
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 36 - Mephisto

After bidding Carol goodbye, Sharky returned to the comfort of his home, a sanctuary where he indulged in his favorite pastime—watching Spidey on his state-of-the-art Upgrade TV.

"Spidey and his friends are training with LMDs," Sharky mused, reclining in his favorite chair and savoring a bunch of grapes as he kept his eyes glued to the vibrant scenes unfolding on the Upgrade TV screen.

In the midst of the seemingly routine training, a sudden twist injected an unexpected thrill. The Life Model Decoys (LMDs), originally programmed for simulated combat, unsheathed their deadliest blades and blasters, transforming the training session into a perilous ordeal for Spidey and his comrades.

"LMDs have turned against the command. Even Nick Fury can't maintain control over his training robots," Sharky remarked with a chuckle, his amusement tinged with a hint of excitement. The unexpected turn of events added an element of suspense to the Spidey narrative, and Sharky found himself captivated by the unfolding chaos on the Upgrade TV screen.

As the Upgrade TV continued to unveil its gripping narrative A revelation emerged—Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. had unraveled a sinister plot concocted by the mutant techno-mage Arcade. His malevolent scheme involved the detonation of 12 nuclear bombs that threatened to plunge the United States of America into chaos.

The tension escalated when Captain America strode into the high-stakes briefing room, only to be unexpectedly assaulted by Director Fury. The room crackled with intensity as the gravity of the situation became palpable.

Amidst the unfolding drama, Captain America, now at the helm of an assault aircraft, embarked on a critical mission. However, the unexpected took center stage when he detected a subtle noise around the cockpit. To his surprise, Spider-Man had assumed the role of a stowaway, adding a layer of unpredictability to the mission.

In a heartbeat, the aircraft found itself under siege by relentless drones, pushing Spider-Man and Captain America to make a split-second decision. The duo, facing the imminent threat, had no choice but to eject from the aircraft. As they hurtled through the skies, their focus shifted to manipulating the drones, turning them into an unconventional means of transportation that would carry them to the enigmatic destination of Madripoor.

As Spidey and Cap touched down in Madripoor, the vibrant cityscape unfolded before them. Their arrival was met by the unmistakable presence of Wolverine, his adamantium claws slicing through Arcade's Life Model Decoys (LMDs). Wolverine, ever the enigmatic figure, feigned a berserker rage and seamlessly transitioned into a sparring match with Captain America.

Amidst the whirlwind of action, the two veteran heroes exchanged crucial information, aligning their strategies against the nefarious plots of Arcade. Quips and banter flowed freely as Spidey and Wolverine, known for their quick wit, traded humorous remarks in the midst of the chaotic confrontation.

The trio, a formidable alliance of Spider-Man, Captain America, and Wolverine, confronted Arcade in a showdown that transcended reality. Arcade, ever the tech-savvy adversary, utilized a virtual battle facility, deployed a legion of LMDs, and even unleashed a Sentinel to engage the heroes in what seemed like a live-action video game.

The battle unfolded on multiple fronts as the heroes faced off against LMD doppelgangers, including uncanny duplicates of The Hulk and Red Hulk. The virtual battleground pulsated with energy as they also grappled with hordes of assault droids unleashed by Arcade.

In a climactic turn of events, the combined might of Spidey, Cap, and Wolverine prevailed. The relentless assault on LMDs, the towering Sentinel, and the assault droids culminated in Arcade's defeat. Persuaded to disarm the looming nuclear threat, Arcade was apprehended by the trio of heroes, bringing an end to the drama that had unfolded in the vibrant streets of Madripoor. The city, once a battleground, returned to its bustling normalcy, with the heroes standing victorious against the machinations of a villainous mind.

"Really, the training machines turned into a hell for them, even Wolverine and Steve had to solve this program. It shows Nick Fury's technology was so useless, easily hacked by anyone," Sharky expressed his disappointment in Nick Fury's technology, which had turned LMDs into enemy weapons.

As the days unfolded, Sharky once again immersed himself in the captivating narratives of Spidey's adventures, finding himself amazed by the unfolding events. One of the truly remarkable incidents that captured his attention involved the legendary Dracula hatching a sinister plan to acquire the scattered pieces of the Tekhamentep's Ankh. His ultimate goal: to join the fragments together, rendering himself impervious to the traditional weaknesses that plagued vampires.

The gripping tale unfolded at the Museum of Natural History, where Spider-Man, unaware of the looming threat, had recently removed the Tekhamentep's Ankh from its cloaking shield. Dracula, seizing the opportune moment, descended upon the scene with an air of malevolence. In the shadowy corridors of the museum, he clashed with Blade and Spider-Man's formidable team.

The battle was intense, with Dracula showcasing his supernatural prowess by deftly thwarting Nova's supernova maneuver attack. In an unexpected twist, Dracula attempted to bite Power Man, only to be met with a surprising revelation—Power Man's invulnerability. Undeterred, Dracula swiftly adapted, employing his mind-control powers to manipulate Power Man into launching a relentless assault against Blade and the rest of the heroic team.

The museum, once a sanctuary of history, became a battleground where the forces of darkness clashed with the defenders of justice.

Amidst the chaos of Dracula's mind-controlled assault, Spider-Man's quick thinking became the linchpin of their salvation. Dracula, extending his mind-control sway over the entire team, found his influence thwarted by Spider-Man's tactical advantage—reflective lenses embedded in his mask. This resilient defense allowed Spider-Man to resist Dracula's mental manipulation.

With an acute awareness of their surroundings in the Herbarium, Spider-Man seized the moment. Activating the UV lights strategically placed in the botanical haven, he harnessed the power of sunlight—a vampire's bane. The searing beams inflicted harm upon Dracula, breaking the hypnotic hold over Spider-Man's mesmerized teammates.

In the wake of the confrontation, Spider-Man, supported by his now liberated allies, orchestrated Dracula's expulsion from the museum. The echoes of their triumph reverberated through the dimly lit corridors as they reclaimed the Herbarium from the clutches of darkness.

Returning to the Tricarrier, Spider-Man found himself face to face with Nick Fury, who introduced him to a new team—the Howling Commandos. This eclectic assembly comprised Werewolf by Night, N'Kantu the Living Mummy, and Frankenstein's Monster. The union of supernatural forces hinted at the challenges yet to come, as Spider-Man prepared to navigate the uncharted waters of this alliance.

With a sense of foreboding, Sharky commanded Super Ultron, "If anything goes wrong, assist them and stay close," a prelude to the uncertainties that awaited Spider-Man and the Howling Commandos in the unfolding chapters of their odyssey.

The battle reached a pivotal juncture as Spider-Man, accompanied by the Howling Commandos and Blade, embarked on a journey to Transylvania to confront Dracula. The eerie landscapes of Transylvania served as the backdrop for a climactic showdown. Through strategic maneuvers and the combined might of his supernatural allies, Spider-Man successfully defeated Dracula and his minions, rescuing his friends from the clutches of the vampire lord.

In the aftermath of the Transylvanian clash, a new challenge emerged. N'Kantu, empowered by Tekhamentep's Ankh, seized control of the artifact. In an awe-inspiring display of supernatural prowess, he restored his mummified form and teleported to Manhattan in giant size. There, he confronted Nick Fury and accused S.H.I.E.L.D. of treating the Howling Commandos as mere "freaks" in their collection.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier became the arena for the colossal confrontation between N'Kantu and the forces of Nick Fury. The clash escalated when, with the assistance of a giant-sized Man-Thing, Spider-Man used Blade's sword to skillfully remove Tekhamentep's Ankh from around N'Kantu's neck. The removal triggered a transformation, reverting N'Kantu to his mummy form.

In the aftermath of their struggle, Spider-Man expressed heartfelt gratitude to Blade and the Howling Commandos for their invaluable assistance. The drama, entwined with supernatural forces and alliances, continued to unfold with each twist and turn, leaving Sharky enthralled by their battle painted across the Upgrade TV screen.

As Sharky observed the intricate dynamics unfolding within their drama on the Upgrade TV screen, he couldn't help but chuckle at Nick Fury's adeptness in enlisting individuals considered "freaks" as integral members of S.H.I.E.L.D. The eclectic team of the Howling Commandos, each possessing unique and extraordinary abilities, highlighted Fury's skill in assembling a formidable force from individuals with diverse powers.

The concept of labeling individuals with extraordinary abilities as "freaks" struck a chord with Sharky, prompting him to reflect on the myriad terms used to describe such individuals—mutants, Inhumans, and superheroes. Each category showcased individuals endowed with exceptional powers, a concept not unfamiliar to Sharky given the diverse abilities within his Omnitrix Multiverse.

Wolverine, with his regenerative abilities and retractable blade-like claws, stood out as a prime example. While lacking regeneration, Rath's fierce combat skills mirrored Wolverine's tenacity.

Magneto's mastery over magnetism, especially metals, resonated with Lodestar's magnetic prowess, presenting a formidable force capable of manipulating the environment effortlessly.

The comparison extended to Charles Xavier, whose ability to manipulate minds found parallels with Hypno Tick or AmpFibian. The power to influence thoughts, shared by mutants, Inhumans, and various super-powered heroes, created an intriguing nexus of abilities.

Nonetheless, Sharky's primary concern now was pursuing She-Hulk to watch Spidey's adventures together, a sudden twist disrupted his plans. The emergence of a new team, the Sinister Six, orchestrated a nefarious scheme, forcibly transforming Norman Osborn back into the menacing Green Goblin.

The Green Goblin, now wielding newfound power, capitalized on the opportunity by capturing Spider-Man's team after a relentless clash with the Sinister Six. The tide turned against Spider-Man's allies, leaving them defeated and vulnerable in the clutches of the newly empowered Green Goblin. Unbeknownst to Spider-Man, his friends underwent a twisted transformation, morphing into goblin-like versions of themselves under the sinister influence of the Green Goblin.

To compound the impending threat, the Green Goblin unveiled a diabolical plan: to utilize the old Helicarrier, rechristened as the "Hell-Carrier," to release a gas over New York City. The gas, once unleashed, would transform innocent citizens into goblin-like beings, plunging the city into chaos.

Caught in the crossfire of a tumultuous battle, Spider-Man found himself isolated on the Helicarrier, facing his own transformed team. The lone hero fought valiantly against former allies, desperately trying to thwart the Green Goblin's malevolent scheme.

As the battle escalated, Sharky sensed the urgency of the situation. The unfolding events signaled that Spider-Man needed assistance, prompting Sharky to consider getting directly involved in the battle.

In a surge of determination, Sharky activated his Big Chill powers. He phased through the exterior of the Helicarrier, immersing himself in the unfolding chaos within. To his astonishment, he discovered that Nick Fury's agents, once stalwart defenders, had succumbed to the insidious transformation, now donned in Green Goblin forms.

As Sharky materialized within the Helicarrier, Spider-Man's eyes reflected a mix of relief and urgency. He implored Sharky's assistance in developing a formula to cure his friends and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from their goblinized state. However, Sharky had a different plan in mind, an approach rooted in his unique array of transformations.

"You don't need to worry. I'm here now. Just sit back and enjoy the show. I'm about to use one of my favorite transformations: Fourarms," Sharky declared with confidence. In a seamless display of his power, his body started growing bulkier as he assumed the formidable size of Fourarms.

With newfound strength coursing through his transformed body, Sharky leaped forward with remarkable agility. In a swift and calculated move, he subdued White Tiger, delivering a well-aimed strike to the head from both sides. The efficiency of his actions showcased his amazing powers, and set the stage for the unfolding battle against the goblinized adversaries within the confines of the Helicarrier.

Sharky advanced with precision toward Iron Fist, whose cognitive faculties had suffered a considerable decline under the influence of the Green Goblin transformation. Exploiting this vulnerability, Sharky effortlessly overwhelmed Iron Fist, delivering a decisive blow that left him incapacitated.

Turning his attention to Nova, Sharky recognized the heightened threat posed by Power Man in his goblinized state. With a seamless display of his prowess, he swiftly dealt with Nova before engaging in a formidable battle with the empowered Power Man.

"So, it seems you're quite strong, but let's see how you handle Humungousaur," Sharky declared with unwavering confidence. Dispensing with the need to assume the full Humungousaur form, he harnessed his size-altering abilities, doubling in stature to overpower Power Man. The ensuing confrontation culminated in a skillful display of his might, ultimately rendering Power Man unconscious, along with the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had succumbed to the Green Goblin's influence.

Having subdued every adversary within the Helicarrier, Sharky, guided by the unique powers of Gutrut, formulated the correct chemical mixture. Dispersing this solution throughout the confined space of the Helicarrier, he initiated a transformative process that successfully reverted Spider-Man's team members to their normal state.

"Now it's your turn to take action. I'm heading out, Big Chill," Sharky declared, a testament to his effective intervention in restoring order within the Helicarrier. With a sense of accomplishment, he gracefully exited the scene, leaving behind a subdued and now-restored environment.

Following Sharky's departure, Spider-Man and his team confronted the Green Goblin, who initiated the launch of gas-filled missiles. However, S.H.I.E.L.D. swiftly intervened, deploying countermeasures that neutralized the impending threat, ensuring the missiles posed no harm to the city below.

In the aftermath, Spider-Man, accompanied by White Tiger, faced off against the resolute Green Goblin. The skirmish intensified as Osborn fought fiercely, activating every trick in his arsenal. Nova, sensing the need for reinforcement, swiftly intervened, leveraging his strongest abilities to subdue the relentless Osborn.

Despite their combined efforts, Osborn's resistance reached its limit. In a climactic moment, he stumbled and ultimately fell into the water below, symbolizing his defeat. S.H.I.E.L.D. promptly apprehended the fallen Green Goblin, ensuring he remained trapped in his goblin form, a lasting consequence of his malevolent actions.

Back on the Tri-Carrier, the team gathered to congratulate Spider-Man for his heroic efforts in saving them from the clutches of the Green Goblin. Curiosity lingered in the air as they inquired about the mysterious ally who had intervened during the crucial battle. Unaware of Sharky's identity, origins, and the full extent of his powers, the team contemplated the enigmatic figure who had played a pivotal role in turning the tide of the confrontation.

On a newfound mission to win She-Hulk's heart, Sharky embarked on the pursuit of the green-skinned beauty. The first challenge was to locate her, a task for which he enlisted the assistance of Super Ultron, his ever-reliable ally.

"Ultron, search for She-Hulk," Sharky instructed Super Ultron with a determined tone. After a brief pause, the mechanical entity swiftly processed the request, delivering results in a matter of seconds. "Sir, She-Hulk is near Texas, heading in a certain direction," Super Ultron relayed detailed information about She-Hulk's current whereabouts.

"Okay," Sharky responded with a resolute expression. With a burst of strength, he took to the skies, flying towards Texas with unwavering determination. The prospect of making She-Hulk his girlfriend fueled his resolve, providing a new direction where she will served him.

As he soared through the skies, Sharky envisioned a future where he and She-Hulk would share moments of loving connection, and watched the Spidey Action packed on Upgrade TV.

In the desolate expanse of Texas, a supernatural spectacle of monumental proportions unfolded. The battleground was set, featuring a formidable clash between a demonic entity and a being shrouded in mystical flames.

The demonic entity, with a devilish visage characterized by red skin, glowing yellow eyes, and razor-sharp teeth, confronted a figure whose skull-like head was ablaze with otherworldly fire. The latter, draped in a dark leather jacket and pants, wielded a mystical chain infused with hellfire – none other than Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider. Cursed to embody the Spirit of Vengeance, Ghost Rider raced across the moonless night on his flaming motorcycle, determined to confront the sinister force that had descended upon Earth.

As Ghost Rider traversed the eerie landscape, his flaming eyes radiated an ethereal glow, echoing the intensity of his supernatural mission. His target: Mephisto, the lord of the underworld, whose nefarious intentions sought to claim innocent souls and plunge the world into an abyss of darkness.

The ethereal confrontation reached its climax as Ghost Rider tracked Mephisto's malevolent influence to a defiled cathedral. Once a sacred haven, the structure now stood tainted by the demonic lord's presence, setting the stage for a battle that transcended the realms of the living and the damned.

Johnny Blaze dismounted his roaring motorcycle, the air crackling with the intensity of his determination and righteous fury. Clad in leather, his figure exuded a sense of impending battle, signaling that a cataclysmic confrontation between good and evil was on the brink of eruption.

Amidst the desecrated walls of the unholy cathedral, Ghost Rider, with a deafening roar, confronted Mephisto. The demonic lord, shrouded in a cloak of darkness, grinned with sinister pleasure as he observed the fiery entity standing resolute before him.

"Johnny Blaze, the Spirit of Vengeance. How delightful to have you as my adversary," Mephisto sneered, his voice dripping with malevolence.

Ghost Rider's response resonated with an otherworldly quality. "Mephisto, your reign of terror ends now. I will not allow you to claim innocent souls and further corrupt this world."

The clash between Ghost Rider and Mephisto unfurled within the tainted cathedral, the very air pulsating with the essence of their opposing forces.

Mephisto's eyes blazed with the fires of hell, casting an eerie glow as he unleashed his demonic powers. Bolts of dark energy shot forth, hurtling towards Ghost Rider with malevolent intent. Yet, the Spirit of Vengeance exhibited uncanny agility, deftly maneuvering through the onslaught. With swift swerves and calculated weaves, Ghost Rider skillfully evaded the sinister attacks, his flaming form an elusive beacon in the unholy battleground.

In response, Ghost Rider initiated a counterattack, wielding his chains of justice with furious precision. Each strike carried the weight of righteous fury, the ethereal chains searing through the demonic flesh of Mephisto. Trails of ethereal fire marked the path of justice as Ghost Rider's relentless assault unfolded. However, Mephisto, a formidable adversary, met each strike with his own dark magic. In a display of his unholy might, he summoned legions of hellish creatures to bolster his forces.

The cathedral bore witness to the epic clash, its foundations trembling under the immense weight of their otherworldly confrontations. Despite the formidable opposition, Ghost Rider's determination remained unyielding. Fueled by an unwavering commitment to justice and a relentless desire to shield the innocent from the clutches of darkness, the Spirit of Vengeance pressed forward in a struggle that transcended the boundaries between the mortal realm and the infernal abyss.

In the heart of the bustling city, Ghost Rider's tumultuous clash with Mephisto brought chaos and destruction, casting a shadow of peril over innocent bystanders. As the situation teetered on the brink of catastrophe, a formidable green-skinned heroine emerged as a beacon of hope – She-Hulk.

Known for her unparalleled strength and unwavering determination, She-Hulk made a thunderous entrance into the scene. Her emerald eyes blazed with resolve as she swiftly assessed the crisis, understanding the gravity of the threat posed by Mephisto and the urgent need to protect the innocent.

With an earth-shaking roar, She-Hulk charged into the fray, her fists primed for action. The formidable heroine's powerful muscles flexed as she lunged at Mephisto, a force of nature determined to divert his focus from Ghost Rider and safeguard the lives of those inadvertently caught in the crossfire.

Momentarily surprised by She-Hulk's formidable arrival, Mephisto retaliated with a relentless barrage of dark energy. However, She-Hulk's agility proved to be a match for her immense strength as she deftly evaded the malevolent assault. Seizing the opportune moment, she delivered a resounding punch that sent shockwaves through the air, making impactful contact with Mephisto's demonic form.

The battle's intensity surged, shaking the very core of the city as the clash between forces of light and darkness unfolded. Recognizing She-Hulk's valor, Ghost Rider seamlessly joined the fray. Together, their combined might offered a ray of hope amid the chaos that threatened to consume the urban landscape.

Ghost Rider's ethereal chains of justice intertwined with She-Hulk's powerful blows, creating a symbiotic partnership that radiated unity and determination. As they harmonized their abilities, the two heroes became an indomitable force, driven by a shared mission to vanquish Mephisto and restore peace to the beleaguered city.

Mephisto, ever the cunning adversary, employed his teleportation abilities during the battle, disrupting the rhythm of She-Hulk and Ghost Rider. Their coordinated attacks faltered as Mephisto's elusive maneuvers turned the tides in his favor. The ethereal landscape of the cityscape became a chaotic dance, with Mephisto slipping through the heroes' grasp, leaving a trail of dark energy in his wake.

Frustration crept into the determined expressions of She-Hulk and Ghost Rider as they struggled to anticipate Mephisto's unpredictable movements. The urban battleground transformed into an inferno chessboard, with each teleportation leap confounding the heroes and adding an unpredictable layer to the ongoing clash. As the battle raged on, Mephisto's cunning tactics cast a shadow of uncertainty over the outcome, challenging the heroes to adapt and reclaim control in the face of their elusive foe.


Ethan was standing over the debris of the building, while Natasha Romanoff, Natalie Stark and Peggy Carter were standing behind him.

In front of Norman Osborn in his Green Goblin form has fallen on the ground, in two parts. While his Iron Patriot suit was shredded to pieces.

Doctor Doom also on one side fell, The Hood was shredded to pieces, while Loki ran away to Asgard. They were the team members of Cabal. An alliance formed by Norman Osborn. In this Universe Norman Osborn has formed the S.H.I.E.L.D and includes two teams one was Cabal, another one Dark Avengers, he ruled over Washington DC, spreading his Dark Reign.

But today his Dark Reign has ended just like his Cabal team, the Dark Avengers team members, the Bullseye has his eyes taken out and a diamond pierced in his head ending his life. Same with the Venom. From Max Gargan, Ethan has taken over his Venom and used it for himself to name it Guardian Blaze, and with it Max Gargan became the first dinner of his own Symbiotes.

Daken, the son of Wolverine, he has the power of healing and Adamantium claws, he can give good fights to anyone. But today his Adamantium became his weakness, Ethan using his magnetic powers, took out his Adamantium from his body, causing his body to be blasted into pieces.

Noh-Varr, a Kree from who has been enhanced with insect DNA. He has demonstrated enhanced reflexes, speed, strength, and endurance. But now he has just fallen like others, his body parts shown everywhere.

The Nega-Bands of Noh-Varr, which gives powers, such as technopathy, apparatus conjuration, teleportation, computerized holographic interaction and the like. Plus a number of in-universe Band functions pertaining to flight, physical enhancement and energy manipulation, was now settled on Ethan's wrist.

Meanwhile, Moonstone was spared from the killing, in exchange she served with her own body to Ethan, and joined his Revengers team. Just a few moments ago, she gave away her virginity to her master Ethan's dragon. And pledge to work for him.

About the last member, Emma Frost, she was spared. And Ethan cares about her most, he has secured her for his father. Since the Universe 421, he was born from Emma Frost. In Universe 121 he also sees Emma Frost, his mom. Emma Frost was also happy to accept Ethan as his son, since Ethan was so strong, and accepted the offer of making his father happy.

With the Revengers team, now the most important area of America in Universe 121, has now become safe as New York, freed from the dominance of villains.