
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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100 Chs

Chapter 63 - Mutant Evolution Cauldron


In the early morning light, Jean was startled by a rustling in the trees. Intrigued, she ventured into the woods to investigate the source of the noise. To her surprise, she stumbled upon Todd, lurking in the shadows. Without warning, he swung a hefty tree branch at her, knocking her to the ground. Determined to defend herself, Jean engaged in a fierce struggle with Todd.

As the confrontation escalated, Jean managed to outwit Todd and swiftly sent him tumbling into an abandoned well nearby. Catching her breath, she turned her attention to the sky, only to witness a surreal event. A massive silver sphere descended from above, unfolding to reveal a mysterious interior. Curiosity getting the better of her, Jean leaned in to inspect the strange object, but before she could comprehend what was happening, metallic tentacles shot out, ensnaring her and pulling her into the sphere. With a mechanical whir, it sealed shut and ascended into the sky, leaving behind a bewildered forest.

Meanwhile, in the serene waters off the coast of Hawaii, a boy named Alex Summers lounged on his surfboard, blissfully unaware of the latent power within him. Suddenly, a surge of energy erupted from his hands, catching him off guard. The unexpected blast streaked across the ocean, striking a menacing shark. In a startling display of newfound abilities, Alex inadvertently dispatched the creature and found himself floating to the surface, hands still aglow with an otherworldly radiance.

Back at the Xavier Institute, Logan entered the state-of-the-art Cerebro, "Logan, I have detected a new mutant. His name is Alex Summer. He was Scott's long-lost brother," Charles Xavier informed him of a discovery

"What? How is it possible? I think Alex is dead in the plane crash," Logan said, expressing his disbelief.

"We all thought he was dead, but it was a miracle. Bring Scott to the hangar, we will go to Hawaii," Xavier clarified and instructed Logan to summon Summer.

In the hangar, Xavier revealed the truth to Scott, informing him that his brother was alive. Overwhelmed with shock and guilt, Scott lamented not searching for Alex sooner and harbored regret for believing he was dead. Without wasting any time, the trio boarded the sleek Blackbird, soaring towards Hawaii.

After climbing onto the beach in Hawaii, Alex examined his glowing hands with a mixture of fascination and frustration. Covering his face with a groan, he grappled with the newfound powers he couldn't comprehend. It was at this moment that Magneto, the master of magnetism, made his presence known.

"I can help you," Magneto offered, his magnetic aura subtly asserting itself.

"I don't need any help," Alex retorted, his determination evident as he turned to leave. Undeterred, Magneto persisted, "I have come to invite you to the sanctuary."

Meanwhile, back at the Xavier Institute, the X-Men were gearing up for an unexpected beach excursion. Kitty, Sharky, Kurt, and Evan rolled out of the garage in the impressive X-hummer, calling for Rogue to hurry up. Rogue emerged from the house, explaining she couldn't find Jean and left her a note. Along the way, she nearly tripped over a cat, expressing her disdain for the feline creatures.

The team, now assembled, drove off towards the beach, unaware that the seemingly ordinary cat was none other than Mystique in disguise. Mystique radioed to Lance, alerting him that plans had changed, and the X-Men were on the move.

In Hawaii, the Blackbird touched down on the sandy shores. The X-Men followed mysterious footprints, and Logan, ever perceptive, remarked that Magneto had been present. Inside the jet, Xavier attempted to establish telepathic contact with Magneto. Suddenly, the aircraft was lifted off the ground, prompting Wolverine to sprint after it. With impressive agility, he managed to leap onto the landing gear.

As Wolverine tenaciously attempted to climb into the Blackbird, the telepathic clash between Magneto and Xavier intensified within the confines of the jet. In the midst of their mental dispute, Magneto, with a mere gesture, employed his magnetic powers to wrench Wolverine off the jet, sending him plummeting into the ocean below.

Meanwhile, on the beach, Cyclops remained behind, his eyes fixed on the disappearing Blackbird. Unexpectedly, Alex approached, and the two brothers shared a hearty hug, their laughter echoing against the Hawaiian backdrop.

"Scott, Magneto invited me to his sanctuary, why not we go together," In a serious turn, Alex spoke to Scott, revealing a mysterious sphere in his possession. Scott agreed without hesitation. The duo entered the enigmatic sphere, and with a sudden surge, it lifted off into the sky.

In space, the Blackbird hovered toward Magneto's formidable base, Asteroid M. As they arrived, Magneto welcomed Xavier, "Welcome my friend, welcome."

"Magneto, what are you doing?" Xavier asked him in confusion.

"I have brought the best mutant with me, and both the X-Men and the Brotherhood will face a 'trial by fire.' The winner is allowed to come with me in my sanctuary," Magneto explained.

A cryptic challenge was laid out—both teams would engage in a battle, and the victor would earn sanctuary on Asteroid M.

Back at the mansion, Ororo arrived home and encountered the mysterious cat as she made her way upstairs to join the others. To her surprise, the cat transformed into Mystique in human form. Quick to assert herself, Storm unleashed a powerful electric charge, sparking a confrontation. Mystique, angered by the demand to prove herself, argued her presence. In response, Storm, with a swift punch, rendered Mystique unconscious. However, the enigma deepened as another sphere descended, abruptly taking Storm captive.

Simultaneously, chaos unfolded on the beach as the X-kids were ambushed by the Brotherhood. The clash led to a series of confrontations: a crashing collision with the Blob, Kitty phasing out but passing out, Avalanche making the rock fall on the Kurt.

Kurt teleported, but rocks also teleported with him, knocking him out. Pietro burying Spyke in the sand. Rogue smashes Todd into the overturned car and is about to absorb his powers. Sharky has used his Time Pause, froze everyone in a suspended moment.

Avalanche stops them and tells them they have won. The Blob pointed to five descending spheres, claiming their impending reward. But Sharky didn't go with them, as he destroyed one of the spheres, and wanted to destroy them all, but all of the spheres quickly left.

Wolverine battled his way onto the island, Sabretooth awaited him on the beach, setting the stage for a fierce confrontation.

Amidst the chaos, Magneto informed Xavier, "The trail of fire was in the final phase," displaying a visual of Wolverine and Sabretooth locked in combat.

The gravity of the situation intensified as Magneto revealed Rogue, Jean, and Storm suspended in stasis tubes. With a sinister tone, he explained, "Professor, you know, every mutant I had to coerce, or force him to bring them here, only one mutant come willingly," He showed Alex and Scott.

"Scott, no, why have you joined?" Xavier asked in a shocked voice, prompting an exclamation of disbelief.

Amid the sandy shores, Sharky, Kitty, Kurt, and Evan clustered around Todd, sensing his evident distress.

"What's going on, Todd?" Sharky questioned, genuine concern etched on his face.

Muttering to himself, Todd wrestled with inner turmoil, expressing a newfound reluctance to owe anything to Magneto. Intrigued by the unfolding revelation, Kitty pressed further, asking, "Who's Magneto?"

Reluctantly, Todd began to unravel the layers of Magneto's ominous plan, providing the group with crucial insights into the machinations that had set events into motion.

In the vastness of Asteroid M, Xavier confronted Scott about his unexpected presence.

"Why are you here, Scott?" Xavier questioned, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm just here to listen to him," Scott replied calmly. Xavier, gesturing toward Jean, Rogue, and Ororo, inquired, "Are they just here to listen to him too?"

"Hey, what is that?" Scott asked Magneto.

"Simply a precaution Scott. Not everyone has the maturity to expect a need for change as you do. Not yet," Magneto replied.

"Let them out, now," Scott demands to Magneto.

"I will, but not now. We just need to proceed with caution. Trust me they are perfectly safe," Magneto explained his reason.

"Are they safe Scott, are any one of us safe.I know this man well, his motive can not be trusted," Xavier attempted to reason with Scott, emphasizing the complexity of the situation. However, before the conversation could unfold further, Magneto intervened, his magnetic prowess swiftly putting Xavier into a stasis.

A chilling turn of events that left Scott to grapple with the sudden escalation of the situation.

In a last-ditch effort, Xavier managed to send a desperate warning to Wolverine, urgently urging him to intentionally lose the ongoing fight.

"Release him," Scott shouted, as he prepared to blast Xavier out of his stasis.

Magneto intervened, "Do that, and Xavier wouldn't survive the decompression."

But Alex managed to calm down Scott, by explaining, he needs Magneto's help.

"I don't like it, but I'll do as he says," Scott reluctantly agreed, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Meanwhile, on the island, the fierce battle between Wolverine and Sabretooth raged on. In a moment of agreement, Sabretooth declared, "I'm the one that belongs at his side, not you."

"You are right, not me," Wolverine, recognizing the truth in his words, nodded, he retracted his claws, Sabretooth punched him, and Wolverine was propelled off a cliff, landing on jagged rocks below.

Sabretooth reveled in laughter. A Silver Sphere then flew in, Sabretooth got inside of it before it took off, Wolverine found a helicopter and returned towards the Xavier Mansion.

Within the confines of the mansion, the X-Kids embarked on a search for Storm, "Wow, what happened here, this place is trash?" Sharky said, looking towards the scene.

"Storm, Storm, anyone here" Kitty shouted, but only to be confronted by the enigmatic Mystique.

"She is out, can I take a message?" Mystique asked. "Hehe, if you are still here, that means you are a loser too," Todd, never one to hold back, taunted Mystique.

"Don't ever call me that." She unleashed a retaliatory verbal assault.

"What are you doing here?" Sharky questioned, his tone a mix of suspicion and curiosity, seeking an explanation for Mystique's unexpected presence.

"Simple truth, nobody discards me. Especially not Magneto, after all I did for him. So I am paying him a visit, we can go together, or I can go alone," Mystique calmly explained her intention to visit Magneto.

The atmosphere grew tense as Wolverine entered the scene, sensing the underlying tension. "You won't be going alone, Magneto has taken our friends, and we are going after him," With a gruff demeanor, he offered to accompany Mystique on her mission.

The group boarded the sleek new jet, XM-Velocity, ready to take to the skies. As they soared above the landscape, the surface of what appeared to be Mauna Kea stretched beneath them.

"Will Magneto control our XM-Velocity?" Kurt asked, because he knew Magneto can control any metal.

"Don't worry, the aircraft was devoid of any metal components, so Magneto will not be able to control it," Wolverine reassured the others.

On Asteroid M, Scott found himself standing alone on a balcony, the weight of memories flooding back. Scott was remembering the night of when they were kids and with their parents. He reminisced about the tragic plane crash that claimed his parents' lives, forever separating him from his brother Alex.

Their plane caught fire by thunder. Only two parachutes were there, both given to Scott and Alex. Showing the parents love towards their child. Both of them jumped from the plane, but Alex's parachute caught fire, and from then both of them fell on different places.

"I spent a month in a coma, the hospital said, I am the only one who survived, I want to be there for you Alex. I am sorry," Scott apologized to Alex.

"Hey, don't be sorry. I have already gotten alright long ago. Foster parents were pretty nice," Alex explained, then his fingers started twitching.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, looking concerned for Scott.

"Oh man, my fingers are twitching with fire. I have bunches of doctors, but no one can tell what's wrong with me. Until today, when I met Magneto. Now I know what I am," Alex explained his problem.

Scott couldn't shake the discomfort of his burning joints, a constant reminder of the challenges he faced. Turning to Alex, he voiced his frustration, questioning how Magneto had promised to be their savior.

In this moment of their vulnerability, Magneto approached, a mysterious "Gem of Cyttorak" in hand. "Not just Alex, Scott, you as well. Everyone, together we shall embark upon one resonance. I invite you Scott to be a part of it," He explained his plan.

With an air of authority, Magneto unfolded the potential within the gem, outlining how enhancers would evolve their latent mutant powers. He extended an offer: once Scott had undergone the enhancement, the other X-Men would be released.

"We suppose these things work. Why don't you go first?" Scott said.

"I have. I am fully enhanced. But why don't I provide a real first hand demonstration," Megneto replied, and he commanded Sabretooth to go inside. Sabretooth, drawn to the prospect of increased strength, willingly subjected himself to the transformative process, emerging from it more formidable than ever.

As Xavier attempted to intervene and prevent Scott from entering the enhancer, a sudden slam echoed through the chamber. The enhancer closed, sealing Scott within. Emerging from the process, both Scott and Alex had transformed into adults with striking white hair. Magneto, in a moment of revelation, bestowed the name "Havok" upon Alex, signifying his newfound power.

With a symbolic gesture, Magneto allowed Scott to remove his visor, explaining that the enhancer had not only altered their abilities but also affected their emotions, setting the stage for a complex journey ahead.

"Look, there's an incoming aircraft, let's see who it is?" Magneto said, attempting to use his powers to control the aircraft. He quickly realized there was no metal to control.

"Alex and Scott, go defend us," Magneto instructed.

As Alex and Scott rushed to protect the group from the approaching Velocity, Alex fired the beam from his hand, while Scott fired the optic blast on the Velocity. Wolverine intervened, causing the aircraft to crash right on top of them. Getting inside the Asteroid M.

From it X-Men emerged. Mystique's climbing out of the top "Knock, knock," She taunts Magneto.

"Mystique, you never good take for the enhancement," Megnoto said, while Mystique is heading straight for Magneto,

Wolverine released the other X-Men from the stasis tubes, by cutting the wire, "Where is the X-Jet?" He asked the Professor.

"Observation deck, that way," Professor pointed towards the X-Jet.

"Gather at the X-Jet!" Logan commanded, suddenly there Sabretooth came, and both started fighting each other.

"Storm, Rogue, prepare the Jet," Xavier commanded, both Storm and Rogue run towards to prepare the X-Jet.

"Jean and Sharky, let's get out Scott and Alex," Professor said, and Xavier, Jean, and Sharky began working together to free the brothers from the debris.

Meanwhile, the X-Kids took on the Brotherhood. Blob runs toward Kurt, Kurt dodge it and hits back on Blob making him collide with a machine, which opens the Enhancer door.

Avalanche brought the Seismic and started collapsing the ground, where Spyke was, Kitty saved Spyke by phasing inside the ground while Spyke hit Lance.

Mystique is fighting Magneto, Todd joined Mystique in her struggle against Magneto. As the battle raged on, Magneto flung a machine at Mystique, knocking her into the enhancer.

"No my enhancer, get out of there," Magneto, fearing her 'evolution', followed her into the machine.

Sabretooth, now in his new 'evolved' form, overpowered Wolverine. Spyke slowed down Quicksilver long enough for Rogue to absorb his speed. The Blob urged Avalanche to stop causing tremors, and they all realized they needed to get off the asteroid quickly.

Todd, Avalanche, and Blob headed for the jet. Kitty and Spyke arrived, dragging Quicksilver with them, and Storm ordered them to board the jet. Rogue, using Quicksilver's speed, informed Storm that Wolverine was in trouble with Sabretooth.

Storm went back and unleashed a cyclone to slam Sabretooth against a wall, burying him in debris.

Sharky, Jean, and Xavier had freed the brothers, as Alex and Scott emerged from the debris.

They looked towards the destruction in the Asteroid M, "You and the others are ruining everything. This is our chance to unite, all of us," Scott shouted at Sharky and Jean.

"Unite, for what Scott, what cost, look Magneto did to you," Jean argued back to Scott.

"He helped me, I have evolved. No more training, no more hurdles. My powers are now at my mercy," Scott argued back.

"Yeah, so you blasted your friends with it, with how united is that," Sharky questions back

"You don't understand, we are the future," Alex said, as he was ready to fire his beam on them.

Jean, frustrated, finally spoke up to Scott, saying, "If you're the future, then we don't want any connection with you," Sharky and Jean are going to walk away.

"Hey, you can't go anywhere," Alex shouted, as he fired the beam on Jean. Scott also fired his Optic blast on Professor.

"I had enough of this nonsense," Sharky shouted as he used his Time Pause, and stopped the beam before it touched Jean. "Scott, and Alex, how you live is your mind, but you just crossed the line by trying to hit Jean and Professor."

He started beating them, and they could only feel the pain, but can't do anything more than, "Hey, you stopped hitting us, stop it," They were shouting but Sharky continuously beat them.

"Sharky, it's enough, leave them," Jean stops Sharky from beating them. "Sharky, pick them up and take them with us," Professor commanded Sharky. He knew Scott and Alex were wrong, but still he decided to show mercy like always.

Sharky then picks up Alex and Scott, with Jean and Xavier, they go towards the X-Jet. Wolverine also goes inside the X-Jet, as they started the X-Jet and drove it from the Asteroid M.

Meanwhile, Mystique emerged from the enhancer, looking dramatically different with scales, short hair, and bulging muscles.

The X- Jet landed, but the Asteroid M began to fall on the X-Jet , and Alex and Scott used their powers to blast it apart as it crashed towards them. Sharky uses his powers to stop the falling debris, slowly - slowly he brings them down, so everyone gets safe, no one is harmed. Scott and Alex's intense effort left them both collapsed on the ground, reverting to their normal appearances.

"I am sorry, all of you, Professor. I just, you know, I made some bad choices," Scott apologized to everyone for his previous behavior.

"More like misinformed choices, but we forgive you, since you all are X-Men," Professor accepted their apology.

"What is going to happen to us?" Todd asked, as they looked towards the shattered Asteroid M.

"Two spheres left the asteroid right before it blew," Avalanche mentioned. "Mystique is out there, believe it, and she will be back," He tells his Brotherhood of Mutants.

Alex expressed relief at having his brother back and said, "So much for Havok."

"I have the glass on my face anyway," Scott said.

"If nothing else, at least I have my brothers back, that's really matters to me," Alex said while he hugged Scott.

"Yea me too, and I promised, nothing is ever gonna split us again," Scott also showed relief.

"Alex, with time your powers will be emerged it own. And if you allow, we can work together to help you. All of us together, unite. Because we are X-Men," Xavier promised to help Alex, and with it, all of them got inside the X-Jet and went towards the Xavier Mansion.


In Universe 12041, Sweet Sharky's time was filled with adventures, each day bringing a different story.

One time, Doctor Doom took over the command of the Destroyer Armor in Asgard's Realm. However, Avengers with Loki, they managed to defeat Doctor Doom and were able to reclaim it.

Another time, the Red Skull and the Blood Brothers released an unstable gamma energy virus in Avengers Tower, transforming everyone into Hulks. Except for Sharky, Black Widow, and Bruce Banner, who remained unaffected.

Natasha asked Sharky, while Hulk-avengers were brought destruction, "Sharky, we're overwhelmed! What's the plan?"

Sharky sprinkles the Sleep Dust on the Hulk-avengers to make them fall asleep, "Wheeewww, I am keeping them in control Natasha, you tried to find the Antivirus. Hehehehe."

While Sharky's Sleep Dust worked tirelessly to keep the team in slumber, Hulk engaged in a fierce battle with Red Hulk and the Blood Brothers.

Natasha fought her way through the chaos, determined to retrieve the antivirus, "Sharky, I've got it! Get ready to wake them up!" She brings out the antivirus.

As Hulk continued his intense clash, Natasha successfully administered the antivirus, reversing the gamma transformation. "Brace yourselves, everyone!"

The heroes reverted to their normal forms, marking a crucial turning point in the battle.

The Avengers regrouped, aware that the Red Skull's true motives were yet to be revealed. The challenge had only just begun.

Little did the heroes know, the Hulk Virus was merely a distraction. The Red Skull's true motive was to free Attuma and Dracula, which he successfully accomplished.

After releasing the Attuma and Dracula, Red Skull invited them in his team, forming a team known as the Cabal. The team consisted of Red Skull, Modok, Attuma, and Dracula, but he wants to increase one more member. And he knows who is fit for it.

And Red Skull makes his plan advance by tapping into the suit he took from Iron Man. He and MODOK collaborate to hack into J.A.R.V.I.S. within the suit, seeking ways for his Cabal to achieve better coordination. In an attempt to test it, they decided to launch an attack on the Avengers.

Avengers were very happy, with the addition of Sharky, the Avengers easily overcame every challenge. But the Cabal team was still a problem for them.

Because in the Cabal groups, Sharky isn't able to overcome the three members of Cabal. For example the Dracula, he is easily able to dodge the Sleep Dust by turning into gas and transport to different places. If he just stays in one place even in gaseous form, he will fall asleep.

The next is Attuma, till he was inside the water, he overcame the Sleep Dust of Sharky, but on land, he couldn't escape.

But the most difficult one is Super-Adaptoid controlled by MODOK. Sharky is unable to combat him, only he is able to do it by using his sound attack. But one Super-Adaptoid lost, another came.

And in the present situation, the fight between the Cabal and Avengers was ongoing. Falcon was engaged in a battle with Super-Adaptoid.

Thor and Captain were fighting with Dracula. Hulk and Hawkeye coordinated with each other to defeat Attuma.

Sharky and Iron Man were fighting with the Red Skull. And the result is present. Sharky skillfully puts the Red Skull to sleep, while Tony Stark blasted his Submarine, Tony remarks, "Nice move, Sharky. That'll buy us some time."

Sharky nods, while flying around the Red Skull, " Hehehe, Let's secure him before he wakes up. Wheeewww We need answers about the Cabal's plans. Tehehehe."

They swiftly bind the Red Skull, but Natasha warns, "Be cautious, this might be a diversion. The Cabal members escaped once, they could try it again." Because they already one time get caught in the Red Skull's plan.

And just now they are only able to catch the Red Skull, the remaining members of the Cabal manage to escape.

Captain America adds, "We can't afford to underestimate them. Secure the Red Skull, but stay vigilant."

After securing the Red Skull and Captain America in the Tricarrier, the Avengers set out to investigate the Cabal's escape and the Red Skull's broken submarine.

Both Universe Stories are written together, because both events are happening at the same time, and it will affect the Main Sharky. Who was traveling over the Multiverse.

Sharky_Monstercreators' thoughts