
JJK: The Greatest Fraud In History

Before I get into this story, I shall give a small summary, this is situational and this is not an MC solo story, so keep your mind open. _______________________________________________________ What exactly brings one happiness? Struggle? Indulgence? Restraint? I dunno but if I wanna save myself from being eaten by my brother again, I have to beat his ass.

Seth_Eden_5432 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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58 Chs

Human Potential Bursts Out.


As the system whirs to life, Kokichi prepares to counter Mahito's relentless assault. The tip of Mechamaru Absolute's massive finger splits open, revealing a concealed cannon. The small canon is a precision weapon, specifically designed for situations like this. Kokichi directs the aim with steady hands and activates the cannon.

A sharp, metallic hiss fills the air as the canon fires a spiked projectile. The projectile slices through the air with deadly accuracy and strikes Mahito, who is currently airborne with his wings extended.

The spiked projectile embeds itself into Mahito's body, creating a visible wound. Mahito grimaces in pain but quickly regains his composure, his eyes flashing with a mix of irritation and determination.

Kokichi watches as Mahito flutters in the air, clearly affected by the attack but not yet defeated. The Mechamaru Absolute, though damaged, remains a formidable opponent. Kokichi knows that he must keep up the pressure and exploit any weaknesses Mahito might reveal.

"Not bad, but I'm not finished yet!" Kokichi growls, his voice amplified through the Mechamaru's speakers. He readies Mechamaru Absolute for the next move, preparing to unleash another wave of attacks as he faces off against Mahito, who is now visibly wounded but far from surrendering.

Mahito is caught off guard as the projectile from Mechamaru Absolute's cannon causes one of his wings to explode.

The unexpected force sends him crashing through several trees, leaving him disoriented and confused about the extent of the damage. His attempt to quickly recover and reshape his soul is interrupted as Mechamaru Absolute closes in, delivering a series of rapid, devastating punches to the forest area around him.

Mahito, struggling with the intensity of the assault and the unexpected destruction, decides to retreat. Transforming into a bird, he flutters away to evade further damage.

Despite his retreat, Kokichi is bolstered by the visible impact of his attacks and Mahito's evident injury. He observes with growing confidence, noting Mahito's attempt to hide his wounds by reshaping his cursed form.

Pseudo-Geto, who had been watching the battle, acknowledges Kokichi's skill and strategic prowess. The performance has impressed him, demonstrating that Kokichi's methods are indeed effective against one of their strongest enemies.

Seeing an opportunity to press his advantage, Kokichi prepares to unleash his next attack. With a five-year charge of cursed energy accumulated, he activates the technique known as Pigeon Viola.

Five cannons emerge from various points on Mechamaru Absolute, each charged with potent cursed energy. They fire simultaneously, sending a concentrated barrage of energy at Mahito.

The five cursed energy cannons streak through the air, their power overwhelming. Mahito, in his bird form, struggles to maneuver and avoid the onslaught.

The sheer force of the cannons creates a chaotic and destructive scene as they slam into the forest and explode upon impact. Each blast is aimed to hit Mahito and inflict maximum damage, testing his ability to withstand the attack and forcing him to deal with the full force of Kokichi's strategy.

As Mahito struggles to evade the barrage of cursed energy beams from Kokichi's Pigeon Viola, Mechamaru Absolute looms overhead. The giant puppet's crushing blow nearly lands, but Mahito narrowly dodges the attack. The force of Mechamaru's follow-up strike, however, propels Mahito backward, sending him crashing into the forest with significant impact.

Kokichi, seizing the moment, activates another cursed technique charge, reshaping Mechamaru's middle finger into a formidable spike.

He feels a surge of confidence, believing that his victory is within reach and that he'll soon achieve his long-awaited goal of a normal life. However, the tide of the battle shifts dramatically as Mahito begins to chant, his energy surging as he activates his Domain Expansion: Self-Embodiment of Perfection.

The forest around them warps and distorts, the landscape transforming into Mahito's domain. Within this space, Mahito's abilities are significantly enhanced.

His control over his shape-shifting and transmutation techniques becomes absolute, allowing him to manipulate and refine his form with precision.

The sheer potency of his Domain Expansion poses a severe threat, as it creates a controlled environment where Mahito's cursed techniques are virtually unstoppable. "And now...it ends." Mahito is sure of his victory.


Mahito's Domain Expansion, the Self-Embodiment of Perfection, engulfs the area, bringing Kokichi's Mechamaru Absolute to its knees. The giant cursed corpse shudders under the weight of Mahito's overwhelming power.

Kokichi's heart pounds as he realizes his strategic gamble is paying off. The ultimate goal—to finally defeat Mahito and make a daring escape—is within reach.

Inside the cockpit of Mechamaru Absolute, Kokichi's confidence swells. The Simple Domain technique, which he had meticulously prepared, is his ace in the hole.

The Simple Domain is a defensive domain designed to protect against more powerful adversaries, invented in the Heian Era by a jujutsu sorcerer seeking to safeguard their followers. Kokichi's plan involved using four tubes, with the first one failing, the second one protecting the cockpit, and the final tube seemingly set to secure his victory.

"Mahito!" Kokichi shouts, his voice reverberating through the metal of Mechamaru. "Your Domain Expansion isn't enough to break through! You're finished!"

Mahito, seemingly battered and defeated, turns his back on Mechamaru. His posture is casual, as though he is completely unconcerned about the ongoing battle. "You're so predictable," Mahito taunts, his voice dripping with contempt. "All that preparation and you still can't see the bigger picture."

Kokichi, his eyes narrowed in determination, directs Mechamaru's weapons toward Pseudo-Geto. "This is your end!" he declares, ready to expend the remaining nine years of cursed energy to obliterate Geto.

But just as victory seems within reach, the cockpit of Mechamaru Absolute begins to disintegrate. The protective barriers that had shielded Kokichi are shattered, the result of Mahito's relentless assault. A massive, distorted fist bursts through, sending metal and debris flying.

Kokichi's expression shifts from triumph to horror. He looks through the broken cockpit and sees Mahito's deranged smile, twisted with dark amusement. "Impossible!" Kokichi gasps, disbelief etched on his face.

Mahito's voice echoes through the chaos, calm and menacing. "You thought you could cage me with that little trick? I'm far from finished." His form, though battered, has been miraculously restored through his cursed abilities. His eyes gleam with sadistic pleasure as he surveys the damage he's inflicted.

Pseudo-Geto watches from a distance, an intrigued smile on his lips. "Impressive," he muses, acknowledging the unexpected turn of events. "I didn't think Mahito would pull through, but it seems your Simple Domain wasn't enough to stop him."

Kokichi, now facing the brutal reality of his situation, tries to regain control. The cockpit is crumbling, and Mechamaru's systems are failing. "No… not like this!" Kokichi cries out, desperately trying to salvage the situation. But Mahito, with his renewed vigor, advances with a menacing aura.

Mahito's voice is a chilling whisper as he closes in on Kokichi. "You're going to learn the true meaning of despair. Your little tricks don't matter now."


[Auther: Welp, Kokichi, you fought hard, Stand Proud, you're strong, but...should've just ducked the fight. ;)

1. RIP Kokichi. ;)

2. I'll give him a nice funeral guys. ;)

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