
Chapter 14: Jack and Faulty Plan 2

Do you know what makes a pincer strategy very dangerous if pulled off? A pincer is something akin to cornering but also different, cornering would just place the target in between you and an immovable existence, while a pincer would put the target in between you and another you, or in my case 3 different temporary allies.

"Attack the male!"

A Devil, part of the traitors from Belial, made a cool magic circle shit and aimed it towards...Masaomi?

Oh wow, he didn't aim for me.


I somehow take offense to that.


Juliet the princess in shining armor flew directly towards us, ignoring the several attacks going after her as she skillfully weaved around them and arrived in front of us unscathed.

Well, near unscathed if you count that few scratches she has here and there.

Placing back my attention to the oncoming spell, a huge amount of land rose up to the air and balled before being launched towards us. Neat.

Now then, what should I do? I was well aware that any action I do would lead to something serious, I mean if you haven't forgotten, there's the Exorcist and the actual assassins coming for us and now the Belial traitors as well have made their move.


Wait does that count as a comet? Or no, does it count as something similar to-

Shit no time to think.

"Chrono Burst"

Everyone slowed down and I felt myself move faster, imitating the visual effects of time stopping.

Also the glaring amount of pain I'd have to endure after this, it's a cool thing to note that I'm no speedster who has a mommy speed force keeping me safe from all the whiplash of speed, so in a technical way, since Chrono Burst– despite the cool name– only slows and accelerates the enemy and me, I'm absolutely vulnerable to anything that can happen when you're fast as fuck (boi), anything bad.

So, I tend not to use Chrono Burst consecutively in less than 30 seconds real time, do keep in mind that everything that has happened so far after the first Chrono Burst isn't even a minute long, not when I use Chrono Burst and essentially do a lot in a single second.

Now, why is my Divine Body not negating the damage from Chrono Burst? Well, Divine Body works externally, and sometimes against foreign matters, meaning poisons.

I don't think my intestines are foreign matters, nor do I think my bones are outside my body.

So bottom line, no can do.

And so with that, I moved to get Cleria and Masaomi behind me as I fulfilled my curiosity.



"J-Jack?! Why? My worthlessness could've shrunk that! You didn't have...to"

I sturdily ignored my blackened eyes and bleeding nose as I gave her a side glance and a smile of reassurance, finishing with a shaky thumbs up. Before placing it back down and surrendering myself to the ground and the boulder on top me.

"It's all daijobu"

[Hurl a comet to your face, or something similar ✓]



"Emotion Culling"

Excuse me, I think the impact of having my guts and bones nearly blow off my body kind of cancelled Emotion Culling.

Though, on the good side of things, Gaia's Blessings was a ridiculous Regen skill. I could see my face squirming and my insides shifting back to the correct place, it might seem slow but please do keep in mind that even Devils don't blow up their insides and have it heal visibly in mere seconds.

Due to the sudden... surrealism of my previous action, I think Juliet might've forgot about something.

However, without even looking away from me she picked up Masaomi and flew up, successfully dodging 2 lightsabers and an Excalibur Speed, a few fireballs, and some swords.


Cool movie, by the way.

Also, are these peeps ignoring me purposely? Or did they really think this would kill me...

Actually, I would seem like a human to them won't I? I mean, sure I have some God blood but it's only a quarter in me and it wasn't from something holy. Add the fact that I was bloody and messed up.

Man, who would've thought that just using it 3 times consecutively would make my eyes nearly pop off their sockets, to be honest, that entire boulder dealt no external damage courtesy to my Divine Body but most of the damage came from inside.

And it hurts.

Like, a lot, just that I can't shout because my throat kinda is still being healed.

Taking my mind away from my current status, I used my only barely working eye and watched Mrs.Stupid fighting against 40 enemies.

She used her one handed spear in a fashion similar to that of a lance, a jousting lance. It's a very efficient and suitable style considering how she has to have a free hand to use worthlessness and hold Masaomi as well.

But, she's not an absolutely perfect being to endure 40 vs 1 forever.

She forcefully lowered her altitude, dodging a fireball aiming for her head, then a few spears aiming for Masaomi was thwarted by her well timed upward slash, bunching up them up and with a strong flick of her spear, made a few unarmed for a bit-

Ouch, why does fixing my bones hurt this much?

The Belial then slowly flew to the forest, I don't know if she has traps in there or what but other than a few minutes of respite, the forest is her doom.

Not that I care because after I heal from this, I don't think they'll be alive still.

But I guess her plans were... prevented?

"Masaomi! No!"

Probably her mistake but she dropped Masaomi and she would have to stop and dive down to catch him, that was enough for the 25 Devils to catch up, why 25? Exorcists don't fly.

Nor do pigs, I'm sure I tried back in my past.

Realizing her death was coming, her eyes grew hesitant, heh, Devils, typical Devils. This is probably the limit of her selflessness, no matter what happens love isn't everything.

So you don't have to sink Tokyo entirely for her, oh that ridiculous movie.

She'll either leave him alone or try superficially to save him but abandon him if it really grows bad, why would you die for a replaceable man anyways?

This wasn't Emotion Culling, I just really didn't think love can affect her all too much, I mean she's a Devil after all, and it's not like she's a Gremory.

Much to my surprise though, she...picked him up? Huh?

"I'd rather die together with Masaomi than let him live without me!"


I'm sorry but, what?


Stupid! Just throw him to the Devils and run away! You'll die either way but Masaomi might live because he's an exorcist and mind wiping isn't new!

I tried moving but my bones were still busy realigning and thus only a slight wiggle was all I could manage, enough to free my mouth and try to shout but...

Why do I need to shout?

It's her life, why would I need to advice her?

Shouting would only earn their attention and they'll move in to finish me, I can survive and kill them efficiently by letting them drop their guards.

Slowly, my mouth closed, unaware that I was gritting my teeth hard, I took this action and injury because in my eyes, the completion of the task was more important than finding a way to save the 2.


Was I always this greedy?

I chose a TASK over a LIFE? I chose something that can be done later over 2 lives?

Belial did as she said and landed on the ground with Masaomi on her arms. Barbarically swinging her spear, like a cornered beast, but this beast was not only cornered but also protecting something.

It's like she grew even stronger, the time for her to cast worthlessness became fast, but it didn't last as the exorcists caught up and that Shinichi dude sliced her arm off.


Spit flew and blood came gushing out of her arm, but she caught her weapon with her mouth and used that to strike at the Shinichi dude, getting his eye due to the unexpectedness of the action.

"You fucking Devil!"

Soon, several spears jutted out of her, several swords also struck her but she didn't fall, her red dress was ripped, scorched, marred in dirt but she stood always in front of Masaomi.



"Shut up Shinichi"

It was Touji Shidou, he smacked him in the face with apparent rage and his teeth clenched.

"Can't you see? Can't you see what she's doing?"

"She took my fucking eye!"

"You took her arm and now you're also taking her...love"

He sadly glanced at Masaomi who, finally gained consiousness.

His first words?


He ignored his broken feet and crawled to her, digging his hands through soil and tried to touch her but...


She fell, straight to the ground.

Multiple weapons and other stuff made of magic pierced through her, spikes, swords, spears, advanced glow sticks.

"Cleria...No! No! God! Why!?"

His hands shook as he brought it to her face, while said girl's hands were, well her remaining one did the same, touching each other like there was no tomorrow.


"Ma...saomi...my love"

Her breath was steadily growing deeper and deeper, as if she was taking as much as she could to survive longer.

"W-Why?! Why didn't you go and escape without me?!"

"You silly...can I even... live without ...you?"

They smiled at each other, crying tears of joy as they were finally at each other's embrace.

"No, I don't think you coul-?! Blurgh...!"



"You talk too much, die already human"

Hmm...I don't think this chapter is alright. I'm going to wait for reactions and change it accordingly, if you guys like the way they died then I'll have probably another chapter to go with this but if you don't then I'll have to rewrite this.

xXPlagueXxcreators' thoughts