
Jaune time travel SI

reborn as Jaune arc, all he wanted to do was to chill with his harem. Untill the creator's brother awoke from his long slumber and messed it up. Time travel There will be a Female Naruto

Ken_Uzumaki · Autres
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3 Chs

The End is Just the Beginning.

The world was on its edge, the sky was black, the stars lost its shine, and the moon refused to give it's glow.

The landscape was rearranging, as lava splurged outward.

You could see the mc laying on the ground. Surounded by the dead beaten and bloodied corpses of his wives.

I was the mc, the mc was me.

It was the end...the end of the world as we knew it...I had beaten him, but at what cost. My loved ones are all gone, the entire multiverse is crumbling into dust.

"This is sad..." a voice spoke. I didn't bother turning, I already knew who it was, it was the R.O.B. who brought me here.

"Glad you could join the party..." I said sarcastically, "You are only 3 hours late..."

"R.O.B. Just looked at me in sadness


"Why are you here?" Eric roared, "came to see me swallow myself up in despair?"

Ever since Eric was reborn as jaune, Eric's life has been lovely, besides the fact that his sisters mother and father did not believe that he could be strong thing.

...and the fact that he had to run away just so he can achieve his dream of becoming strong.

Managed to not only to get strong but he also got a harem full of beautiful women...and decided to lay low...but...

Bad mistake as you know what happened.

"I am here to give you a second chance." the R.O.B. replied.

The Eric now known as Jaune looked at him with a suspicious gaze.

"Are you joking?"

R.O.B. shook his head.

"Than no...." Jaune replied, before he layed back with his head to the sky as lightning cackled across from it.

"I gave your wives the same offer..."

This caused jaune to snap his neck back towards him.

"did they accept?" Jaune asked.

The R.O.B. nodded.

"Then I too will do the same." Jaune replied.

"I thought you wanted to die?"

"There is no point in going to heaven if my wives arent there..." Jaune replied solemnly

This time I won't stop getting strong, I will surpass the heavens themselves. In order to protect the people I love.

"Very well then..."

"Just one question...." Jaune asked.

"Yes...?" R.O.B. looked at him with curiosity.

"Will the powers that I have be restored to its original?"

"No." R.O.B shook his head. "But your bloodlines will still be their."

"Fair enough." Jaune. sighed. "I am ready to go when you are."

R.O.B. Snapped his fingers, and everything turned white.


Rwby Universe.

"I won't let you hurt my sister..." A young blond haired boy roared as his hair suddenly turned back, a tail suddenly sprouted from his ass and his eyes glowed white his expression shifted to an angry snarl.

Jaune and his sister were being attacked by the grim after a normal walk through the parm

"J-Jaune!" Joan stuttered shocked.

"Go!" Jaune roared, "his voice sounded like a thousand people speaking at once.

Joan didn't need to be told twice. She ran like hell towards the Arc house hold.

"This must have been his semblance, she thought, 'but the sudden change, made him into a completely different person. I have to tell mom about this."