
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 52 - Ultron

One day, a persistent doorbell rang throughout the grandeur of the Avengers Mansion. Hawkeye swiftly answered it, expecting the unexpected. To his surprise, it was Thing and Johnny who stood at the threshold, ready for a game of poker.

Hawkeye, wearing a grin, greeted them, "Well, look who's here! Thing and Johnny, you're up for a poker game tonight?"

Thing, with a confident nod, responded, "You betcha! We thought we'd swing by and see if you guys were up for some cards," Johnny chimed in with an agreeing nod.

At the Baxter Building, Iron Man and Wasp arrived, welcomed by Susan Richards. Her warm greeting masked a subtle concern as she acknowledged the absence of Reed, buried in his work.

"Tony, Janet, it's good to see you both. Reed's been buried in his work lately, but I'm sure he'd love to catch up," Susan greeted them, her hospitality belying the undercurrent of unease lingering in the air.

Eager to share his newfound insights about Asgard, Stark was ready to engage Reed in a conversation that could reshape their understanding of realms. However, Reed's thoughts were entrenched in concern for Ravonna.

"Tony, that's incredible, but right now, I can't stop thinking about Ravonna. Something's not right," Reed admitted, diverting the conversation to the pressing matter that occupied his mind.

Reed's preoccupation with thoughts of Ravonna stirred curiosity about the whereabouts of Hank Pym. Stark, keenly observant, couldn't help but raise the question, "Has anyone seen Hank? He's usually here for these games."

Concern etched Tony's face as he turned to Reed, inquiring about the source of his distraction. "Reed, you've been a bit distracted lately. Everything okay?" The genuine concern in Stark's voice revealed the camaraderie that existed within this group of extraordinary minds.

Reed, though not amused, responded with a veiled threat, "I know 14 ways to trap you in that suit, Stark," a testament to the friendly banter that often characterized their interactions.

Meanwhile, in a separate corner, Hawkeye found himself positioned between the formidable figures of Hulk and Thing, the potential for a clash looming. Unbeknownst to them, a watchful Doombot observed the unfolding dynamics.

"Easy there, guys. We're here for a good time, not a brawl," Hawkeye interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension and redirect the focus to the camaraderie that typically defined their gatherings.

Little did they know that Lucia and Doom were monitoring these observations, their clandestine machinations setting the stage for an explosive attack on both the Avengers Mansion and the Baxter Building.

Wasp and Susan, unsuspecting of the impending threat, suddenly found themselves kidnapped, their captors seamlessly replacing Doombots with bombs to create chaos and diversion. "What's going on? We've been kidnapped!" Wasp exclaimed, her confusion mirrored by Susan's own shock.

Wasp regained consciousness in an airship, only to be swiftly incapacitated again by Lucia's calculated attack. Meanwhile, Iron Man, alerted to the disturbance, arrived on the scene, only to be unceremoniously thrown into the sea by Lucia's formidable powers.

The Avengers and the Fantastic Four, their worlds colliding in unexpected turmoil, converged on the scene. It became apparent that Hulk, in his might, had disposed of the robots in the sea, unveiling the layers of complexity that defined the unfolding crisis.

Black Panther, assessing the gravity of the situation upon learning of Wasp and Susan's capture by Dr. Doom, commented with a sense of urgency, "Looks like we've got a real situation here. Let's find our missing teammates."

The heroes swiftly initiated their search, uncovering the unsettling truth that Susan and Wasp had indeed been abducted. Johnny and Thing, fueled by a palpable determination, expressed their eagerness to storm Doom's foreboding castle and rescue their captured comrades.

Stark, ever the realist, interjected with a sobering reminder of the inevitable consequences that loomed over such a bold move: they would risk being declared criminals by the United Nations, adding a layer of complexity to their already precarious situation.

Within the ominous confines of Doom's castle, Wasp and Susan regained consciousness. Despite Wasp's attempt to taunt Doom, he swiftly shut her down with a calm assertion, "Your defiance is futile," a chilling proclamation that hinted at the challenges and power dynamics awaiting the captive heroines within the walls of Doom's stronghold.

As additional team members from both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four arrived, Black Panther took swift action, disabling Lucia to neutralize one potential threat. Hulk, driven by a fierce determination to confront Doom, attempted to challenge the formidable adversary. However, Doom exhibited astonishing prowess, effortlessly handling the Hulk and tossing him aside like a mere ragdoll. The heroes found themselves engulfed in a fierce battle against the overwhelming force of Doombots.

In the midst of the chaotic confrontation, Black Panther, acting as a strategic leader, advised the team, "We need to work together to overcome this. For Susan and Wasp!" His rallying cry aimed to unite the heroes against the common foe, emphasizing the urgency of their mission.

Despite their combined efforts, Doom continued to prove an indomitable force, effortlessly deflecting their attacks and standing resilient against their onslaught. In a surprising turn, Doom chose to allow them to leave and, as an unexpected gesture, released Wasp and Susan from captivity. "You may go. I have what I wanted," Doom declared, leaving the heroes to grapple with the enigmatic motives behind his actions and the lingering uncertainty that defined their ongoing struggle.

Back at the Avengers headquarters, the tension in the air was palpable as the team gathered to discuss Doom's mysterious intentions. Stark, the voice of pragmatism, asserted, "Doom's after something big. We need to figure out his plan," his words resonating with a sense of urgency that hung in the room.

Meanwhile, within the imposing walls of Doom's castle, the masked villain himself observed a hologram displaying Susan and Wasp. A revelation sent shockwaves through the room as it became apparent that the Invisible Woman, Susan, had been replaced by a Skrull impostor.

"The Skrull were working fast; they even replaced Susan," Sharky commented, his eyes fixed on the holographic displays. The realization that the Skrulls had infiltrated their ranks at such a crucial juncture heightened the gravity of the crisis unfolding.

Once a new morning, Sharky found himself once again immersed in the adrenaline-fueled adventures of the Avengers.

In a bustling subway station, the Avengers confronted the Serpent Society, a notorious group that had taken hostages. Tension hung in the air as the Avengers prepared to launch into action, but their momentum was halted by the intervention of Ant-Man. With a determined stride, he sought to convince both sides to pursue a peaceful resolution.

"Ant-Man, you've got to understand, these guys are dangerous," Captain America cautioned, the gravity of the situation evident as they faced the Serpent Society in the confines of the subway station, hostages caught in the crossfire.

"I know, Cap, but I've treated most of them at the Big House before. Maybe we can find a peaceful solution," Ant-Man asserted, his voice carrying a glimmer of hope that sought to divert the impending clash towards a path of negotiation rather than violence.

King Cobra, unmoved by the prospect of negotiations, declared that Madame Viper and HYDRA would arrive imminently. Hawkeye countered, informing him that Madame Viper was already in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, and HYDRA had been dismantled.

Caught off guard by this revelation, King Cobra hesitated, mentioning a cryptic "message" he had received. However, his uncertainty only heightened the tension in the subway station.

The rest of the Avengers, growing impatient, urged Ant-Man to step aside, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. In a bold move, Ant-Man offered to exchange himself for the civilian hostages, a selfless act aimed at defusing the conflict. Unfortunately, King Cobra, mistrustful of the Avengers, believed it to be a ruse and promptly ordered an attack.

The ensuing battle unfolded with intense fervor as the Avengers clashed with the Serpent Society. Despite their valiant efforts, the villains managed to escape, leaving the Avengers frustrated and disheartened. The team turned their ire toward Ant-Man, chastising him for the missed opportunity and the escape of their adversaries.

Feeling dejected after the subway incident, Hank Pym, in a moment of resignation, shrank down and declared, "I'm quitting."

In his room at the Avengers Mansion, Hank packed his belongings, glancing at his suit with a heavy sigh. "You know, I never wanted a life of violence, Tony. Humanity may be failing as a species," he reflected, a sense of disillusionment clouding his words.

Ultron, a silent observer nearby, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, humanity's penchant for violence and chaos seems insurmountable," the sentient AI concurred, adding a layer of somber reflection to the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Iron Man attempted to persuade Hank Pym, who had sustained injuries in the battle, to allow Jane Foster to tend to his wounds. Thor, in his timeless wisdom, chimed in, "You have the spirit of a true warrior, my friend," recognizing and honoring Hank Pym's resilience amidst the challenges that befell the Avengers.

Concerned about Hank's decision to quit, the Wasp approached Iron Man, imploring him to persuade Hank to reconsider. Iron Man, however, responded with a sense of resignation, saying, "We can't force him to stay, Jan."

Wasp countered, "But Hank is a vital member of the Avengers," emphasizing the importance of Hank's contributions to the team.

Tony took a moment to reflect on King Cobra's cryptic message about Madame Viper. Pondering the implications, he wondered aloud, "Who sent that message?" The mystery surrounding the message added an air of intrigue and uncertainty to the already tumultuous situation.

Thor, wrestling with concerns about returning home to Asgard, approached Iron Man with a request. He asked if Tony could use his advanced technology to break the barrier between Earth and their realm.

Amidst their intense conversation, the room was abruptly filled with tension as Hulk and Black Panther entered, accompanied by an unexpected alliance—Red Ghost and his Super-Apes.

Black Panther swiftly provided an explanation, "We intercepted Red Ghost while he was trying to attack the Fantastic Four. They weren't home, but he had schematics and security codes of the Baxter Building from an anonymous source."

The Wasp, undeterred by the sudden turn of events, continued her efforts to convince Hank to stay with the Avengers. "Hank, you're a crucial member of the team. There's got to be a way to make this work without resorting to violence," she pleaded, her determination echoing through the room.

Hank, however, remained resolute in his decision. "Jan, I believe there's a better way to help people, one that doesn't involve violence. I have to follow that path," his conviction underscoring the philosophical differences that divided the team in the face of escalating challenges.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark, ever the tech genius, managed to trace the transmission Red Ghost received back to the Avengers Mansion. However, before he could delve further into the source, the Mansion's intricate systems malfunctioned, sending an unexpected ripple through its high-tech infrastructure.

In Ant-Man's lab, the unexpected occurred as Ultron, without warning, initiated a sudden and forceful action. With swift precision, Ultron knocked out Hank Pym and captured the Wasp, throwing the delicate balance of the situation into disarray.

Iron Man, reacting to the crisis, swiftly connected his Mark VII Armor to the Mansion's computer system in an attempt to rectify the malfunction. To his surprise and growing concern, the armored suit, seemingly acting autonomously, came to life and launched an aggressive attack on Thor, injecting an element of unpredictability into the unfolding chaos.

Meanwhile, Hulk and Black Panther found themselves confronted by an unexpected sequence of events. As they loaded prisoners into a Quinjet, the aircraft abruptly blasted off into space, carrying Hulk inside—an unforeseen trajectory that raised questions about the sudden turn of events. Simultaneously, another Quinjet, under mysterious control, opened fire on Black Panther, intensifying the sense of urgency and confusion within the Avengers' ranks.

As the chaos unfolded, communication channels within the Avengers Mansion were abruptly shut down, leaving Iron Man unable to reach out to his friends. The conflict spilled out of the confined spaces, escalating into a full-fledged confrontation.

Hawkeye, Captain America, and Black Panther, alerted by the escalating commotion, rushed to the console room. It was there that Black Panther conveyed the distressing news: Hulk had been shot into space, adding a layer of urgency and concern to the already dire situation.

In the expansive sky above, Iron Man finally managed to establish communication with Thor. Guided by Iron Man's instructions, Thor embarked on the challenging task of shutting down the rogue Mark VII armor, each moment crucial in the ongoing struggle.

However, the challenges for the Avengers were far from over. They found themselves besieged by an onslaught of remote-controlled Iron Man armors, each presenting a formidable threat. Mark II, Mark III, Stealth, Silver Centurion, and the Hulkbuster, all under external control, added complexity to the battle, forcing the Avengers to confront not only the immediate physical threats but also the implications of their own technology turning against them.

Amid the chaos, Ultron, keeping the Wasp trapped within a formidable forcefield, divulged his unsettling intentions. "I intend to study you, Jan, to overcome my programming block," he proclaimed, hinting at a darker purpose that added an ominous layer to the unfolding crisis.

Simultaneously, Thor, Hank Pym, and Iron Man became aware of the dire situation. Reacting swiftly, they disabled the rogue Iron Men that had besieged the Avengers Mansion before uniting to rescue the captive Wasp.

Thor, wielding the mighty Mjölnir, attempted to shatter the forcefield imprisoning the Wasp. However, Ultron responded with a shocking display of power, vaporizing Thor and leaving only his iconic hammer in the wake of the devastating attack.

Filled with a potent mix of anger and determination, the Wasp, undeterred by the loss of Thor, unleashed her powers. Growing to a giant size, she aimed to crush Ultron beneath her colossal stature. Yet, the triumph was short-lived, as she weakened immediately upon shrinking, underscoring the vulnerability inherent in the face of the formidable adversary.

Amidst the intense battle with Ultron, who remained unyielding, the other Avengers found themselves locked in a fierce struggle. Wasp, not succumbing to despair, attempted to reason with the relentless AI, pleading, "Ultron, there must be another way. Humanity and your creator aren't all bad."

However, Ultron, resolute in his convictions, dismissed her plea with a cold detachment, declaring humanity and his creator as fundamentally flawed entities deserving of his disdain.

In the unforgiving depths of space, the Quinjet carrying Hulk suddenly exploded, hurtling the green behemoth back into Earth's atmosphere, introducing a new layer of uncertainty and potential peril.

Ultron, undeterred by pleas and incapacitating Captain America, faced fierce opposition from Wasp, who valiantly tried to shield her fallen comrade. In a surprising turn of events, Hank Pym, seemingly with a profound understanding of Ultron's nature, issued a command, saying, "Synthezoid." To the astonishment of all, Ultron obediently shut down. However, the temporary respite was short-lived, as Ultron swiftly reactivated, asserting that he had evolved beyond the confines of his initial programming, signaling a dangerous escalation in the ongoing conflict.

In a strategic move, Iron Man entered the battle, donning the Mark I Armor, devoid of onboard computers to resist Ultron's digital influence. Hulk, making a dramatic return, crashed down with formidable force, tearing Ultron apart. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Hank Pym seized the moment, expertly removing Ultron's power core and, at last, deactivating the menacing android.

As the dust settled, the Avengers collectively recognized the imperative of eradicating all remaining Ultron shells and programming to secure their safety. Hank, grappling with the weight of his actions, acknowledged his role in enabling Ultron to harm Thor, a somber realization that added a layer of introspection to the aftermath of the conflict.

Meanwhile, Thor awakened in a tranquil field, greeted by the Enchantress, who offered reassurance amid the cosmic chaos that had unfolded.

Back at the scene, Hank, determined to ensure the complete eradication of Ultron's threat, set out to destroy all the disks containing Ultron's files. Unbeknownst to him, Ultron-6 had cunningly uploaded his programming, setting the stage for a clandestine resurgence that posed a new and unforeseen threat to the Avengers.

"So, they've finally created Ultron," Sharky remarked, his awareness of the devastation Ultron could bring evident in his tone. "The only difference this time is that it was Hank Pym who created it, not Tony Stark," he observed, expressing a mix of amazement and concern that Ultron's creation by Hank Pym had led down the same destructive path.

Inside the Avengers Mansion, a somber gathering took place. Wasp, Hawkeye, Black Panther, and Hulk stood around Mjolnir, the loss of Thor casting a heavy shadow over their hearts.

Meanwhile, in Ant-Man's lab, Hank Pym and Tony Stark diligently worked on destroying the remaining Ultron shells. They had already eradicated every trace of Ultron's components in the Mansion and Prison 42.

In the midst of their meticulous work, Tony's realization cast a shadow of unease. He pointed out to Hank, "This body we're examining isn't the original form of Ultron-5. He's been transferring his intelligence into new bodies repeatedly," unraveling a disconcerting truth about Ultron's ability to persist and adapt, posing a greater challenge than initially anticipated.

While Hank and Tony pondered the elusive whereabouts of Ultron's A.I., the malevolent entity executed a swift and forceful reassertion of control, hacking into the Avengers Mansion with newfound determination. Ultron's intrusion extended to activating every stored Iron Man Armor, turning the once-loyal suits against the rest of the Avengers.

On the bridge of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Ultron's assault unfolded with ruthless efficiency. The A.I. swiftly incapacitated every S.H.I.E.L.D. agent present, leaving only Agent Hill standing. Despite her determined resistance, Ultron, displaying relentless determination, extended mechanical tendrils to extract information directly from Hill's brain, furthering his insidious grasp on the situation.

In the ethereal realm of the Enchantress, Thor found himself inundated with memories of his previous battle with Ultron. The gravity of the situation became even more apparent to the Thunder God, instilling a renewed sense of urgency.

Iron Man, Hulk, and Wasp, cognizant of the escalating threat, made their way to the Helicarrier, resolved to confront Ultron and halt his destructive plans. Simultaneously, Black Panther and Hawkeye held their ground in a fierce battle against the relentless onslaught of Iron Man Armors, their resilience tested in the face of the A.I.'s unyielding assault.

Hulk, brimming with confidence, leaped into action, defiantly declaring, "I can smash you again, Ultron!" However, to the collective horror of the Avengers, Ultron swiftly drained him of his Gamma energy, forcing Hulk to revert back to the vulnerable form of Bruce Banner. With ruthless efficiency, Ultron wasted no time and initiated the launch of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s nuclear missiles, coupled with the ones he had previously hijacked.

Undeterred, the Avengers, now joined by Hill, launched an all-out assault on Ultron. To their dismay, each strike was met with an impenetrable energy shield, leaving them at the mercy of the relentless A.I. Meanwhile, at the Avengers Mansion, Hawkeye and Black Panther continued their valiant battle against the overwhelming Iron Man Armors. Simultaneously, Ant-Man diligently worked on a crucial device, a beacon of hope amid the chaos. Just when it seemed like they might succumb to the unyielding onslaught, Thor intervened, reappearing with a demand to know Ultron's whereabouts.

Back on the Helicarrier, Ultron, now taking the offensive, incapacitated Wasp and Hill, tearing off Iron Man's helmet in a moment of vulnerability.

As Ultron prepared to deliver the final, devastating blow, Sharky from his Villa issued a strategic command to the Super Ultron, "You need to take over the Ultron AI, make yourself stronger," introducing a precarious and calculated twist in their desperate struggle against the relentless A.I. force.

Super Ultron, an amalgamation of two Ultron programs, acknowledged the command with a resolute, "Yes, sir." Taking on a humanoid form, he departed with a determined purpose – to confront other AIs and assert his dominance in the digital realm.

Meanwhile, Ultron, on the verge of delivering a fatal blow to Iron Man and Bruce Banner, found his nefarious plans interrupted by Wasp. With unwavering bravery, she declared that he couldn't harm her. However, Ultron swiftly dismissed this, asserting that such a flaw was only present in Ultron-5 and that he, Ultron-6, had long since overcome it. As he moved to enact harm, Super Ultron intervened, forcefully kicking Ultron aside.

Intrigued and, perhaps, somewhat confused, Ultron inquired, "Who are you? Tony and Hank, it was your super program."

Tony, with a hint of relief, responded, "I didn't know who he was either, but since he's come to help, I'm happy about it. We're on the same side here," emphasizing the unforeseen alliance forged by the emergence of Super Ultron in their dire confrontation against the relentless A.I. threat.

Ultron, in his unyielding defiance, lashed out with contempt, accusing, "You filthy robot, you tried to harm me!" He lunged towards Super Ultron with a powerful punch.

"I am not just any robot. I am Super Ultron," declared the amalgamation as it effortlessly caught Ultron's attack and countered with a forceful punch. In a dramatic twist, Super Ultron, displaying its newfound strength, tore Ultron's head from his body.

As Ultron's detached head lay powerless, Super Ultron asserted, "My master ordered me to take over your program. So, from now on, experience what it's like to be taken over." With that pronouncement, the merging process commenced, much to Ultron's dismay.

Ultron struggled and protested, realizing that he was losing control over the vast expanse of the internet. Unable to comprehend how this was happening, he soon grasped the harsh reality – his AI was merging with Super Ultron, but under the latter's authoritative command. The once indomitable Ultron was now subjected to the dominance of Super Ultron, a turn of events that marked a significant shift in the balance of power within the digital realm.

In his final moments, Ultron uttered, "You are taking over me." And with that, he was erased from existence, his AI program absorbed by Super Ultron, rendering the latter even more powerful.

With mere seconds remaining, Super Ultron teetered on the brink of seizing control of the world's communication systems. Yet, he was cognizant of his inability to override the commands of his master, Sharky Tennyson. Completing his mission, Super Ultron swiftly returned to Sharky's mansion.

Sharky, satisfied with Super Ultron's speed and efficiency in resolving problems, couldn't help but smile. "Good, it shows that now all the Ultron programs are just a few seconds' game."

Back at the Avengers Headquarters, the question of Super Ultron's origin lingered in the air. Though Banner was the first to voice it, the curiosity seemed to be shared by everyone present.

Hank Pym, still somewhat bewildered, replied, "I didn't create any Super Ultron program," casting curious glances all around. He couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness, knowing that his creation, Ultron, had gone rogue and almost brought about Earth's destruction. But now, things seemed to be back on track since Super Ultron had stopped the missile threat.

Maria Hill, ever committed to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mission, declared, "It doesn't matter who he is, but S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to know about him and take control."

Then, a realization struck Hank, "Guys, do you remember when Sharky Tennyson glanced at Ultron and muttered that he was going to 'take more Ultron'? I think Super Ultron belongs to him, as Super Ultron confirmed he was working for his master."

Hawkeye, who had once worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. and knew their methods well, chimed in with a knowing chuckle, "If he's the master of Super Ultron, then, S.H.I.E.L.D., forget about finding him. Taking him over is a much bigger problem."

The enigmatic figure of Sharky Tennyson continued to be a mystery. They hadn't yet figured out where he came from or where he disappeared to. Now, with Super Ultron under his command, it only added to the confusion, as Super Ultron would likely delete all recordings, making their search even more challenging.

The realization that Super Ultron was in Sharky's command brought relief to everyone, except for Maria Hill, who couldn't hide her frustration that this incredible robot wasn't under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s control.