
Jeff The Killer X Reader

If your under the age of 13 or 18 be warned that this story does contain Smut for you little Jeff simps out there feel free to read this is for you lovely's out there I myself IS a JTK simp so I high wear that as a patch on my banner

20wilbursoot24 · Autres
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Chapter 3: The Reunion

I was a normal high schooler I am a first-year student (ninth grade) I have a childhood friend their names are Jeffery and Liu, Timothy, Brian, Toby, and Jack. Their current names I don't know they all disappeared one month I heard what happened the night after on the news of how they went "missing" it's sad to say they were my only friends I have no friends I never made any new ones I was never very social I was active but I was the quiet kid anyone who made me mad like provoke, insult, slander, threats they were all vile they call me names like it's a joke they mentally abused and bullied me since I moved a lot during my time in kindergarten to fifth grade it's when it was started or was the worse as time gradually went by name calling and what not died down but the vile threats insults to my family and friends and the threats they make they got under my skin. This is real life, and, in the story, I have learned to just not care I care about friends' family loved one's friends to family members.

I've always like adventure, horror, and survival games but I never had the courage to play any survival horror games like Fnaf, and BATIM. If you do not know what BATIM, and Fnaf means Bendy and The Ink Machine, and Five Nights at Freddy's I love video games I l9ke going outside mostly I like getting into fights (arguments not fist fights I am not the one to use my hands). I like to argue with people to see how it will end but I loss the fight every time like it is pointless on why I argue with people it fun and hilarious idk why I do it though. 

Monday August 28, 2023 

6:11 AM

! Alarm clock: 6:30, and 7:00 !

I woke up at 5:30 and I did not officially get up until after my 6 o'clock alarm went off. I am now waiting until its 7 o'clock in the morning. I heard someone walking around downstairs I did not pay any attention until they made a grunt like they could not find something they started to head up the stairs. They went to the master bedroom first the room next to me the one to the right slightly across and to the room across from and then saw my bedroom light on. The person had an orange hoodie and a black ski mask with red dots as eyes and a red upside-down smile, he just stared at me until I gave him the finger. 

1hr and 36 mins

Hoodie and mask then followed me to my bus stop. My bus comes and picks me up mask and hoodie sat in the bus seat right next to me picking up other kids up that go to Sprayberry. Pulling into Sprayberry right now. The bus is parking now. Getting off the bus now. Entering the school now.

Breakfast: had that already 


Immediately go to first block


First block: in the classroom until 9:00 coming back in from the track 30 minutes later it takes 5-10 minutes to get to the track and back. Just got back and about to go to my next class.


~90 minutes later~


Second block: writing four questions in our learning log then Taking notes. 


~90 minutes later~

Third block: do actual math work getting the hang of converting miles into yards feet or inches. 


~Lunch time, 23 minutes later~


AO reviewing what we learned or what we know.


~90 minutes later~


Fourth block: We did our warmups sight reading learned a little bit of two music pieces today. We all packed up at 3:27 PM. 


~bell rings~


End of the Day: 3:30 PM everyone leaves the school building and on to the buses or go to the cars if their car riders. Buses leave at 3:35 there was a traffic jam I usually get to my bus stop around 3:45 to 3:55 it was 3:55 PM when my bus came to drop me off it takes 10 to 15 minutes to get home I stop like twice for a minute or two. I finally arrive home did some online shopping with my dad talk to him about family and when he is leaving for dragon con.



Tuesday August 29th, 2023

6:44 AM

! Alarm clock: 6:30, and 7:00 !

I woke up by my phone alarm 6:30 AM and 7:00 AM I am packing my bag for school and if I need to take a lunch or not. I am not taking a lunch because it takes so long to do so I have like 20-25 minutes left until I leave to go to my bus stop.

Jeff was the one who "was" going to kill me but decided that he was going to watch what I do Ej, Masky, Hoodie, HL, and Ticci Toby where already at my bus stop on the side I was at before yesterday so having Jeff follow me is (mental mind readers pod: "YAY THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN WITH HIM FOLLOWING YIPPY") -back to this- "it will be awhile until I leave so I hope he can wait"

~time skip~

13 minutes later


I'm now getting ready to head out the door at 7 30 or 35 it takes like 5 to 10 minutes or sometimes 15 its mostly 5 or 10 minutes to get there if I'm leaving at 7 30 or 35 I will have to pick up the pace if I leave that late I'm usually on time sometimes it would be different like on how I miss the bus and what not.


~time skip~

5-10 minutes later or 15 minutes later

At the bus stop waiting to be picked up I see those who I "was" friends with on the other side of the road before I went across it yesterday.


On the bus picking other Sprayberry students up so they can ride the bus that takes 9 to 10 minutes and were leaving to go to school around 7 57 to 8 00 we get their around 8 07 or more. Jeff, Liu, Edi, Toby, Masky, and Hoodie were all arguing over some useless shit on how to kill someone unlike my school they allow killing (in the novel not in real life) Jeff who was trying to sleep next to me snapped and said Jeff: if you guys don't shut up I'll make you shut up. Everyone else nodded in understanding I just watched at what had just happened. Jeff: Do. Not. Ask. I just nodded and kept my mouth shut tight I waited until they started fighting again it was Masky and Hoodie and Toby Jeff did not bother with them because they were the proxies. I was getting extreme headache and because I am also tired and cranky Jeff did not know that I was cranky and tired. Me: Shut. The FUCK up some people on this bus have migraines and headaches and loss of sleep and can get extremely cranky some people like the one who earlier told you to shut up is trying to sleep if your being loud and obnoxious no one WILL like you am I CLEAR. Toby looks at me he knew what I was capable of. Masky and Hoodie sighed and went on their phones. Jeff smiled he repositioned he laid his head on my shoulder and fell back to sleep I saw this. I gave everyone who fought my famous alto death glare.




Wednesday August 30th, 2023

6:36 AM

I woke up by two alarms my alarm clock at 5 30 and my phone alarm at 6 00 and 6 30 I am packing my bag for school and if I need to take a lunch or not. I am not taking a lunch because it takes so long to do so I have like 20-25 minutes left until I leave to go to my bus stop.

There was no problem on the bus (jeff who I am changing CAUSE INSPIRATION to be a yandere) I was sitting in the back seat number 24 is all the way back of the bus it is quiet cause it is high school jeff sat in the seat next to me which is seat number 23 it was a public bus. Jeff was the one who "was" going to kill me but decided that he was going to watch what I do on the public bus and another person who challenge me to a fight with words I can rap for a few songs like Fight back by NF short the person started to try and fight back but put her hands up after I was done cause she mocked me for fight back I then said If you gonna mock me then mock me when I sing this song Rumors by NEFFEX / NF she didn't mock me cause I knew she couldn't so she lost after I was finished with the song I then said "Next time you try and challenge me remember this day for the rest of your life until you die from being murdered, old age, or you fall and die hope this day haunts you in your dreams. 

~time skip~

13 minutes later


~time skip~


5-10 minutes later or 15 minutes later


(-Blaze: So, this is the Authors note I would prefer you to call me Blaze because it sounds cool and bad ass instead of having my name Shadow/Blaze because it gets confusing for most on scratch and Wattpad is fine but in my stories my name as an Author will be Blaze-)