
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 24 - Sigurd - Malekith Slayer

Malekith grew increasingly furious with the way the battle was unfolding. He hurled an imploding grenade towards Frigga's position to finish her off once and for all. As the threat from the grenade loomed, the two-year-old Sigurd, born of Sharky's lineage but with Asgardian abilities, activated his Cryosapien powers and froze the grenade, reducing its damage.

Everyone present was shocked by the display of power from the baby Sigurd, but none more so than Malekith, who sensed the danger. Sigurd didn't stop there; he activated Pyro Phoenix powers, generating fire and attacking many of the Dark Elves.

Seeing the situation, Malekith realized he was falling short in this attack. He couldn't win against them at this moment. If he continued the battle, his army would slowly be destroyed by the Asgardian forces, and he'd eventually have to face Odin alone. That wasn't part of his plan, so he ordered his army to retreat.

"Wife of Odin, I acknowledge your bravery and strength, but I believe we can strike a deal," Malekith said solemnly to Frigga.

"As the mother and Queen of Asgard, I will never make a deal with a terrorist! Malekith, I will personally tear your head off along with your soldiers for invading and attacking Asgard!" Frigga declared coldly while still protecting Jane.

"I sure hope that you can uphold that word of yours in the future, Queen of Asgard!" Malekith taunted as he quickly snatched Sigurd before anyone could react. Sigurd, though strong, was still a child, and his powers were unleashed unconsciously. Everyone watched in anger and shock.

"Malekith! If you dare even touch a hair on his head, I swear I will chase you to the end of the universe!" Frigga declared coldly, her protective instincts for Sigurd surpassing everything, even her feelings for Thor and Jane.

Malekith laughed evilly as he made his demands, "I will spare Sigurd, if you just send the girls to me," suggesting that he would spare Sigurd if they met his terms.

However, Thor, Sharky, and Ethan had arrived on the scene. Sharky's eyes turned red, seeing the Sigurd in Malekith's arms, signaling his intense anger, the third time he had been pushed to this limit.

"You, Malekith, dare to threaten my son, whom I've not even had a chance to hold in my arms, let alone share a bond with? You want to harm my child," Sharky shouted menacingly at Malekith.

Malekith's laughter caught in his throat, and he felt an overwhelming sense of fear. Nevertheless, he was determined to hold his ground. "So what? If you want your child back, you must give me what I desire."

With the arrival of Sharky, Thor, and Ethan, Malekith's forces were considerably diminished. Odin also comes towards the scene, though concerned, understands the dilemma that Frigga is facing. If he were in her position, he might have made a different choice, he quickly exchanged the mortal Jane for his grandson. Loki, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral also come and watch the situation with growing anxiety.

"If you want the power of the Aether, then you can have it," Sharky declared, activating his Alien X powers for the first time since he left his Omnitrix Multiverse.

Sharky was able to easily kill Malekith. However, he was determined to confront him, even if it meant chasing him into heaven or dragging him down to hell.

As a result, he transformed into Alien X. Activating the power of Alien X, he extracted the Aether from Jane, astonishing everyone. Even Odin was unfamiliar with the Aether and how it could separate from someone's body without causing harm.

"Sharky, don't give Malekith the power of the Aether. It could bring destruction to the universe," Thor cautioned him trying to explain the situation.

"Shut up, you idiot! All you do is bring trouble to Asgard. You even wanted my grandson to be killed. Whatever the threat to the universe, it's not more important than my grandson, Sigurd Tennyson's life," Odin was relieved that his grandson would be saved, but he grew angry after hearing Thor's remark.

Odin couldn't help but be furious whenever he dealt with Thor. Thor consistently brought him different problems. He even broke the Bifrost, causing the Nine Realms to fall into chaos. Until now, Odin had been forgiving Thor for his mistakes, but after becoming a grandfather, he was no longer willing to tolerate Thor's problems.

Loki was, in many ways, better than Thor. Despite his mischief, he was more capable. Once, he brought the Frost Giants to Asgard when Odin was in his Odinsleep. But Loki single handedly defeated all the Frost Giants. As for the problems of Midgard, they were not his concern; he wasn't Midgard's babysitter.

He had imprisoned Loki previously, but now Loki's sentence was over. If Thor weren't his son, he would have already thrown him in jail.

Frigga remained silent, filled with remorse for letting Malekith snatch Sigurd from her embrace. Thor reflected on the mistakes he had made, thinking he was only trying to prevent the destruction of the universe.

Meanwhile, Sharky remained focused and pushed the Aether towards Malekith. When Malekith took control of the Aether, he threw Sigurd, who was still crying.

Sharky swiftly caught him in his arms. Sigurd was just a child, but he calmed down in Sharky's embrace. It was the first time Sigurd had been held by Sharky, and his body recognized the familiar embrace. The father and son bond remained strong.

"My dear Sigurd, you no longer need to fear anyone. Your dad will teach the bad guy a lesson, and you can witness it yourself," Sharky whispered into Sigurd's ear.

Upon seeing Sigurd in Sharky's embrace, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Their attention then shifted to Malekith, who was still adjusting to the Aether's power, creating tension. However, Sharky had assured them that he would handle Malekith, so no one interfered. They were eager to see what he could do.

As Malekith felt the surge of energy from the Aether, he couldn't help but laugh maniacally. "Sharky, thanks for granting me the power of the Aether, but now it's time to destroy Asgard!" he shouted.

As Malekith, fueled by the formidable power of the Aether, seething with frustration, attempted to regain control, he intensified the Aether's onslaught. Malekith unleashed a barrage of crimson beams that streaked toward Asgard. The ethereal tendrils of energy snaked through the air, seeking to ensnare and obliterate anything in their path. Buildings trembled as the destructive force surged, threatening to tear Asgard apart. Panic gripped the inhabitants as the destructive energy threatened their realm.

Sharky, undaunted, took a commanding stance. Activating Alien X's power to its fullest, his eyes glowed with an otherworldly brilliance. With a mere thought, he summoned a protective shield that enveloped Asgard, deflecting the malevolent energy. In an instant, the menacing red beams dissipated, leaving no trace of the impending danger. The shield shimmered with the resilience of a cosmic force harnessed by Sharky's indomitable will.

Malekith, realizing his attempts were futile, resorted to dark illusions. He conjured phantom armies and nightmarish landscapes, attempting to disorient Sharky and the Asgardians. The illusions danced across the battlefield, but Sharky, with a keen focus, saw through the deception.

"Not allowed," Sharky proclaimed once again, dispelling the illusions with a wave of his hand. The true extent of Alien X's power became evident as the illusions crumbled like fragile illusions before a cosmic wind.

Frustration consumed Malekith as he witnessed his every move countered effortlessly. Desperation gripped him, and he channeled the Aether's energy into a colossal, swirling vortex, aiming to unleash catastrophic destruction upon Asgard.

In response, Sharky's eyes glowed brighter as he channeled the cosmic forces. With a gesture, he redirected the vortex away from Asgard, causing it to dissipate harmlessly into the cosmic void. The onlookers marveled at Sharky's mastery over the situation, and a hushed awe settled over the battlefield.

As Malekith's frustration reached its peak, he resorted to a dark art: reality manipulation. With a sinister grin, he wove a tapestry of illusions that depicted a grim aftermath. The once vibrant Asgard now lay in ruins, its inhabitants strewn lifeless across the landscape. The sky darkened with an ominous hue, casting an eerie pallor over the devastated realm.

Aghast, the Asgardians stood frozen in horror, believing the illusion to be a twisted reality. Malekith reveled in their despair, savoring the moment before unveiling his ultimate triumph. The illusionary scene played out with haunting realism—the fallen structures, the lifeless bodies, and the palpable sense of defeat.

But then, in the midst of the despair, Sharky's unwavering voice cut through the illusionary veil. "Not allowed," he declared with a command that resonated through the fabric of reality. In an instant, the desolation unraveled like a tapestry being pulled apart. The once-deadly illusion shattered, and Asgard emerged unscathed, bathed in the light of its true existence.

The bewildered Asgardians blinked in disbelief as the illusion dissipated. Buildings reconstructed themselves, and the fallen regained life. The vivid resurrection unfolded before their eyes, a stark contrast to the bleak tableau Malekith had tried to impose.

Malekith, now robbed of his illusory victory, seethed with frustration. Sharky's mastery over the cosmic forces had nullified even the most potent of manipulations. The battlefield, once a canvas of despair, transformed into a testament to Sharky's indomitable will. As the Asgardians rallied behind their savior, Malekith, for the first time, faced a foe he could not outmaneuver.

Malekith, undeterred by the thwarted illusion, unleashed a new wave of malevolence. Red energy light emanated from him, weaving its way through the air like a sinister serpent. As it touched anything in its path, it ensnared them in its crimson glow, subjecting them to Malekith's control. The once defiant Asgardians found themselves succumbing to the puppet strings of Malekith's dark manipulation.

With an insidious grin, Malekith expanded the reach of the red energy light, methodically extending his influence over every corner of Asgard. Those touched by its glow became mere extensions of Malekith's will, their expressions vacant as they mindlessly followed his commands.

Yet, in the face of this relentless onslaught, Sharky stood resolute. With a voice that echoed with cosmic authority, he declared, "Not allowed." The command reverberated through the very fabric of reality, reversing the tide of Malekith's insidious control.

The red energy light, which had been spreading like an unstoppable tide, abruptly halted. As if rewinding a tape, it retraced its path, converging back towards Malekith. The crimson glow, once an instrument of domination, now recoiled and gathered into Malekith's body against his will.

Astonished gasps filled the air as the Asgardians witnessed the unexpected turn of events. Sharky's defiance against Malekith's manipulation showcased an unparalleled mastery over the cosmic forces. The battlefield, once marred by Malekith's dark influence, now bore witness to the triumph of Sharky's indomitable will. As the red energy light dissolved into Malekith, the balance of power shifted decisively in favor of Asgard and its unwavering defender.

"You have used all of your chances; now your child's play is over," Sharky's voice echoed with unwavering determination. With a commanding presence, he raised his hand, and with a mere movement of his finger, he began extracting the Aether from Malekith's body.

Malekith, panic-stricken, could only watch helplessly as the potent force that once fueled his dark ambitions was forcibly taken from him. The very essence that had granted him dominion over reality now slipped through his grasp, leaving him powerless against Sharky's cosmic prowess.

As the Aether flowed into Sharky's hand, a vibrant red hue illuminated the battlefield. The swirling energy condensed, taking on a tangible form. In a mesmerizing transformation, the Aether solidified into a stone, held firmly in Sharky's grasp.

The Asgardians, witnessing the spectacle, marveled at the sheer display of cosmic control. The once formidable Malekith now stood defeated, stripped of the Aether's might. The battlefield, once shrouded in darkness, now basked in the glow of victory as Sharky, with the Aether-turned-stone in hand, emerged as the unyielding guardian of Asgard.

As the realization dawned upon the Asgardians that the Aether was, in fact, the Reality Gem, a collective gasp swept through the onlookers. The gravity of the situation became clear, and a newfound appreciation for Sharky's cosmic prowess settled over the battlefield.

With the Reality Gem now in his hand, Sharky, displaying both confidence and generosity, decided to share his unexpected bounty. He tossed the radiant gem toward Odin, the Allfather and his father-in-law. "Father-in-law, this is my gift to you," Sharky declared, his gaze fixed on the bewildered Malekith before him.

Malekith, now rendered powerless, could only watch as the very source of his dark ambitions sailed away from him. The Asgardians, witnessing this exchange, were torn between relief and awe at the swift resolution Sharky had brought to their seemingly dire predicament.

Odin, catching the Reality Gem with a solemn nod, found himself not only holding a powerful artifact but also a symbol of his son-in-law's unmatched abilities. Sharky had not only secured Asgard but had gifted Odin a cosmic marvel.

"Sharky, my son-in-law," Odin spoke with a blend of gratitude and admiration. "You have not only blessed us with Sigurd but also proven yourself a guardian beyond measure."

Sharky's actions had not only quelled Malekith's threat but had brought unexpected joy to Odin's heart. As he observed the scene, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in having Sharky as a member of his family.

The contrast between Sharky's swift resolution and Thor's propensity for creating problems didn't go unnoticed. Sharky had, in a matter of minutes, displayed a level of cosmic mastery and had resolved all the problems in just a minute, a stark contrast to his useless son Thor, who only seemed to create problems.

However, Odin couldn't help but wonder about Sharky's decision to relinquish the Reality Gem, one of the most potent artifacts in the universe. Perplexed, he approached Sharky and asked, "Why, my son-in-law, would you give away such a powerful artifact? It holds immense potential and is a force to be reckoned with." The question hung in the air, inviting Sharky to share his reasoning behind this unexpected choice.

"Maybe the Reality Gem is a powerful artifact, but in my eyes, it was just a weapon," Sharky explained, his tone resolute. As he looked toward the cosmic gem, he continued, "I never believed in weapons; they are worthless to me. I believe in myself, I believe in my own powers, and only in my physical prowess."

Odin, hearing Sharky's words, couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and pride. The conviction in Sharky's belief, prioritizing his innate abilities over the allure of cosmic artifacts, resonated deeply with the Allfather. It was a testament to Sharky's unwavering confidence in his strength and a philosophy that transcended the allure of external power.

"Sharky, my son-in-law," Odin spoke with genuine admiration, "your belief in your own strength is a rare and admirable quality. It shows a resilience that even the most potent artifacts in the cosmos cannot sway. Your physical powers are a testament to the indomitable spirit within you."

Odin's praise echoed through the Asgardian air, and those who witnessed the exchange couldn't help but share in the reverence for Sharky's principled stance. In the end, the Reality Gem, a symbol of vast potential, found itself in the hands of a being who believed in the strength that came from within.

After handing the Reality Gem to Odin, Sharky's focus shifted decisively onto Malekith, who still stood bewildered by his defeat. In Sharky's strong embrace, Sigurd, the two-year-old with a cosmic heritage, had remained safe until now. Sharky, his eyes fixed on Malekith, couldn't resist a taunt.

"Now, Malekith, you wanted to harm my son. Let's switch things up a bit. How about my son deals with you instead?" Sharky's words carried a challenging edge, and a smirk played on his lips.

Leaning down to Sigurd's ear, Sharky whispered, "Baby Sigurd, use your fire and ice powers. You are a Tennyson, born dangerous. Now, show and release the danger on Malekith."

Two-year-old Sigurd, though not fully comprehending his father's words, felt the resonance of his command. With an innocent yet determined expression, he raised his little hands. In an enchanting display, one hand emitted a playful cascade of fire, while the other conjured a delicate dance of frosty ice. The contrasting elements converged and descended upon Malekith, who now faced the unexpected whims of a cosmic toddler.

The scene unfolded in a surreal combination of danger and innocence as Sigurd, guided by his father's words, unleashed his elemental powers on Malekith. The onlookers, torn between awe and amusement, witnessed the unique spectacle—a two-year-old Tennyson exhibiting powers that defied his age.

Malekith, once a formidable foe, now found himself at the mercy of a cosmic family's extraordinary dynamics. As the fire and ice embraced him, the battlefield became a canvas for the whimsical yet potent forces wielded by the youngest member of the Tennyson lineage.

Malekith, desperate to escape the onslaught of fire and ice unleashed by two-year-old Sigurd, attempted to evade, but the cosmic toddler's powers proved relentless. His Slow Regeneration power, typically a source of resilience, now became a curse, intensifying his pain with each successive burn and frost.

The battlefield echoed with Malekith's anguished screams as the cycle of burning, freezing, and healing repeated ceaselessly. His attempts to resist were futile, and the sheer unpredictability of baby Sigurd's powers left Malekith in a state of perpetual torment.

Astonished onlookers could hardly believe what transpired before them. The cosmic display of a two-year-old wielding elemental forces left them in awe. The juxtaposition of innocence and destruction played out as Malekith, once a formidable adversary, now writhed in agony under the whimsical onslaught.

In the midst of the chaos, Malekith's suffering reached a crescendo. The relentless assault pushed him to the brink, and with a final, agonized scream, he departed from this universe. Vanquished by the unbridled power of a Tennyson toddler, Malekith succumbed to the forces he had dared to challenge.

The battlefield, once a stage for cosmic conflict, now bore witness to the victory of the unlikeliest hero. Baby Sigurd, with innocent eyes and elemental powers, had become the unexpected catalyst in the defeat of a dark force. As the echoes of Malekith's demise faded, the cosmic energies surrounding the scene spoke of an extraordinary triumph.

With the immediate threat seemingly resolved, the lingering Dark Elves observed the situation with grim expressions, uncertainty etched across their faces.

"Ethan, eliminate all the invaders," Sharky commanded, turning his attention to his 28-year-old son.

"Yes, Dad," Ethan responded with unwavering determination. In a swift motion, he propelled himself towards the Dark Elves, a whirlwind of destruction in his wake. The air resonated with the clash of cosmic forces as Ethan effortlessly subdued the remaining adversaries. His powers reached new heights as he even seized control of one Stealth Aircraft, bending it to his will.

Within a mere 5-10 minutes, Ethan returned to his previous position with the precision of a seasoned warrior. "Your command has been executed," he reported, his gaze meeting Sharky's with a nod of assurance.

The onlookers, including the relieved Asgardians and the bewildered Dark Elves, marveled at the turn of events. The tension that had gripped them began to dissipate, replaced by a collective sigh of relief. The battlefield, once chaotic and fraught with danger, now bore witness to the triumph of the Tennyson legacy.

"The palace will be under repair until next week. In the meantime, I will hold a ceremony to celebrate the end of the battle with the Dark Elves on that day. Everyone will receive the merit they deserve!" Odin announced joyfully, his regal voice resonating through the palace halls. The anticipation among the Asgardians was palpable, as they wondered who would be recognized for their valor and who might face demerits.

Odin, despite his age, couldn't hide the twinkle in his eye as he contemplated the upcoming ceremony. He was well aware of the contributions of each individual and their role in the victory. Yet, the weight of time pressed upon him, and he couldn't help but acknowledge the inevitable passing of the mantle of leadership.

He knew that, due to his advanced age, he found himself on the receiving end of recognition rather than contribution. His thoughts, however, were far from self-pity. Odin harbored a deep sense of responsibility toward the realm he had ruled for eons. With Sigurd still too young to ascend to the throne, Odin had someone else in mind, a worthy successor, to carry the mantle until the rightful heir was ready.

As the days unfolded, the citizens of Asgard tirelessly worked on the repairs, eager to restore their beloved palace to its former glory. The air buzzed with anticipation as they prepared for the grand ceremony, where merits would be bestowed upon those who had stood valiantly against the Dark Elves.

Amidst the ongoing repairs in Asgard, Sif Tennyson, her husband Sharky by her side and their curious two-year-old son, Sigurd, cradled in Sharky's arms, embarked on a guided tour of the celestial realm.

As they strolled through the golden halls, Sif took pride in showcasing the heart of Asgard's power and history. Their first stop was Odin's Vault, a secure chamber nestled within the palace. "This is Odin's Vault," Sif explained, her voice carrying the weight of history. "It once housed the Eternal Flame, a source of boundless power and a keeper of great secrets."

Sigurd, ever the curious toddler, peered wide-eyed at the wonders around him, his small hands reaching out in fascination as he absorbed the sights and sounds.

Their journey continued to the Hall of Heroes, a place of reverence within Asgard. "Here lies the Hall of Heroes," Sif gestured proudly. "Statues of legendary warriors and heroes stand tall, immortalized for their valor in service to Asgard. Each statue tells a tale of sacrifice and bravery." She recounted stories of epic battles and noble sacrifices, leaving an indelible impression on Sharky and an intrigued expression on Sigurd's cherubic face.

As they traversed through the celestial realm, Sif led the way to the formidable Asgardian Vault. "This is the Asgardian Vault," she explained. Guarded by formidable forces, it housed artifacts of unimaginable power. "Within these walls rest treasures like the Tesseract, holding the essence of the Space Stone, and the Casket of Ancient Winters, harboring the chilling power of frost."

Their journey through Asgard continued as Sif guided Sharky and Sigurd towards the enchanting Lake of Shadows. "Here lies the Lake of Shadows," Sif explained, gesturing towards the tranquil body of water that reflected the celestial beauty of Asgard. Its shimmering surface created an atmosphere of tranquility, and the surrounding scenery added to the serene ambiance.

The trio then ventured into the breathtaking Waterfall Gardens, where cascading waterfalls, lush greenery, and vibrant flowers adorned the landscape. "These gardens provide peaceful retreats for the inhabitants of Asgard," Sif described, her words carrying a sense of pride for the realm's natural beauty.

As they explored the Waterfall Gardens, Sif led them to a particularly intriguing sight—a few of the remaining Pegasus. Sharky couldn't help but marvel at their otherworldly appearance. The ethereal creatures exhibited coats with unique colors, ranging from shades of silver, white, to black, enhancing their awe-inspiring presence. Their wings, spread majestically, added to the mystical aura surrounding them.

"These Pegasus were once companions to the Valkyrie," Sif explained with a touch of nostalgia. "But after enduring countless wars and losses, some of the Valkyrie departed Asgard. These majestic creatures share a deep bond with their Valkyrie riders, possessing an innate understanding that allows for seamless coordination in battle."

She continued, "The Pegasus can fly, soaring through the skies with agility and speed. Their wings carry them across realms swiftly, covering vast distances. What makes them truly remarkable is their magical resilience—a testament to the enchanting nature of Asgard."

As they stood amidst the Waterfall Gardens, the echoes of Asgard's past and the ethereal presence of the Pegasus painted a vivid picture of the realm's mystical heritage.

Their celestial journey through Asgard continued under the guidance of Sif Tennyson, as she led Sharky and Sigurd to the awe-inspiring Observatory. "Behold the Observatory," Sif declared as they ascended a mountaintop. The magnificent structure offered a panoramic view of the cosmos, providing a vantage point for studying the Nine Realms and celestial phenomena. The trio stood in silent awe, taking in the vast expanse of the universe that stretched out before them.

Next on their exploration were The Royal Gardens of Asgard, meticulously maintained and adorned with exotic flora, vibrant colors, and intricate designs. "These gardens serve as a haven for relaxation and contemplation for the Asgardian royal family," Sif explained. The fragrance of blooming flowers and the vivid hues of the garden offered a respite from the cosmic challenges that often besieged the realm.

Leading them to a secluded corner of the Royal Gardens, Sif revealed a secret place not accessible to everyone. "This is a place of utmost significance," she said with a knowing smile. "As Odin's adopted daughter and a beloved member of the royal family, every corner of Asgard is open to me. Now also to our family."

In this secret haven, she unveiled Yggdrasil, an immense ash tree that spanned the cosmos. "Yggdrasil serves as a conduit between the realms," Sif explained, her voice resonating with reverence. "Its roots extend into the Nine Realms, while its main tree stands tall in Asgard. It represents the interconnectedness of all things, allowing travel and communication between realms." The colossal, majestic tree with branches reaching into the heavens painted a mystical picture of the cosmic forces that bound the universe together.

As the Tennyson family absorbed the wonders of the Royal Gardens and the sacred presence of Yggdrasil, they felt the pulsating heartbeat of Asgard.

As their celestial journey through Asgard neared its culmination, Sif Tennyson showed Sharky and Sigurd to all of the important places of the Golden City. The metropolis, often referred to as the Golden City or Birnin Zana, unfolded before them in all its resplendent glory.

Then Sharky goes to Sif's bedroom, after he has toured over all of Asgard, and they are ready for the next day's event, since all over Asgard was completely repaired. The scars of the recent conflict have been healed, and the Golden City once again gleams in all its splendor.

As they looked out over the metropolis, Sharky, holding Sigurd in his arms, and hugging Sif while holding her waist, he felt a profound connection to Asgard and its cosmic legacy. The journey, from the Lake of Shadows to the Golden City, had been a tapestry of cosmic wonders and celestial marvels. Asgard, fully restored, stood as a beacon of hope, a testament to the resilience of a realm that endured through the eons.