
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 49 - Gamma Radiation

Thor, wielding Mjolnir with determined resolve, launched into a fierce confrontation with Graviton. However, to his astonishment, the godly strikes seemed futile against the gravity-wielding adversary. Graviton, demonstrating formidable prowess, gained the upper hand by forcefully impaling Thor into the ground beneath the unforgiving ocean depths.

With Thor incapacitated, Graviton shifted his attention to Nick Fury, utilizing his gravity-manipulating abilities to wrench Wasp away from her valiant rescue efforts. The situation grew increasingly dire as the clash intensified.

Amidst the chaos, Iron Man, deploying his tactical acumen, ambushed Graviton and initiated a scan to understand the extent of the villain's powers. However, in an unexpected twist, Graviton abruptly seized Iron Man, pulling him away into the vastness of space, leaving a trail of uncertainty in his wake.

Ant-Man, undeterred by the escalating danger, activated his belt, undergoing a remarkable transformation into the towering Giant Man. Attempting to seize Graviton, Giant Man extended his colossal grasp, only for the cunning antagonist to elude his massive clutches, perpetuating the turmoil.

As the relentless conflict unfolded, Graviton, undeterred, closed in on Fury, determined to bring the S.H.I.E.L.D. leader to his knees. To his surprise, Graviton's grip closed around a life model decoy, a clever ruse orchestrated by the ever-resourceful Fury. The real Fury, strategically concealed behind containers, observed the unfolding events with a shrewd gaze.

In a bold move, Graviton, oblivious to the ruse, targeted and lifted a container, heightening the tension.

In the vast expanse of space, Iron Man, liberated by the altered gravity, swiftly soared toward the unfolding battle on Earth. Meanwhile, Graviton, having unleashed chaos in the city below, poised to utilize his gravity-manipulating powers against Thor. However, just as the clash reached a critical juncture, Iron Man, flying with determination, fired his formidable unibeam, effectively impaling Graviton to the ground and disrupting his impending assault.

As the battle unfolded on Earth, the Hulk, a colossal force of raw power, thundered onto the scene, forcefully pushing Graviton into the harbor. The remainder of the heroic team, including Ant-Man, Wasp, Giant Man, and Thor, converged on the location, prepared to confront the formidable adversary.

Hulk, resilient against Graviton's gravitational onslaught, engaged in a formidable confrontation, the earth-shaking clash a testament to the immense power at play. Ant-Man, leveraging his enhanced helmet, joined the fray, strategically distracting Graviton by orchestrating a red ant to deliver a well-timed bite to the villain's neck.

Seizing the opportune moment, the unified team, consisting of Iron Man, Giant Man, Wasp, Hulk, and Thor, unleashed a symphony of their most potent attacks against the now-distracted Graviton. The culmination of their combined efforts left Graviton exhausted and crumbling to his knees, the overwhelming onslaught taking its toll.

In a final decisive move, Wasp, embodying precision and finesse, delivered the finishing blow with a skillful sting, causing Graviton to fall into a state of unconsciousness. The triumphant team, having successfully joined forces, stood united in the aftermath of their hard-fought victory. The heroes of the universe had prevailed, restoring a semblance of order in the wake of the clash that had tested their mettle and unity.

"Finally they have shown, together they can do anything," Sharky smiled as he watched the events unfolding on the holographic displays. It was clear that the team had come together and achieved a victory. The heroes of Universe 8096 had managed to overcome the formidable Graviton, demonstrating the power of teamwork and unity.

"Hurray, we have won the fight! Why not celebrate it?" Thor suggests jubilantly, his exuberance evident as he extends heartfelt hugs to his fellow victorious heroes.

However, amidst the joyous atmosphere, a stern voice interjects, as one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents insists, "We need to capture the Hulk." Tension immediately permeates the air, setting the stage for a potential conflict.

"No, you will not," Iron Man asserts firmly, his resolve evident as he steps forward to defend the Hulk, signaling his unwavering commitment to the unity of the heroic team.

Fury, the stalwart leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., intervenes decisively. "Stand away," he orders his men, a command that echoes with authority. Turning his attention to the assembled superheroes, Fury delivers a sobering revelation, his expression grave. "Seventy-four supervillains have escaped," he announces, casting a shadow over the momentary celebration.

The news of the escaped supervillains injects a renewed sense of urgency into the situation, highlighting the ever-present challenges that heroes face in maintaining order.

Iron Man, a beacon of pragmatism, seeks clarity amidst the revelation. "How did it happen?" he inquires, prompting a collective quest for understanding among the gathered heroes.

Nick Fury, ever the strategist, responds, "I don't know why it happened, but why don't you all consider joining S.H.I.E.L.D.?" The suggestion hangs in the air, inviting contemplation on the heroes' part.

However, Ant-Man, perceptive and unyielding, doesn't shy away from voicing a pointed accusation. "Fury, it's because of your desires that you created Graviton," he asserts, unveiling an undercurrent of tension and suspicion.

Tony Stark, the voice of reason in the midst of brewing conflict, interjects, "Well, one thing is correct – we need to work as a team. Together, we have a chance. What we did here can change things. The world needs us, but not as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents – as a team of our own." Stark's vision extends beyond the confines of established organizations, as he passionately advocates for a more independent alliance. "Together, we can avenge the wrongs caused by all these villains," he declares, rallying the heroes with a shared purpose.

Wasp, with a resolute nod, declares, "We can be Avengers!"

"Hmm, that's a good name," Hulk grins, appreciating the simplicity and resonance of the suggested moniker.

Meanwhile, Clay Quartermain, ever diligent, reports to Fury, "Sir, Graviton was not the only one who caused the breakout." The revelation hangs in the air, leaving Fury to ponder the depths of the unfolding crisis.

Fury, with a furrowed brow, wonders aloud, "Then who caused it?" The mystery deepens, setting the stage for a new layer of challenges the Avengers must confront.

"So, in the end, they've formed the Avengers," Sharky remarks, a spectator to the events unfolding in Universe 8096. The formation of this newfound team sparks intrigue and anticipation. "This is going to be interesting," he murmurs, his gaze fixed on the holographic displays that unveil the birth of Universe 8096's own team of Avengers.

Resuming his routine after a restful night's sleep, Sharky finds himself grappling with a sense of longing for his wives. Despite this emotional undercurrent, he steels himself and redirects his focus to the holographic displays. Super Ultron, a reliable companion, provides a global view of events. Amidst the myriad scenes unfolding across the earth, one captures their attention, promising intrigue and significance.

In this particular scene, the Mandrill finds himself in the midst of a theft, only to be swiftly thwarted by the Wasp, her commanding voice calling on him to surrender. Despite her warning, Mandrill scoffs at the notion until the arrival of Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, and the Hulk. Iron Man, with a confident declaration, asserts, "One down, seventy-three to go," setting the tone for the Avengers' pursuit of justice.

Simultaneously, on a cargo ship and at the dock, a stowaway engages in a tense confrontation with a group of determined sailors aiming to capture him. The sailors, however, prove to be no match for the agility and prowess of the Black Panther, who gracefully maneuvers through the conflict. With a leap off the ship into the dark Manhattan night, the enigmatic hero disappears into the shadows.

Back at the designated location for the Avengers Mansion, Pepper Potts encounters a punctual Hulk, marking the beginning of a significant rendezvous. Iron Man takes charge, providing the assembled Avengers with a guided tour of their new headquarters. Meanwhile, Pepper efficiently distributes the much-anticipated Avenger ID cards, a symbolic step in formalizing their roles within this formidable team.

In the aftermath of recent events, Iron Man takes a moment to address the Avengers, providing crucial information about the state of super-prisons. He mentions that despite the destruction of old super-prisons like the Big House, his close associate Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four is diligently working on constructing the Negative Zone prison to house the remaining escapees. The mention of this new facility adds a layer of anticipation and strategic planning to the Avengers' mission.

Simultaneously, in the heart of the Avengers Mansion, Hank Pym dedicates himself to perfecting his prototype Ultron head, immersing himself in the intricate details of the design. Meanwhile, Jan makes a bold decision, opting to leave her penthouse apartment and move into the Avengers Mansion, where Thor and Hulk have already taken up residence. Her reasoning, succinctly expressed to Pym, echoes a sense of camaraderie: "Firemen sleep in the firehouse."

As the Avengers settle into their new headquarters, JARVIS, the ever-watchful artificial intelligence, alerts Thor to an intruder tampering with the Mansion's security. This unforeseen challenge prompts Thor to suggest a joint patrol of the premises with Hulk, a decision that sets the stage for unexpected developments.

The Avengers' patrol leads them to Central Park, where tensions between Thor and Hulk escalate into a brawl. The clash between these mighty beings unfolds against the backdrop of the urban landscape, adding a dynamic element to the Avengers' journey as they grapple not only with external threats but also the internal dynamics within their formidable team.

As Thor and Hulk's bickering continued in Central Park, Sharky, ever the astute observer, remarked, "It looks like, no matter in whichever universe, Thor and Hulk, if together, they fight over every little matter." The eternal dynamic between these two powerhouse Avengers transcends universes, showcasing a consistent and entertaining element in the tapestry.

The Avengers' momentary respite is shattered by a surprise attack from the Executioner, catching Iron Man off guard. The formidable trio of the Enchantress and the Executioner challenges the Avengers, forcing them into a high-stakes confrontation. Hulk, ever the unpredictable force, intervenes just in the nick of time, rescuing Giant-Man from an impending and dire fate. Thor, harnessing his mystic lightning, steps in to recharge Iron Man's damaged armor, a testament to the cohesive yet diverse skills of the Avengers.

In the ensuing clash, the Enchantress is defeated, but the cunning Executioner manipulates time and space, effecting a strategic escape with the unconscious Enchantress in tow. The Avengers, momentarily victorious yet aware of their limitations, grapple with the ever-present challenges that the landscape presents.

Post-battle, a surprising turn of events unfolds as Hulk, grappling with his internal struggles, decides to quit the team. Expressing a deep-seated belief that he sees himself as a monster and doesn't belong with the Avengers, Hulk bounds away, leaving the rest of the team to return to the Mansion, their ranks diminished and the air heavy with a sense of uncertainty. Unbeknownst to them, their actions are being silently observed by the enigmatic Black Panther, setting the stage for further intrigue within the Avengers' dynamic.

Hulk, wrestling with his inner turmoil, embarked on a solitary journey to the arctic north. There, he stumbled upon a surprising discovery – Captain America's shield, encased in the ice.

Meanwhile, Sharky continued his vigilant monitoring of the Avengers' activities on the holographic displays. Despite the absence of particularly challenging situations, the landscape remained dynamic, keeping the heroes on their toes.

The Avengers, recognizing the urgency of locating the missing Hulk, initiated a mission. Iron Man, utilizing his advanced technology, detected a faint life sign and instructed Wasp to investigate. Her exploration led to the unexpected discovery of the frozen body of Captain America. In a swift response, they brought him onto the Quinjet, where Steve Rogers abruptly awoke, disoriented and immediately launching into an attack against the Avengers.

Steve Rogers' tumultuous actions were rooted in the depths of PTSD, a haunting consequence of the loss of his partner, Bucky Barnes, and the Red Skull's triumph. Consumed by the belief that HYDRA had captured Bucky, he mistook Iron Man for a HYDRA automaton, unleashing his pent-up emotions and trauma upon the unsuspecting Avengers.

Simultaneously, within the shadowed corridors of the Avengers Mansion, Black Panther undertook a covert infiltration, driven by a quest for more information about the enigmatic team that now occupied the stage.

As tensions unfolded, the Avengers made their way to Ellis Island, choosing a poignant setting – a war memorial statue. The statue, adorned with figures of Captain America, Bucky, Wolverine, Jack Fury, Dum Dum Dugan, and their allies, served as a solemn backdrop for the unfolding revelation. Tony Stark took on the responsibility of explaining the complex situation to Captain America, clarifying that they had emerged victorious in the war, and the Red Skull had been defeated. The poignant exchange highlighted the weight of history and the enduring impact of past conflicts on the present, adding a layer of depth to the Avengers' journey.

In the wake of their revelation at Ellis Island, Steve Rogers, grappling with hope and uncertainty, suggested, "If I am alive, then Bucky might be too." Wasp, the bearer of the unfortunate news, responded, "We didn't find any trace of him." The weight of the unspoken possibilities lingered as the Avengers brought Cap to the Avengers Mansion, providing him with a room to process the complex emotions and questions that now engulfed him.

Simultaneously, at a HYDRA base, an alert agent reported the startling news that Captain America was indeed alive. This revelation prompted Baron Zemo to depart for Arnim Zola's base, setting the stage for an unfolding narrative.

In a separate event, the nefarious Doughboy was dispatched to launch an attack on the Statue of Liberty. Iron Man, Thor, and Ant-Man swiftly mobilized to confront this formidable adversary, creating a dynamic clash in the heart of the ongoing drama.

As tensions reached a critical point, Zemo, driven by his own dark agenda, was on the verge of striking Steve, intending to convey the message that surrendering Bucky to the Red Skull would pave the way for the Winter Soldier. However, a timely intervention occurred as Black Panther, swift and strategic, threw Cap his shield. This unexpected move not only saved Steve's life but also led to the triumphant defeat of Doughboy.

In a gesture of camaraderie, Iron Man extended a warm welcome to Captain America, acknowledging him as a co-leader within the Avengers. As the team dynamic evolved, Captain America expressed his curiosity about meeting the mysterious figure in the black cat suit who had intervened to save him from Zemo's imminent strike. The lingering intrigue set the stage for an eventual encounter that promised to add a new layer to the team's dynamics.

In the Avengers Mansion, conversations unfolded among the team members. Sharky, noting Captain America's inclusion, remarked, "So Steve has also joined the team. Now only Falcon, Black Widow, and Hawkeye are left to complete the team."

Simultaneously, at Zola's base, a nefarious turn of events transpired as the Enchantress and Executioner carried out the murder of Arnim Zola. This dark act marked a significant development, solidifying Zemo's allegiance with the Masters of Evil, orchestrated by Loki's calculated orders.

Immersed in the unfolding adventures of the Avengers on the holographic displays, Sharky's attention shifted to the narrative centering around Black Panther.

T'Challa, the newly donned Black Panther, made a striking entrance, introducing himself to the Avengers. He revealed the dire state of his homeland, Wakanda, which had been overthrown by the formidable Man-Ape. The Avengers, responding to the call for aid, embarked on a journey to Wakanda, where they became entwined in a complex web of challenges, including the quest to help T'Challa reclaim his family's throne and avenge his father's tragic demise. Additionally, the looming threats of Klaw and the Grim Reaper added layers of complexity to their mission.

In the heart of Wakanda, a multifaceted confrontation unfolded. While Panther and Captain America confronted the formidable Man-Ape, Iron Man, Wasp, and Ant-Man engaged in a high-stakes battle against Klaw, who had mutated into a menacing sound monster. The clash showcased the Avengers' collective prowess and their ability to navigate diverse challenges.

The resolution of the conflict saw Panther emerging victorious over Man-Ape, reclaiming the throne and restoring order to Wakanda. Simultaneously, Iron Man, through strategic prowess, removed Klaw's sonic emitter from his stomach, ultimately defeating the formidable adversary. With Wakanda secured, Black Panther expressed a sincere desire to earn the trust of the Avengers and join their esteemed ranks.

The narrative unfolded in the bustling streets of Manhattan, where Iron Man, Wasp, Black Panther, and Captain America engaged in a pursuit of Hawkeye across the city's rooftops. The dynamics of the chase presented unexpected challenges, creating an intricate tapestry of obstacles that the Avengers had to navigate. Despite the difficulties, the heroes eventually succeeded in cornering Hawkeye, setting the stage for a pivotal moment.

With determination in his voice, Tony Stark issued a directive, "Capture him." However, the unfolding drama took an unforeseen turn as a S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft, carrying the enigmatic Agent Quartermain, descended upon the scene. This unexpected intervention provided Hawkeye with the opportunity to slip away, evading the grasp of the Avengers.

Iron Man, fueled by frustration and a sense of betrayal, expressed his fury, admonishing Quartermain, "You've allowed a traitor to escape. Don't interfere in our matters." The tension in the air hung thick as the Avengers grappled with the consequences of the escape.

In response to Iron Man's rebuke, Quartermain offered an explanation, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "We need help from the Avengers, and it's a matter of the utmost importance," he asserted, hinting at the complexities that had prompted S.H.I.E.L.D. to seek the assistance of Earth's mightiest heroes.

The narrative unfolded in the vast expanse of the Nevada desert, where Iron Man and the assembled Avengers found themselves escorted by S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jets, their destination shrouded in secrecy. The tension in the air was palpable as the heroes, accompanied by an air of mystery, hurtled towards an undisclosed location.

Tony Stark, never one to shy away from voicing his opinions, expressed his frustration with the clandestine nature of the mission. "I'm not happy about the secrecy. Why won't you give us any information? At least tell us something about Nick Fury," he shouted, his impatience evident in his words. The lack of transparency regarding the mission and the enigmatic Nick Fury fueled the growing sense of unease among the Avengers.

Agent Quartermain, maintaining a stoic demeanor, responded to Tony's inquiries with a firm denial of information. "We will not provide any information. It's better to show you the problem rather than explain it," he asserted, reinforcing the notion that the gravity of the situation surpassed mere words.

The convoy of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers swiftly approached their destination, and soon, the enigma of their mission unfolded before them: The Cube, encased within a protective green energy dome that cast an eerie glow on the horizon.

Captain America, the embodiment of stalwart virtue, couldn't hide his shock as he exclaimed, "Look, on the horizon, what is this..."

Drawing upon his technical expertise, Tony Stark stepped in to shed light on the enigma. "The dome is made of pure Gamma Radiation," he explained to the team, unraveling the mysterious composition of the energy barrier that enveloped The Cube.

As the Avengers absorbed this revelation, their attention was drawn to a figure approaching them. Dr. Samson, once a familiar face, had undergone a dramatic transformation due to intense gamma exposure. The disappointment in his expression became evident when he realized that the elusive Bruce Banner, a fellow gamma-infused individual, was not among the Avengers.

Dr. Samson, now a bearer of critical information, took charge, showcasing footage of a perilous incursion into The Cube by a combined team of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hulkbuster units.

"As you can see," Samson began his elucidation, "the team that arrived was ambushed by The Abomination. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part is when they went inside. They were transformed into Gamma Monsters," he revealed, the gravity of his words sinking in as he unraveled the dire consequences of the attempted mission.

The revelation continued as Samson pointed to the mastermind behind this unfolding crisis. "The person responsible for it is a gamma villain known as The Leader. And the dome he created is expanding. If it isn't stopped, it will hit a town or major city within a few hours," he concluded, emphasizing the urgency that loomed over their mission.

Sensing the weight of responsibility, Iron Man, the pragmatic leader, posed the critical question to his fellow Avengers, "So... who wants to go in first?"

Dr. Samson presented a set of prototype radiation suits designed to shield the wearer from gamma radiation, to which the team agreed to use.

Equipped with a set of prototype radiation suits designed by Dr. Samson to shield them from the perils of gamma radiation, the Avengers concurred to don the protective gear.

"Good, now we can enter more safely," Hank Pym commented, acknowledging the importance of the specialized suits in navigating the hazardous environment.

The team, now clad in the radiation-resistant gear, ventured into the expanding gamma dome, accompanied by Samson, Quartermain, and two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents serving as crucial backup. Their initial foray, however, quickly escalated into a harrowing battle against the transformed remnants of the previous team, now mutated into formidable Gamma Monsters.

The confrontation tested the Avengers' mettle, with conventional S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons proving ineffective against the monstrous adversaries. Despite the odds, the Avengers demonstrated their resilience and strategic prowess, ultimately prevailing in the face of adversity. The climactic moment unfolded as the last remaining agent, bearing a resemblance to the Hulk, was easily subdued through the coordinated efforts of Panther and Steve, marking a hard-fought victory within the confines of the expanding gamma dome.

Samson, ever the analytical mind, scrutinized the transformed bodies and shared his findings, "It's good. As soon as the infected agents leave the gamma dome, they should revert back to their human form," providing a glimmer of hope amid the chaos within the expanding gamma dome.

Impressed by Samson's combat prowess during the encounter, Wasp couldn't help but extend an invitation. "Have you ever considered joining the Avengers?" she inquired. However, Samson, keeping his options open, responded, "I'll think about it another time, not now," leaving the possibility open for future collaboration.

Acknowledging the urgency of their mission, the Avengers understood the importance of dismantling the generator responsible for the gamma dome. Panther, ever vigilant, pointed out the apparent ease with which they entered, raising suspicions of a trap set by The Leader.

Their apprehensions materialized when they found themselves ambushed by an unknown adversary: the formidable U-foes, catapulting the Avengers into a new phase of the struggle within the confines of the gamma-infused battleground.

"Welcome to The Cube," Vector laughed sinisterly, reveling in their apparent triumph. "We didn't need to 'beat' the Avengers to win..."

The situation escalated rapidly as Zzzax launched a vicious attack on the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Wasp, effortlessly tearing through their gamma-resistant suits. Thor, with lightning-fast reflexes, attempted to intervene, but the damage had been done. The Avengers could only stand helpless as Wasp underwent a painful metamorphosis, transforming into a wasp-like creature – the dreaded Gamma Wasp.

From the vantage point of the control room within the gamma prison, The Leader, orchestrating this cosmic chess match, observed the unfolding chaos with a sinister satisfaction. "Wasp... put the good doctor out of his misery," he commanded, manipulating the crown that controlled Gamma Wasp. With ruthless determination, Gamma Wasp moved to execute The Leader's command, attempting to take Samson's life.