
JoJo System on Remnant

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) Just your usual reincarnated story getting sent to another world.

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Chapter 11: Info Gathering…

~Third POV~

When the door open it revealed a very angry Jacques after going over a small argument with Willow is supposed wife he loves but in reality, only married her for the company and managing to convince her father to give him the position of CEO of the company after years of sucking up to him.

Nicholas Schnee was fooled into believing that Jacques was an ideal candidate for the company leaving everything he entrusted to him.

Jacques is a man who wants control above all else to secure his spot to live a life of luxuries while using the Schnee's to his own end he already made a bond with Whitley already trying to show him the business side of things while getting a pawn.

Jacques tried to do the same with Winter and tries to let her see the reason for an arranged marriage and that was the turning point in Winter's life that she refuses to bend to Jacques's will and following her dream to become someone else to help people.

Much to his dismay he couldn't control Winter he could at least try to get her off the idea of being the next Heir to the company but one day when he heard the news that Willow was having twins, he grew a smirk thinking on how to control them.

Whenever Jacques tries to go over to Weiss, she is always protected by Winter to get her away from him since she knew what his intentions are and trying to manipulate her at a young age and he couldn't show to Willow his true attention unless he wants to be kicked out.

Now that only left his son Eis Schnee to manipulate but that idea was blown away immediately since whenever he promises of 'bonding time' he always evades him like the plague as if Eis already knew the true nature of his.

Jacques tries to convince over many times over the past 7 years which showed no results that Eis would listen to him but listens in to with the rest of the family members but never him.

Now on to the present time Jacques was opening the door to reveal no one was inside holding his head with pain clearly shown on his face of another argument with Willow again.

When Jacques thought he was alone he says to himself with clear anger expressed it when he hit the office table with his fist, "Damn that blasted bitch! How could she not see the most favorable time to introduce the twins to the idea of an arranged marriage to the other noble families in Atlas in order to 'our' family grow?!"

While Jacques was fuming in anger about the earlier argument about the idea of letting Weiss and Eis get accustomed to the idea of arrange marriages in order to help the growth of the Schnee family company expand into a bigger organization with other influential families that hold major investments in Atlas and Mantle.

Clearly when Willow heard the idea, she immediately argued about the idea of arranged marriages to their children in a young age and right after they were attacked from assassins who wanted them dead clearly, she was angry!

Willow argued with Jacques with his lack of empathy towards his own children to which let Jacques back off the idea of arranging marriages for Eis and Weiss currently till Willow calms down and when they grow up.

After that Jacques looks around his room again hitting the table again in angry while calming himself down, "RARGH… no calm down here Jacques there is still time to convince her or control this family you have time to change all of this, when everything is said and done you will be the one in charge and not her or her family."

With that Jacques calms himself down into his chair in his office and looks over to a stack of papers all lying around the table where the stack is and only grumbles at what he sees, "Grr… Well now at least if I get something out of this today it's that brat won't be the next Heir to the company."

While Jacques was looking around for the documents, he found out that the reason why the stacks of papers were such a disarray his eyes widened as he tries to look for them.

When he was looking around he went to another stack were he kept all the copies of the documents in a private folder in his safe and small room behind his portrait only to find that not only his documents to denounce Winter as the next Heir but all his Lien was stolen as well!

Jacques gritted his teeth in sheer rage looking at the items and his Lien were gone as of it never was there that alone managed to grow a tick mark on his head out of sheer anger, "Grr… Who…? Who dares to rob me Jacques Schnee the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company!"

Then Jacques tries to think who was the culprit who managed to open the safe and find the hidden room behind his portrait while having his hand on his chin, "Could it be Winter no I made sure that the documents were in my office in the safe but I noticed it was busted open with Winter strength in training its possible but not enough to clearly tear off the safe since its close to be as hard as diamonds."'

Jacques walks around his office to think how its possible to open the safe but also find the hidden small room behind his portrait, "Unless she noticed the small keyhole in the wall she would need the key to open it discretely and not open it to clearly show that someone had opened it forcibly but it's hard to find unless one have superhuman sight even with someone that has aura is a hard feet to accomplish if they look close enough…"

While Jacques was talking to himself completely aware that no one was listening in he just sighs to himself and sits down on his chair, "Sigh… no use crying over spilled Dust I just have to get one of the Council Members of Atlas to get me another set of Documents again… although it won't be for another few months or years again to get all the paper work done."

Then Jacques just smiles at this and sits down to complete his paper work for his company, "Well I have the patience to wait after all it won't be long till I have control of this family and Winter leaving in three years to join Atlas Academy that would mean I can at the very least ruin her life and get more control of Weiss and Eis in the future."

While Jacques was starting to do his work who was the one to find the documents and stolen his Lien currently in a reflection somewhere in Jacques office that his unaware of is Eis Schnee hiding in the Mirror world using his newest Stand he got from the Side Mission the Man in the Mirror.

When the door opened up with Eis having a panic that someone came in the office he activated his Stand ability of The World to stop time for the next 5 seconds in real world time which was enough for him to switch to new Stand to hide into the Mirror World.

Eis was successful in entering the Mirror World with many reflective surfaces to enter to since the only activation requirement to activate Mirror World Entry ability.

Moreover, Man in the Mirror can also drag anything into the mirror world by using reflective surfaces as portals, selecting anything that can enter through the user orders, and can do so regardless of how small the "portal" is.

However, the use of two Stands left Eis somewhat drained from using The World time stop and switching over to Man in the Mirror left him drain but have enough strength to do one more jump into the real world once he rested enough.

But that didn't mean he wasn't doing anything during that time resting he managed to get his new scroll and started to record everything that has Jacques has done and spoke so far.

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~


I guess I got my answer of him being a Grimm more than human I guess but to go this far just to destroy a family for his own gain…

Just makes me want to kill this scum here and now!


No that wouldn't work here since it would be too suspicious for him to die right after an assassination attempt was made and with the staff around that would cause to have some suspicion in the family.

And if they figured out about my Stands and their impossible power breaking rules that would make me a prime suspect of my supposed father murder or disappearance.

The only way I can maintain my new life and get rid of Jacques for good is to take him down either legally or when another attack happens use The World time stop and create a situation that Jacques was killed.

But the question remains is can I even kill a person I know in the past I was no killer but to kill someone would probably change me in either a good or bad way no matter what…

I should try to capture them first but if they have no redeemable qualities then I'm left with no choice but to kill since if I make a lot of enemies then I would rather have none while I have a chance to end them.

But that is something for the future me to decide because right now I have to deal with Jacques for now, but I did get some great video footage of him confessing about denouncing Winter as the Heir…

However, when he mentions about the Council Members, I just expressed a narrow look, "Damn it! I knew he had help with this but if one of the Council Members are with him then taking him down is going to be a lot harder than I thought."


No for now though I won't get any more of this information other than his confession about truly intending to denounce Winter, so I think the next course of action is to hand this over to Winter for now.

"[Stand: Man in the Mirror Lv.1

Appearance: Man, in the Mirror has a humanoid body with a dark leotard missing the upper chest piece, all bolted in place by screws. It wears gloves and a diamond-patterned hood covering its entire head, along with a large pair of goggles. Its facial design is based on a Venetian mask, making the Stand look like a Tengu.




Mirror World Entry Lv.1, Mirror Manipulation Lv.5 (LOCKED), Reflect Lv. MAX (LOCKED)]"

I should probably let Winter know about this and only her for the time being since she trusted me with the flash drives so I can trust her with my Stand ability of Mirror World Entry plus it can be made a great ability to spy.

So, with that I traversed through my direction away from the mirror world once I get to another reflective surface area, I'm going to report this to Winter maybe she has the right idea of what to do next.

When I found the reflective surface on the outside of Jacques Office and no one was around I leap on over to the window reflective surface of the hallway leading towards my room.

When I materialized into the real world my body started to break down in blue and green pieces then I piece myself together in the real world that I landed in the hallway.

I looked around myself and made sure that no one was around I sigh out a breathe of relief, "Sigh… good grief that was close call but now I have some evidence I hope Winter has an idea of what to do next with the evidence I have?"

With that in mind I left towards the hallway heading towards Willow's garden Winter and Weiss did head there the last time I checked.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Flash Drive x3, Book

Lien: 95,000