers! Hold the line, ready for attack," Captain shouted, and they went towards to stop them.

Captain America goes in the front of the Dracula and starts fighting with them and his minion.

Hulk goes in front of the Attuma and Atlantean soldiers, and stands between the portal and their way.

"How you dared to design my world," Thor shouted, coming in front of Modok and Red Skull.

"You are not going anywhere," Sharky shouted at Hyperion, and he started releasing the Sleep Dust, Hyperion tried to dodge it, but he wasn't able to do it, and fell asleep.

Then Iron Man comes with many Iron suits, and all attacked on the Red Skull, he also revealed the plan that Red Skull wants to destroy the other Villains, but not send them to different places. Stark also blasted the machine closing all the portal and Red Skull came into the explosion.

But before they capture the other members of Cabal, Red Skull comes out of the explosion, "Which place now are you going run to?" Hawkeye mocked him.

"I am going to the right place," Red Skull then shows the Tesseract in his hand, "And my right place is everywhere," He shouted and entered the Tesseract in his suit. Then many of the Iron Man suits, and the one he was wearing were all torn apart and fixed on the Red Skull body. He was now releasing cosmic energy, Red Skull now became Cosmic Skull. And then he disappeared from there.

"First we need to capture the Cabal members," Sharky shouted, and then with quick speed, he released the Sleep Dust on the Dracula, since he was still in shock at Red Skull's betrayal he wasn't able to dodge the Sleep Dust, and fell asleep.

Attuma sees this, he wants to escape from there. But since there was not any water, he also got caught in the Sleep Dust pollen, and fell asleep.

"I am taking care of the Modok," Captain and Tony said, they goes towards the Modok, and the rest went towards the Super-Adaptoid, but till when they destroyed the Super-Adaptoid, Modok teleported himself to different places.

"Tony, this place is breaking, we need to escape from there," Sharky shouted, everyone realised, the place is dependent on the Tesseract powers, and without it, it started breaking up.

But they were able to escape from there, and came back to Avengers Tower. Hyperion, Attuma and Dracula are captured inside the special cell, from which they are unable to escape.

"So, where does the Skull go?" Falcon asked.

"I think he is here, or everywhere," Hawkeye pointed out outside the Avengers Towers, it shows Cosmic Skull has opened five portals.

"The Skull is attacking New York, with other places," Tony shouted in shock.

"He possesses the tesseract. He has access to countless portals, cutting through multiple dimensions," Thor explained.

"We'll send the team out to take him down. Avengers, assemble!" Captain became ready for the next battle.

"He's also attacking Europe and Asia and South America. Every major continent, in fact." Tony replied, he noticed from all the portal robots coming out and attacking the countries.

"The power of universes at my command. And you still follow the worthless heroes? You should start worshiping me," Cosmic Skull shouted to the people of the Earth.

"The Tesseract is too much for any mortal. Soon, he will lose every shred of sanity," Thor said.

"Skull, you can't control that much power. It's clouding your already deranged mind." Tony tries to bring some sense inside the Cosmic Skull.

"Operation "Earth's mightiest" is online. We've got clearance from across the globe to stop the Skull. Okay, avenge-lings, Jarvis and I are holding New York. You've been deployed worldwide. Roll call." Tony commanded, since Iron his suit was destroyed, and last suit was snatched by the Red Skull, and new suit making takes sometimes, he decided to take control from the towers, while the rest of the Avengers go to fight him.

"I never saw this clear way to start a new world. I must burn the old one and its heroes to the ground." Red Skull shouted, and he first went to Hawkeye's place.

"Rio, Brazil, check. Cosmic Skull is near me, I am attacking him," Hawkeye replied, after destroying all of the robots with Falcon, and he fired some arrows on the Skull, it blasted, but didn't do any damage.

"Such surefire precision! But how can you will attack Hawk without seeing it." Skull flows out the Cosmic light which makes Hawkeye blind, and he starts falling down with his flying bike.

Then Cosmic Skull turned in his focus on the Falcon, "The other bird. By seeing you, I remember the myths of Icarus. He flew too close to the Sun, and his wings melted." Skull captured the Falcons with his cosmic powers and broke the Falcon wings.

Falcon jumped on Hawkeye's flying bike, and he controlled it so both landed safely on the ground.

"Greetings from Agnafit. I have cleared everything here," Thor replied after breaking all the robots.

Tony corrects him, "It's Stockholm, Thor. It hasn't been called 'Agnafit' since the Norse age."

"Everyone, Cosmic Skull comes in front of me, I am going to fight him," Thor said and threw his hammer towards the Skull.

"What's the Inscription?" Skull comments looking towards the hammer flying towards him, "Whoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy," Hammer collides with the Skull shield and returns back, He continued, "Shall possess the power of Thor?" Then Cosmic Skull opens a portal, and Hammer goes inside.

"Mjölnir! No!" Thor shouted while falling down on the ground.

"It seems you are not worthy, after all," Cosmic Skull taunts him before going inside the portal.

Captain America reports his location after clearing the robots, "Sydney, Australia reporting in, everything is clear here." But suddenly Cosmic Skull emerged from the portal.

"This ends now skull," Captain jumped from the flying bike and hit Skull with his Vibranium shield.

"That unbreakable shield. A thorn in my side for half a century. Do you know what happens when the Unstoppable force meets the immovable object?" Red Skull comments and the shield breaks into pieces, while Captain falls towards the ground.

"Catched him," Black Widow catches the Captain, before he hits the ground.

Hulk shouted while growling "I've destroyed all the robots in too much sand place."

Tony corrected him, "That'd be Cairo, Egypt, Hulk. And also take notice on the Cosmic Skull, he had defeated all of our Avengers only you and Sharky are left."

Hulk, hearing that his teammates had fallen, and then he noticed, Cosmic Skull emerged from a portal and came in front of him, "You are making Hulk angry," He shouted and went towards to fight the Skull.

"Is it true, monster, that the madder you get, the stronger you become? Let's find out, shall we?" Skull said, and then he made Hulk more angry and uncontrollable. He take him towards the Avengers Tower.

"Flying high over Hong Kong, all is clear, I am coming back," Sharky replied, then he noticed a portal opened in front of him, which shows directly towards New York. He comes through the portal.

The portal was opened by the Cosmic Skull, he brought all the Avengers in one place. "Now fight with your own partner," Skull shouted and he threw the Hulk towards the Avengers.

"No, we have no time, wheeewww," Sharky shouted, then he released the Sleep Dust on the Hulk, before he did any damage, and made him fall asleep.

"You are always the nemesis of me, but not today" Cosmic Skull shouted to Sharky. He comes towards Sharky, and taunts him, "Now try your powers."

Sharky releases the Sleep Dust on the Cosmic Skull, but it isn't able to pass the cosmic barrier, "Hahaha, you can't do anything," Skull laughed so much, the first time, he has not fallen asleep from the Sleep Dust.

"No, I WILL STOP YOU," Sharky shouted with sound abilities, which caused disruption in the Cosmic Skull suit, and some parts broke from it, while he held his ears.

And the same time Tony came, and he put some button, which caused the suit, which Skull had snatched, they returned back on Tony.

Tesseract also falls down the ground, "Now, you are also coming with us," Sharky shouted, while the Avengers are going towards the Skull.

"Hahaha, you can't catch me," Red Skull opened a portal to an unknown location, and ran away, before Avengers did anything more, he also closed the portal.

"What happened just now?" Hawkeye asked everyone.

"It looks, Red Skull again ran away, with Tesseract," Tony comments, everyone looks a little sad.

"Don't take tension, we will again beat him down, when he returns, after all we are Avengers," Captain America cheered everyone.

"Yes, we are Avengers, wheeewww, we will kick him back again." Sharky flying around the Avengers while he pointed his fist upwards.

"Yes, next time he will not escape from my thunder," Thor shouted, and pointed his hammer towards the sky, his Mjölnir had returned back to him.

Meanwhile, Fury and Black Widow are searching for the Tesseract location.

And the same time, when Stark got out of the Avengers Towers, Modok came and he released his partners Attuma, Dracula and Hyperion. "We will take Vengeance on Avengers on my command, now I am the leader of Cabal," Modok became the leader and with his members, he teleported with his members from the Avengers Tower, before Avengers returned.

In the unknown location, "Master, I have completed your commands, and this is my present for you," Red Skull kneels down in front of a purple colored being, and gives him the Tesseract.

Avengers found the Cabal members have escaped, but they were now enjoying the pizza party after a big fight, while Hawkeye is cheering for the return of his sight, now he can see everything.

Thor and Hulk like always bickering for the slice of Pizza, but Sharky snatched it from them and ate it.