

Back when fishes soared through the heavens, tigers laid eggs, trees prophesied, and chickens twerked; the destiny of all creation rested on the shoulders of a young boy, named; Ji Min! Our MC had been chosen by prophecy to become the Omni-Being; a peerless existence who was not only omnipotent but omnipresent and omniscient as well. As the forgotten cornerstone of the very foundation upon which all creation was laid, our MC was able to meet the requirements to be chosen as the herald of the forgotten True Spirit. But as fate would have it, our MC ended up transmigrating into the body of a little kid who had a soup of chronic diseases. So, in a world where the strong ate the weak, drank their blood, and picked their teeth with their victims’ bones, what would become of our dying MC? How will he survive in a world where Qilins are treated as pets and Dragons are made to play catch? A world where overlords grill their meat with tribulation lightning and drink lava?

The_Primal_Scribe · Fantaisie
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94 Chs

Plague Domain!


The rodent vanished from its position with a level of speed that made him appear somewhat blurry to the white rodents; it was almost like it was on steroids; a condition Sensei believed was induced by the tranquil poison.

The rodent appeared in front of the group encircling the white rodents, and immediately went bonkers, slashing and gnawing at anything in proximity, and just like that, an intense all-out carnage broke out between a poison-boosted rodent and its ex-comrades.


Innumerable claw strikes flew through the air and clashed with each other; decapitating limbs and sending organs soaring through the air, whilst causing leakage problems in the circulatory systems of their targets-turned-victims.

With every slash and bite, the undead rodent, which was now carrying the tranquil poisoning did its duty as a vector and transmitted the tranquil poison from one rodent to the other.

Two minutes later, the undead rodent was sent flying and three others were sent flying in Sensei's direction.

The moment they landed, Sensei gazed at them and realized that they were now under his command.

Then he looked over to the other side and realized that their number had been whittled down to five, the white rodents included.

Both groups then stood in a massive standoff, baring their fangs at each other, with guttural growls that indicated that they had no sense of being and no shred of fear left within them.

"I thought both of you were intelligent enough to know when you are fighting a losing battle?" Sensei taunted with a ridiculing sneer.

Seeing the smug sneer on Sensei's face, the white rodents suddenly blew up in rage as two shadow rodents emerged from their bodies and hung behind them, staring at Sensei with a hateful gaze and aggressive stance.

"Good, I was hoping you would resist; as for that, I can do that as well." Sensei's sneer widened further as a shadow also emerged from Ji Min's body.

This time, rather than the shadow possessing Ji Min's splitting image, it now looked more like a hybrid of his appearance and that of the Undead Skeleton Fiend.

The moment the shadow emerged completely, an inexplicably mysterious aura burst forth from Ji Min's body, spreading out across a span of 100 meters, kicking up a wind that swept the area clean of debris and dead plants.


All of a sudden, everyone within a 100-meter radius of Ji Min felt the force of gravity bearing down on them triple in force.


Three of the five rodents suddenly found themselves rooted to the spot, unable to move one bit as cracks began to spread out from beneath their feet.

Whilst the white rodents were also restricted to an extent, the presence of their bloodline shadow ensured that the effects of the tripled gravity were bearable.

The shadow rodents then began to bare their fangs at Ji Min's aura, trying to cause a deterrence effect.

Furthermore, whilst they could voice out sounds, Ji Min's shadow seemed to be unable to make any sound at all; in fact, it simply hung there, overhead, with a smile that was more ridiculing than the one plastered on Ji Min's face.

It had its arms crossed condescendingly while it gazed at the shadow rodents through the bridge of its nose.

The sheer impetuousness Ji Min and his shadow put on display eventually pushed the rodents past their limits, as the three-minute-long standoff suddenly shattered when the white rodents made a clawing gesture towards Sensei's group.

The shadow rodents responded and replicated the same clawing gesture, albeit, on a larger scale that could threaten a 5- or even 6-Star Lord Stage expert.

Sensei knew the rodents were stronger than Ji Min, after all, they were originally 3-Star Lord Stage Physical Beasts respectively, and their activated bloodlines meant that their combat prowess must have entered the 4- or 5-Star Lord Stage.

Now, that they have summoned their bloodline shadows and were attacking through them, their combat prowess must have risen by another level.

Ji Min on the other hand was a 1-Star Lord Stage expert, and it is only at the point of death that he usually awakened the 'Undead Skeletal King'; a state where his battle prowess climbs across two levels.

Thus, being in the 3-Star Lord Stage, his bloodline shadow had also boosted that combat prowess to the 4-Star level.

Sensei's experience coupled with the availability of martial arts and techniques then pushed his combat prowess to the 5-Star level, but that still meant that he was still probably weaker than the opposition by an entire level.

Thus, in a bit to cross the gap between them, Sensei opted for some of the techniques he had discovered the first time Ji Min had subconsciously called out his bloodline shadow.


It was a single statement, and instantly, the gravity that previously covered a span of 100 meters suddenly began to shrink and concentrate on Ji Min's location; and with every ten meters it shrunk, the pressure of the gravity increased by a fold.

Sensei shrunk the gravity's AOE in the blink of an eye, and before the incoming claw strike could arrive, the gravity within a 30-meter radius of Sensei had increased by 10 folds.

The incoming claw strikes considerably slowed whilst the rodents' shadows began to flicker slightly.

"Plague Domain!"

The moment Sensei made this second statement, the properties of the tranquil poison suddenly activated, bearing down with 10 times its normal potency within the same 30-meter radius.

The three immobile rodents were the first to feel the effects of the gravity and plague domain, as their blood and oxygen cycle slowed to an extent where they could no longer sustain their berserk state.

Their blood pressure shot through the roof as they began to bleed from their orifices, an opening that the invisible and gaseous tranquil poison exploited perfectly.

Within three seconds, one of the rodents petrified whilst another swelled beyond its body limits and exploded into a cloud of blood and gore.

The ensuing force of the exploding rodent then slammed into the petrified rodent, blasting it into chunks of crumbling rock debris.

The last rodent simply lay there, shivering and twitching as it experienced the agonizing results of having multiple successive organ failures.

"Chaotic Steps!"

Sensei blurted after confirming that the three rodents were now out of the picture.

With his erratic movement, he avoided the first claw strike which slammed into the trees behind him, obliterating everything in sight, and clearing a 50-meter path in its wake.

Sensei frowned slightly at the result of the first claw slash.

Whilst it gave him a mental estimate of the power behind the second inbound claw slash, he was still surprised that the damage could be that much despite all the measures he had taken to weaken it.