
JJK: The Greatest Fraud In History

Before I get into this story, I shall give a small summary, this is situational and this is not an MC solo story, so keep your mind open. _______________________________________________________ What exactly brings one happiness? Struggle? Indulgence? Restraint? I dunno but if I wanna save myself from being eaten by my brother again, I have to beat his ass.

Seth_Eden_5432 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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58 Chs

Black Flash.

As Mahito falls to his knees, blood pouring from his wounds, Yuji's mind races. He recognizes the rare opportunity before him—a chance to finally end the cursed spirit responsible for so much suffering. Fueled by a mix of determination and fury, Yuji charges toward Mahito, intent on delivering the final blow.

Mahito, realizing the dire situation, knows that his Domain Expansion was his last hope of victory. The fact that Yuji managed to repel it has shaken him to his core. With no other options left, Mahito resorts to a desperate tactic. He rapidly mutates his body, expanding into a tall, grotesque form, his figure bloating unnaturally. The sight of the larger target only strengthens Yuji's resolve, and he hones in on the cursed spirit with lethal intent.

Without hesitation, Yuji delivers a powerful Divergent Fist, his cursed energy surging with the singular purpose of killing Mahito. The force of the attack slams into Mahito's bloated form, but instead of causing the expected devastation, the body pops, dispersing like a balloon filled with nothing but air. Yuji is momentarily taken aback, his killing blow striking space.

Nanami, observing the scene, quickly grasps what has happened. "It's a decoy," he mutters, realizing that Mahito has used this ploy to flee. Without wasting another second, Nanami chases after the escaping curse, tracking him through the wreckage and into the underground sewers.

As Nanami sprints through the dark, damp tunnels, the sound of his footsteps echoing off the walls, he catches sight of Mahito's twisted form slipping away into the shadows.

Determined not to let Mahito escape, Nanami picks up the pace, his eyes narrowed in focus. He knows that if Mahito gets away, the cursed spirit will only return stronger and more dangerous. The chase through the sewers is tense, the dim light casting eerie shadows as Nanami closes in on his target.


Nanami, realizing the urgency of the situation, immediately pulls out his phone and calls Ino. "Intercept Mahito in the sewers," he commands. "I'll join you as soon as I can, but I have to take care of Yuji first." The resolve in his voice is unmistakable. Nanami knows Mahito must not be allowed to escape, but his priority is ensuring Yuji's safety.

As Nanami ends the call, he looks over at Yuji, who is barely conscious, his body battered and bleeding. Despite the immense pain, Yuji's expression is a mix of frustration and relief. He's angry with himself for not being able to finish Mahito, but there's also a glimmer of contentment—he saved Junpei, even if things didn't go entirely as planned. His vision blurs as he struggles to stay awake, but the exhaustion finally takes over, and Yuji succumbs to unconsciousness.

Underground, Mahito stumbles through the sewers, his mind racing. Despite his narrow escape, his thoughts are consumed by the encounter with Yuji. "Sukuna's soul... otherworldly man...though I still wanna torment Yuji..." The idea of Yuji and Sukuna fills him with both dread and dark excitement. Freak.

As he continues to flee, Mahito's thoughts turn to revenge. He yearns to torment Yuji further, to break his spirit and soul, but he knows that now is not the time. He suppresses his vengeful urges, determined to bide his time and strike when the moment is right. The thought of making Yuji suffer lingers in the back of his mind, a twisted promise for the future.

"Still...the essence of my soul huh?"

Sometime later, Yuji wakes up in a remote house, his wounds bandaged and his body slowly recovering. Nanami is there, watching over him. Instead of reprimanding Yuji for his recklessness, Nanami surprises him with gratitude. "Thank you, Yuji," he says, his tone sincere. Yuji, still groggy, is taken aback. He had expected a lecture, not thanks.

"Why?" Yuji asks, his voice hoarse. "I failed... Mahito got away."

Nanami shakes his head. "You saved Junpei, and you fought with everything you had. That's more than enough."

Yuji accepts the thanks, though his mind is still troubled. He recalls the final blow he delivered to Mahito, the strange surge of power that accompanied it. "What was that? That last punch... it felt different."

Nanami smiles slightly, recognizing what Yuji is referring to. "That was a Black Flash," he explains. "A phenomenon that occurs when cursed energy is applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. It distorts space and increases the power of your attack exponentially. You managed to pull it off in the heat of the moment."

Yuji listens intently, intrigued by this new aspect of cursed energy. Nanami continues, "It's rare, but it's something every sorcerer strives to achieve. I hold the record for the most consecutive Black Flashes—four in a row."

Yuji is impressed, but he's also determined. "I want to learn how to do it again," he says, his voice filled with newfound resolve.

Nanami nods, understanding Yuji's determination. "We'll get there. For now, focus on recovery. There will be plenty of opportunities to train, and to fight."


Yuji sits quietly, his thoughts swirling with guilt and uncertainty. The weight of having killed those ex-humans, who were once ordinary people, presses heavily on his conscience. He wonders aloud how he can continue to be a jujutsu sorcerer if his actions lead to unnatural deaths. Nanami, sitting across from him, listens intently before offering his perspective.

"Yuji," Nanami begins, "most people are neither wholly good nor wholly evil. Death comes to everyone differently, and trying to prevent wicked deaths, to save everyone, is an exhausting endeavor. It's not something I recommend. You'll wear yourself out trying to achieve it."

Yuji looks at Nanami, his expression conflicted. "But if I don't try, then what's the point? How can I just let people die in horrible ways when I might be able to stop it?"

Nanami sighs, knowing that Yuji's resolve is both a strength and a burden. "Even so, I know you'll continue to try. You'll keep pushing yourself, despite the toll it takes. But Yuji, I ask you this: don't die in the process. There will be people who need to rely on you, just as I did today. You're a jujutsu sorcerer now."

Yuji's eyes widen slightly at Nanami's words. He realizes, perhaps for the first time, that Nanami has accepted him as a fellow sorcerer. The acknowledgment brings a sense of purpose back to him, even if it doesn't ease his guilt entirely. "I understand," Yuji says quietly, determination settling in his voice. "I won't die. I'll keep fighting. And I won't lose again—not until I kill Mahito."

Meanwhile, at Junpei's school, the atmosphere is somber. Sotomura, one of the teachers, meets with Shota Ito. The tension between them is palpable as Sotomura, filled with regret, confronts Ito. "I've been thinking, Shota," Sotomura begins, his voice heavy with guilt. "I suspect you're the one who gave Junpei that scar."

Shota Ito, attempting to deflect the accusation, shrugs it off. "So what if I did? What's it to you?"

Sotomura's expression hardens as he continues, "This is your punishment, Shota. But it's not just yours. I deserve it too—for ignoring what was happening, for letting it go on unchecked. We both deserve to be punished for what we did to Junpei's heart."

For a moment, Shota is taken aback by Sotomura's admission, but then he nods in agreement, a small part of him recognizing the truth in the teacher's words. The weight of their collective guilt hangs in the air, a testament to the damage done.

Later, Yuji meets back up with Gojo and Nanami. The conversation with Nanami has left a mark on him, but he's still unsure of what it truly means to die a natural death. However, one thing is clear in his mind—he can't allow himself to be defeated again, not until Mahito is exorcised. 

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