
Jojo Bizarre Hunter

A man named Jonah Joestar woke up in the world of Hunter X Hunter after an attack from his greatest rival's requiem Stand at the Battle of the Pinnacles in 2042. He escaped his predetermined death. But can another world handle a Joestar?

DigitalSignal · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Jonah looked around him and found that he had been surrounded by the audience members. The theatre staff was at the front of the crowd, fighting him head-on, and trading blows with him. If he didn't have access to the magical ripple techniques, of his great great great grandfather, he would definitely be in a pinch right now.

More than once, Jonah had been asked why he learned the old art of ripple technique. It had long been out of use with the mainstream during his time since most if not all the vampires had been eradicated. Ripple is a positive life force energy that is similar to the sun. It normally promotes healing and can rarely be used to directly damage normal lifeforms, unless that lifeform is filled with negative lifeforce energy like undead or vampires. Thankfully, even though the ripple effects rarely came in handy when fighting against other Stand users, they proved to be versatile for Jonah, considering his stand was not fit for close combat in its normal form.

He mastered many of the body enhancement overdrive techniques, imbuing strength into his muscles with Hammon to exceed the human limit for a short time. He also dabbled in learning a few other techniques for mental protection and healing, considering his spiritual type stand. Thus, he is able to interrupt the trance-like states of people by injecting Hammon early on in their induction. He named this technique: Focus Overdrive, an offshoot of the Ripple Hypnosis technique. Sadly, he hasn't been able to wake up any other audience members other than Clara. He has been attempting to all this time, but it seems he had waited too long and they had already been fully controlled.

Jonah's eyes darted around, calculating a plan in his mind. His mind hasn't stopped working since the pianist started playing. He was testing things, trying to figure out the rules of this show and the goal of the other party. His Focus Overdrive had another use, it cuts off all other focus and enhances your own to an extreme degree, allowing you to notice finer details that you would normally miss. His entire mind has turned into a high-speed computer, with his unconscious mind turning in the background, with the goal of filtering all the finer details and connecting them to form a way to win.

He noticed signs of slight aging from the older members of the audience the longer time passes. He noticed the fact that the skeleton creature was slowly recovering vitality, as it had less and less rot. He even noticed the soft flakes of dust in the air, hitting the invisible barrier around the pianist, thus he's able to determine that he is completely encased in an oval-like shield with no way in.

He couldn't see the effects of nen flowing into the skeleton from all the audience members like a stream of water, but he came to his own conclusion based on his extreme focus. He exited the Focus Overdrive state, holding his head with a slight headache throbbing.

"Hmpf, I can see right through you, rotten undead," Jonah announced.

"Overdrive Barrage, URA URA URA URAA!" Jonah punched out repeatedly and quickly while shouting.

His punches quickly knocked out the regular audience members, some of them flying back a few feet from the enhanced punch. Golden sunlight sparked off his hands and arms, leaving illusions of multiple arms punching at the same time.

"Twisting Tornado Overdrive!" Jonah channeled ripple to his leg, leaped into the air, and used the air currents to give him a powerful spin, then forcing him to speed through the air in a powerful manner. His legs connected with the strangely powerful attendant's locking arms. But his legs were enhanced with Ripple, concentrated to a point, like a piledriver. The spin, caused the attendant to lose his balance, despite the unknown enhancement on his body. He staggered, which gave Jonah just enough time to finish taking him down.

"Ripple Beat!" Jonah chopped with his hand, covered in Ripple onto the attendant's neck, knocking him unconscious.

All of the people who had once surrounded him were now unconscious on the ground. Jonah looked at them and then at his hands, showing an expression of disappointment. He then shrugged and glanced over at where his reverse self, Honaj was fighting the audience members on the second floor while protecting Clara.

Honaj was knocking them out without breaking a sweat, his eyes were even half closed while occasionally yawning tiredly. Jonah shook his head, no matter how many times he has used Reverse Self on himself and seen Honaj, just looking at him irritates him. Jonah stepped over the audience members and came to the barrier around the piano. He pressed his hands against it, but the barrier wouldn't move.

"Ahah, sunlight boy, the barrier is impossible to enter. Nothing can enter until the solo is complete. Your struggle is useless. I will end your miserable life soon after I regain my body." The rotting skeleton spoke completely now, taunting Jonah as he moved his hands around the barrier. It now had a full casing of a normal human muscular system on the outside. Its tongue had regrown and it could now fully speak instead of its hissing and creaking noises.

"Hoh? Undead, you sure are confident." Jonah took his hands back and smiled boldly at him.

"It's great, now that you have muscles I can get to see your expression after I win" Jonah circled the ripple into his hands and attacked the barrier.

"Hahaha~, you are a funny boy. Nothing can break the barrier from my prized Pendant, it is immune to all of your so-called nen techniques. Try if you want, funny guy" The muscle-covered skeleton laughed with joy.

"Hmm," Jonah heard what he said and fell into thought. He had never heard of Nen techniques, but his Hammon didn't seem to have an issue going past the shield on its own. But could this guy really be defeated so easily? All he had to do was use Bubble Ripple, passing them through the shield, destroy the piano, or stop the soloist. This guy, didn't he just set himself up to get slapped?

"Ahhh I should just give up~ It's useless! You, Mr. Skeleton have beaten me completely. With your superior intellect and arrogance, Ah I never stood a chance." Jonah spoke dramatically.

"Did you think I would say that?" Jonah's look immediately changed, looking disappointed and slightly annoyed.

"Bubble Launcher!" Jonah circulated his ripple and created bubbles, firing them inside the barrier without resistance.

"WHAT!?" The skeleton croaked in disbelief. The Ripple bubble burst when it hit the piano, causing the soloist to stop playing. The piano shook once before the legs broke and collapsed with the twang of strings. Immediately the shield faded and the pianist shook himself from his trance, along with all the other audience members.

"Impossible! Impossible!!! All Nen abilities will fail. This was enhanced by [Entity 0]! Impossible!! 40 years of my lifespan on this, to be broken through by a bubble?!!!" The skeleton croaked in disbelief, he could feel himself beginning to fade back into the emerald green skull on the pianist's pendant.

"I am not reconciled! Not reconciled!! You must die, SUNLIGHT BOY!" The skeleton muttered crazily as it dove toward Jonah, trying to tear him apart before he was sucked back into the pendant.

"Hmpf, losers should learn to accept their loss," Jonah posed heroically, looking down his nose at it.

"Sunlight boy!!!" The skeleton clawed out at Jonah, but he was much faster. Jonah stirred up his Hammon and released his strongest Ripple Technique.

"Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!" Jonah gleamed with golden yellow light. This was the most powerful technique of his great great great great grandfather, Joeseph Joestar.

"URA URA URA URA URAAAAA!" Jonah hit him over and over, each punch causing significant damage to the undead.

"AHHHH" The skeleton faded, sucking back into the pendant.

"Ay, finally peace. I'm going to sleep now." Honaj said lazily while catching up to Jonah. He slowly faded back into Boldly Go, which then merged back into Jonah's chest. To other people, they just saw Honaj fade away from existence and a few exclamations sounded from the audience members.

"Pianist, I need your pendent," Jonah said, looking directly into the man's eyes. The man was confused and obviously didn't know what had happened.

"Um, alright." The man easily handed it over, which surprised Jonah.

He played with it in his hands curiously, before asking him why he easily handed it over.

"A man gave it to me before the performance saying it was for good luck. I don't have much attachment to it anyway." He said while scratching his head in thought.

"Hmm," Jonah fell into thought again, but before he could think more about it Clara came over and he smiled at her.

"Clara, I'm glad you could survive your first grand adventure!" Jonah smiled.

"Y-yeah, it was great." Clara looked hesitantly at Jonah. She was obviously curious about Honaj from earlier, but it seemed like Jonah didn't want to talk about it so she pushed down the urge to ask, despite her curiosity.

The conversation fell into an awkward silence as Clara didn't know what to talk about. She pushed her curly hair behind her ear inhabit. The silence didn't last long as another man in a slick suit walked over, sizing up Jonah. He gave the impression of a two-faced person because his smile looked fake, while his eyes looked dead inside. He stuck out his hand and introduced himself.

"Hello, My name is Pariston Hill. I'm with Hunter's association and need a moment of your time."

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