
Jock Next Bed (BL)

College was like a wake-up call for most people. Especially the likes of Christopher Owen, who spent the rest of his high school years messing around and pining for the boy he never had. Having had a frustrating high school year, he decided to dedicate himself to his studies in college.   He flew many miles away from home, changed his looks, and hid his real identity from everyone.  His plans were simple: study hard, pass well, no dating. But then he realized two things: life was anything but easy without the backing of his last name. And... he wasn't sure how long he could last before he jumped his roommate, who was obviously not gay. But lust wasn't love, right? Maybe he could indulge a little? Just a little, I promise.

ThatAmazingGirl · LGBT+
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121 Chs

The Shock


"Chris..." Sky called out softly, but Chris didn't turn back.

Chris's anger continued to simmer; his voice tinged with bitterness as he settled into the couch, his back facing Sky. "Go ahead and sleep. Pretend like nothing happened."

He closed his eyes, allowing a heavy silence to settle between them. The room felt suffocating, burdened by the weight of their unspoken words.

Emotions churned within him—anger, concern, frustration—blending into a potent mix that left him hollow. This wasn't how he had envisioned the night unfolding.

Minutes dragged by in restless silence. Chris's anger began to ebb, replaced by a sense of resignation. He knew he couldn't force Sky to open up, even though he was hurt. With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes, finally succumbing to the exhaustion of the day.

Disappointment still lingered within him. He had wanted to be there for Sky, to offer support through the turmoil caused by the incident.