
Chpater 3: Water 7

After walking for a few minutes, Jack finally arrived at the entrance of the shop that said "Rental Bull Shop".

'Hmm this must be the place that rents out those weird aquatic horses, well what the heck, let's rent one' Jack said to himself as he entered the shop and took in the surroundings.

"Welcome, a bull right?"

"Aye, that's right."

"And what kind do you want, there's Yagara, Rabuka, and King, although I think a Yagara will be enough for you if you're on your own."

'Wow, that made me hungry for some reason, will they be able to be eaten?' Jack's thoughts wandered due to how hungry he was, he didn't know how long it had been since he had eaten something.

"Sure, that should be fine, but first, could you answer me a few questions gentleman," he says confidently despite having no idea what the man was talking about.

"Oh, yeah sure, tell me."

"Well, Hmmm how about we start with What country is this island part of?" Jack said feeling out as he kept walking, observing, and touching things in the shop curiously.

He didn't want to alert the man in front of him too much so he preferred to feel out how strange it was to ask a few questions about the place he was in.

"Hahaha, wow what a good joke, obviously that Water 7 is the water capital of Paradise boy."

"Captain Jack Sparrow" corrected Jack quickly.

The man stopped laughing and gave him a confused look.

"Excuse me?" said the man looking at him with confusion.

"I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, call me that if you don't mind."

"Uh, yes, sure...as you prefer."

"Well, and tell me, this Paradise, where is it exactly?"

"You're kidding right, Paradise is the first part of the Grand Line, everyone who sails these waters knows that."

"Oh, yeah yeah sure, I knew that, I was just asking..." said Jack quickly.

"But... you see, here's the thing, I've had a terrible headache, very very painful, you can't imagine the pain and lately I remember everything fuzzy you know how it is when you overdo it on rum, so how about you refresh my mind a bit," Jack said with a sly smile, pretending to have had an alcohol hangover as he handed the man a few silver coins with a mischievous smile.

"I see... so that's the reason... all right then, give me a few seconds, I might have something around here that can help you remember..... Just let me find it... here!" the man grabbed the coins, put them away, shook his head, and then started looking around the store until he grabbed a small piece of paper.

Jack frowned and looked at the paper the man had unfolded...and blinked.

It was a map, but what it showed was unlike any map Jack had ever seen before and he had seen all kinds of maps.

"Gentleman what is this?" asked a confused Jack as he looked at what appeared to be a very well-made fake map.

The man rolled his eyes, "A basic map of the world, what else?"

"Oh, believe me, gentleman I know what a map is, but could you tell me why this.... well... why is everything so strange on this map" Jack commented, confusion and skepticism clear in his voice as he looked at him.

The man looked at Jack again as if he were stupid and said in a low voice: "It looks like the alcohol actually got to his brain and fried it."

Jack who heard him looked at him pretending to be offended and the man quickly cleared his throat, "Cough Cough, well, as you can see, our world is covered mostly by water, with many islands of different sizes, the Oceans are the Northern Blue, Southern Blue, Eastern Blue, and Western Blue and there is only one supercontinent, the Red Line, which runs north and south around the entire planet, separating the oceans"

"Aye, how interesting."

The man looked at him again with confusion for a few seconds but then shook his head, after all, he had already accepted the money in exchange for telling him just these basic things.

"Anyway, let's go back to our geology lesson to refresh your brain, Apart from the Red Line, which runs north to south, there is also a giant current that runs east to west, the Grand Line, which is where we are now" the man pointed at the Map.

'I see, so this is where I am' thought Jack as he saw on the map where he had ended up stranded after escaping from the Sea of Lost Souls.

As the man continued to explain, "The only safe way to get here is through River's Mountain, as Grand Line is boxed in on both sides by Calm Belt, an area with absolutely no wind, and is the breeding ground for the giant Sea Kings."

As the man remained focused on the map and the explanation, Jack couldn't help but ask:

"Sea Kings, something like a Kraken?" asked Jack with a shudder as he remembered Davi Johne's pet that swallowed him alive.

"Oh, no, no, the Kraken is a Sea Monster, Sea Kings are ruthless creatures that seek to kill and destroy everything in sight."

'Aye, that definitely sounds like a Kraken' thought Jack but decided to keep listening to what the man had to say.

"Anyway, you're here now, in Water 7, the headquarters where the best carpenters in the world are located" the man pointed proudly at the map concluding his explanation.

And even though Jack still had many questions to ask him, he preferred not to draw even more attention to himself until he had a better understanding of his situation.

"And a crew, do you have any idea where I can find one?"

"If you're looking for pirates, you can find them everywhere""

"Aye?, so that's how it is, thank you, good man, now about those bulls..."

"But of course, if you don't even remember where you are how could you know about the Bulls, come here a moment" the man led him in front of the sea horses Jack had seen earlier in the city canals.

"Well, in short, those are the bulls or rather yagara bulls, they are used all over the city because there is more water than land and these are indispensable for the people here and the tourists."

"And that fish horse or whatever you call it, is that the one that pulls the boat?"

"No, they don't pull the boats, they carry the boats and the people on their backs just like the horses on land" the man corrected him "Pick the one you like the most"

"Sure, well... Hmmm and if we talk about the price of one of these, tell me, how much would it be?"

"Well, a Yagara Bull for two people is worth 2000 Berris."

'Berris, I guess that must be the coin of this land' Jack concludes in his head.

"Tell me, gentleman, how many silver coins like the ones I gave you are 2000 Berris by any chance?"

"Mmmmm, let me think... about 7 silver coins should do it."

Jack won't have many silver coins left.

'Hmmm if I remember correctly when foraging for food in the Black Peral I found the odd gold thing or two, that might do, otherwise, we'll have to get money by other means...' Jack said to himself.

"Oh and a discount for being a single person with a hangover there will be good man."

"Alright, considering your situation I'll leave it to you at only 5 silver coins."

"Deal, nice doing business with you gentleman" Jack quickly said handing him the coins and going to choose the bull he liked best.

Moments after the man prepared the Bull that Jack chose, Jack finally got on and began to ride around Water 7 Island.

As Jack toured the town, the gears in Jack's head were turning because of everything the man at the shop had just told him.

'This doesn't make any sense!

Either this man was crazy, or the people here had somehow managed to bypass every other continent in the world!'

'Hmmm, no, too big to be isolated from the whole world, maybe he'll get to a completely different place.'

'Yeah, maybe the compass wasn't pointing to an exit that would take me to the world of the living that I know, and it had taken him to a different place in his world.'

"I'm so tired... I need rum, after a few drinks of rum I can still think about my situation" Jack complained and decided to find a place that sold rum first of all.

Jack spent some time browsing the canals and looking for a bar while asking people for directions.

He was surprised at the hospitality of all the citizens even though he was notoriously a Pirate.

"Mizu Mizu croquettes are ready!"

"Come come, there's Takoyaky Mizu Mizu Mizu!"

"Mizu Mizu Mizu Kokokke, Mizu Mizu Kokokke for sale!"

"Buy your Mizu Mizu Mizu Niku, even though they are for humans your Yagara will love to eat one too!"

There were food stores everywhere.

"Oh, finally, this should be the area where the Bar I was told is," Jack said as he saw the place where the Bar should be.

And there he saw the place named "The Sea Bar".