
Chapter 5

The dark elf shot Stor a menacing look before heading to the washroom. Stor had just caught the waitress to ask for another round. The sautéed horned rabbit in mead was warm and the hard cider very crisp. His two dwarf table companions sang diddies while Mr. Me hid in his full plate mail.


Mr. Me's enchanted living armor stood near seven feet tall. With the visor down no one would ever know that a tiny sea giant no bigger than a finger lived in its dark recesses. Every available space in the armor was taken by miniature forest. In every tree lived a sprite. The sprites produced mana the energy of living things. The magic core fusion reactor absorbed the mana to produce power to move the armor, create a barrier shield and energy weapon systems. Together with Mr. Me they moved the armor. As the forest continued to expand Mr. Me would shrink it repeatedly. This caused the forest framework to become extremely dense.


Mr. Me looked down at his new charge, Maria, he had rescued her after her entire party were killed by goblin raiders. She had been a normal sized human before he had used the armor's magic to shrink her to just under a inch tall. Almost a half inch shorter than himself. His party led by Torjen, Stor and Stormshadu into the caverns had dispatched the goblins with ease. Upon finding Maria alive Mr. Me covered her with a blanket and she followed docile hoping to escape her horror. They had met by accident during a quest of warning the dwarf miners of the dragon threat.


However as they left the caverns the air on top of the mountain was bitterly cold. Enough that the blanket was inappropriate. Mr. Me took initiative by shrinking Maria, picked her up and popped her in the open visor mouth. The sprites took care bathing and dressing her. Maria was currently sitting in one of the three operations chairs inside the helmet. The magic core fusion reactor hummed gently next to her. "Thank you for rescuing me. My father will reward you greatly. He is a minister of the kingdom." And with that his peaceful prospects of love evaporated.


Torjen turned to his drinking companions, " I need some fresh air. Looking at that dark elf turned my stomach." And left.

The other dwarf turned stammering "A-A-Another round?" Stor looked around as a scream issued from the washroom.