
journey away from home

I sat down in front of him, staring intently on how his Adam apple bubbled as he gulped down his soda, it looked Soo beautiful to me, you love a whisper came to my mind, and just like that, I felt like I couldn't breathe, are you ok? he asked me, but my response, left both of us shocked

Fatiha_Oladeji · Romance
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2 Chs

chapter two

chapter two

We started our exams three weeks ago, and we finished last week, I was like very cranky throughout our exam period, I spent most of my nights, reading, and I literally looked like zombie towards the end but I'm back to my glowing self now. We've resumed normal classes, prom was next week Saturday, and is like three weeks before graduation.

We are currently seated in the cafeteria, it's lunch and there is a pout resting my face, while listening to Bella ranting about a jock that had hit on her after the second period, his approach was off!! Like it's disgusting! And..... Hey jazz, jazz, hey are you there, she snapped her fingers at my face, I snapped out of dream world, yeah you were saying, I said pretending like I was listening the whole time.

"Dude where were you, I was like calling you for hours", I've been right here, I argued, ok then what was the last thing I said, she said folding her hands on her chest, um__ well__ um__uhhh, yeeaah, Bella said nodding, well I'm not sure I was listening, I said with a guilty smile, nodding her head she placed her hands on the table, bitch!! so I was talking to my self for like the past five minutes!! she yelled, the whole cafeteria attention I'm telling you was now on us.

"Not really I was with you, but not just in spirit" I defended, Bella slapped the table again, it's the same thing!!, She said louder this time, i winced at how loud she was being "why don't you just calm down ugh" well I'm calm, she said flipping her hair dramatically, now tell me where the hell were you, she demanded, I was here, I argued, and she gave me this look saying you better not play with me girl!!! I raised my hands in surrender, ok ok chill I'll spill, soo I want to go to prom, but I've not sumuned the courage to ask my parents, I said with an exasperated sigh.

Bella's jaw dropped to the ground, are you like for real, and I nodded my head, well just ask them, said like it was Soo easy, i mean, she continued, it's normal for every Teenager to attend prom but since you want to be clear, just ask them.

I looked at her like she had grown an extra head, 'just asked them' I repeated, yeah she said nodding her head excitedly, ooh I can't wait to get you all dolled up and beautiful, she said with a dreamy expression.

First of all eww, and second, no! I can't just ask them!! I paused, have you forgotten we are talking about my parents, I reminded her, asking mama is breeze, but you see papa? He will sit us down for hours and lecture us on how reckless teenagers are nowadays.

well you're their kid aren't you, if they can't trust you then what's the point, Bella said with a shrug, but I think you are overreacting, anyways I have a plan," what's the plan" Bella told me her plan and I fell in love with it already, and we are carrying it out tomorrow evening.

Lunch was over and we went to class, I and Bella had the rest of our classes together, so we were literally attached to each other's butts till she dropped me oof at home, asalamu'alaikum I called out as I got inside, I met my lazy ass brother playing video game, it was like half of his body was on the couch, and the other half was on the floor.

Do you have a life aside from playing video games all day, I asked him, khaleed raisedhis head,oh you're back, he said and giss gaze dropped back to the game he was playing, where is Mama i asked him, but he has lost his hearing to the game he was playing.

I went to the kitchen to see I'm mama was thee, but she wasn't, so I assumed she had gone grocery shopping, or probably hanging out with some friends, I decided to freshen up first, so I went to my room, I took a shower, and did my sallah, just as I crashed on my bed, I had a crash from my closet.

I rushed in to see my older sister safeena, on the floor with some of my clothes, I crossed my hands over my chest, what are you doing here, she stood up from the floor with a little struggle, and hung the clothes where they belonged, I stood there watching her like a hawk, she was that I wasn't ready let her go that easily,she decided to explain herself.

Well I wanted to borrow a dress, she told me, I gazed at her suspiciously, and... She paused "I want something that screams art" ugh..... I opened my mouth to say something, bit was cut off, I know what you're going to say, I know I have a closet full of clothes and all, but they are all the same.

One thing I forgot to mention about my sister, since she was a photographer, at time, she uses her self a model, since she is very beautiful, i will help her get more gigs

I stood there like for a minute, before I asked, what do you need, sheet out an excited squwal and pulled me into a hug, you are the best, I however smiled in response, we spent like an hour going through my closet, still safeena had not seen anything she wanted, I collapsed on the floor tiredly, I don't think I can go on like this, I said with an exaggerated gasp, c'mon you are so lazy, get your butt from the floor and help me,she whinned, but I just sunk deeper to the floor, thank goodness the closet had a rug, she saw I wasn't ready to continue so she resumed on her own, after like five minutes, she let out an excited squeal.

She ran over to me holding a lilac colored jumpsuit, it wasn't like normal jumpsuits, it was like hella dramatic,with like really baggy legs, where did you get this, she asked me hugging the dress to her chest, umm papa? I answered her weirdly, well don't worry about it I would just work with this, but it will need little adjustments, however thank you!! she said kissing my cheek, are you not getting up she asked for the second time, no thank you I will just passout here a little bit, I said, ok, she said and left, I heard my room door snap shut, as I fell into a bliss.

Wake up, someone shook me in my sleep, go away I want to sleep some more, I said trying to find a more comfortable spot, the person let out a breathy chuckle, it's okay if you want to sleep some more princessa but not on the floor, and not without dinner, I opened one eyes to see who was that, I saw papa staring at me, with a smile adorning his handsome face, papa? Handsome I shook that thought out of my head.

I sat up to get a better view, want to be sure I'm not imagining papa being in my room, not just my room, but my closet, what time is it I asked him stretching my hand over my head, papa still wearing the same smile " magrib " my eyes widen in surprise, I've slept that long, I asked still surprised with how fast the day passed, papa helped me to my feet, go perform your ablution, we are waiting for you downstairs, he said kissing my cheek.

I did my ablution fast and joined them downstairs, everyone was there already, so we started praying as soon as I joined the line.

After we were done with sallat, we had dinner, me and khaleed were bickering throughout dinner, at some point papa will join us, then mama would growl at us, and we would be at it again, onece we were done eating, I cleared the table and washed the dishes, I went to my room as soon as I was done with everything, then I prayed as-salatul Isha.

I payed on my bed gazing at the ceiling, guess what I was thinking about, I was thinking about my admission, I was yet to get an acceptance letter from Oxford.

That's right, my college of choice is Oxford, since middle school all I've dreamed of is graduating with an outstanding results from faculty of Law Oxford, I had appreciate for a scholarship there, well to get that, I have to be an a straight student from junior school, and I made sure of that, now the only thing keeping me back is my final results, and I hope it will be good.

Who am I kidding! I know it will be good 😉