
Chapter 18: Jack and Fanalis?

Thump! Thump!


Thump! Thump!

I opened my eyes and stared at the still beautiful night sky. Yep, Gaia's Blessings is a ridiculous regen skill.

I touched my chest and felt that the hole closed, also the fact that I touched my chest means my arms have recovered and also my nerves that were destroyed when I was being pommeled.

That fight showed me that the way of the sword isn't enough.

Not with just a stupid Speed Sword and a non-special Katana.


"I need to be faster"

Fast, speed, it's exhilarating. Now that I have time to calmly think, the feeling of 30x Agility is like being on illegal drugs, not that I've ever used them but you get the experience.

I really need to get that Runner's Comet, just how fast will I be?

With that thought though, I immediately opened my SSR window, scrolling over uncountable amount of weapons and skills.

"There's no Speed Force"

Welp, that's that. I can't be the fastest then, if Speed Force was too much of a cheat ability with enough know-how, then I can't do anything about it. G rules the system, he probably doesn't want me getting all fast and doing the job easy peasy.

Speed Force be broken like that, I mean it says fuck all to any whiplash you get from speed, grants you speed, and is the concept of speed itself.

Fucking Barry raced death and raced a God's teleportation from billions of light years away all the way to Earth.

"Really, Flash shouldn't just be the fastest man alive, he has the potential to be the fastest being alive"

He can even go to alternate dimensions! And time travel! And create tornadoes! And lap around the Earth because he's bored!


I sat up from the ground and scanned my surroundings, Balam was dead and fried over there, Belial was dead and skewered over there, and I'm alive.

I'm truly alive.

But I'm too weak, if it wasn't for Gates of Babylon, I'd probably die or just get myself beaten up with a Darksouls difficulty DxD world.

Good thing I did some minor questionable stuff this past months, and no, I just seduced that pastor before taking his briefs.

Same with the nuns.

I have no comment for the shoes.

"Oh, I got a nerfed SSR Item huh"

I accepted the rewards of the quest in bulk, watching as nothing actually happened visibly and physically except for the 200,000SP and the more gold bar than ticket ticket in my palms.

"Wow, nostalgic, I remember getting good ol' gates and daddy genes"

I chuckled alone in the dark of the night, surrounded by corpses and...

Yeah, I'm alone.

If I was some protagonist, I would have a few people with me laughing around, or perhaps a few girls crying with me or something.





Okay, cross out the lovers, I'm way too androgenous to decide about that.

[Would you like to use the ticket?]

"Boogey down"

It takes a while, but the difference between a random, a free and just a ticket is pretty obvious.

One is a gacha, the other is a pick what you want, and the last is a predetermined reward.

In this case? I have the last one of the 3.

[You have obtained a Fanalis Bloodstone]

[Fanalis Bloodstone - The complete DNA sequence, proper amount of blood and genetic make-up of a Fanalis in a stone made of blood. Using this item will turn you into a Fanalis, or maybe, something more if you think outside the box. If you can't, then according to G, a Bloodstone has enough materials to create another being with, take the hint please]


"What the fuck am I supposed to do with this crystallized butchered poor Fanalis?"

Aren't those things that red haired peeps from that...

"Ass licker the human that can't wait to cum, ball licker the freak that eats the skittles with the condom" (AN: If you sang with this then you must be a man of ultimate culture)

Another silent chuckle escaped from me. Oh God, now I was reminiscing about some questionable stuff of the past.

"Darned G"

If you can't trust them, then make something you can huh?

Actually, considering my current Notorious reputation, and hostile relationships with several big wigs, I can't exactly be as free as I was before.

I need influence, power, a force, and someone to entrust with matters I can't do myself yet is very needed.

But wait.

Do they actually know it's me or do they just know that there was a massacrer in the open?

"So. Many. Things. To. Think. About!"

It's truly the stress route.

I observed the ball of blood as big as my palms, spinning it and poking it to see if it will work.

[Would you like to use Fanalis Bloodstone?]

Just like with my papa genes, but...


I get the hint.

I scoured the shop again, this time with the SP to buy, mostly on the R window though.

[Alchemy - The art of sacrificing another for something, the art of changing lead to gold, the art of possibly making another human if done properly. This doesn't give you the same alchemy magic as the world you're currently thinking of, it's just alchemy purely.]


Tch, can't transmute shit like that anime with the blonde shrimp.

I still bought it.

Never know when things like that is useful.

[Biology - The study of the human body, or technically anything that lives. This doesn't give you any other mastery other than Biology, it does make you smarter than any scientist when it comes to said topic]



[Stasis Syringe - A syringe capable of holding whatever you want and keep in the same state forever, unless it was used of course]


Bought 5 of those.

[Bloodstone Mixer - A machine specifically created to use a Bloodstone both ways, get inside it and change yourself or make something inside it. Needs a sufficient amount of Mana Stones to work, and also please plug it before you use the electronic bit]



It hurts.

It hurts so damn bad.

But I bought it.

"This better be worth it"

That's right, I was planning to make myself my own Masrur, a loyal assistant, or a Morgiana, I don't exactly know the gender but it should work.

According to my brain though, I'd need to procure some important materials first, and also to avoid getting either limbs of mine eaten by Truth.

[Soul Stone - A stone with a clean slate soul, created by G for many things, soul magic and necromancy included]


[Mana Stone - A very flexible stone filled with Mana. You need some Mana? Get a Mana Stone. You need some Mana for your grand magic circle? Get a Mana Stone. You need something with Mana in order to do something related to alchemy or just blowing up buildings with fire tornado rituals? Get a Mana Stone]


I... bought 1 of each.

147,000SP, gone in a instant.

Tik Tik.

I touched my face and felt something wet run down my cheeks.


I cried melodramatically for a few more minutes.

All the items I bought were in front of me, a human sized machine, blue and white stones, syringes as big as an arm, while the few others were skills so I got them personally.

[You have obtained Biology]

[You have obtained Alchemy]

And then I placed all inside the gates.

You didn't expect that did you?

Hahahaha! Infinite Mana Stones and Soul Stones! Hahaha! Gilgamesh, it you'd only use your brains a little better!

Next was the Bloodstone.


The Bloodstone.





Gates can't get anything alive inside it can they?

Fidgeting Fuckery Fuck.

"Oh, yeah, let's consider this crystallized Fanalis remains a living being because I'm G and I have the smallest dick in the entire multiverse, hahaha"

Screw your omniscience! I'm trash talking you right now!

[Your SP has been deducted by 10,000]


I bowed down to the floor in a deep dogeza, facing the sky and letting the moon shine upon me.

"Oh great supreme being G, I'm truly sorry, this young one cannot recognize Mt. Tai in front of me. You are the greatest, you are the smartest, you are the pinnacle of everything, I'm sorry, I was courting death, forgive me ancestor"

The points aren't coming back.

I finished my apologies and stood up, I just had an epiphany.

A golden ripple appeared beside as a arm sized syringe came out.

"I'm creating a monster"

Slowly, somewhere deep inside Jack, something was cracking, however he wasn't aware of it, not this time, nor in the future.

Should I create a companion or delete this entire trash chapter and make the reward something else?

I do think that he's lonely, too lonely. But I can't really just solve that by making him suddenly all gung-ho about friends.

Solution was to make him create a companion instead, that way he can ensure the loyalty and trust he wants.

Is it too evil? Perhaps Edgy? I'm going to take notes.

xXPlagueXxcreators' thoughts