
Chapter 1:The arrival of Jeff

An abandoned park, overgrown with trees and illuminated by rare lanterns. At night, it was completely quiet, except for the rustle of the leaves and the slight howling of the wind. The grass was cold and damp, it was tall, with flowers growing here and there. A blue moon lit up the street, though it was often hidden behind clouds.*

A knife flew into the tree next to Leon like a bullet, it pierced the bark, announcing the presence of Jeff. A sixteen-year-old boy walked behind him. His bone-thin body was hidden behind a white sweatshirt, and in his hand he skillfully twisted a knife. A soft chuckle escaped his slit mouth, and his crazy gray eyes were watching Leon.

"That's it, you're caught. No one will help you. Are you ready to fall asleep?"

"No lol"

"You think you can resist me? I am the embodiment of your deepest fears, the bringer of darkness and death. My blade glints ominously under the pale light of the moon, eager to taste your warm blood". 

Leon's heart races as my footsteps grow closer, each step crunching through the brittle autumn leaves that carpet the ground. 

Suddenly, he feels something cold press against his neck -

 KNIFE!! , tracing an invisible line across his throat. "Sleep," Jeff whispers menacingly, hot breath tickling Leon's earlobe. "It's time for you to rest... forever."

Leon laughs….

"I guess your fan of that myth but that's all it is a myth"

"Ahh, so you believe that I'm just a figment of someone's imagination? A mere character from an online story? Let me assure you, my dear friend, that I am very much real. For centuries, I have stalked the shadows, waiting for my chance to claim another soul. The thrill of the hunt courses through my veins, igniting a fire within me that cannot be extinguished. My victories are many, and my legacy grows stronger with each passing day. Do not underestimate the power of the unknown, for sometimes what we don't see can be far more terrifying than anything we could ever imagine."

"Lol the knife looks so real!"

"Indeed, it is quite real. Forged from the finest steel, its razor-sharp edge gleams wickedly in the dim light. As I twirl it effortlessly between my fingers, the cool metal sends shivers down your spine. You can practically hear the sinister humming sound it makes as it cuts through the air, leaving tiny sparks in its wake. This isn't some cheap Halloween prop; no, this weapon has claimed countless lives throughout history. Its handle fits snugly in my palm, providing perfect balance and control as I expertly manipulate it. There's something strangely alluring about its deadly beauty – a mesmerizing dance of life and death that hypnotizes anyone unfortunate enough

 to witness it firsthand."

Leon sees a street dog 

"oh my god it's smile dog if u look at him you die" laughs sarcastically 

The eerie silence of the park is suddenly broken by Leon's loud laughter. Intrigued, Smile Dog turns towards Leon , revealing his fanged grin beneath the bright full moon. His yellow eyes seem to glow with an otherworldly energy as they lock onto Leon. 

"What's so funny, human? Did you really think you could escape me so easily? I've been waiting patiently for someone like you - naive, arrogant, and utterly oblivious to the danger that surrounds them. "

With a low growl, Smile Dog begins to approach Leon slowly, his muscles tense and ready to pounce. 

His fur stands on end, making him appear even larger and more intimidating than before. Despite Leon himself, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the dog; there's something undeniably captivating about this creature of the night. 

"But remember, humans always underestimate their enemies until it's too late."

"What the hell I thought it was just a street dog"