
JJK: The Greatest Fraud In History

Before I get into this story, I shall give a small summary, this is situational and this is not an MC solo story, so keep your mind open. _______________________________________________________ What exactly brings one happiness? Struggle? Indulgence? Restraint? I dunno but if I wanna save myself from being eaten by my brother again, I have to beat his ass.

Seth_Eden_5432 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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58 Chs

The True Essence Of A Curse.

Y'know the thing about JJK? Nothing is happy.


Mahito's dark, twisted sense of humor is on full display as he exits Jujutsu High, casually whistling a cheerful tune despite the chaos and death he's left in his wake.

With the Cursed Womb: Death Painting 1-3 and 6 Sukuna fingers securely in his possession, he feels a sense of accomplishment, even though the fate of his fellow curse Hanami remains uncertain. The lifeless bodies of two staff members, brutally murdered by Mahito, lie sprawled on the ground, a testament to his merciless nature.

As Mahito walks out, a voice filled with rage and pain echoes through the air.


The curse pauses, turning back with a mocking grin to see Yuji Itadori staggering toward him, clearly battered and exhausted from the intense battle with Hanami. Despite his injuries, Yuji's eyes burn with an intense fury, his determination unwavering.1

Mahito tilts his head slightly, amused by Yuji's tenacity. "Hey, Yuji~ You don't have to yell, I can hear," he taunts, holding up the corpse of one of the staff members—a person Yuji had once casually interacted with. Using his cursed technique, Mahito temporarily revives the dead staff member, who awakens in terror, recognizing the curse that caused his death.

"Save me... please..." the staff member begs, his voice filled with despair as Mahito tightens his grip.

Without a hint of hesitation, Mahito cruelly twists his hand, and the staff member is gruesomely blown apart, blood splattering across the ground. Yuji watches in horror, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer brutality of what he's witnessing. His body tenses, every fiber of his being screaming in protest against this senseless cruelty.

Mahito's laughter cuts through the silence, a chilling sound that seems to echo in the otherwise quiet courtyard.

Suddenly, Yuji feels a sickening sensation as a mouth forms on his cheek—Sukuna's mouth. The King of Curses, usually indifferent to the world around him, finds amusement in the scene before him. Sukuna's malevolent laughter joins Mahito's, creating a disturbing harmony that resonates in Yuji's mind.

As the echoes of their laughter fade, Yuji begins to understand. "These guys... are curses." He realizes that no matter how much they look or act like humans, Mahito and Sukuna are pure manifestations of malevolence, existing solely to inflict suffering.

Setting the severed arm down gently, Yuji pushes his pain aside and lunges at Mahito, swinging with raw power fueled by his overwhelming rage. Mahito, caught off guard by Yuji's relentless strength, tries to dodge but finds himself enduring blow after blow.

But Yuji's injuries slow him down, and Mahito takes advantage of the moment, enlarging his foot and slamming it into Yuji's abdomen, sending him flying backward.

As Yuji struggles to regain his footing, a large, flying cursed spirit appears overhead. Sent by Geto, the spirit hovers ominously, its purpose clear—it's Mahito's ticket out of this confrontation before Gojo Satoru can arrive.

Mahito smirks at Yuji, who's desperately trying to get back up, clawing at the ground in a futile attempt to reach him. The curse mockingly makes a "boom" gesture with his hands, taunting Yuji's helplessness.

"Aww, what's wrong? Aren't you going to kill me? Or should that be exorcise?" Mahito's voice drips with sarcasm, knowing full well that Yuji is too weakened to continue the fight.

The last of Yuji's strength finally gives out, and he collapses, his vision fading as unconsciousness takes hold. Mahito watches him fall, still laughing, before climbing onto the back of the cursed spirit.

As they ascend into the sky, Mahito spares one last glance at the fallen sorcerer below, his laughter echoing through the night as he makes his escape2.


In Yuji's body, the King Of Curses is now content with Yuji's pain making his day. "Still, there is that..." What he meant was the other soul whose be here far longer and at this point, removal is impossible. The problem isn't getting rid of him, he's trapped, the problem is, that Cursed Technique.

[Control] allows the user to control anything with cursed energy, you could infuse something without cursed energy and control that or just have someone else do it and control that.

It's not that strong, offensively or defensive, it's versatile. "What an uncomfortable nuisance." Being unable to simply kill whatever annoys him is rather new.

However, there was something that brightened his day, the new information that he'd be receiving anytime now.3

As Yuji's body lay there for a few seconds, it began to slowly and rather forcibly stand up, unlike Yuji's light brown eyes, his eyes were now pale red, as he limped to the now-opened Jujutsu Tech Vault.

It was littered and trash, clear Mahito didn't care about being tidy, and there they were, 4-9. The Cursed Wombs, Looking at them for a second, it was clear as long as he fed these to a few dying humans or even some random presidents, they'd be pretty useful.

"Yuji's" hand went to one of them, those eyes scanning the capsules. "Ah, well, should've expected that." The Wombs aside from 1-3 are traps, they can't be reborn like the others, in hindsight, he'd never leave such obvious enemies to himself.4

And with that, nom nom.


In the murky depths of a swamp far from the battlegrounds of Jujutsu High, Haruta Shigemo slumps against a tree, visibly frustrated.

His earlier excitement about the mission has turned into bitter regret. He gazes at the scene around him, reflecting on his own ineffectiveness during the chaos.

"I couldn't do a damn thing," Haruta mutters to himself, kicking a small stone into the swampy water. His frustration is palpable. "Look at Hanami... working himself to the bone while I just sat around. Pathetic."

Nearby, Hanami, in a pitiful state with half of his body grievously injured, collapses onto the swampy ground. The once formidable curse is now reduced to a shadow of its former self, the damage from the battle with Yuji and Aoi evident in its ragged appearance.

In a sudden burst of tension, Hanami struggles to pull out a sword, its blade gleaming with a sinister aura. But before he can use it, Mahito appears, his presence unsettlingly calm amid the chaos. The patch-faced curse effortlessly restrains Hanami, who is still weak and barely able to move.

"Yo, Haruto, nice seeing you here." Mahito says, his tone dripping with disdain. Putting his hand around Haruto's shoulder. "Glad to see, your so excited, Haruta.."

Mahito's focus shifts to the objects he has secured. With a sense of triumph, he reveals his prize. "I've managed to secure two sets of special grade cursed objects. The six fingers of Sukuna and Death Painting Wombs No. 1-3 are now in my possession."

As he speaks, Mahito's eyes gleam with dark satisfaction. "And the thing I did with Yuji, but that doesn't matter right?"

In a secluded hideout, Geto Suguru congratulates Mahito with a smug grin, the weight of their success heavy in the air. The stolen cursed objects are laid out, a testament to the effectiveness of their meticulously crafted plan.

"Excellent work, Mahito," Geto says, his voice smooth and approving. "Your execution was flawless. The mission went off without a hitch."

He elaborates on the planning behind the operation. "We anticipated this perfectly. By mapping out the way through Tengen's Barrier and placing your cursed energy on one of the fingers Jujutsu High took, we made finding the vault a breeze. The Curtain served its purpose well as a distraction, keeping Gojo occupied and out of our way."

Geto's eyes narrow thoughtfully. "Hanami's role was intended to be more direct. The plan was for him to kill students while the distraction was in full swing. But considering the potential for Sukuna's involvement, it was prudent to have him focus on the mission rather than risk encountering a significant threat among the students."

As he speaks, the atmosphere is filled with a sense of anticipation. "With these cursed objects now in our possession, we are well-positioned to move forward with our plans. The first phase is complete, and now we prepare for the grand event on October 31st in Shibuya."

Geto's eyes glint with determination as he outlines their next steps. "Our goal is to seal Satoru Gojo away. With the power these artifacts will provide, we will have the means to accomplish this monumental task. Prepare yourselves—Shibuya will be the stage for our ultimate triumph."

The team, energized by their progress and the looming confrontation, readies themselves for the next phase of their ambitious scheme. "So~ what about our dear spy then?"


[Auther: Anyways, this chapter lays some stuff for the future and yes, what you think is probably gonna happen.

1. Yuji's Blood Manipulation will eventually appear, but not yet though.

2. Yes, that was my MC nonchalantly telling Yuji, where Mahito was and him controlling Yuji and eating 4-9.]

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