
Jesus sent me

A Christian fanfic that I hope I don't go to hell for making this God plz forgive me!!! A boy named Levi goes on a trip to Los Angeles for a week because he won a lottery, he eventually sacrifice himself for a little girl who's was about to be run over by a van. He ends up meeting Jesus anddddd......well you'll have to read the story to find out, and who knows maybe you'll meet celebrities or people you know or may not know. Note: I don't judge or discriminate against your religion, this is just for entertainment purposes. Anddddd remember Jesus Loves you even if you don't believe in him :) insta: joyboy_2023

Joyboy2023 · Célébrités
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Levi couldn't believe what was happening. Here he was, walking alongside Jesus, the man he had only ever heard of in stories and legends. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he struggled to keep up with Jesus's quick strides. The sun beat down on his back, and sweat poured down his face, but he didn't care. He was too overwhelmed to even think about it.

They had been walking for hours, it seemed, when Jesus suddenly stopped in front of a small, dilapidated hut. Levi frowned in confusion, wondering what they were doing here.

"We have to go in," Jesus said simply, as he pushed the door open and gestured for Levi to follow him.

Inside the hut, it was dark and cramped, with hardly enough space for two people to stand. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and decay, and Levi felt his stomach churn.

Suddenly, a frail, elderly woman emerged from the shadows, a wild look in her eyes. She was hunched over and gnarled, her skin thin and papery. Her hair was gray and tangled, and she wore a tattered, dirty robe.

Jesus approached her calmly, as if he had known her all his life. "Hello, mother," he said softly, as he placed a hand on her forehead.

Levi watched in amazement as the woman's face suddenly relaxed, and a look of peace settled over her features. It was as if Jesus had performed a miracle before his very eyes.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "I didn't know what I was doing."

Jesus smiled at her kindly, his eyes crinkling in warmth. "It's okay, mother. I'm here now."

As he turned to leave the hut, Levi felt a sense of awe and reverence wash over him. He had never witnessed anything like this before. Jesus truly was a miraculous, otherworldly being, and Levi felt lucky to be in his presence.

Levi and Jesus continued to walk through the village, making their way to the town square where a group of people had gathered. The air was filled with tension, and Levi could feel the fear and uncertainty radiating from the villagers.

As they approached the crowd, a man stepped forward. He was tall and muscular, with a stern expression etched on his face. "Who are you?" he demanded, eyeing Jesus suspiciously.

Jesus smiled calmly, his eyes filled with compassion. "I am the Son of God," he said simply.

The man scoffed. "And why should we believe that? We've heard stories of all sorts of prophets and messiahs. What makes you so special?"

Jesus didn't falter. "I am here to bring love and compassion to the world, to heal the sick and the broken-hearted. I ask only that you believe in me, and in the power of my message."

There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd, and Levi felt a surge of hope. Perhaps Jesus' words were beginning to resonate with them.

But just as quickly, the man stepped forward again, his expression darkening. "And what if we don't believe you? What then?"

Jesus looked at him for a long moment, and then spoke softly. "I will still love you, my friend. That is the power of my message - it transcends all boundaries and barriers, and reaches straight to the heart of humanity."

Levi watched in amazement as the man's face softened, his hostility melting away. "I...I see," he said, his voice uncertain. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...to doubt you."

Jesus reached out a hand and clasped his shoulder. "It's okay," he said. "I understand your doubts. But I promise you - if you open your heart to me, and to the message I bring, you will find a love and peace beyond your wildest dreams."

And with those words, the crowd began to disperse, their hearts lifted by the light of Jesus' love and compassion. Levi felt his own doubts melting away, replaced by a sense of awe and wonder at the power of Jesus' words. He knew, deep down, that he had witnessed something truly miraculous. And he knew, without a doubt, that he was in the presence of a divine being.

As the crowd was dispersing Jesus heard a thump and turned around to see Levi kneeling on the ground

"Please teach me!" Levi said to Jesus

Jesus looked down at Levi, studying him intently. The man's face was full of awe and reverence, and Jesus knew that he had touched something deep within his soul. He reached out a hand and helped Levi to his feet, looking him squarely in the eye.

"I will teach you, Levi," Jesus said softly. "But first, tell me, what do you seek?"

Levi hesitated for a moment before answering "I want to learn to love and help people, I want to become a guardian angel watching out and keeping people safe on earth. Only if God allows me to" Levi said as he looked at Jesus afraid that he asked to much.

Jesus smiled warmly at Levi. "That is a noble aspiration," he said. "And it is within your reach. But you must understand that to love and help people, you must first understand them." Levi nodded, his eyes filled with eagerness to learn. "How can I understand them?" he asked. Jesus put a hand on Levi's shoulder. "By listening to them," he said. "By observing them. By feeling their pain and sharing their joy. Only when you truly understand them, can you help them." Levi listened carefully, his heart racing with excitement. He knew that this was his calling - to become a guardian angel on earth. And he knew that with Jesus' guidance, he could achieve his goal. "But how can I become a guardian angel?" Levi asked, his voice quivering with emotion. Jesus smiled gently. "By being a beacon of light in a dark world," he said. "By spreading love and kindness wherever you go. By standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult. And most importantly, by trusting in God's plan for you." Levi nodded, his heart filled with determination. He knew that he had a lot to learn, but with Jesus by his side, he was ready for anything. "Thank you, Jesus," Levi said, his voice choked with gratitude. "I am ready to begin my journey." Jesus smiled. "Then let us begin," he said, taking Levi's hand.