
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 16 -Universe 421, Mutant Earth

As Sharky, Sophia, and Rosie arrived in the USSR in 1962, they found themselves near a mansion where an intense fight was taking place.

Observing from a distance, the trio witnessed a gripping confrontation outside the mansion. A diamond-shaped girl engaged in a fierce battle against two men. One manipulated metal with apparent ease, attempting to capture her, while the other focused intensely with his hand on his head.

It became apparent that the man with the hand on his head possessed mind-controlling abilities. The diamond girl, although formidable, occasionally halted her attacks when facing him, adding a layer of complexity to the skirmish.

The scene unfolded as a captivating display of superhuman abilities, with the girl's diamond form exuding an air of invincibility, the metal-controlling man showcasing his magnetic prowess, and the third man's powers shrouded in mystery, linked to his focused thoughts.

As the situation unfolded, the man with his hand on his head managed to momentarily halt the diamond girl. Seizing the opportunity, the man commanding metal swiftly utilized his powers to bend the metal of a nearby bed, fashioning restraints that bound the diamond girl's neck, hands, and legs, effectively capturing her.

With the diamond girl immobilized, the man focusing on his thoughts turned his attention to her, attempting to read her mind. After a brief pause, he shouted to the individual controlling metal, "Eric, Shaw is planning to initiate World War 3. We need to stop it."

A sense of urgency filled the air as the gravity of the situation became apparent. There was a serious threat looming, with the mention of stopping someone named Shaw from triggering World War 3. Sharky, Sophia, and Rosie continued to observe, realizing they were in the midst of a critical moment, and the three superpowered individuals were on a vital mission to prevent a global catastrophe.

"What? How can he initiate it, Charles?" Eric asked the mind reader. However, just as his focus shifted, the diamond girl swiftly used her diamond hands to transform into sharp edges, cutting through all the metal restraints that had captured her, and she escaped from the scene.

"Where has Emma gone?" Eric looked around, perplexed. In a matter of seconds, the diamond girl had broken free from the metal chains.

"We need to find her; she has more information about Shaw's plan," Charles Xavier replied, joining the search for Emma as the urgency to thwart Shaw's potentially catastrophic plan heightened.

Emma's escape had thrown a wrench into their mission, adding a layer of complexity to the already intense situation. "There she is!" Xavier shouted, pointing at Emma, who was making a run for it.

Eric utilized his metal-controlling abilities, sending numerous metallic objects hurtling toward Emma. However, she adeptly sliced through them with her sharp diamond hands.

The situation grew increasingly intricate, and the group, led by Xavier and Eric, was determined to capture Emma before she could slip away. Tensions reached a critical point when Emma, wielding her sharp diamond hand, approached Sharky, Sophia, and Rosie. Taking Rosie hostage, she issued a chilling ultimatum, "Erik, Xavier, leave me alone, or this girl will lose her life." Xavier and Erik exchanged worried glances, realizing they were now faced with a perilous dilemma.

As Emma held Rosie hostage, the intensity of the situation reached a new level. Xavier and Erik grappled with a moral dilemma, torn between their mission and the immediate threat to Rosie's life.

"Eric, try to restrain her hands, while I use my telepathic powers to control her," Xavier commanded. Eric nodded and subtly attempted to send a metal cup toward Emma.

Perceiving Xavier's attempts to manipulate her mind, Emma scoffed, "You think my threats are a joke." In a swift and cruel action, she used her sharp diamond-encrusted hand to slice Rosie's hand, eliciting an agonizing cry of pain.

Xavier and Erik halted their attack, standing in a difficult position. Their expressions revealed a mix of concern and dread as they froze, unsure of how to proceed. Emma's actions had dramatically escalated the stakes.

Amidst the tension, unbeknownst to the others, Sharky's anger reached a boiling point. His eyes blazed with fury, shifting to a fiery red hue. He seethed, "Emma, I don't care if you even destroy the world, but you've touched something precious to me. I will show you the proper punishment. Sophia, take her with us," he ordered, a sense of determination cutting through the tension.

Sharky's anger flared, his red eyes radiating palpable intensity. Indifferent to the world's fate, Emma's actions had crossed a line by harming someone precious to him. Sophia, fueled by protective rage, swiftly obeyed Sharky's command.

Sophia's anger mirrored Sharky's as she glared at Emma, horrified that someone had harmed her sisters. Until this moment, they had been untouched by harm, and Emma's inexplicable cruelty left Sophia seething with indignation.

With determination, Sophia extended her hand, making contact with Emma, the Diamond Girl, and her sister Rosie.

In an instant, Emma, caught by Sharky standing behind Sophia, and the entire group vanished using Sophia's teleportation powers, leaving Xavier and Erik bewildered and uncertain of what had just transpired. The abrupt departure left the air charged with unresolved tension and lingering questions.

"What just happened?" Erik looked around with confusion.

"Sophia, the girl, has teleportation powers. Emma harmed Rosie, angering the man with them. He commanded to capture and punish Emma, leading to all of them teleporting somewhere beyond our reach," Charles Xavier explained, trying to make sense of the unexpected turn of events.

"Erik, could they be new mutants?" Xavier inquired, sharing his uncertainty.

"I don't know," Erik responded, equally puzzled. "I can't access their thoughts. This is unlike anything I've encountered before. Perhaps they belong to a new mutant group. One thing is certain: Emma is now beyond our reach." The enigmatic disappearance of Sharky, Sophia, and Rosie left them with more questions than answers, deepening the mystery surrounding these peculiar individuals.

"Agreed. We need to focus on stopping their mission to prevent World War 3," Erik nodded, and they departed from the scene, unsure of what the future held for Emma and the unfolding events.

Nearby a hotel, Sharky, Sophia, Rosie, and Emma appeared. "Sophia, book a room," Sharky ordered, and she promptly obeyed. They secured a room and entered.

Amidst the uncertainty, Emma, the Diamond Girl, remained perplexed about the recent events. Attempting to use her telepathic powers for more information, she encountered an impenetrable barrier.

Her focus shifted to Rosie, whose hand was miraculously restored. Emma couldn't fathom how Rosie's hand had healed so quickly after she had severed it just moments ago. The inexplicable events deepened the mystery surrounding Sharky, Sophia, Rosie, and the unfolding circumstances.

Emma realized she had chosen the wrong hostage, and this mistake weighed heavily on her, leaving her uncertain about what would transpire next. The unforeseen turn of events had shifted the dynamics, leaving Emma in a precarious position.

Emma's confusion and fear began to give way to a degree of calmness as she found herself in a bedroom with Sharky, Sophia, and Rosie; the anger in their expressions had lessened somewhat.

As she noticed the calming atmosphere, Emma sought answers and asked, "What do you want with me? Why have you captured me?" Despite her fear, she was determined to understand the situation and believed they didn't intend to kill her. If that were their intention, they could have done so before reaching the hotel.

Sharky responded firmly, "Initially, I wanted to eliminate you; however, now I have other plans. Before we proceed, you must return to your normal state and provide us with all the necessary details. Please, don't force me to read your mind, or it will hurt you more." His tone conveyed both authority and a willingness to resolve the situation peacefully.

Under the enchanting influence of Sharky's commanding voice, Emma Frost gracefully obeyed his words, her every movement a testament to his captivating authority. His voice, almost magical in its effect on her, guided her actions seamlessly. Even Shaw's voice wasn't able to make her do anything, but she couldn't resist Sharky's command.

As she transformed back to her natural state, Emma's appearance retained an air of regality. Her long, flowing blonde hair cascaded elegantly, framing her face with a touch of sophistication. Her icy blue eyes, now free from the diamond facade, held a determined yet alluring gaze.

Emma's fair skin seemed to glow in the ambient light, and her pristine white outfit accentuated her poise and mystery. The attire, adorned with subtle accents, further enhanced her enigmatic allure. The white boots, strapless dress, and the meticulously chosen undergarments the white underwear, and a white bra added to the overall impression of elegance.

It was a stark contrast to the illusion she had woven just moments before, where she manipulated perceptions to create an intimate scene with a Soviet Union general. Now, in her true form, Emma stood poised, awaiting further instructions. Her every move spoke of a careful acknowledgment of Sharky's influence, a conscious decision to align herself with his commands for self-preservation.

The room held a tense energy as Emma's gaze remained fixed on Sharky and the others, her once-diamond form a distant memory for the moment. Emma had willingly chosen to follow Sharky's every command, recognizing the potential consequences of defiance.

"Sir, on the bed," Sharky commanded, and Emma obediently sat, awaiting further instructions.

Rosie and Sophia settled on the second bed as Sharky joined Emma, his hands deftly playing with her hair. Though Emma felt the urge to resist, Sharky's intense gaze left her feeling powerless. She found herself unable to summon even a hint of courage to defy him.

"Now, introduce yourself and your work," Sharky commanded, as he touched her panties. She has no little bit of courage left to stop him. For she knows her sacred place has been touched by Sharky. In her life history first time someone has touched her Sacred place.

Emma, under his compelling influence, began to share her story. "My name is Emma Frost. I'm 25 years old. Initially, I worked in a bar, using my mind-reading abilities to create illusions of intimate moments and earn money. One night, Sebastian Shaw visited the bar. He demonstrated his power to control energy, even absorbing and redirecting nuclear energy at will. He invited me to join his group, the Brotherhood of Mutants, and I accepted." Her narrative revealed a glimpse into her past and the pivotal moment that led her to the Brotherhood.

She noticed, on the other hand, Sharky's hand groping her D-cup oranges. This was something no one had done to her in the past 25 years; they were always the ones being played by her.

But today, a complete stranger is dominating her. Just his stare alone is enough to make her do anything.

"Explain about the Brotherhood of Mutants, led by Sebastian Shaw," Sharky asked, as he opened her bra hooks, her oranges were now proudly standing in front of Sharky, he pinched them, causing Emma to give a moan.

"The Brotherhood of Mutants, led by Sebastian Shaw, was a collective of mutants. Their primary goal was to establish mutant supremacy and advocate for mutant rights in a world where they were frequently marginalized. Sebastian Shaw, the leader, had an ambitious plan to initiate World War 3, aiming to bring about global destruction. In the aftermath, he intended to assert dominance over the remaining population." Emma detailed the Brotherhood's objectives and Shaw's ruthless strategy for achieving them.

"Why does Sebastian Shaw want to dominate the world, and how did other mutants join him?" Sharky inquired while he played with her oranges to his demand, sometimes pinched sometimes messaging.

"Shaw, being a formidable mutant with powers of energy manipulation and absorption, became a central figure in the Brotherhood. His plan to dominate the world stems from a desire for mutant supremacy and the establishment of mutant rights. The Brotherhood's formation was fueled by the increasing discrimination against mutants by humans, and Shaw's powers made him a charismatic leader who could rally mutants together," Emma elaborated on Shaw's motivations and the reasons behind mutants joining the Brotherhood.

"Their methods often involved confrontations and conflicts with humans and other mutant groups like the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier," she added, highlighting the controversial nature of the Brotherhood's actions.

As Emma revealed this information, she sought to establish a connection with her captors, providing insights into the Brotherhood's perspective.

"When does Sebastian plan to start World War 3?" Sharky asked while he started licking her oranges, and sucking it.

"He has plans to initiate it tomorrow. The USSR will attack the US, prompting a retaliatory response, and thus, World War 3 will commence," Emma disclosed the imminent threat, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

Lemon Start

"Undress yourself," he commanded, and without hesitation, she obeyed. She didn't even question why she was obeying his command.

She started to undress herself in action and in just a few minutes. Her lingerie, her panties, her boots. All fell onto the floor. She was a little shy, but she couldn't stop herself from following his commands.

Sharky put his one finger in her mouth. "You know, Emma," he said. "If you don't cut the hand of Rosie, then I have not focused in you, but since you did this, and my eyes gone on you, I find you so beautiful, that I am going to fuck you." Sharky said, as he commanded her to lay down on the bed and spread her legs.

Emma Frost obeyed the commands. Spreading her legs as far as she could. Exposing her sacred and nether regions in front of Sharky. Sophia and Rosie from the other bed, couldn't stop touching each other, as they watched the way the situation was unfolding.

Sharky put his hand on her oranges, as he was crushing it; his other hand went into her sacred region, and when he pushed his one finger inside.

Sharky noticed his dragon was awakening. "Undress me," Sharky commanded, and she obeyed. Starting with his shirt, then his pants, and finally his underwear. As his dragon watched, proudly standing tall, it seemed to be asking which kingdom it should conquer next.

As Sharky placed Emma on her knees, he aimed his dragon at her sacred region. He grabbed her tightly, and without hesitation, he thrust into her, not stopping until he had completely deflowered her.

After fucking or you could call it making love on the bed she had fallen naked and the red blood showed her. Her virginity was taken from her by her master Sharky.

Yes, during the lovemaking session, she finally realizes that Sharky is her master for eternity. During the lovemaking session, when her hymen breaks, it hurts her greatly, but her master doesn't stop punishing her.

She thought after her Sacred Forest was destroyed, she would find some relief. But no, her Nether Place then also began to suffer the same fate. Today was her worst day. After everything had happened, she didn't feel any regret or fear. She felt this was truly what she wanted. However, not any one could do this with her; it was only her Master Sharky's right to pound out his desires. Her proof lay in her Sacred Place, her Nether Place, and her mouth was filled with her Master's seed.

Lemon End

"So, Master, what is your name, and what is your companion's name and powers?" Emma asked, acknowledging Sharky as her master and showing willingness to follow his commands.

"My name is Sharky Tennyson, and I possess a variety of powers. Forget about specifics; just understand I can do anything," Sharky explained confidently. He then gestured towards Sophia. "She is Sophia Alexander, my first wife. Her powers include Instant Regeneration and Teleportation. Even if someone were to blast her, she would regenerate and stand within a few minutes."

Emma directed her attention towards Rosie. "What about her, Master Sharky?"

"Her name is Rosie Alexander, my second wife. Her power is Instant Regeneration. She is also Sophia's sister," Sharky explained. "Now, let's go see what Sebastian Shaw is going to do." Sharky prepared to observe the impending battle between Sebastian Shaw and the X-Men.

"Ok, my Master," Emma nodded in acknowledgment as they headed towards the island where the final battle was about to unfold.

Sharky, Sophia, Rosie, and Emma arrived in Cuba, where Sebastian Shaw planned to initiate a nuclear war between the USSR and the USA.

Russian ships unexpectedly fired nuclear missiles at their own vessel, a mysterious act orchestrated by Charles Xavier using his mind-control abilities from a distant location.

"Master, it was Charles Xavier. He took control of someone's mind, and he can do it from a remote location," Emma explained, pointing out a jet in the sky. "That's the X-Men's jet."

"Where is the Brotherhood of Mutants?" Sharky inquired. "They're in a submarine underwater. Sebastian Shaw is observing everything from there," Emma clarified.

The X-Men's jet opened, and a man descended from it, utilizing his sonic voice and the X-Men suit to fly.

"Who is he?" Sharky asked. "Hold on," Emma replied, focusing her telepathic powers. "His name is Sean Cassidy, codenamed Banshee. He can manipulate sound." She provided information about Sean.

Observing Banshee dive into the water and emit sound waves, Sharky remarked, "Using sound as a sonar to locate the submarine. Smart move."

The X-Men's jet opened again, and this time, the front tire revealed a familiar figure – Eric Lensherr, codenamed Magneto, the mutant with the ability to command metal.

"Banshee goes to find the submarine, and Eric uses his magnetic powers to bring it out. Impressive moves," Sharky commented, closely observing their actions.

The unfolding events captured everyone's attention, as Eric successfully manipulated the submarine, lifting it out of the water and onto the land. The spectacle was remarkable, showcasing the extent of Magneto's magnetic control.

However, just as it seemed like a victory for Magneto, a surprising twist occurred. Someone emerged from the submarine, unleashing a tornado that sent both the submarine and the X-Men's jet crashing onto the land where Sharky, Sophia, Rosie, and Emma were situated.

"He is Janos Quested, codenamed Riptide. His ability allows him to generate powerful tornadoes," Emma elucidated regarding the individual responsible for creating the tornado.

From the broken submarine emerged three distinctive figures. One was Riptide, another was a red mutant with a tail, and the third was a girl with butterfly-like wings.

"One is Azazel, he has Teleportation powers like Rosie, and he's also skilled in sword combat. The other one is Angel Salvadore; she can fly using her butterfly wings, and her spit creates explosive blasts," Emma swiftly explained to Sharky, offering insights into the powers of the newcomers.

Simultaneously, on the side of the X-Men's jet, three figures emerged – the blue-furred mutant, Eric Lensherr, and a man with a circular device in the middle of his suit.

Emma continued her narration, "The blue-colored guy is Hank McCoy, known as Beast. And the other guy is Alex Summers, known as Havok. He can blast Plasma."

Azazel and Angel engaged in combat against Havok and Beast, with additional assistance from Banshee, who had now joined the X-Men members coming out of the water.

Meanwhile, Magneto used his powers to break the middle part of the submarine, striking Riptide and entering the vessel in search of Sebastian Shaw. The battlefield had become a chaotic mix of mutants, each displaying their unique powers and skills in the unfolding conflict.

Beast, with the help of a blue girl named Raven Darkholme, codenamed Mystique, defeated Azazel. Emma explained that Mystique was a shape-shifting mutant. Havok and Banshee successfully defeated Angel.

Inside the submarine, Erik Lensherr confronted the formidable Sebastian Shaw. In a crucial moment, Erik used his mastery over magnetism to take control of Sebastian Shaw's helmet, which protected him from telepathic attacks. Eric wore the helmet himself.

Manipulating a coin, Eric drove it through Shaw's skull in a decisive and deadly act. With Shaw's demise, Eric emerged from the submarine, holding Sebastian Shaw's lifeless body.

"Stop your fights, brother. The real enemy is out there. I feel they are pointing their guns towards us," Magneto shouted.

"Tell me if I am wrong, Charles," Eric questioned Charles as he emerged from the X-Men jet with a CIA agent named Miles Morry.

Charles, using his mind powers, focused on the USSR and USA navy ships and realized they were about to launch a missile attack.

The navy ships fired numerous missiles toward the beach where the mutants were located. However, Eric, utilizing his magnetic powers, intercepted the missiles before they could hit the beach, redirecting them back toward the navy ships.

"Eric, don't do it. There are thousands of men on those ships," Charles Xavier pleaded. Despite Charles's plea, Eric didn't heed his words and retaliated by firing the missiles back at the navy ships.

Charles Xavier struggled to stop Eric, but his efforts were in vain. In the midst of the chaos, CIA agent Miles Morry fired a bullet at Eric. Although Eric managed to divert most of the bullets, one took an unexpected turn, hitting Xavier in the waist.

Witnessing this, Eric's anger intensified, fueled by the imminent danger posed by the redirected missiles heading towards the USSR and USA navy.

"I can't stand to see people die a tragic death," Sharky declared. He then commanded Sophia to teleport him to the navy ship, appearing amidst the shocked navy personnel.

Before anyone could react, Sharky unleashed a breath using his Gutrot powers, creating a large cloud of gas that enveloped the sky where the missiles were aimed.

Confused and astonished, the onlookers observed as the gas dispersed, revealing the absence of any missiles. Grateful for their lives being spared, the navy personnel thanked Sharky and Sophia, setting aside prejudices against mutants.

"Thank you for saving our lives. You can leave; we won't say anything to anyone," the navy general expressed his gratitude, accompanied by salutes from his crew.

Unperturbed, Sharky and Sophia teleported away from the ships, leaving behind a moment of unexpected appreciation.

Meanwhile on the beach, although everyone was amazed by the gas which disintegrated the missile. But they are now focused on Charles. Erik wants Charles to come with him, but their ideology doesn't match.

With Erik and Charles split, Erik emerged as the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, leading them in their quest for mutant supremacy with the Raven, Angel Salvadore, Azazel and Riptide goes with him. While Hank, Alex and Banshee decided to live with Charles.

This tragic event left Charles disabled, altering the course of his life and the trajectory of mutant-human relations in this universe. The year 1962 marked a significant turning point in the mutants' struggle for recognition and coexistence.

On the side of Sharky, Sophia, Rosie and Emma. They travel all over the Earth to find out about the supernatural event on the Earth of Universe 421. Meanwhile he also didn't stop pounding Emma, Rosie and Sophia.

Since Emma has accepted Sharky as her master, she loves to get pounded by Sharky. She had already accepted herself as Sharky's slave. There was not a single day where her Sacred and Nether Region wasn't filled with Sharky's Dragon Tonic. And she also drinks Dragon Tonic with her mouth.

But after one year, the journey comes to an end. Sharky forgave Emma for attacking Rosie and even bestowed upon her a Regeneration and Teleportation device that would serve to protect her life in the future. And elevated her status from a slave to his wife.

Since Sharky regularly watered Emma field and with getting many Dragon Tonic from Sharky, Emma has also developed a body, which will get older slowly, even if she became 1000 years old, she will look like 25.

Sharky farewells Emma and opens a Timeline portal, with it he, Rosie and Sophia take forward a step, as they moved in time to the year 1983 within the Universe 421 leaving behind Emma. But unknown to Sharky, Emma has gotten pregnant and when he meets her next time, she will be with his baby.