
Jaskier and his snuggly wuggly killing machines

The story of Jaskier, rich and famous, and his not quite so small adventure into adopting three trauma riddled witchers. Fluff for days, cuddling, kissing, and lots of tail wagging. Jaskier ends up coming across some witchers in a certain pound during his hunt for some pets. Jaskier has never been one to turn down a challenge... or turn away three beefy beautiful witchers. This is the story of them meeting, adoption, and their first days with the sparkly music man.

Egg_Company · TV
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: BATHTIME

"I'll show you your rooms but then it's straight to the bath! You've got grass and dirt all over you! Dirty boys." Jaskier said as he stepped up the final stair. There were five doors. One was grey, Jaskier's bedroom. One was a clean glossy white, the bathroom. And three were plain white, the boys' rooms.

"Our rooms ?" Eskel said and peaked around to look at Jaskier's face. Jaskier smiled and turned to face them when he had his hand on the first doorknob.

"Of course darlings. Everyone deserves some privacy. I have my room, you all have your rooms. Now this is… Geralt's." Jaskier said as he opened up the door. The wide eyed fluffy wolf walked into his room in front of his brothers. Geralt gasped. They all stood and gawked. The walls were a calming space blue and the floor was covered in an amazing plush carpet. There was a full sized bed covered in a big duvet that had a moon and stars pattern on it along with matching pillows, (four pillows!) and a plushie that was a cute super soft black rabbit. There was a plain blue heavy duty plastic bin in one corner and cubbies on one wall that held blue and grey bins. And finally there was a TV up on the wall.

"Th-this i-it's for me? Just me? You did it for me? It's mine?" Geralt asked and started to tear up. Eskel and Lambert looked at each other. This is what Bear got? What do we get?

Geralt ran over and hugged his daddy. Jaskier smiled and hugged him back tightly.

"Yes darling. Now you can look around while I show your brother's theirs." Jaskier said and pulled away from Geralt, who started to look around. At the toys in the bin, the clothes, the balls and yoga mat under the bed. Jaskier pulled the other two toward the other doors and they could hear Geralt squeal.

"Eskel darling this is yours." Jaskier said as he threw open the door. Lambert looked like he was attached to an electric wire, he looked so excited.

"Oh my gods… daddy did this for me?" Eskel said quietly and walked across the squishy mats on the floor. He looked around with bright eyes and a still tail. He looked at the toy bin and started wagging a smile as it all started to set in. He bounced up and down as he looked at the pretty red pattern on his wall and the big fuzzy bed. He gasped and looked over at the only slightly full bookcase.

Jaskeir took Lambert's hand and walked him to the last room. Lambert was purring and smiling.

"My room! My room! It's my room isn't it? Is it my room, daddy? Daddy is it my room?" Lambert said quickly and excitedly. Jaskier nodded and as he opened the door Geralt walked out of his with a chew ring in his mouth and walked to Eskel's.

Lambert let out a loud long high pitched noise that could be a meow or a whine. He shaked and wagged and smiled and flapped his hands around while looking around. He look in the plush carpet that was almost identical to Geralt's but was a dark green and the carpet that went up the wall and the pastel wallpaper. He wanted to jump on to the big bed that had so many colorful quilts and pillows on it but he didn't because he's dirty. He squealed and laughed when he noticed the scratchy poles in two of the corners and the pile of toys in the other corner. He also gasped when he noticed the TV.

Jaskier smiled and watched the youngest discover for a while. After they had a little bit of time he stepped back and whistled, calling each boy to come out and look at him. He clapped quietly.

"Bathtime Witchers. Shuck off and pile your dirties in this basket." Jaskier said and stood in front of the bathroom door with one of their dirty laundry baskets.

All three smiled and pulled their clothes that the center sent them home in, plain white shirts and grey scrub like pants. Jaskier couldn't help ogling a bit. Each of them were splattered with scars. Over their very lovely nice big huge really really perfect muscles. Jaskier looked at the scars, bite marks, cuts, broken bones maybe? There were just so many. He should ask while they were in the bath. As soon as their pants were shucked Jaskier put the basket outside the door and opened it.

"Now, only one at a time but when you get out or before you can sit on the floor. Just sit on a towel, okay babies?" Jaskier said as he grabbed two towels and put them on the floor near the door. There was still a good four feet between the towels and the bath. The boys looked over at the caddies on the sink. And were chattering to each other and smiling and wagging with their ears high above their heads

"Those are your bathroom baskets! We can keep them here or in your rooms or wherever. I keep mine in my room. There's a comb, a brush, soaps um.. Oh washrags and loofahs and lotions! Baby Bear, yours is the blue one. Wolfie darling yours is brown. And Kitty Dearest yours is green. Why don't you hold onto those until it's your turn in the bath." Jaskier explained and watched the boys examine each item in their basket before holding them close to their chests. They all nodded and Jaskier smiled and just watched them. So beautiful. Works of nature's true talent.

"Okay who's up first?" Jaskier asked as he blinked and got out of his pet worship. He plopped down onto his knees on the bathmat outside the large corner bath. He turned and flipped closed the drain and started to fill the bath with hot-ish warm water. The boys said they liked hot baths but he didn't want to burn them. He heard whispering for a moment before Geralt stepped up and squatted down next to him.

"I wanna get a bath first, please. Lammy wants to go last though cause he gets embarrassed." Geralt whispered. Jaskier nodded and took Geralt's basket and put it on the floor next to him.

"Alright test the water and if it's good, hop in!" Jaskier told the white haired babe. Geralt stuck his hand in the water for a moment before frowning a bit.

"Can it be a little bit more hot?" Geralt asked and Jaskier smiled and nodded and flicked the knob over a bit more. Geralt out his hand under the faucet. "Much better! Thank you, daddy." He said and climbed into the tub. He gasped at first and Jaskier thought he was hurt.

"It feels so good~" Geralt moaned out and flopped over so his whole front was pressed against the bottom of the tub and his knees were bent and his feet kicked up the side. He rolled over so he was belly up. Jaskier laughed at him and he wiggled around and got all soggy. The water slowly filled until it was only about four inches from the lip on the bath. Geralt scrubbed his face and ears with the back of his hands and made his happy high noise.

Jaskier looked back and saw that Eskel was sitting crisscross with his eyes closed and taking deep breaths and Lambert was wrapped up in his towel asleep. The steamy air felt so nice to Jaskier so it probably felt amazing to the babes.

Jaskier grabbed the bottle of body wash and a washcloth but he soon found that the bath water was already kind of discolored. Gods bless the massive hot water heated he splurged on when he bought the house.

"Well my stinky boy, I'm going to let the water out because you've already got it dirty. How about we get a nice shwoer and wash away the dirt and then we can fill the tub and I can wash your hair and do all that? Sound better?" Jaskier asked as he let the water drain. Geralt nodded. Jaskier watched him stand up. He had such broad shoulders, such a storytelling back with all those scars… Jaskier was about waist level with Geralt when he noticed something. He hadn't yet gone through their actual medical records, just their behavior part.

"Geralt, love, are you neutered? Is that a Geralt thing?" Jaskier asked when he noticed that yeah, there was nothing there. There was nothing behind the wolf's phallus. He glanced back at the other two but he couldn't see.

Geralt got all red in the face and reached down to cup himself shyly.

"Um.. witchers are sterile but when everyone got scared that we would um… mate...and breed, centers and pounds started to kinda make a fail safe. I've never met anyone who wasn't. I think they did it to all witchers. Since we're already sterile it didn't make us sick or fat like other pets." Geralt explained and hid himself from Jaskier. Jaskier listened intently and nodded.

"Yeah and some people think it's better to be neutered. For aesthetics so they don't have to see it when they use you." Lambert angrily grumbled. He sat up in his towel burrito looking disgusted and mad.

"That's horrible! I'm so sorry that happened. And I'm so sorry that anyone ever saw you wonderfully brilliant boys as something to be- to be used. I don't care either way. I care more about making you happy than aesthetics." Jaskier said. He really hated people sometimes. Geralt stood in the now empty tub, pink from the water and from being asked about his… thing.

"Okay shower time, baby bear. Do you care if I take off my shirt?" Jaskier asked as he stood. He could practically feel two pairs of eyes blazing into his back. Geralt shrugged, "I would like it a lot" he said quietly.

Jaskier could feel the air around his ankles shift with the obvious wagging of the two outside the bath. Jaskier smiled and nodded and pulled his shirt up and over his head and tossed it over to Lambert who immediately took it up to his face.

Jaskier reached and turned the water to go up to the showerhead instead of the faucet. He also flicked open the drain. He took the showerhead off the wall and held it away from the baby until it was nice and hot. Then, he turned and started with Geralt's feet. He just sprayed him down and Geralt giggled a bit cause it felt so nice! Jaskier then sprayed away the dirt and ick from his calves, then thighs, butt and bits, tummy, chest, back, and then he handed the shower to Geralt.

"I don't wanna waterboard you, honey tart, do you get your face and hair wet for me." Jaskier said and Geralt sprayed himself directly in his face and then got his hair all wet and flipped his hair over so he could rinse his neck. Jaskier took a handcloth and wiped some of the splashed droplets off his chest but his chest hair was already semi wet. All the while Jaskier went and checked on Eskel by squatting down and kissing his head and asking what he was doing.

"Meditating. The air reminds me of the hot springs in the Keep. It feels nice on my scar too… it gets dry sometimes." Eskel admitted. Jaskier gently brought his hands slowly toward the garish mark, slow enough for Eskel to pull away or nip him or tell him no. Finally Jaskier made contact, Eskel looked like he was ready to be smacked. Jaskier touched it lightly and pouted.

"Poor baby. I'll order you some special balm so it won't hurt as bad. My precious Wolfie shouldn't hurt." Jaskier kissed his scar near his mouth and Eskel looked so pretty. His eyes looked softer than dough and they were big and round and his shoulders were relaxed.

"Daddy, 'm done." Jaskier heard and turned around to a soaked witcher with hair all in his face. He had his ears drawn down so no water got in. He looked droopy but happy. Jaskier got up and came back to him.

"Oh good job Bear! Now plop down I'll get your hair all shiny and soft in no time. Are you doing okay?" Jaskier asked and Geralt sat down and flipped the drain shut and smiled up at his daddy. Jaskier smiled and acted like Geralt just solved world hunger.

"Oh good job! You are so smart! So helpful! Thank you baby!" Jaskier bent and kissed his head. Geralt was glowing and he made his little happy noise. That's when Jaskier realized he didn't even have a cup to rinse Geralt's hair with. The shower would be much too harsh and Jaskier didn't wanna accidentally get soap in the baby's eyes.

"I forgot a cup! Can you all be good boys and stay here? I need to grab a plastic cup from the kitchen. Is that okay? You can close or leave the door open, whatever you boys wanna do." Jaskier looked around at the boys all looked at each other and nodded.

Jaskier ran down the stairs and got a blue plastic cup that he must've gotten from a slushie place or something and ran back up to find all three boys giggling. Jaskier looks at them all. Eskel having rolled over onto his back, Lambert was still burritoed in his towel and had his leg stretched out in front of him, and Geralt was laughing in the almost full tub.

"What's going on here? Who's being a silly goose?" Jaskier asked as he put his hands on his hips and looked at each boy with a silly face. Lambert covered his mouth and Geralt just smiled and sunk down so his mouth was underwater. That left Eskel.

"I said you look like a badger cause you got fluff on your tummy and you got fur." Eskel said teasingly. Like a five year old saying you're stinky. Jaskier faked extreme insult. He gasped and put his hand on his chest and did a big turn.

"A BADGER? I'm not a badger! Silly boy. And I don't have fur, I just have alot of chest hair." Jaskier said and got back to Geralt who was wagging under the water and looking up at him like a hippo. Jaskier turned the water off and tapped the top of Geralt's head lightly.

"C'mon you little hippo, up with you. Time to wash this beautiful hair. I'll wash your ears first though so try and stay still." Jaskier told him and guided Geralt until he was recinling against the tub wall and Jaskier could get to the backs and tops of his ears. He would clean the insides of their ears later or tomorrow.

Jaskier carefully brought the cup, now full of water, up to the pretty grey and white ear. He gently pressed the back of his ear against the surface of the water. Then he grabbed the chamomile shampoo up and gently rubbed it into each ear with his thumbs. By the time he rinsed them Geralt was just jelly. Big beautiful jelly. He was purring and looked half asleep.

Jaskier didn't say a thing the entire time he massaged conditioner into his ears or when he scrubbed his hair twice and left the conditioner in there for a while. He didn't say anything when he turned around and Lambert was back to sleep and Eskel was silently meditating.

Jaskier smiled and felt his heart fill with love and the feeling of contentment. He brought the cup up and rinsed out Geralt's long white locks, which were much whiter now that they were clean. Geralt barely stirred when Jaskier brought a soapy wash rag up to wash his arms and back or when Jaskier stretched over him to turn him so he was long ways. He watched with droopy eyes as Jaskir washed him but by the time Jask was done he was already out cold again.

"Baby… Geralt~... Sweetheart~... Baby Bear you need to get out so Wolfie can get in. You can have a nice fluffy towel." Jaskier whispered into Geralt's ear. The puppy just opened his eyes and stuck out his bottom lip. Jaskier didn't budge though so Geralt sighed and stood up out of the lovely water. Jaskier brought him a towel and started to pat him dry. Jaskier put the now wet towel on the towel rack and brought Geralt a nice dry towel and let him go lay next to Lambert and doze off. Jaskier lightly touched Eskel's hand and whispered to him.

"Eskel honey, Bathtime darling. We can rinse in Geralt's water and ten get you your own clean water. Come on my brilliant beautiful wolf. You can nap after." Eskel opened his eyes and nodded. He held Jaskier's hand and slowly got down into the tub. Jaskier grabbed Eskel's caddy and slid Geralt's near the towel rack for later. Jaskier got a rag and wet it in the water and rubbed at Eskel's arms and legs and tummy and bits and back and neck. Eskel was only about half away as he realized all the water was drained and he went to stand but Jaskier settled him back down but scooted him forward so he was sitting in the middle of the tub.

Jaskier turned on the shower and gently sprayed Eskel, avoiding his face and head. And then flicked the water back to the faucet. Jaskier was petting down Eskel's back when the babe spoke up to him.

"Daddy, can I give you a hug? Like um uh skin to skin?" Eskel said timidly. He was really letting his walls crumble and be swept away. Jaskier smiled and pulled Eskel back to the wall of the tub by his hips. Jaskier reached over and pressed his back to Eskel's and wrapped his arms around Eskel's neck. Eskel relaxed and melted into the warmth of someone who loves him and the warm water that was cradling around him.

"Of course, love. You can have as much skin to skin affections as you want. Did it make you feel better pup?" Jaskier said into the fluffy backside of Eskel's left ear. Eskel nodded.

"Let me get you all cleaned up and washed. I got you lavender soap so you can smell as pretty as you look. You can rest now, let daddy take care of everything." Jaskier rubbed up and down Eskel's scarred biceps and then leaned back. He repeated the same ear, ahir, body as he did on Geralt. He had to wake up Eskel when he was done and the eldest babe got up, got dried off, and went and woke up his baby brother.

Lambert kept a tight grip on his towel even once he was near Jaskier. Lambert was red as a tomato but let his covering fall. Jaskier smiled and put on his least judgmental face as he let Lambert sit down in the bath.

Jaskeir kind of understood why Lambert was so… embarrassed. He had a tattoo on his hip that symbolized his sterilization and a bite mark scar on the inside of his thigh. Is this why he was so angry about being used? Was he used at a- a fuck toy? Stay calm Jask. You can be angry when you're alone.

Lambert stayed alert and awake but did relax a bit once he was in fresh warm water. Lambert's hair needed a little extra love but three washes and it was quite fluffy. Lambert looked softer now. Smaller, more innocent, younger. A baby like he really was.

Lambert got out and wrapped himself in a nice fluffy towel

Time to wake up the other two, get some clothes on, and go get cuddles- Uh watch a movie.