
izuku: the kenjutsu master

disclaimer: this story is a creation i am working over on wattpad and decided to move it here as i am putting a bit of work into it this story will be primarily a BNHA/HSDXD story however izuku's peerage will consist of mostly characters from all over the place why because i want to also his powers will come from all over the place again cause i want to and i said so anyway this is my new story that i will probably be working on the most also don't expect grammar i suck at it

jexishere · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

new home

after gaining my peerage me and momo put said peerage through a ruff training session although not as ruff as me and momo went through which we constantly trained each other and every other day we would switch back and forth allowing each other the opportunity to train our muscles

the rest of my girls eventually joined our regimen eventually i had to start having us use our power to enhance strength just to add enough pressure to train the others strength so it became a win win as we trained our enhanced strength and increased it since we were also increasing our normal strength

the one problem was all of the girls only wanted to train with me not with each other so i had to go through them one by one

sakura was by far the easiest to train as she started off with monstrous strength i had to use my shikai just to put some pressure on her

that being said the one who took the longest to train was kuroka she had excellent magical abilities its why i took the work of proving her innocence and then making her my bishop but she had little to no physical strength it took us months just to get her to an acceptable level she was still behind especially compared to her fellow bishop retsu but she was at a similar level as the rest of my peerage

after training we truly moved to kuoh as we kinda messed up the manor with our training it wasn't just with physical strength we also trained our power to be stronger i also made sure to complete the ritual making suzume my familiar satsuki became my pseudo sacred gear since she was alot more then a sacred gear at first i felt bad about essentially taking her freedom away from her then she reminded me this is what she wanted and slowly i got over it and promised she would be my primary weapon

speaking of my peerage each of them slowly became part of my harem over the few months since they joined me which i found at first a bit annoying but then momo convinced me i deserved it and embraced what appeared to be my luck

we moved into the new house which on the outside appeared be a small mansion but on the inside there was plenty of room for all of my girls

this was when we entered the academy or at least some of us did me, momo, pyrrha, nezuko, and sakura joined as students to the academy the rest decided to find other things to occupy themselves which i was fine with

"class we have several new students please come in" the teacher said and me and my girls entered the room

"i am izuku ryujin it's a pleasure to meet you" i said

"momo ryujin izuku's wife" momo said

"pyrrha nikos, izuku's girlfriend" pyrrha said

"nezuko kamado, izuku's girlfriend" nezuko said

"sakura haruno, izuku's girlfriend" sakura said

after sakura introduced themselves every male in the room was staring at me as if i were the most evil individual and the girls were thinking two things one i was a pervert who was somehow brainwashing beautiful woman and then they thought how would they get brainwashed to join my harem

"questions" the teacher asked and the red head i recognized as most likely rias rose her hand

"yes" i asked

"my question is three fold first why does she call you her husband" rias asked pointing at momo

"and second how do you have 4 lovers are you a pervert" rias asked

"to answer your third question no i am not that being said your first question was do to a marriage contract which i have another two marriage contracts which is why i moved here to get to know the girls in question before deciding weather to continue contract or annul it i am not interested in a woman's body while i am like any other male that isn't homosexual attracted to a good looking women such as yourself i do not let that rule me i pick the woman around me based on emotions and feelings they need to love me if they don't then why are they in a relationship with me plain and simple i don't tolerate perversion that being said if you three don't stop ogling my girls your gonna have a very bad time" izuku said as his voice grew demonic at the end

the perverted trio jumped and looked scared except for the brown haired male in the middle he looked confident

"oh and what are you gonna do" the boy said

"what's your name" i asked

"issei" he said

"well issei i am a fair man so i will give you a warning if you do anything or say anything insensitive to any of my girls for i do have more i will painfully torture you to death by making you live through your worst fear" i said smiling but this smile horrified everyone in the room even the teacher

"any other questions" the teacher asked trying to get on topic a random girl raised her hand

"my question is to his wife what's it like sharing him with other women" she asked

"oh god it's the biggest blessing ever this man is a monster in bed and i can't wait for the others to get to that step so my hubby can be as satisfied as i am he doesn't satisfy himself thoroughly unless we enjoy it too he doesn't take advantage of us he is a true gentleman" momo said

"wait you've already done it" the girl asked

"we're married of course we have done it is tradition with both our families that you must publicly consummate on your wedding day that night was so incredible too although every time afterwords is also amazing" momo said starting to fantasize

"momo snap out of it" i said placing my hand on her shoulder

"oh sorry about that could we have some fun tonight though" momo asked

"of course my dear i will satisfy you tonight" i said

"i believe that's enough of that please find some seats" the teacher said before getting on with the lesson after school i made a trip to the occult research club to find myself the first one here

a bit later rias's peerage showed up

"have you been waiting long" rias asked i shook my head and stood to my feet

"it is a pleasure to meet you i am izuku astaroth" i said bowing

"and i am rias gremory" she said curtsying

"now shall we talk about the marriage contract" i said she nodded

"president is mine" the pervert said

"that is for rias to decide not you remember your place pawn" i said normally i would treat even low class devils with respect but this pervert has lost all respect and so i was gonna treat him like most other kings treat their servants as servants for their own personal gain

"now as i was saying before being rudely interrupted i believe it is best we get to know each other before ditching the contract entirely as it is best for devil kind if we get together it's why i was also engaged to sona sitri as you know pure blooded devils are becoming less and less that being said i am not riser phenex and if you truly wish nothing to do with me i will have my cousin rip the contract up right now" i said

"you are an honorable man i wish you would treat my pawn with a bit more respect but i can see you actually not only care for our society but also about me and what i think about this and i thank you i like you am willing to try and make this work" rias said

"excellent i have already told ajuka that we won't be getting married any time soon as i wanted you to decide the pace of this relationship he talked to sirzechs and between the two of them i believe they can keep the devil council at bay" i said

"can i ask a question" rias asked

"of course" i said

"those girls in your harem are they apart of your peerage by any chance" rias asked she felt demonic energy off of them and izuku had the uncanny appearance of an astaroth so it was easy to connect the dots

"yes they are some members of my peerage i do have more" i said she nodded

"when do you plan to see sona" rias asked

"tomorrow since i have some actual business with her not just the marriage contract" i said

"would care to elaborate" rias said

"i need my own club i already have an idea in mind" i said

"makes sense alright i will see you tomorrow then" rias said

"a word of warning keep your pawn on a short leash if he does anything indecent to my girls i will live up to my earlier threat" i said rias nodded

"understood" she said and with that i left