
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 34 - Galactus - Devourer of Planets.

Sharky Tennyson decided to pay a visit to She-Hulk, anticipating a unique encounter. However, his plans took an unexpected turn when he stumbled upon Spider-Man and Nova preparing for an interstellar adventure. Intrigued, Sharky decided to shadow them as they ventured beyond Earth's atmosphere, only to realize that the cosmic escapade involved a rendezvous with the renowned Guardians of the Galaxy.

To his dismay, the meeting turned out to be more than a casual cosmic encounter. Rocket Raccoon, the master strategist of the Guardians, had urgently sought Nova's assistance. The Chitauri, notorious across galaxies, had captured members of the Guardians, thrusting the cosmic heroes into a dire situation.

As Nova introduced Sharky to the eclectic team amidst a chaotic interstellar battle, Sharky found himself in the company of extraordinary beings. Star-Lord, a charismatic half-Earthling, half-alien royalty, brandished his formidable Element Gun with regal flair. Drax the Destroyer, an unpredictable force of nature and a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. Gamora, hailed as the most dangerous woman in the universe, displayed unmatched prowess with a variety of weapons. Rocket Raccoon, the tactical genius in the form of a raccoon, wielded a laser gun and rocket pack.

Despite appearances, he wasn't truly a raccoon, but rather a member of an alien species that bore an uncanny resemblance to Earth's raccoons. Groot, a sentient alien plant housed in a pot of soil, repeatedly affirmed his existence with the words, "I am Groot."

As the Guardians and their newfound ally, Spider-Man, embarked on a perilous journey to rescue their comrades from the clutches of the Chitauri, the cosmic tapestry of adventure unfolded in ways Sharky could never have anticipated.

Amidst the cosmic clash between the Guardians and the Chitauri troops, the battlefield became a symphony of chaos. The true architect of this intergalactic turmoil was unveiled—Korvac, the galactic Warlord with a sinister plan to obliterate Earth. The fate of the planet hung in the balance as the Guardians of the Galaxy positioned themselves as the last line of defense against this formidable adversary.

The Guardians, alongside the unexpected addition of Spider-Man, plunged into a high-stakes confrontation with the Chitauri and Korvac. The intensity of the battle was palpable as energy beams and otherworldly powers collided in a dazzling display of cosmic warfare.

In a moment of tactical brilliance, Rocket Raccoon, the strategic mastermind of the Guardians, issued a unique command to Spider-Man. Confused yet trusting in the unconventional plan, Spider-Man hurled Groot at Korvac. To everyone's amazement, Groot underwent a spectacular transformation, morphing into a colossal humanoid tree. With tremendous force, Groot unleashed a barrage of powerful blows upon Korvac, turning the tide of the battle.

As the dust settled, and Korvac lay defeated at the hands of the Guardians and their newfound ally, Groot, a sense of relief washed over the cosmic battleground. Nova, seizing the opportunity, targeted the Dark Matter Cannon, the ominous weapon that posed a grave threat to Earth. With precision and determination, Nova obliterated the cannon, triggering a chain reaction that resulted in the destruction of the Chitauri ship.

In the aftermath, as Spider-Man seemingly bid farewell and appeared to rejoin his old team, a subtle twist unfolded. Unbeknownst to the others, Spider-Man's departure was a ruse, a clever maneuver as he stealthily slipped away, leaving his true intentions shrouded in mystery. The cosmic drama had woven a tapestry of alliances, betrayals, and unexpected heroics, setting the stage for further adventures in the vast expanse of the cosmos.

As Sharky geared up to make his return to Earth, an unexpected spectacle caught his eye—an enormous figure that dwarfed even his formidable alien transformation known as Way Big. The colossal being stood as a distant silhouette, its magnitude surpassing anything Sharky had encountered before, though not quite reaching the cosmic scale of the Living Tribunal. Earth, in comparison, seemed diminutive, sparking Sharky's curiosity as he ventured closer to unravel the mystery of this immense entity.

Approaching the colossal being, Sharky discerned two additional humanoid figures standing proudly before it, each possessing a distinct and unique appearance that hinted at their cosmic origins.

The colossal figure, towering over Earth with a size exceeding tenfold, manifested as a humanoid entity clad in intricately designed cosmic-powered armor. A helm, veiled in shadows, concealed his visage, adding an air of enigma to his presence. The intricate design of his armor varied across different interpretations, often adorned with a mesmerizing purple and blue color scheme. This cosmic aesthetic not only lent an otherworldly aspect to the colossal being but also hinted at the immense power coursing through the advanced celestial technology that encased him.

As Sharky drew nearer to the colossal being, he discerned the features of the humanoid figures standing in its presence. One of them exhibited a sleek, silver-colored metallic body, perched atop a luminous surfboard-like object also adorned in silver. His eyes, an ethereal shade of solid white or silver, underscored the otherworldly essence of his alien nature. The gleaming surfboard suggested a mode of cosmic transportation, hinting at a connection to the cosmic forces that permeated the vastness of the universe.

The final figure in the cosmic trio was a statuesque woman, possessing both strength and beauty in equal measure. Her physique exuded athleticism, with well-defined muscles harmonizing with her commanding presence. She donned a traditional superhero costume, a vibrant symphony of red, blue, and gold hues, with a distinctive star symbol adorning her chest. A bold red sash cinched her waist, complementing the ensemble. Her lustrous blonde hair cascaded gracefully down to her shoulders, adding a touch of regality to her formidable appearance.

In the moments just preceding Sharky's arrival, a distant and tranquil planet found itself under the ominous shadow of Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds. The cosmic silhouette of this colossal entity loomed, casting an imposing shadow that signaled impending doom. Galactus, driven by an insatiable hunger, prepared to consume the planet, and the inhabitants below trembled in fear, their collective fate hanging precariously in the balance.

As the cosmic spectacle unfolded, and Galactus poised to commence the planetary consumption, the cosmos bore witness to a blinding flash of cosmic energy streaking across its expanse. From the depths of space emerged two cosmic stalwarts—Captain Marvel, a radiant beacon of cosmic light, and Silver Surfer, gracefully traversing the cosmic currents atop his silver surfboard. Their arrival signaled a cosmic intervention, a celestial stand against the impending cataclysm as they prepared to confront the formidable Galactus and rescue the imperiled world.

As Sharky Tennyson materialized in this cosmic theater, he found himself amidst the intense cosmic confrontation. Captain Marvel, embodying the essence of cosmic power, and Silver Surfer, the herald of Galactus, stood resolute in their cosmic duty. Galactus, the indifferent cosmic entity with an insatiable hunger, cast an indifferent gaze upon the unfolding events, his colossal form a stark silhouette against the cosmic backdrop.

Nonchalantly munching on popcorn, Sharky addressed the cosmic trio, "I won't disturb you guys. Just carry on with your fight. Remember me when you lose." His casual demeanor added a touch of levity to the cosmic drama, a stark contrast to the gravity of the impending cosmic clash.

Captain Marvel, caught between amazement and frustration, marveled at Sharky's ability to exist in the vacuum of space without the need for a breathing apparatus. Meanwhile, Silver Surfer, briefly surprised by Sharky's arrival, refocused his attention on Galactus, who maintained his stoic and impassive demeanor.

Captain Marvel, a beacon of cosmic determination, spoke with eyes ablaze. "Galactus, you must reconsider your course of action. This planet is teeming with life, and its inhabitants deserve a chance to thrive."

Silver Surfer, embodying ethereal grace as he rode the cosmic currents, added his plea. "There are countless uninhabited worlds in the universe you can feed upon. Spare this one."

Yet, Galactus remained an unstoppable cosmic force, his towering presence undiminished. "I am Galactus, the eternal hunger. The needs of the universe outweigh the needs of a single planet," he intoned with indifference, his voice resonating across the cosmic expanse. The weight of his words underscored the vast cosmic scale of his existence, an entity driven by a hunger that transcended the boundaries of individual worlds.

The cosmic trio found themselves at a critical juncture, the fate of the imperiled planet hanging precariously in the balance. Captain Marvel, Silver Surfer, and the indifferent Galactus stood as cosmic embodiments of conflicting forces—the preservation of life, the quest for balance, and the insatiable hunger that propelled the cosmic entity forward.

Reluctantly acknowledging that reasoning alone wouldn't sway the indomitable cosmic entity, Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer shared a solemn exchange, realizing the inevitable: they had no choice but to engage in a formidable battle with the colossal force that was Galactus.

"Good, good, that's passion! You fight, and I will cheer for you," Sharky shouted enthusiastically, the crunching of popcorn audible amidst the cosmic turmoil. It suddenly dawned on him that he didn't know their names. "Wait a minute, what are your names? Tell me so I can cheer for you."

Carol, a mix of amazement and simmering anger, took a moment to size up the fearless stranger who faced Galactus without a hint of trepidation, suggesting a level of superpowered prowess.

However, any ire she felt toward Sharky was quickly overshadowed by the gravity of the impending battle. The realization settled in that, to the stranger, this cosmic confrontation seemed more like entertainment than a desperate struggle to save an entire world.

Captain Marvel unleashed a dazzling display of brilliant photonic energy, her fists crackling with power, illuminating the cosmic expanse. Simultaneously, Silver Surfer summoned the formidable Power Cosmic, weaving its energies into protective shields that enveloped the innocent planet. The ensuing battle unfolded as a cosmic spectacle, with unimaginable forces colliding, each impactful strike sending reverberations through the very fabric of the universe.

Amidst the cosmic clash, Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer, cosmic champions of light, grappled with the enormity of their task. Their mission extended beyond merely demonstrating power; it was about the delicate dance of conviction and responsibility, the fine line between subduing Galactus and preserving the delicate cosmic balance. The cosmic battlefield became a theater where every move carried weight, the fate of a world hanging in the balance.

As the cosmic titans clashed, the outcome of their struggle remained uncertain, a poignant reminder of the eternal cosmic tug-of-war for balance. The battle transcended mere physical might, evolving into a cosmic ballet where determination and cosmic prowess clashed against insurmountable power.

Yet, despite their unwavering resolve, it became evident that Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer were facing overwhelming odds. Galactus, an unstoppable cosmic force, pushed them to their limits, the sheer magnitude of his power threatening to tip the scales in favor of cosmic imbalance.

Captain Marvel, her radiant energy waning, unleashed photonic blasts with fierce determination, each discharge an embodiment of her refusal to yield. Simultaneously, Silver Surfer's protective shields strained under the relentless assault, their cosmic glow flickering against the onslaught. The cosmic heroes fought valiantly, their struggle echoing across the vastness of space, a testament to the delicate balance between cosmic forces and the unwavering spirit of those who fought to protect the cosmos from the devouring hunger of Galactus.

Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer valiantly struggled to maintain their ground against the overwhelming might of Galactus, each cosmic clash reverberating through the cosmos.

"It seems like you're both losing fast. Tell me quickly so I can cheer for you, and you can win the fight," Sharky shouted, his nonchalant demeanor maintained as he savored a cold drink amidst the cosmic turmoil.

Silver Surfer, resolute in his cosmic mission to save living planets from the clutches of Galactus, remained unfazed by Sharky's seemingly indifferent words. His focus was singular, grounded in the unwavering duty to protect the innocent.

However, Captain Marvel, unable to contain her frustration, confronted Sharky. "You! You see we're in a dire situation, and instead of helping us, you're making fun of us." Her anger, a fiery counterpart to the cosmic clashes unfolding around them, threatened to boil over. She was about to unleash more frustration when Galactus's commanding voice cut through the cosmic chaos.

Galactus, his colossal form radiating cosmic energy, mocked the valiant heroes with an air of cosmic superiority. His voice resonated with cosmic wisdom, echoing through the vastness of the universe. "You fight with the passion of mortals, but you are but fleeting sparks in the vastness of the cosmos. Your efforts are futile, and your resolve is meaningless." The cosmic words, spoken with an omnipotent tone, emphasized the insignificance of mortal struggles in the grand tapestry of the universe, adding an additional layer of complexity to the cosmic clash unfolding before them.

The Devourer of Worlds persisted in his taunts. "Do you truly believe that your tiny existence can thwart the hunger of the cosmos? I am eternal, and you are insignificant."

Undeterred by Galactus's cosmic arrogance, Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer exchanged determined glances, their once-blazing strength now visibly waning but their spirits unbroken. In the face of overwhelming odds, they clung to the hope that their combined efforts could shield the innocent planet from the insatiable hunger of the cosmic behemoth.

Despite the weight of Galactus's words, the cosmic champions remained resolute. Their fight transcended personal limitations; it became a noble endeavor to protect countless lives from the cosmic cataclysm at hand. The battlefield echoed with the clash of cosmic forces, each strike a testament to their unwavering commitment to safeguarding the fragile existence of the planet.

Galactus's taunts, though powerful, served only to fuel the determination of Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer. The battle raged on, a cosmic dance where heroes faced cosmic inevitabilities. The odds were stacked against them, but with every photon of energy unleashed and every wave of Power Cosmic manipulated, they pressed on. Their defiance echoed through the vastness of space, a beacon of hope in the face of the immense, unyielding hunger that threatened to consume worlds.

As the cosmic clash continued, the fate of the innocent planet hung precariously in the balance, a silent plea for salvation amid the chaos of celestial conflict. Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer embodied the indomitable spirit of heroes, standing firm against the cosmic tide, refusing to yield to the belief that their efforts were futile.

Unexpectedly, Sharky shifted his attention to Carol, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hello, blonde-haired girl. You still haven't told me your name," he remarked casually. This unexpected move triggered a rapid escalation of emotions in Carol, prompting her to explode in anger.

"You idiot, I'm Carol Danvers. Now help me, or I will—" Before she could finish her sentence, Sharky surprised her by sealing her lips with a long and unexpected French kiss.

The abruptness of the gesture left Carol in a state of shock. After breaking free from Sharky's unexpected kiss, she found herself caught between anger and a slight blush. No one had ever dared to look her in the eyes, let alone kissed her in such a manner. The unexpected turn of events had stirred an unusual blend of emotions within her, leaving her momentarily disoriented.

"What are you doing?" Carol's blush deepened as she looked slightly shocked, her voice now soft and meek despite her efforts to maintain resistance. The unconventional encounter had thrown her off balance, and despite her struggles against Sharky's grip, she found herself entangled in a mix of conflicting emotions.

Before she could escape, Sharky touched her chin, and brought his gaze to her eyes. He noticed that her eyes were slightly shy; if it weren't for the fight situation, she would have probably let him do whatever he wanted.

"I am Sharky Tennyson," Sharky said, as his hand groped her oranges from the upper of clothes. She was now really shocked, though she had little resistance against Sharky; still, it was all happening too quickly.

Carol said in a meek voice, "Please see the situation here." She tried to remove Sharky's hand from her oranges, but she was not trying very hard; it did not look like a superpowered girl was doing it. It looked more like a child was trying to remove adult hands.

Sharky found out, she might look like a bold girl, but in reality, she was just a shy girl, and shyness is usually a sign of virginity. If someone had tried to hit on her, she would have already fallen for them. He couldn't help it if he wanted to kiss her oranges.

Meanwhile, Silver Surfer found himself in an increasingly precarious situation. Alone in the cosmic clash, he faced the relentless onslaught of Galactus, and Sharky's apparent indifference added an additional layer of challenge. Nevertheless, the cosmic surfer remained undeterred. He never sought assistance; facing Galactus was a solitary mission, a responsibility he carried with an unyielding resolve forged over eons.

Carol, caught between frustration and exhaustion, couldn't help but feel a sense of shyness as Sharky's attention shifted. Her eyes stared downward, and the realization of Silver Surfer's strained situation heightened her internal struggle. Desperate to escape this cosmic predicament, she found herself trapped, devoid of the energy needed for escape. It was a rare vulnerability, a stark departure from the indomitable Captain Marvel known for her unwavering strength.

For the first time in her fifty-year life, Carol felt the weight of fatigue and vulnerability. The cosmic clash had pushed her to the limits, both physically and emotionally.

And for the first time, Carol discovered what her weakness was - as his hands continued to grope and rub her, she could barely even muster a sound.

His hands reached down between her legs, as his voice whispered in her ear. "Are you a virgin?" With his voice, he touched her sacred forest. Although her dress was good, she still felt it.

Carol was almost at the end of her rope, but the situation gave her a little courage. "Sharky, please see the situation; after we save the planet, you can do anything to me." She compromised a little or you could call it a lot. After the situation was solved, she knew something was going to happen to her. And she knew what was going to happen to her, but she couldn't stop it, she just tried to push the moment for a few hours, until Galactus left the planet, or until they were lost. But afterward, she was just going into Sharky's arms.

Sharky again rubbed her Sacred Forest, and his hand tickled her oranges. His fingers brushed over her cheek, giving her a peck on the lips. "My shy girl," he whispered, "Galactus was your problem, I will solve it." He assured her, "I will solve Galactus, but in exchange..." He said.

"I am yours," Carol replied in a meek voice.

"What?" Sharky asked, continuing to play with his phone.

"I am yours to do anything," Carol said in a little normal voice, giving a peck on Sharky's lips. As she continued feeling her private parts being controlled by another person, she knew today's decision; she would carry forward, despite being shy, since it was her first time. Shyness was not just a sign of virginity, but also a sign of loyalty, and her words were more loyal than any written promise.

Carol finally took a sigh of relief when she felt her private parts were now free from Sharky's hands. But she knew, it was only a relief for a few seconds; afterwards, she would have to get used to feeling Sharky's hands on her body, or perhaps even something worse. She didn't know what exactly was going to happen, but she had made up her mind to find out, and face whatever came her way.

As the cosmic clash continued, Carol's attention shifted to Sharky, wondering about the source of his power and how he intended to confront the cosmic menace of Galactus.

Observing Silver Surfer, Carol noted the exhaustion etched across his cosmic visage. The herald of Galactus seemed resigned, recognizing the imminent consumption of a planet and feeling powerless to prevent it. Witnessing the peril of Silver Surfer, a cosmic entity in his own right, Sharky could not stand idly by.

Taking a decisive step, Sharky confronted the towering figure of Galactus. The cosmic entity, an imposing force capable of devouring entire worlds, appeared before Sharky with an air of cosmic authority. "Who dares interfere in my cosmic affairs?" Galactus thundered with anger. "This planet is my sustenance, and you have disrupted my meal!" Genuine annoyance permeated Galactus's words; having defeated Captain Marvel and Silver Surfer, he now faced another challenger.

Undeterred by the overwhelming power before him, Sharky responded with determination, "I can't stand by and let you devour an entire world, especially when someone's life is at stake." His words cut through the cosmic turmoil, echoing a conviction that transcended his usual nonchalant demeanor.

In the midst of the cosmic clash, Sharky attempted to establish a more personal dialogue with Galactus, seeking an alternative to the consumption of entire worlds. "There must be another way for you to sustain yourself without consuming entire worlds," Sharky implored, his words cutting through the cosmic turmoil.

Galactus, for a brief moment, paused in his cosmic machinations and retorted, "No, I am only going to consume this planet; you can't do anything to stop me." The cosmic entity, sensing Sharky's apparent struggle, mocked him with an air of superiority.

Sharky grappled with the realization that this situation was beyond his control. Even his most formidable aliens, including the colossal Way Big, paled in comparison to the sheer magnitude of Galactus. The elemental powers of Big Chill and Heatblast, the strength of Humungousaur, the crystalline prowess of Diamondhead—all seemed inconsequential against the cosmic force that loomed before him.

His arsenal of aliens, once mighty in their own right, proved ineffective against the overwhelming power of Galactus. The cosmic clash highlighted the limitations of his diverse alien transformations. In this cosmic theater, only certain alien powers, such as Pesky Dust's sleeping powder, held potential for victory. However, the sheer size of Galactus posed a dilemma—if the cosmic entity were to fall asleep, the consequences could lead to the destruction of many planets, a catastrophic outcome Sharky sought to avoid.

Now, in the face of Galactus's colossal presence, only two aliens remained in Sharky's mental arsenal—Clock Watch and Alien X. Clock Watch's abilities, however, required proximity, and Galactus's immense size had already wrought havoc on neighboring celestial bodies.

In the throes of a desperate battle against the indomitable Galactus, Sharky Tennyson found himself grappling with the overwhelming power unleashed by the cosmic entity. Each clash reverberated with devastating energy blasts, threatening to unravel the very fabric of reality itself.

As the cosmic confrontation unfolded, Sharky's usual array of aliens proved insufficient to counter Galactus's immense power. The cosmic entity's energy blasts and formidable cosmic abilities pushed Sharky to the brink of defeat. Recognizing the need for a game-changing strategy, Sharky considered the full power of Alien X, a reality-altering entity within the Omnitrix.

However, a sudden realization struck him—a tool that had proven invaluable in countless battles before. The Omnitrix's DNA analysis function could potentially provide a solution to his cosmic predicament. With a spark of ingenuity, Sharky pondered the possibility of scanning Galactus and incorporating the superpowered figure into his formidable collection.

The prospect of adding Galactus's DNA to the Omnitrix offered a strategic advantage. In a multiverse teeming with colossal figures and cosmic entities, having Galactus's DNA would not only enhance Sharky's powers but also enable him to communicate on equal footing with other towering beings across the vast expanse of the cosmos.

With determination in his eyes, Sharky initiated the DNA scan, tapping into the Omnitrix's DNA analysis function, Sharky directed its focus towards the formidable Galactus. The cosmic clash continued as Sharky strategically engaged in combat while the device meticulously processed the cosmic entity's genetic code. After an intense half-hour of relentless battle, the Omnitrix successfully acquired Galactus's DNA, a pivotal turning point in the cosmic confrontation.

As the DNA analysis progressed, a radiant burst of light emanated from Sharky's body, a testament to the Omnitrix's integration with his very essence. From this harmonious fusion, a new and unprecedented alien form emerged—Belactus.

Transformed into Belactus, Sharky experienced an unparalleled surge of power coursing through his veins. His cosmic form radiated with an ethereal glow, attesting to the cosmic energy that now pulsed within him. The newfound abilities bestowed upon him included an enhanced cosmic awareness, granting him insight into the vast complexities of the universe. Galactus, momentarily halted in his assault, gazed in astonishment at the cosmic transformation.

"Now, we will see who is the real boss," Sharky declared with newfound confidence. His body expanded, growing to the colossal size of Galactus, a manifestation of the cosmic might he now wielded.

If someone has read the same story, on the fanfiction.net.

so please understand, both are my story

both pen name is Sharky Monster

and since Fanfiction has very limited audience than the Webnovel

So, I am transferring my work here

From now on all my story will be posted here

And this also Includes Ruler Of Beasts Multiverse

Sharky_Monstercreators' thoughts