
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 58 - Joined The X-Men


In the tranquility of an average middle-class home, the night unfolded with an unexpected twist. Kitty Pryde peacefully slumbered in her bedroom, only to be abruptly jolted awake as she tumbled out of bed. To her bewilderment, the fall didn't lead to the familiar bedroom floor but rather deposited her in the unfamiliar confines of her home's basement.

As panic gripped her, Kitty's cries for help echoed through the house. "Mom, dad, help me!" she screamed, the urgency in her voice piercing through the silence. Her parents, alarmed by her distress, hastily descended the stairs to the basement.

Concern etched on his face, her father inquired, "Kitty, are you sleepwalking?"

"No, daddy, sob, sob, I didn't sleepwalk. Sob, I just fell through the ceiling, sob" she denied through tears, attempting to convey the inexplicable nature of her descent. The air in the basement thickened with a palpable sense of unease, leaving the Pryde family grappling with the mysterious circumstances that had unfolded within the seemingly ordinary confines of their home.

Meanwhile, at the Xavier Institute, Cerebro detected the unique mutant signature of the girl who had experienced the unusual descent in her home. Charles Xavier, armed with the data provided by Cerebro, identified the girl as Kitty Pryde, a fifteen-year-old residing in Northbrook, Illinois. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, "Jean Grey prepared the Blackbird, we are visiting someone," Xavier instructed Jean Grey for immediate deployment.

Back at Kitty's home, a sense of normalcy was attempted to be restored. "Everything is okay, my dear. Everything is fine; you are just having a nightmare. Forget about it," Kitty's mother reassured her, attempting to quell the rising panic within her daughter.

However, Kitty's father, his gaze fixed on the ceiling where her sheets and pillow dangled halfway through, couldn't dismiss the extraordinary nature of the event. "It's not a nightmare; it's something different," he remarked, drawing attention to the tangible evidence suspended above them.

Faced with the surreal manifestation, Kitty's distress escalated. "What am I? What is happening to me?" she questioned, grappling with the bewildering circumstances that defied any conventional explanation.

Despite the perplexing events of the previous night, Kitty's determination to maintain a sense of normalcy led her to the decision to attend school the next morning. Attempting to slip away quietly, she found herself intercepted by her vigilant mother.

"Mom, please let me go to school. I can't bear to spend time at home," Kitty pleaded, a hint of desperation in her voice as she sought the solace of routine amid the unexplained occurrences.

Her mother, after a moment of contemplation, sighed and granted permission. "Okay, go, but remember to come back on time," she agreed, voicing her concern while acknowledging her daughter's need for a semblance of normality.

"Thank you, Mom. I love you," Kitty expressed her gratitude with a blown kiss as she departed, leaving her mother to watch with a mix of love and worry, the lingering uncertainty of the night's events casting a shadow over the normalcy they were both trying to maintain.

Meanwhile, within the confines of the Xavier Mansion, Jean Grey found herself selected by Professor Xavier to accompany him on the mission to recruit Kitty Pryde. As they traveled in the Blackbird, Jean sought clarification on the choice.

"Why me, Professor? You could have chosen Storm," Jean inquired, her curiosity evident. As the journey continued, so did her questions. "And what about the other mutant signature that Cerebro picked up, the one at the foster home?"

Xavier offered an explanation, "Because Kitty is a small girl, and since you are also in your teen years, she may feel more comfortable with you." He then addressed the second inquiry, stating, "And about the other one. His name is Lance Alvers. But you keep your focus on Kitty and her parents and let me worry about Lance."

Upon arriving at Kitty's home, they were met with resistance from her father, who brusquely insisted it was none of their business, slamming the door in their faces.

"See, Professor, how they treated us. Next time, we should call and get hung up on instead of coming here," Jean remarked, expressing her frustration.

"No, Jean. We need to talk to them face to face. You just go to her school and make direct contact with Kitty, and also Sharky, since he has also come here for something," Xavier explained, firm in his conviction and providing clear instructions for the delicate mission at hand. Jean prepared to make contact with Kitty and navigate the intricate web of emotions within her world.

Arriving at school, Kitty proceeded to her locker, preparing for her P.E. class. However, her routine was disrupted when two girls, Riley and Sydney, forcefully shoved her into the confines of the metal compartment.

In the midst of this unsettling encounter, a teenage boy emerged from the men's restroom, cautiously surveying the empty hallways. Inside the locker, Kitty, alarmed by the commotion, pleaded to be released. Simultaneously, she phased through the locker, colliding with Lance Alvers as he strolled by.

Intrigued by Kitty's manifestation of mutant abilities, Lance introduced himself. He revealed his own similar powers by causing a small earthquake in the vicinity, showcasing his control over the earth beneath him.

As Kitty, alarmed and frightened, started running away from him, shouting, "No, you're just like some freak! Leave me alone!" But she got caught in some other person's arms.

Lance's laughter echoed through the school corridor, his taunting words aimed at Kitty. "You can run, but you can't hide. Because I'm gonna rock your world," he declared with a smirk. However, his bravado quickly turned to confusion as he noticed Kitty in the arms of a newcomer, Sharky.

"Who are you?" Lance demanded, attempting to use his powers to sink Sharky into the ground. Unfazed, Sharky employed his Time Pause ability, freezing Lance in place.

"Who are you?" Kitty asked Sharky, although she was in his embrace, she felt comfortable, so she decided to let it be.

Sharky caressed her back, he reassured her, "It's no problem; I will solve it." His comforting touch made Kitty blushed, but she freed herself from his embrace, blushing as she ran away.

"Next time, I'll be late for my gym class!" Kitty shouted, hurrying towards her destination.

Meanwhile, Lance, realizing he had been released from Sharky's temporal grasp, made a hasty retreat. His plans to use Kitty to gain access to the office were thwarted by Sharky. In his attempt to escape, Lance collided with Jean Grey.

Retreating to the school's auditorium, Kitty found herself lost in thought, her mind dwelling on the face of Sharky. In a moment of distraction, she accidentally knocked over a bowl, only to witness it phase through her hands. Intrigued by this newfound aspect of her powers, Kitty began experimenting, lost in the realm of her abilities.

Unexpectedly, Jean entered the scene, catching Kitty in the act of practicing with a mask. Attempting to conceal herself, Kitty used the mask as a makeshift shield.

"It's okay, I've been through the same situation," Jean reassured Kitty, breaking the ice by showcasing her own telekinetic abilities. Levitating the mask in Kitty's hands, Jean sought to establish a connection. "It was a gift, which we thought was a curse," she explained, sharing her own journey with mutant abilities.

"I don't believe you," Kitty skeptically replied. However, Jean countered, "I know you believe in me because I can read your mind," delving into Kitty's thoughts.

In the midst of the psychic intrusion, Kitty's distress reached a breaking point. "Stop it, it hurts!" she screamed in discomfort, attempting to break free. However, instead of further intrusion, she found herself enveloped in the same comforting embrace, the source of solace now outweighing the pain.

"Jean, please leave her; she's in pain," Sharky urged, recognizing the need for Kitty's emotional well-being.

Acknowledging Sharky's concern, Jean explained, "Sharky, the professor also asked me to recruit you with Kitty."

Understanding the larger context, Sharky replied, "Yes, I understand your X-Men group, but first, she needs some comfort." Leading Kitty into a dorm room, Sharky provided her with the space and solace she required to regain composure.

Blushing, Kitty stood in Sharky's arms, the warmth of the embrace offering a sanctuary of comfort. Choosing to stay with him, she found a sense of ease and familiarity in his presence.

Inside the dorm, Sharky took a seat on the bed, placing Kitty in his lap. Initially shy, Kitty gradually settled into the comforting embrace.

Caressing her cheek, Sharky began to explain, "In this world, many people gain extra abilities, like mine." He demonstrated by throwing a cup and freezing it in midair. Unbeknownst to them, Jean observed the unfolding scene from her hidden vantage point just outside the door.

"I know what you're going through; I felt lonely and sick after I first got these powers," Sharky shared, his hand continuing its gentle caress as he tenderly pecked Kitty on the lips.

"Yes, I don't understand what happened to me," Kitty agreed, reciprocating his affection with pecks of her own.

Sharky's hands reached inside her clothes as he groped her oranges,"So, it is a gift. Normal people see it as a curse; we need to hide it from them," Sharky explained, his words accompanied by French kisses shared with Kitty.

After savoring the intimate moment, Kitty agreed, "Okay, I understand. I won't show my powers to others." She felt hot, she started removing Sharky's clothes.

Sharky stopped her, although his hands reached inside her pants and also inside her panties, as his fingers touched her Sacred Forest.

He noticed her questioning look, he explained, "I know you want to experience how a girl feels when she's being loved, but someone is watching us. Jean Grey come inside, I am seeing you," With that, Sharky invited Jean Grey inside.

Jean, her cheeks flushed from witnessing the intimate scene, entered the room, aware that she had been caught listening to their conversation. Sharky gestured for her to sit beside him on the bed, and despite her initial discomfort, Jean settled in, grappling with the need to explain herself and the unexpected turn of events.

In the dorm room, Kitty, feeling the situation becoming shy, wanted to get off Sharky's lap but found herself held tightly.

"Sharky, it's not that I want to spy on you; the Professor asked me to invite Kitty because she needs some help with training. You are also invited; we can all help each other," Jean explained, trying to clarify the situation.

"I know," Sharky agreed with her, as he took his hand out of Kitty's boob. His hands go and hold Jean by her waist. "But since you have disturbed my quality time, you need some punishment."

"What?" Jean was shocked, even though aware of the sex, this proposal was still unexpected.

"Yes, and you have to give me some enjoyment; in exchange, I will send Kitty to your school," Sharky declared, his hands starting to caress Jean's back.

"What is the X-Men school?" Kitty inquired, curious about Jean's suggestion to bring her there.

Sharky's one hand was still inside her panties, playing with her Sacred Forest. "The X-Men school is for gifted children like you, far away from normal people. They will train you, but you will live far from your parents. However, you can visit them whenever you want," Sharky explained, interspersing his words with a playful bite to Kitty's ear. "So, you will go there, okay?"

"Okay," Kitty murmured in agreement, feeling the wetness between her legs as she realized she had been leaking some of her juices; she felt even more embarrassed.

"You, it is not good," Jean said, as she felt his hands exploring her back and moving towards her breasts area. She wanted to stop him, but his hands had some kind of magical power over her; she could not avoid them.

"But, you have to pay for it," Sharky said to Jean, he began to undress her.

"No, ask for something else," Jean firmly denied.

"Okay, I am just teasing you; go call your professor and explain that Kitty is ready for the X-Men school," Sharky teased. He wanted to explore her Sacred Forest, but not by forcing her.

Jean quickly retreated, unable to bear sitting beside Sharky, harboring a secret within her. Maintaining a distance was her only recourse. Soon after, Jean contacted Xavier via cell phone, updating him while he was at the Social Services Building in Chicago. She assured him that everything was okay on Kitty's side, setting the wheels in motion for Kitty's journey into the world of the X-Men.

Lemon Start

In the intimacy of the dorm room, the shared experiences of mutants unfolded, weaving a connection between Sharky and Kitty that extended beyond the confines of their extraordinary abilities.

Kitty was now naked in Sharky's arms, as she and Sharky both lay on the bed. She couldn't help but enjoy the moment that had just passed only a few seconds ago. She still noticed the red stain on the bed, the blood had come from, falling out of her Sacred Forest when Sharky had put his dragon inside her.

At first, she was in pain, but after some strokes from Sharky, she started enjoying it. Even now, she clearly remembers every stroke of his Dragon, piercing her Sacred Forest. Inside her, and then out again.

Kitty was still in her teens; she didn't fully understand romance. However, she accepted Sharky as her partner. And after being fucked by Sharky, she was always ready whenever he wanted to fuck her. She wanted to continue feeling loved by Sharky.

Now she remembered the Lance guy was talking about some help he needed. Well, since she understood the mutant situation, she would try to help him. But not now; now was her loving time, and her Sacred Forest wanted more Dragon Tonic.

Seeing her naughty smile, Sharky bent her over in doggy style, positioned her in front of his dragon, and again started pounding her, until she got satisfied.

Lemon End

The next day, Lance lingered outside the school's office, anticipating Kitty's arrival. When she appeared, he approached her, requesting that she accompany him into the office. Curious yet unsuspecting, Kitty agreed and followed him inside.

Outside, Jean Grey and Professor X converged with Kitty's parents, delivering the news that Kitty had broken into the office. Concerned, Jean left with Kitty's parents to assist in locating her.

Meanwhile, within the office, Lance diligently downloaded the test results, preparing to alter their school grades. However, as the truth unfolded, Kitty grew increasingly upset, realizing that Lance had been using her. Determined to break free from his manipulation, she attempted to distance herself just as Jean Grey and Kitty's parents arrived on the scene.

Originally, when Kitty's father attempted to intervene and halt Lance, the situation escalated as Lance unleashed his powers. He toppled a bookcase onto Kitty's father, created a hole in the wall, and forcibly dragged Kitty along with him through an improvised escape route.

Nervous about the unfolding chaos, especially concerning Sharky's potential arrival, Kitty found herself caught in the midst of the turmoil. Utilizing his Time Pause abilities, Sharky intervened, freezing Lance in his tracks. What followed was a decisive confrontation, with Sharky taking action against Lance to protect Kitty. After delivering a beating, Sharky left Lance in his incapacitated state and brought Kitty to face Jean.

However, the repercussions of Lance's powers lingered, causing tremors that jeopardized the structural integrity of the surroundings. Sharky's quick thinking allowed him to pause time once more, preventing further disaster. In this precarious situation, Jean, with assistance from Xavier, employed her telekinesis to avert the falling debris from crushing Kitty, her parents, or anyone else present.

As the immediate danger subsided, Kitty, grateful for the rescue, smiled at Sharky. She then turned to face her parents, Jean, and Xavier. "Thank you for saving me," she expressed, offering heartfelt gratitude. Kitty proceeded to embrace and apologize to her parents, elaborating on the X-Men's desire to help her and her trust in them. After a thorough discussion with Professor Xavier, Kitty's father agreed, acknowledging the potential support the X-Men could provide for his daughter.

Xavier turned towards Sharky, stating, "We have also invited you." In response, Sharky looked back at Xavier with determination, declaring, "Of course, I will join you, but I won't be at your beck and call."

Jean interjected, shouting at Sharky, "How can you talk to a Professor like this?" Unfazed, Sharky retorted, "Well, since I know how to use my powers now, I don't need your help; I just joined up because of you." He looked at Jean with a mischievous smile, causing her to take a step back, her cheeks tinged with a blush.

"Of course, Sharky, we give freedom to every person," Xavier affirmed as they began walking toward the Xavier Mansion.

Later, Lance observed the aftermath as the Fire Department worked to extinguish any remaining flames at the school. Walking away from the scene, he encountered Principal Darkholme, who informed him that he had jeopardized his chances at the school.

Lance questioned her identity, and she revealed herself as his new advisor, Mystique. She assured him of an opportunity at Bayville High, claiming she had much to teach him. As she transformed and codenamed him Avalanche, the dynamics of mutants and their affiliations continued to evolve.

Outside a Mississippi school dance, under the night sky, a lone girl stands on the deck, her gaze fixed elsewhere. Suddenly, two boys emerge into the crisp air. Unbeknownst to her, one of them, Cody Robbins, starts to approach.

Rogue, feeling a presence, turns to face Cody and queries if he needs assistance. Cody, nervously, requests a dance. Before she can decline, his eyes betray a hint of sadness. Softening, she agrees and begins to sway to the distant music.

As the two dance at a safe distance, Cody's friend Ty, feeling mischievous, urges him to get closer and make a move. Unaware of Ty's meddling, Cody hesitates but eventually inches closer. Suddenly, in an unexpected twist, Ty playfully shoves Cody towards her, unintentionally causing him to collide with the girl, knocking her off balance.

Apologizing profusely for the unexpected collision, Cody tries to help her up. However, in a bizarre turn of events, he is swiftly rendered unconscious by a mere touch from her. Rogue, puzzled and concerned, accesses Cody's memories while shaking him gently, seeking an explanation for the unusual incident.

As Cody lies comatose, Ty, bewildered, questions Rogue about what she did to him. Clutching her head, Rogue, now possessed by Cody's memories, begins to run for the exit, leaving Ty to grapple with the mysterious and unexpected turn of events.

Meanwhile, in another part of the Mississippi, Irene Adler, engages in a phone conversation. With a hint of concern in her voice, she expresses her realization that Rogue, being a teenage girl, cannot be sheltered indefinitely. She tells the person on the phone that she understands this and that Xavier's team will soon be coming as well.

Switching scenes, deep within the heart of the Xavier Institute, the X-Men immerse themselves in rigorous training within the Danger Room. Among them are Wolverine and Scott, each showcasing their unique abilities. Wolverine, with his adamantium claws, aggressively dismantles the next wave of robotic adversaries, prompting admiration from Scott.

However, the intense training is momentarily halted by the authoritative voice of Professor Xavier. He intervenes, explaining that, for the time being, the destruction of the robotic opponents is all they can afford. Scott, intrigued by Wolverine's prowess, questions the reason behind the excessive damage inflicted on the training machines.

In response, Storm steps forward, enlightening Scott that Wolverine is demonstrating how to identify and exploit weak points in security systems. Wolverine, known for his pragmatic approach, adds his insight, suggesting that their security measures might require some refining. The tension in the Danger Room dissipates momentarily as the team contemplates the necessary improvements to fortify their defenses.

Amidst the Xavier Institute's halls, Kitty finds solace in the comforting embrace of Sharky. Anxious about the X-Men's standard protocol, she pours out her concerns, drawing curious glances from her fellow teammates. Sensing her distress, Sharky reassures her with a calm certainty, assuring Kitty that everything will be alright.

In another part of the institute, Xavier, the venerable leader, issues a command to Scott, the disciplined X-Men field leader. "Assemble the full team in the Blackbird," instructs Xavier, prompting a puzzled expression from Scott.

"Why, Professor?" queries Scott, his confusion evident. Xavier, with a grave tone, explains that Cerebro has detected a new mutant named Rogue, whom he believes poses a threat to herself and others. The urgency of the situation becomes palpable as the gravity of the mission unfolds.

As the team prepares to depart for Mississippi, Sharky, with a sense of duty, decides to remain at the Xavier Mansion. "I'll stay here. Someone needs to protect the mansion," he declares, demonstrating a commitment to safeguarding their home base.

"Very well," Professor Xavier agrees, acknowledging Sharky's decision. With the rest of the X-Men, he boards the Blackbird, the sleek aircraft ready to carry them into the Mississippi.

Meanwhile, Rogue is frantically running around in the streets and nearly gets run over by a car before a man stops her and tells her she's a crazy kid.

While the X-Men are aboard the Blackbird, Scott compliments Kurt on his piloting skills. Soon after, Shadowcat relays her positive impression of Sharky to Jean, even calling him "cute."

"He is cute, but he is also very lustful and angry. And still, I need to calm him down." Jean said, recalling how he saved her from the robots, but also touched her private areas.

When Scott, who was jealous of Sharky and Jean's closeness, warned Sharky to stay away from her, Sharky became angry and started fighting with him. It was then that Jean had to calm down Sharky by giving him some kisses.

Meanwhile, at the bustling airport, the shape-shifting Mystique arrives to rendezvous with Irene. A palpable tension hangs in the air as Irene recounts the unsettling events. Mystique, with a hint of regret, expresses dismay at the unraveling of their carefully guarded secret – five years of concealing Rogue's existence now exposed in mere minutes. Determined, she confides in Irene that they cannot allow Rogue to slip away, not even to Xavier's sanctuary.

In a secluded suburban neighborhood, the unsuspecting Rogue finds herself seemingly under attack by Wolverine, after she runs away. It reveals the true identity of her assailant, Wolverine turned into Mystique. The shape-shifter, relentless in her pursuit, chases Rogue out of the safety of the house, morphing seamlessly into Storm to continue the relentless chase. With a twist of her abilities, Mystique conjures fake lightning, intensifying the illusion and heightening the danger.

Amidst the chaos, Irene desperately tries to persuade Rogue to come with her, attempting to provide reassurance in the midst of the surreal assault. However, the situation takes a dramatic turn as Wolverine, accompanied by Shadowcat and Nightcrawler, arrives on the scene. Faced with this unexpected convergence, Rogue's instincts kick in, and she opts to flee.

In the midst of the chaos, Nightcrawler approaches Wolverine, pleading to be the voice of reason and speak with Rogue, who appears terrified of the adamantium-clawed mutant. Wolverine, reluctantly but sensing Nightcrawler's empathy, agrees to let him try. Nightcrawler cautiously approaches Rogue, using his charismatic demeanor to soothe her apprehension. For a moment, it seems like he might be making progress in winning her trust.

However, the situation takes an unexpected turn. In the struggle, Rogue inadvertently touches Nightcrawler, causing him to pass out. Shadowcat, witnessing the incident, urgently contacts Xavier to inform him of Nightcrawler's injury. Charles, in turn, relays this critical information to the rest of the X-Men, injecting a sense of urgency into their mission.

Wolverine, burdened with guilt, expresses remorse, regretting not accompanying the team. The weight of responsibility gnaws at him as he grapples with the consequences of their pursuit.

Meanwhile, in a tense confrontation, Jean Grey faces Rogue, all while being observed by the ever-watchful Mystique. Rogue, initially defensive, identifies Jean as someone like the others. However, Jean, with a calm and reassuring demeanor, manages to break through the barriers. She convinces Rogue to trust her by affirming that if she truly knows who she is, then she knows Jean won't cause her harm. The delicate balance of trust and uncertainty hangs in the air as Jean attempts to forge a connection with the mysterious Rogue.

In a gesture of trust, Jean hands Rogue a communicator, informing her that every X-Men member possesses one. As Storm steps forward to address Rogue, the recognition dawns on the young mutant, prompting her to sprint away in an instinctive response.

Seizing the opportunity, Mystique capitalizes on her shape-shifting abilities. Morphing into various X-Men team members, she launches a coordinated attack on the fleeing Rogue. However, the elusive mutant, demonstrating her unique teleportation powers, manages to escape the clutches of the deceptive onslaught.

As the chaos settles and Cyclops and Jean join the fray, Charles Xavier descends to provide insight into the situation. He reveals that Rogue has teleported away, eluding their immediate detection. Wolverine, relying on his acute sense of smell, identifies Mystique's lingering scent, emphasizing that while she can change her appearance, her scent remains a telltale trace.

Amidst the uncertainty of whether to continue pursuing Rogue, Charles decides that enough damage has been done. He emphasizes that Rogue must choose to return of her own free will or not at all. Charles also acknowledges the need to tend to their wounded, recognizing the toll the encounter has taken on the team.

Later, Mystique disguised as Ms. Darkhölme welcomes Rogue to Bayville High School and assures her that she will be happy there. Rogue thanks her and leaves before Magneto can begin talking to Mystique.

Outside the office, Rogue clung to the communicator that Jean had given her, and looked on.