
Jacob’s Girl

In an attempt to leave her past scars behind, Elizabeth Hughes is determined to begin anew while working as a waitress. Without warning, Jacob Gerson came into the picture and everything about him was distracting,hard body, hard heart and he was damn hard to ignore. When he proposes her to be his new assistant, Elizabeth's life is on the brink of change. Can she handle everything that comes with him? Can she handle passion and wild-wild emotions

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Unexpected Stranger


"I'm not done talking to you!"

I shuddered with fear as his finger nails dug into my wrist and he held on too tightly on purpose.

I looked down at my lower arm that Ethan was holding on to, I couldn't wriggle my arm out of the tightness of his calloused fingers.

I tried to yank my arm free but it was hopeless. He's stronger than I am.

"Let go of me, Ethan, you're hurting me" I said trying to yank my arm free

"You don't walk away while I'm still talking to you!" He said almost loudly without caring that I'm at my workplace and on duty.

I was casually looking around hoping not to see my boss.

"Pleasee" I pleaded quietly.

My panic rose. Losing my job? No thanks. This job has saved me from the brink of becoming a broke nomad, and I had only settled in. If he didn't get the memo that our circus show was officially over, I was ready to print it out in bold letters.

"You don't get to call the shots, I do. It's only over when I say it is over do you hear me? I own you" He said with a smirk on his face

Oh god! I want to punch him right now and wipe off the smirk off his face! But that would be making a bigger scene than it is already.

"Can we do this later.. do you want to make me loose my Job over this?"

Breaking up with Ethan was supposed to be my new beginning. The end of walking on eggshells. Now I'm stuck either leaving the one lousy job I could find, or praying Ethan lost interest now that he had tracked me down.

"Screw your shitty job" I could see heads turning in our directions

Oh boy, he was one small step away from getting me a front-row seat to the unemployment line. Come on, Mike, my boss, please have temporarily gone blind!


Like a ray of divine intervention, a voice from behind me called my name like a smooth jazz melody. I felt the tension ease as Ethan let go, and I swear my wrist sighed in relief.

Slowly, I spun around to see the voice's owner, and I could have sworn a spotlight appeared for him.

Who was this guy, a model who wandered off a magazine cover?

My Inner detective was working overtime, trying to figure out if he's a spy posing as a model or vice versa.

As if I'd been hit by a tranquilizer dart, I was hooked from the moment I laid eyes on him.

How did this prime specimen even exist? Was he a figment of my caffeine-deprived imagination? It was like he'd been photoshopped into reality from the cover of GQ. I half-expected to see 'Photo for illustrative purposes only' stamped on his forehead.

He had shoulders that screamed "lifting weights,"and his posture screamed "I don't slump". The dude was sculpted, no doubt about it. Chiseled jawline, like he'd been 3D-printed by the gods of handsomeness,and his lips… well, let's say they weren't camera-shy.

His nose? Perfectly in place, and his eyes were like.. well, they were bluer than the sky on a sunny day,and I swear, I could feel them drawing me in like magnet. Speaking of 'trapped' I was one rabbit caught in headlights.

Dude was rocking a sleek dark suit like it was casual wear. And oh, that hair - it was like a chaotic masterpiece, the kind that made you want to run your fingers through it, and then immediately reconsider.

But then reality hit. He cleared his throat and said, "Umm…"

"Uh, need something?" I managed to squeak out wondering if he noticed me zoning out.

Reality: he's a customer, and I should, you know, do my job.

I was scratching my wrist, where Ethan had a death grip earlier. It was itching like mad.

"Is everything okay ?" He glanced at me and then Ethan. "Are you alright?"

What could I say? I was beyond embarrassed and just hoping my boss wasn't lurking.

"Can we assist you?" Ethan tried to sound all tough and authoritative. Cute, but way less intimidating than Mr. Magazine Cover over there. Nice try Ethan.

And hold up, Ethan said "we" Did he forget we're "over"? Like, ancient history? This isn't Netflix - you can't just renew a show without the leading lady's consent.

"Oh, I was just having a chat with my girlfriend," Ethan proclaimed, as if reading lines from a bad soap opera. That card's expired, my dude.

"We are so done, Ethan. I'm at work for crying out loud" I sighed, the weight of dealing with Ethan's drama is making me feel like a circus ringmaster.

"Listen to the lady," Handsome stranger jumped in, his voice carrying the authority of a principal telling off a troublemaker. His eyes locked with Ethan's and if they were Pokémon, Ethan would be the one that faints.

Wait a sec - how did he know my name? My brain scrambled until I remembered my own secret identity: the name tag on my apron. Classic.

Then, out of nowhere, like an unwanted twist ending in rom-com, Ethan planted a kiss on my cheek. I resisted the urge to wipe it off like invisible frosting. Ugh, could this get any worse?

"Later, babe" Ethan said with a wink that probably made him feel like James Bond.

Major eye-roll from my end.

As soon as Ethan left, it was as if the room shrank, and it was just me and Mr. Magazine.

His eyes were locked on me like I was a museum exhibit. I was frozen, like my brain took a vacation without me.

I couldn't help but wonder what he thought of me now. Did he see me as a vulnerable pushover? His blue eyes seemed to be sizing me up or maybe judging me. Yeah, it was probably judgement. Can't blame him; I've made some questionable choices, like picking men who should've come with warning labels.

So, backstory time: I fell for Ethan during a phase of feeling unloved and weak. I was naive enough to believe his "I love you." Worst decision ever. Seriously, I should hand over my decision- making card because I'd rather be single than stuck in a toxic mess.

Reality check. I looked at the guy in front of me. He had a serious expression going on.

Awkwardness and nervousness hit me like double whammy. Should I be grateful? He kind of saved me from the jaws of humiliation and maybe even a boss encounter that would've turned my job into history.

"Nice guy," He drawled from behind her shoulder.

"Yeah, a real peach." I retorted rubbing my wrist "Need anything? "

He smirked and strolled away. Great, now he thinks I'm a charity case.

"Eli! Quit daydreaming and start working,you don't get paid for standing around" Mike barked from a distance, sticking his craggy head out of the window and slapped the bell. Elizabeth went to serve her customers before Mike blew another gasket. Miserable as her boss might be, he was the only employer wiling to hire an inexperienced waitress. Life with Ethan had not left me with too many marketable skills other than walking on eggshells and reading bad moods.

Thank the heavens he wasn't around for the earlier circus act. I headed over the counter to grab a customer's order, miserable as her boss might be, he was the only employer wiling to hire an inexperienced waitress. Life with Ethan had not left me with too many marketable skills other than walking on eggshells and reading bad moods. My thoughts went back to Mr. Mystery who vanished before I could say a proper thank you.

Will I see him again? Will I not?

do you think Elizabeth will see this stranger again? Um

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