

Back when fishes soared through the heavens, tigers laid eggs, trees prophesied, and chickens twerked; the destiny of all creation rested on the shoulders of a young boy, named; Ji Min! Our MC had been chosen by prophecy to become the Omni-Being; a peerless existence who was not only omnipotent but omnipresent and omniscient as well. As the forgotten cornerstone of the very foundation upon which all creation was laid, our MC was able to meet the requirements to be chosen as the herald of the forgotten True Spirit. But as fate would have it, our MC ended up transmigrating into the body of a little kid who had a soup of chronic diseases. So, in a world where the strong ate the weak, drank their blood, and picked their teeth with their victims’ bones, what would become of our dying MC? How will he survive in a world where Qilins are treated as pets and Dragons are made to play catch? A world where overlords grill their meat with tribulation lightning and drink lava?

The_Primal_Scribe · Fantaisie
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94 Chs


[These rodents are carrying pathogens and not venoms; try not to get bitten or scratched.]

[Sure Sensei; after all, pathogens are much stronger than venoms, and no one knows if the tranquil poison would be able to nullify it.]

Ji Min replied as he rubbed his temples in a bid to stop the headache that had begun to build up in his head.

'This is just great; so I'm supposed to fight 53 Commander Stage Rodents, and 2 Lord Stage species, and it has to be done flawlessly at that.'

Ji Min thought to himself as he readied himself for a life-death battle.

Ji Min wrapped the chains around his arms and legs as he made a mental calculation on how he would break the current encirclement; since he couldn't get scratched or bitten, protecting his limbs with the chains was the obvious route to take.


Ji Min stomped hard on the ground and bolted for the two white rodents.


He bellowed as he grabbed his fist hard and threw a vicious punch toward the slightly bigger one.

Scooter! Scooter! Scooter!

Before he could even arrive, about five ordinary rodents had appeared in front of the white ones.

With several twitches of their limbs, claws of varying lengths slid out of their paws as they countered Ji Min's punch with a metal-rending slash;


Three of the rodents were instantly blasted in different directions whilst the remaining two were able to break Ji Min's advance.


[Up ahead!] Sensei bellowed as Ji Min crossed his arms in front of his chest.



Just like a kite with snapped string, Ji Min was sent flying through the area as he felt his vision momentarily blur due to the sharp pain shooting through his nerves.

He looked ahead and saw the white rodent who had struck him with its golden claws.

[Sensei, the other one?!],

Ji Min cried out the moment he realized that the other white rodent was missing;

[Right flank!]

Sensei blurted as Ji Min twisted his body mid-air, borrowing the momentum of his flight to launch a vicious kick of his own;


"Fuck; that hurt!"

Ji Min cursed out loud when he felt the recoil that came from the collision between the rodent and himself.


The moment he landed, Ji Min tried to skid across the ground, but he had severely underestimated the force behind the white rodent's claw strike, and thus, his leg gave way, causing him to lose balance and crash into one of the surrounding trees.


Scooter! Scooter!

The ear-piercing squeak prompted Ji Min to look ahead as he saw several rodents swarming towards him, looking to take advantage of his current disadvantage.

[Shit!] He cursed out loud once again as he hurriedly pried himself to his feet.


[Young Lord?!] Sensei bellowed when he saw Ji Min rolling out the chain on his left arm.


Ji Min grabbed the tip of the chain before lashing it toward the incoming swarm.


Just as his attack was about to hit, one of the white rodents suddenly gave another squeak causing the rodent swarm to tactically split their advance in opposite directions.

"What?!" Ji Min exclaimed in shock as his attack missed its targets and hit nothing but the rocky terrain.


A 9 feet long and 10-inch wide laceration appeared on the ground as Ji Min quickly made to pull back his outstretched chain.

Squeak! Squeak!

The white rodent once again gave another command causing the rodents to converge toward Ji Min's location from both sides.

Realizing that the rodents would arrive before his chain, Ji Min used his lord stage strength to twitch his left arm aggressively, sending a wave of energy rippling through the chain length and causing them to latch onto a tree trunk up ahead.

Then with a quick and firm tug, Ji Min pulled himself out of his position and across the area, causing the swarming rodents to crash into one another.

[Fuck my luck; just as I expected!]

Ji Min cursed his luck when he realized the two rodents were already en route to collide with him mid-air.

[Young Lord?]

[I've got this, Sensei.]


Ji Min hurriedly rolled out the chain on his right arm as he twisted his body at an odd angle, and used his waist as a pivot to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick, whilst simultaneously lashing out with the chain on his right arm.

The two white rodents were seriously caught off-guard by Ji Min's improvised counterattack and thus were unable to switch their moves mid-way.

But these white rodents wouldn't be the leaders of their large group if Ji Min's counterattack was enough to stop them from teaching him a vicious lesson.

Ji Min had just completed half of his roundhouse kick when he saw two shadows float out of the two rodents; these shadows were about ten times bigger that the white rodents and they gave off a much more significant pressure than what Ji Min had been feeling from them.

The two shadows then raised their heads to the sky as their abdomens inflated to their extremes.

Then with a vicious stomp, the shadow rodents suddenly threw their faces toward Ji Min's direction and released an earth-shattering sonic blast from point-blank range.

[Young Lord!]

Sensei called out in terror, but his warning was a fraction of a second too late, and thus, the sonic wave slammed into the unsuspecting Ji Min like a freight train at top speed.


Ji Min shot through the air like a baseball being hit on a home run, as his body quaked aggressively like a billion volts of electricity were running through his bones.


He wailed and twitched convulsively, as his eardrums burst open causing blood to stream out of his ears and his other orifices.

Meanwhile, up ahead, at the top of the mountain, Ji Tang had just finished drawing some images on the ground when the staggering roars of the two shadows reached him.

"Unh? Lord Stage Demon Beasts? What are they doing so close to the human continent?" He thought to himself with a slight frown, before an ominous realization dawned on him;

"Oh no; Min'er! Qing'er!" He cried out in fear before turning toward the forest;


Ji Tang's aura burst forth violently as a massive crater spread across the area.