
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 21 - Wedding and Pregnancy of Evanthe

Sharky with his five wives, Sophia, Rosie, Emma, Elizabeth and Jean, along with his son Ethan and daughter Maria, they traveled back together to Universe 613 from Universe 421. Jean, Emma, Elizabeth, Ethan and Maria were mesmerized by seeing the scene of a beautiful cluster of Universe.

But they were shocked to see The Living Tribunal. It was a shocking scene for whoever saw him for the first time "Sharky, who is he?" Jean, Emma and Elizabeth asked together, Maria and Ethan also looked with curiosity.

"He is The Living Tribunal, caretaker and judge of Marvel Multiverse, whoever crosses the different Universe, he will focus on him. But the normal eyes didn't see him, since I regularly feed all of you with my Dragon Tonic, so you can see him easily." Sharky explained a little about the Living Tribunal to his wives.

"And same with you, since you are my son and daughter," He also explained to his son and daughter, why they can see the Living Tribunal.

Then finally they step inside Universe 613. Again they were amazed by seeing the beautiful scene of the Universe. But Sharky didn't stop here for more than a minute, finally bringing them back to his Crown Haven Villa. The familiar place on the earth. Where he lives for three to four years.

Seeing back his familiar place he gives some personal room for his children both Ethan and Maria. While he increased the space of his bedroom, so all of the five can fit together. And he can't wait for them to bring them to bed. He pierced them and continuously pierced it till he released the Dragon Tonic inside their war field. Finally satisfied, all of them fell asleep.

Next day, he decided to introduce them to his in-laws Alexander family. And everyone climbed inside the car which started, and went towards the Alexander Mansion in Washington DC.

"So Sharky, how was your journey?" Stephen Alexander started the conversation with a simple question.

"It was good, and very amazing. You can see it with my new wives and son and daughter." Sharky explained, then he introduced the explanation. "She is Emma Frost, the mutant telepathic and also changed into diamond form." He first introduced Emma Frost.

"Hello dad," Emma greeted Stephen calling him dad, it makes him happy. While he also introduced his father-in-law to everyone.

"He is my son with Ethan Frost Tennyson with Emma, greet your grandfather and grandmother," Sharky introduced his son. While Ethan greeted the Alexander family.

"This is my second wife in Universe 421, Elizabeth, she can generate psychic energy and create psionic Weapon. Elizabeth greets everyone, especially our grandparents," Sharky introduced Elizabeth to the Alexander family, especially his grandfather-in-law and grandmother-in-law.

Sharky then introduced his daughter Maria to them. Hawkins, Elara and Seraphina also were happy, seeing two great grandkids Ethan and Maria. They knew the Alexander family generation was coming to an end, so they were happy with just Sharky's child from his other wives.

While the Alexander family also surprised the Sharky, as the

Sylvie Alexander, with a warm smile, took a step forward, her presence radiating maternal pride she brought a beautiful girl with her. "Sharky, it's time to introduce you to Evanthe. She returned from her mission on Earth just three months ago." She then turned towards Evanthe, "Evanthe, my daughter, meet with Sharky, your future husband," She said to Evanthe, while Evanthe was looking down on the ground, she didn't know how to introduce herself, she was feeling so shy.

Evanthe, a somewhat shy but intriguing presence, stepped forward, her vibrant eyes revealing her boldness hidden beneath her timid exterior.

"You are such beautiful sisters, since I have not seen you, I was amazed by your looks," Sophia praised her, "Yes, in the 14 years you have grown more beautiful," Rosie also complimented her.

Sharky takes a step forward, he holds Evanthe chin and lifts it up to make eye contact with her. He noticed the blushing and shyness of Evanthe, he took a step forward, leaned his face to her, made his lips seal her, then pushed his tongue inside her mouth explored her mouth with his tongue, making her shyness leave away, she also cooperated in the kiss session.

"I've heard a lot about you Evanthe and the remarkable mission you embarked upon. So are you ready to give your everything to me," Sharky asked as he sat down on the sofa, while adjusting her in his lap.

Now it shows Evanthe shyness is leaving, as she started feeling comfortable in her soon to be going husband laps. "The pleasure is mine, my king." She replied as she feels her king is touching her Sacred places, and she even allowed it for Sharky.

Sylvie, beaming with maternal affection, continued, "Evanthe is unique in her own way. She may seem shy in front of us, but don't let that fool you. She possesses incredible powers, including Instant Regeneration and Time Manipulation."

"So Sharky, it is good for you, if we put the marriage between you and Evanthe tomorrow," Alexander advised.

"I am okay with it, afterall I also want to experience her boldness," Sharky agreed with their demands, while he played with Evanthe.

Rosie, proud of her sister, added, "Evanthe is a valuable member of our family. She hails from the Emperor Inhumans lineage, and she's here to fulfill the promise of marriage."

Sophia chimed in, "Two years ago, Rosie and I became part of Sharky's life, and now it's Evanthe's turn."

"And you loved living with Sharky, he was so good and an expert in everything," Emma said while making it comfortable for her.

"Yes, you can notice me. Just a few months ago, I met with Sharky, but now I can't live without him," Jean also added.

In the cozy living room of Alexander Mansion, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as everyone was excited by meeting Evanthe, she also became comfortable by seeing everyone cheering for her.

Although Sharky wants to continue keeping Evanthe in his lap, since night has arrived, she goes to a different room, becoming ready for their awaited wedding the next day.

The day finally arrives, as the wedding takes place between Evanthe and Sharky. As the moment approached, Evanthe's sisters and parents offered her encouraging smiles, and Sharky extended his hand, ready to embark on this life-altering journey together.

The room was filled with love, tradition, and the promise of a bright future as Evanthe took that momentous step forward.

Evanthe looked radiant, a mix of boldness and shyness, as she stood in her elegant wedding gown, a vision of radiant beauty and grace together with Sharky hand in hand, while the priest was reading the marriage ceremony vows.

Surrounded by her grandparents, Evanthe couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment. Her grandpa Hawkins, who had always been a strong and guiding presence in her life, stood with his two wives, Elara and Seraphina, representing the deep sense of unity that their family treasured.

Amidst a picturesque garden bathed in the soft glow of twilight, the scene was set for the much-anticipated marriage between Evanthe, the youngest of the Alexander family, and Sharky, who already had five wives. The air was filled with a mixture of excitement, joy, and a hint of nostalgia since Evanthe's sisters, Sophia and Rosie, had married Sharky two years ago.

Evanthe had always known that her destiny was intricately tied to her marriage with Sharky. She shared this profound connection with her sisters, Rosie and Sophia, forming a close-knit bond that transcended bloodlines.

The commitment to marry Sharky was not just her promise but also a cherished tradition that bound their families together.

As the time for the long-awaited union approached, the room was filled with an air of anticipation. Evanthe's father, Stephen, and her two mothers, Sylvie and Alexa, stood beside her, offering their unwavering support and love.

Finally, Evanthe and Sharky stood before the guests, hand in hand, as the priest completed the marriage ceremony, they agreed with each other accepting husband and wives, as their love was sealed in a ceremony that united two families. With heartfelt vows and exchanged rings, they declared their commitment to one another.

As the ceremony concluded, Evanthe and Sharky shared their first kiss as a married couple, and the garden was filled with applause and cheers, celebrating the union of two extraordinary families.

The promise of their union marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, and the room was filled with a sense of unity and anticipation.

After the ceremony concluded, Stephen beamed with pride and took a step forward, as he held his smile, said, "Evanthe, my dear, now you are embarking on a beautiful journey. You are strong, kind, and full of love. We have raised you to be an amazing person, and we have no doubt you'll make a wonderful partner for Sharky." His love and support were unwavering as he gave Evanthe words of encouragement for her first night as Sharky's wife.

Alexa, Evanthe's mother, embraced her daughter and whispered, "You are radiant tonight, Evanthe. Have the courage to embrace this new chapter, and remember that we're always here for you."

Sylvie, Evanthe's birth mother, stepped forward, her eyes glistening with pride. She offered her daughter words of encouragement, "Evanthe, my dear, you are strong and capable. Embrace this journey with grace and confidence. Love knows no boundaries."

Grandpa Hawkins, a man of wisdom and experience, flanked by his two wives, Elara and Seraphina, approached the couple. With a warm smile, Hawkins offered his blessings, "Today, we gather to celebrate the union of your and Sharky. As both of you completed your union. May your journey together be filled with love, happiness, and the strength of family."

Seraphina, one of Evanthe's grandmothers, whispered, "Cherish every moment, my dear. Love and understanding are the foundation of a strong marriage. In the union of two families, we find joy and harmony. May the after marriage also bring even more love into your lives."

Elara, her other grandmother, added, "Embrace this new chapter with an open heart, Evanthe. May your love be as enduring as the stars in the sky, and your bond is unbreakable as the mountains."

Ethan and Maria, Sharky's children, were bubbling with excitement, eagerly waiting to welcome their new mom. They playfully tugged at Evanthe's dress, and Maria giggled, "We're going to have so much fun, new Mom!"

Sophia and Rosie, Sharky's first wives, were beaming with sisterly love. They surrounded Evanthe and teased her, "You're officially part of Sharky's family now, Evanthe! Get ready for a lifetime of adventure and love!"

"Evanthe, don't worry, Sharky is a fantastic husband," Sophia said with a wink. Rosie added, "And we'll be here to give you all the advice you need."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the joy of the occasion was palpable, and as the evening continued, the Alexander family and Sharky's extended family celebrated the newlyweds. It was a night filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a beautiful journey ahead.

After the wedding ceremony, Sharky and Evanthe made their way to the bridal chamber. Sophia, Rosie, Emma, Elizabeth, and Jean, Sharky's other wives, accompanied them, their laughter and teasing adding to the excitement of the moment.

Sophia grinned mischievously, "Remember, Evanthe, the key to a happy marriage is communication, so shower Sharky with more love conversation, and praise him so he will also praise you back and show his love for you."

Rosie chimed in, "And a little patience, too, it hurts a little at first, but the pain turns into pleasure as the time passes. You'll figure out what makes Sharky tick in no time."

Emma winked, "Don't forget to enjoy each other's company. It's all about love and laughter."

Elizabeth added with a smile, "But most importantly, tonight is your first night, so cherish the unique bond you share."

Jean playfully nudged Evanthe, "Don't worry, we've all been there. You're in good hands with Sharky. And called us, when you see, Sharky's energy exceeded your limits."

As Sharky entered the bridal chamber, the wives left, "Goodbye Evanthe, enjoy it fully," giving the newlyweds some privacy. Evanthe, who had been somewhat shy throughout the day, now stood with a hint of nervousness.

In the soft candlelight of their bridal chamber, Evanthe sat beside Sharky, her cheeks blushing a soft shade of pink. She nervously twirled a strand of her hair and whispered, "Sharky, I... I want you to know that I'm a bit shy, but I truly care for you."

Lemon Start

Sharky gently reached for her hand, his eyes filled with tenderness. "Evanthe, there's no need to be shy. I'm here for you, and I will be gentle with you." He said while he slowly took out her veil.

"Ok," Evanthe nodded, as she made contact with Sharky's eyes. She was feeling shy, but she was also looking forward to it.

Sharky leaned into her as he started kissing her, slowly but surely, both wedding dresses flew out. As both made their skin to skin connection.

Finally Evanthe experienced what it is to feel like to lose virginity. She was in pain, but she happily accepted this pain, and cooperated with Sharky. The red blood marks the beginning of her first night of wedding.

Both of the body and soul started becoming one as the night progressed, their love began to bloom. Sharky and Evanthe shared soft whispers, slowly growing bolder in their love talk, while enjoying the experience of their wedding night.

Evanthe leaned closer, her voice barely a whisper, "I'm just not used to this, but I want to be close to you, to feel your love."

As the night deepened, Evanthe's shyness began to melt away. With newfound confidence, she leaned in, her lips brushing against Sharky's, and whispered seductively, "Sharky, you make my heart race, and I want to explore every inch of your love. I want to feel your Dragon deeper inside me. More deeper."

Sharky, captivated by her boldness, responded in kind, with pushing his Dragon very deep inside her Sacred Forest, "Evanthe, you're a fire that burns within me. Let's set our desires free and savor this moment, whichever position you want, I will respond to it."

Eventually, Evanthe had tasted Sharky's Dragon, as she noticed the red blood on the bed. She knew she would also be conquered just like her sister Sophia and Rosie. Her Sacred Forest also now opened fully for Sharky's Dragon entry. And not only that, she also tasted what it felt like to be explored by Sharky's Dragon in her Nether place. She lost her virginity to her husband Sharky. She still remembered the pain when her hymen broke from Sharky's dragon. But it all was worth it, because her husband was still in her arms.

The room was filled with the sweetest expressions of affection, laughter, and the promise of a lifetime together. While the moaning mixed with thumping sound, show their romance level was on extreme. Their love talk grew more passionate, their voices filled with longing and desire. The room was filled with the intoxicating scent of their love, and their connection deepened with every word spoken. With Sharky continuously fed her with Dragon Tonic, she is becoming more hungry for it.

Their love deepened with each passing moment, and as dawn broke, they welcomed the first rays of the morning sun, knowing that they had embarked on a beautiful journey together as husband and wife.

When morning light crept into the room, Evanthe was a vision of boldness. Her initial shyness had transformed into confidence as she lay beside Sharky, her eyes filled with adoration. She leaned in, kissed him passionately, and whispered, "Good morning, my love. Let's make every moment together as bold and beautiful as this."

Sharky, equally enamored, embraced her, "Evanthe, I can't wait to spend a lifetime of bold and beautiful moments with you. I love you." While he again positioned her, and again released his Dragon inside her Sacred and Nether Place to fully explore it again.

Their love had grown from the shy beginnings of the night into a bold, passionate connection, promising a future filled with endless love and adventure.

Lemon End

After their love making session, Sharky gives some space to Evanthe, so she adjusts everything, while he goes to play with his children.

Seeing this rest of the five wives comes inside the bridal chamber to gossip about Evanthe's first night with her.

"So, Evanthe how you feeling it," Jean started the gossip season.

"I feel it is very wonderful, I want to enjoy it again." Evanthe replied in a bold tone shedding her shyness of night. "What about your first night?" She asked Jean back.

"Why not share our first experience?" Sophia suggested, everyone nodded.

In the intimate quarters of their shared space, Sharky's six wives, Sophia, Rosie, Emma, Elizabeth, Jean, and Evanthe, started sharing their first experience. They lounged on comfortable couches and pillows, their laughter filling the room.

Sophia, with a playful smile, "It all started from me, when I saw him for the first time, I didn't know what happened, and fell flat on him. He comes to buy a villa, and I sell him the villa which was for my dowry, and then we dance in celebration of the deal, and then dance changes into love, and then love changes into sex. I didn't know anything, just wanted to feel him inside, and I experienced it, when his Dragon pierced my Sacred Forest, taking away my virginity while breaking my hymen. I love those moments," She explained her first moment.

Rosie grinned, "I remember when I first met Sharky. Sophia introduced to me, he was so charming, and I couldn't resist his humor, and I started doing some naughty stuff with. But I didn't know how my little naughtiness turned into experiencing his Dragon in my mouth. Then dad decided on our marriage, and then on the wedding night I felt what it is like to be turned into a woman."

Emma added, "For my first time, it was my first punishment, since I attacked Rosie. But I didn't know how I was able to like the punishment that I want to experience more, and Sharky gives me the experience. He's a man who knows how to make me feel alive."

Elizabeth, with a twinkle in her eye, shared her thoughts, "I was also making the same mistake as Emma, but with gently he handled it, and made me experience the different side of the world. Far away from the pain side, he shows me what it feels like to love. I appreciate his kindness and his ability to make everyone around him feel loved."

Jean chuckled, "About me, it was to ease my pain, and make me control my Dark Phoenix abilities and emotions. He helps me, and I appreciate his help, and I love it. I always feel happy, whenever he loves me."

Evanthe, leaning to them, added with a sly smile, "And his passion in our private moments is something I'll always treasure."

Now Sharky has six wives; he lives in bliss, every day is like a honeymoon, as he considers it one long night of love. And since their passions have been awakened, only Sharky's dragon can put them to sleep. To do so, he must enter each and every sacred forest, nether region, and even their mouths. And until they are completely satisfied, he must continue to water them.

As the days pass, Sharky gets happy news from his wives Rosie and Evanthe. The happy news was that both of them became pregnant. Before becoming pregnant they had worried they would never be able to conceive because of Sophia's birth as a male, and their lineage being the last remaining of the Inhuman royal bloodline. However, they were now pregnant.

It was happiness for their whole Alexander family. Rosie and Evanthe stood side by side. They exchanged a glance and then broke into joyful tears. Sophia was also happy for them, while Sharky shared their joy together.

Rosie and Evanthe, overwhelmed with happiness, embraced everyone. It was a moment they thought might never come, and yet here it was—a clear sign of new life within them. They were ecstatic and couldn't wait to share the news with their family.

The most amazing thing was, Evanthe's upcoming child was a son, and if he were from the Emperor Inhuman Lineage, their lineage would continue for generations. Rosie's upcoming child was a daughter, of course.

"Sharky, I can't wait to share the news to dad, please let's go," Evanthe shouted, while Rosie also agreed with her. "Of course dear," Sharky nodded as he turned to the rest of his wives and children. "You all wait here, I am just coming after giving the news." They nodded, then Sharky, Rosie and Evanthe climbed in the car and started it towards the Alexander Mansion.

The sleek car glided along the streets of Washington DC, its occupants filled with a sense of anticipation. Sharky Tennyson sat in the driver's seat, with Rosie and Evanthe by his side. The air inside the car was tinged with a mixture of excitement and mystery as they approached the imposing facade of the Alexander Mansion.

As the car pulled up to the grand entrance, Sharky, Rosie, and Evanthe stepped out, their expressions betraying the secret they carried. The imposing doors of the mansion swung open, revealing the stately interior. At that moment, Stephen Alexander, the patriarch of the family, appeared, his eyes questioning the purpose of their visit.

With a gracious smile, Sharky stepped forward, "Good evening, father-in-law and both mother-in-law. We come with joyous news." His words hung in the air, creating an air of curiosity that mirrored in the faces of Alexa and Sylvie, who had also joined Stephen.

The trio exchanged glances, the unspoken secret still concealed. The Alexander family elders, unaware of the impending revelation, awaited an explanation for this unexpected visit, casting curious glances towards Sharky, Rosie, and Evanthe. The stage was set for a revelation that would soon fill the hallowed halls of the Alexander Mansion with unparalleled joy.

In the opulent living room of the Alexander Mansion, Stephen Alexander sat regally on one sofa, flanked by his wives, Alexa and Sylvie. On the opposite sofa, Sharky Tennyson took a seat with his wives, Rosie and Evanthe. The room exuded an air of anticipation, each person's gaze reflecting a mixture of curiosity and expectation.

Stephen, his posture exuding patriarchal composure, glanced at Sharky, a subtle nod urging him to share the purpose of their visit. The room fell into a brief silence, intensifying the intrigue.

With a composed smile, Sharky leaned forward, "Father-in-law, we come bearing news that will undoubtedly bring immense joy to this esteemed family." The anticipation in the room reached a palpable peak as Stephen and his wives leaned in, eager to hear the revelation.

"Both Rosie and Evanthe are expecting," Sharky announced, the words hanging in the air. The shock that rippled through the room was almost tangible. Stephen, usually stoic, was momentarily taken aback. Alexa and Sylvie, the mothers, exchanged wide-eyed glances, the news registering with a mix of surprise and elation.

If you find anything uninteresting in my story, please share it and suggest to me what I need to improve. I will include everything which feels good. Sharky's children will also play the major role, I will create a story about them. After the Journey Of Sharky Tennyson Season will end.

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