
#6 - Slice Of Life

"...in there?"


"Are you fine? I'll barge in if I don't hear you"

"..uh, Yeah I'm fine"

"Alright then, I came to tell you that the Dinner is ready"

"Thanks, I'll be there soon"

Jonathan then left.

And I lay on the bed a bit, regaining breath.

"Holy shit, This needs to stop"

How many times will I be thrown into inspeakable pain just because my new reward affects my body?

...I rather not think about it

Anyways, I should check that



-Stealth [Basic]

-Assasination [Proficient]

-Burning spirit



Maybe it isn't a skill? But it isn't knowledge either, since my whole body was affected, not just the brain.

I try to check for anything else and I find it


[Name: Aroa]

[Race: Human(Ultimate)]

[Status: Fatigated]



Yeah, whoa!

I'm an ultimate human now?

That's crazy! Even if I don't understand what that does, very few things have ¨Ultimate¨ in Jojo's.

Most of them are related to Kars...

Hmm, Is this a coincidence? Or something about fate again? It won't push me to become the villain in place of Dio right?

Hopefully not, but since there are "Failure conditions" I may be forced into a decision that makes me fill the place that Dio left.

Let's just hope I'm not foreshadowing anything...

Whatever, I should just go to dinner now.


"Any plans for now, son?"


That made me stop

'What are you talking about?'

As we were eating Dinner, George sat in the head chair, My older brother (Weird calling a 14 year old ¨Older¨) sat in the second chair to his right, while I sat in the third to his left.

I suppose that If George's wife was still alive she would sit in first chair to his left. Something about "The laws of the household".

Oh, And I knew about Eating properly and where to sit because ¨Aristocratic Knowledge¨ is fulfilling its purpose.

Anyways, what did he just say?

"Father, what do you mean by ¨Plans¨?"

"Well, You will begin your formation after school ends..."


"But that's in a month and a half yet, I would recommend you find something to do, at your young age the last thing that you should be doing is being still"

Aren't we in april? Does school end on June in England?

Wait! What do normal kids do? Go out to play right?

"I was planning to explore the nearby village..."

Maybe i should show a bit of dilligence too.

"...then take a shower and study for the rest of the night"

Why is Jojo looking at me like that?, Are those stars on his eyes?

"It seems like a great plan, You wouldn't mind if Jojo escorts you around the time?"

"I would be pleased"

After that we ate quietly.

It was quiet, Not Uncomfortable.


I was now walking with Jojo through the street, He's a popular guy, still mischievious, but that's to be expected, he's fourteen not the man in his 20s that we had in part 1.

I also noticed that he's quite popular, Like really popular, Good for him, unfortunately that also meant that he was enemies with some of the kids there, Specially after He ¨Saved¨ Erina Earlier this morning.

With Jojo being famous around here, I was now "Jojo's brother". I don't really mind, since I won't get close to most of this people, and the few that I get close, probably won't be affected by that name.

Such as the guy I'm looking at right now.


Oh, you didn't heard him? Yeah, Maybe because he's getting kicked into the ground by 3 other guys right now.

I should help him you say?

Yeah I should, But I'm thinking about some things...


[Daily Quest : Knightly]

You are a Joestar now, even if only in name, don't sully the surname of the son of god.


- Help the unfairly treated, without receiving something in exchange(0/1)

Failure requirements:

- Harm the innocent selfishly (0/1)


It shouldn't count if I help him with the purpose that he becomes my friend right

Oh, what's that? Why do I want this bullied boy to be my friend?

Few reasons, Like the fact that he has the uniform of the school George will get me into, The fact that he just triggered , And more importantly his apperance

Sounds weird, but why does it matter you might ask?

Well, I'm not a superficial person but White haired, Red eyed are not so common around here

Even more, there's this aura of... might, if that's the correct word

It feels that even through the hards of life, he wouldn't bend his knee for no one.

An unwavering will if you might.

I thought this was just supposed to be a slice of life part in my youth, having normal friends, but nooo, Jojo went with his friends and left all alone over here.

Well look at me, A grown man complaining about getting left alone.

Whatever, let me just sweep in.

I take a deep breath, sucking the air of my surroundings.

I feel my body get invigored and my blood glows briefly.

I don't think i need to explain it but I will do it just to show off.

This is not hamon, Its something like that, but a rudimentary version.

How can I do this? Ultimate Human

How did i found out? I was holding my breath with stealth and the blood in my arms glowed

How are you gonna use it?


Actions say more than words, right?

I have plans for white hair, and more plans for the ¨Ultimate¨ part of his race

Aroa_alracreators' thoughts