
Morning! Picnic

The next day, the weather was just perfect , warm and beautiful. As I walked down the stairs, I got a glimpse of Aunt July and Jason packing food, snacks and drinks into a small basket

" Good morning early birds"

" Morning beauty" my aunt said waving at me to come over.

"So what's for breakfast?"

" Darling we are going to your favorite park today" Aunt July said smiling and admiring her work of art on the dinning table.

'seriously Aunt not this early and I don't even remember how the park looks like I was just 3 when we visited and they still tease me about the park because of that brat'.

" Aunt July wants us to get some fresh air so she suggests we have a mini picnic at Fun lake" Raymond replied from the living room.

'thanks Ray that's why I love your donkey ears'

" Oh, that's nice"

Jennie rushed into the kitchen almost bumping into me

" Hmm, I don't think I have time today. Why don't you just fill up for me... No that's not right I had already sent the details to your email..... Okay thanks then I owe you one" She cuts the call and drank a month full of milk before returning to the living room.

" Can't she at least say sorry" I murmured to myself walking over the fridge.

" Jessi!!" Captain D called out to me at the kitchen's window smiling.

"D, what are you doing over there?"

'So cute, I'm damn jealous of those dimples '

" Ahh!!!" Someone hit me on the head

" Stop drooling at my brother" Jessi eyed me from behind.

" I wasn't. Why did you come back?"

" For my phone. I didn't expect to see you locking at my brother like that it's disgusting, he's your cousin."

" Why are you upset? Danny doesn't seem offended" I turned over to him, Danny nodded

" Were you ..... jealous?"

" Who... Who... Who said I was and even if I was can't I be" Jennie pouted and walked away from the kitchen.

I just laughed, 'so cute'

" Here take this I got you something, you might be hungry since you didn't eat dinner and went to bed early yesterday." Captain D handed me a bag with sandwich and Orange juice.

" I will be heading back to help Jasper and Jason. Eat okay." he said walking away

" Thanks so much D" I shouted back at him. ' So considerate'

I quickly took a big bite, ' so delicious'. I'm satisfied with just this . I quickly shoved everything into my mouth and a big gulp of the juice' I can't believe I was this hungry'.

"Hey, Raymond have you spoken to Papa or Mama Jones?".

" Nope but Jasper did yesterda, you were asleep at that time. Oh and mama said you should remember to apply sunscreen before you leave the house"

' I actually forgot'

" I Know, I was just about to get it " I quickly rushed to my room.

" Jessi it's time to go" I heard Raymond call from the living room.

" I'm coming" I took my hello kitty mini backpack, I put everything I needed into it.

I locked my room and rushed out of the house.