
Izuku and Eren adventures on the war against Hitler

Eren and Izuku have to fight Hitler's army

OceanPizza99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Eren was chasing down Mr. Clean in his titan form as Mr. Clean was driving his car at top speed with a picture of his face on the top front part of the car.

"How can I get away from someone like that?" Mr. Clean thought.

3 Hours earlier.

Izuku was running in a training city alone as he was being watched by the cameras as he was being trained on how to rescue people. He and the students in his class were taking turns on how to get people out of a building.

Izuku began to run towards a building all Izuku had to do was get the dummy's out of the building before the timer ran out. When Izuku went into the building something was about to happen that would be a turning point in Izuku's life.

As he began to run into the building Izuku began to float up and there began to be in a bunch of blue light circles that were around him as massive blue light appeared before him. Next thing Izuku knew he was in a room that had a man at his desk that was in a red business suit with a golden G that was pinned on the front of his suit.

The man had glasses with GBM words on each of the two glasses parts and a Mountain Dew bottle that was on his desk the mystery man also had very brown skin and was bald.

Izuku was then looking around the room and he saw that there was another person that was in the room who had a strange uniform. Maybe it was a hero costume that had brown hair.

"What's going on? Where are the survey corps that I had just joined!" The person with brown hair said.

"Eren and Izuku, you two have been chosen to take down the man that is named Hitler." The business man said.

"Who are you?'' Izuku said.

"Simple my name is Gamer Businessman but you can just call me GBM for short." GBM said.

"Why would I help you?" Eren said.

"Simple I can help you get back Wall Maria but first you must help me stop Hitler as he is trying to take over the Planet." GBM said.

"Well since you are trying to help me I will join you but first what is a Planet?" Eren said.

GBM then began to press a button on his desk that showed a hologram of the milky way.

"This is a galaxy." GBM said.

The hologram then zoomed all the way to a green and blue sphere that had a smaller gray sphere next to it.

"This is the planet and the moon." GBM said.

The map then zoomed in again to the gray sphere and into a large building and some other stuff.

"That is where our base is currently, we are on the moon." GBM said.

Eren fell down on his knees.

"We are outside of the walls there is freedom." Eren said as he began to cry.

"Thanks but first can you help me defeat Hitler, then I will help you take down your enemy's then again maybe we will help you take down your enemy's the titans while we are taking down Hitler not sure which one will come first tho Eren." GBM said.

"Ok we will help but only if you promise to bring us back home." Izuku said.

"Sure I will bring you back home but not just that I will give you guys tech to help you beat your enemy's." GBM said.

"Amazing but who is this Hitler guy?" Eren said as began to get back up.

"Hitler was a man that was responsible for the death of many people. I have info that he is planning to take over this planet which is named Grass." GBM said as he pointed at the green sphere.

"I also heard a rumor that he is trying to do something evil and that is to kill all people that do not like his anime opinions." GBM

"Horrible." Izuku said.

"What's anime?" Eren said.

"It's anime country's animation but it could be debatable if something is anime because of the art style even though it was not made in the country of anime." GBM said.

"What's animation?" Eren said

"Look it does not matter right now the point is that he will kill anyone that will disagree with him." GBM said.

"Don't worry Eren, Hitler is evil and will send people to death for petty reasons, that's all." Izuku said.

"Ok I trust you Izuku." Eren said.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'anime country' is anime not made in Japan." Izuku said.

"Well, I would like to tell you that this is a different universe completely different from your own. It's entirely possible for there to be different countries that have never existed in your world to exist in this world. Along with there being different powers and abilities as well. To better explain it to you Hitler is invading this new world because he lost in the other one that I am from and you guys must help me defeat him." GBM said.

"So this is a different Universe I why am I taking this lightly I thought that a revelation like this would shock me." Izuku said.

"Well that happens a lot often as a side effect of being transported to different realities sometimes it doesn't work but that can be rare." GBM said.

"Now your first mission is to take down this guy." GBM said as he pressed a button to reveal a hologram that appeared on the left side of the GBM's desk. The man was bald and had a gold earring on his left side of his ear and was wearing a clean white shirt and was smiling.

"This man is named Mr. Clean. He has been supplying Hitler with cleaning supplies. You guys have to take this man down." GBM said.

"So what do you mean by taking this guy down, do you want us to kill him or send him to jail?" Izuku said.

"Well we have a prison in the base so you can take him to jail if you feel uncomfortable with killing him." GBM said.

"I see well then what about you what is your name again." Izuku said to Eren.

"Names Eren Yeagur." Eren said as he moved his hand for a handshake.

"Names Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said as he moved his hand and shook Eren's hand.

"So I assume that you both agree to take down Hitler." GBM said.

"Sure thing, let's take this guy down." Eren said.

"Ok but first let me introduce you guys to the spaceship that you will be traveling on. Here take these space pills. They will make your bodies be able to withstand space and not run out of oxygen and the best part is that you wont need to take them again." GBM said as he holded two gray pills in his hand.

Eren and Izuku took the pills. Eren began to chew the pill, and Eren chewed it till gray powder came out of the pill causing Eren to taste the bad flavor of the powder. Eren was about to spit out the powder that was in his mouth.

"Wait, I should have told you Eren that you should swallow the pills and not chew on them."

Hearing this Eren begins to try to swallow the pills powder.

"Here Eren this is a Mountain Due bottle that will help." GBM said

Eren took the bottle and drank it causing the Powders to go in his throat with the Mountain bottle also going through his throat.

Izuku, still looking at his pill, began to look at Gamer Businessman.

"Should I drink something with the pill?" Izuku said.

"Oh sure just let me go to my fridge." GBM man said as he went to the right side of the wall where there was a handle. GBM pulled the handle where it revealed a bunch of mounts dew bottles in the fridge.

"I don't eat sugar." Izuku said.

"Not even mountain dew zero." GBM said

"Even the Zero version of Mountain Dew is unhealthy.' Izuku said.

"Ok well how about I introduce you to some Dasani water." GBM said

"That water does not taste that good." Izuku said.

"Well then let's go to the kitchen to get some tap water for you to drink." GBM said.

GBM, Izuku and Eren walked out of the automatic gray door as they saw what was in front of them was a hallway. Eren saw that there was a window that was in the middle of the hallway that showed that they were in space. Eren and Izuku went to the window as they saw that there was a gray ground with weird circles that were above the ground connected to the ground.

Izuku saw that there was a planet that was there. The land was not in the shape that was there. The land was green but also had a gray area along with there being a red area there was also an ice spot as well.

Izuku and Eren looked at GBM as they both widen there eyes.

"How is it that you were able to build something like this on the moon?" Izuku said.

"Oh well it's not that I built this place, it's that I am renting it so please be careful don't try to damage anything too much. When we make it in the training room the landlord might see it and increase the rent." GBM said

"This place had a training room." Izuku said.

"Yes it does I might show it later but first let's get some you some water in the sink." GBM said.

After crossing the hallway Izuku and Eren made it to the kitchen room after passing what appeared to be the dorm room.

The kitchen was huge and it seemed that it had a buffy place and everything with there being many types of food in the place.

Eren looked at the food drooling in his mouth.

"Go on Eren you can have all the food that you can have." GBM said.

Eren then moved to the buffy grabbing teh thaw then immediately grabin the shiny bread that was on one of teh buffy tables. Eren also began to scoop up the rice along with grabbing a cup that has a weird red stuff that did not move like liquid. While this was happing Izuku made it to the sink as he grabbed a cup of water and put the pill in his mouth while drinking it the pill in as it went down his throat.

Eren was on the table as he began to bite the shiny bread as the honey sweet flavor made it to his tounge. Chewing on the bread he immediately swallowed and grab a spoon about to grab the rice where put the spoon in his mouth putting the spoon out of his mouth chewing the rice.

The rice was warm and Eren chewed it in his mouth. After eating the rice Eren went for the cup of jello that was there and he ate it.

Izuku then went and ate his food then after he ate it it was time to go to space.

GBM then brought them to what was the front automatic door.

Izuku was unsure on what to feel as he was never in space before. There was a gray automatic door with square glass being on both sides of the door with gray metal that has around the windows that was in front of Izuku. Izuku walked to the automatic door but then immediately went backward.

After seeing this Eren was unsure why Eren did that so he should go to the door instead.

Eren immediately went to the door as he also wanted to look outside of the window again. As Eren went to the door it began to automatically open. Eren was shocked by the door opening. As Eren went through the door he saw that there was another door that had a glass window that showed a night sky along with there being a strange gray floor on the ground of the moon.

Eren began to walk to the second automatic door as it began to open to a gray metal road on the ground with lines making a square along with there being clear gray circles that looked like cups around the road.

Eren was shocked as he looked around as he began to go down on the ground again. That was when he realized that he was floating in the air.

Izuku, seeing that Eren was floating in space, went to the front of the door with it opening, then went through the second door after it opened.

Izuku began to flout as well.

"Wow this is amazing." Eren said.

"Ya this is pretty cool" Izuku said

"Now that I have shown you guys that you can breathe in space there is something I must show you." GBM said.

Gamer businessman then took out a remote in his pocket and pressed a button on his remote which caused a gray square lined road that was connected to the door to begin to have the black lines light up with white light. Eren and Izuku went down to the road as they stopped flouting.

Gamer Businessman walked in front of Izuku and Eren.

"Follow me there is something I am going to show you." GBM said.

As they walked Izuku and Eren noticed that it led them to what was an empty space where the road ended.

GBM pressed a button where it caused the ground that was in front of them to like a sliding door. What came out was a large metal thing at least that was what Eren saw. To Izuku it was very clearly a spaceship.

Izuku looked at the spaceship with Aw while Eren was simply stunned. The spaceship had a cockpit at the front along with huge wings sticking out of the middle there were two sphere jet boosters both on the up and down side of the spaceship making it four jet boosters. The ship was blue with red thick lined paint and the spaceship was so big that it made the three people that were standing next to it look like mice.

The door opens at the bottom where Izuku and Eren along with GBM went in.

Going in the spaceship Izuku and Eren saw that on the walls there was a picture of a man that was inhumanly handsome that had gray skin and was wearing a fishing hat while holding a fishing rod he was also buff with no shirt wearing only black pants. The background that the man in the picture was in showed that he was at the ocean while on a boat.

"Who is that? It looks like an incredibly detailed painting." Eren said.

"Oh well that's just the landlord, he is on vacation now. That could be a picture from his last vacation." GBM said.

Walking more they saw that there was a kitchen place that had many food and drinks in the fridge as the food and drinks were behind glass.

There was also a table that was in the room as well. When the Izuku made it to a another room it was where there was a massive table that showed a hologram that was of the moon and the planet Grass that they were going to go. In the room that was after that room which was in font of it was the cockpit where there were two seats for piloting.

"This is where you guys will go when you have mssions so now you guys will use the autopilot that I had set with my spaceship app." GBM said as he pulled out his phone.

"Now you will go on your mission but first I have to give you guys some stuff to help you on your mission so here is this first." GBM said as he showed them two braces they were purple and had the white words Gamer Life Insurance on them.

"These are Gamer Life Insurance bracelets. I want you to wear these when on mission and when we are on the moon base in case of an attack." GBM said

Izuku and Eren wore the bracelets that were given to them.

"So why are you giving us these bracelet's." Izuku asked.

"Because they will give you Gamer life insurance." GBM said.

"Ok?" Izuku said.

"Also here are the designed Iphones that were made for the mission to take down Hitler they have a range of very long meaning that you can call someone across the galaxy from very far away." GBA said as he gave Eren and Izuku phones with his hand. The Iphones were colored silver and had a cookie that was bitten off on the back of the Iphones.

"So are you guys ready for the mission?" Gamer Businessman said.

"Ya sure thing." Izuku said

"I will try to take down Mr. Clean." Eren said.

"All right both of you go do your mission, see you both when you get back." Gamer Business man said.

After GBM man left Izuku opened his Iphone immediately seeing all the apps that were there Izuku was surprised the text was different yet he could understand it. Izuku did not really have that much time to think about it so he opened the app that was about controlling the spaceship.

Izuku saw that there were coordinates to go to The golden city a the city where Mr. Clean was living.

When Izuku pressed the coordinates button the ship lifted off heading to the planet.

Meanwhile Gamer Businessman opened a drawer at his desk he took out a picture frame looking at it a tear went out of his glasses down his cheek.

Gamer Businessman put his hands in a prayer position on the desk.

"Whatever God is out there whether it is Shrek,God Usopp, The Flying Spaghetti Monster and any other Religion that I have not known I hope that you bring them back alive."

The spaceship headed to the planet Eren and Izuku heard a voice.

"Ship entering cloaking." The female voice said.

"Where did that voice come from?" Eren said.

"Oh well it's the ship's voice it seems that it has a ship voice. I guess this really is what the future is going to be like in my world. Also Eren and the ship's voice is just giving predetermed commands that she is not really real or that I think she is not." Izuku said.

"Huh well it's going to take a while for me to get used to this new world that I am in." Eren said

"Ya I understand it is also a bit overwhelming for me as well." Izuku said.

" Ya Once we kill all of the Hitlers army we will get the technology to destroy and kill our enemies. So let's go kill Mr Clean" Eren said.

"Ya I don't know, maybe there is a way that we could capture him." Izuku said.

"Why do you say that?" Eren said.

"Well to be honest I have never taken a life before the taking of someone's life makes me uncomfortable. I always think about saving the day but there will be a day that I might have to kill someone." Izuku said.

"Oh don't worry about that Izuku I have killed people when I was a child it was not that hard." Eren said.

Izuku's eyes widened,

"You have killed people before." Izuku said

"Yup but it had to be done, those monsters were not human." Eren said

"Why did you kill them?" Izuku said.

"They were going to traffic Mikasa, they killed her entire family that is why they had to die." Eren said.

"How did you do it? I always get sick to my stomach when I think of that." Izuku siad.

"Well all I did was that I stopped seeing them as humans but as monsters." Eren said

"Well thanks I am not sure if it is possible for me to do that but when I fight I know that it is to protect other people but thanks for telling me that." Izuku said.

As the ship went down Eren and Izuku saw that there were clouds in the sky. The ship went through the clouds. When the ship got past the clouds They saw that there was a city that had gold lights with gold colored buildings. The city's buildings were shaped like cones, they were tall, some even taller than the wall Eren saw in his world with the window lights that dimmed out.

There was also an ocean that was next to the city as well. The ship made what was a green grassy field where a concrete road was next to it. It was far away from the entrance of the city but not too far.

Izuku made it outside of the space ship along with Eren after Izuku made sure that there were no cars that were there. A ring went off in Izuku's cell phone.

"There is a Lamborghini in the spaceship. You can use the spaceship app off your phone to activate it." GBM said.

"So what is the name of the spaceship? You never explained that to us." Izuku said.

"Oh well there is no name for it I think it was called the SKI 527 or something like that but you can name it the spaceship if you want." GBM said.

"Oh well Eren we should name the spaceship." Izuku said.

"Well maybe we should name her Carla." Eren said.

"That is a nice name for a spaceship, let's name her that." Izuku said

Izuku then used the app that was on the phone and activated it. A Lamborghini was then lifted down on a car holder. It was brought down by a square platform but it looked odd because the ship was cloaked so it looked like the car was just floating in mid air as it went down.

Izuku noticed that the car had cat whiskers at the front and had white cat ears on top of the car along with the car being white. Izuku took out the phone and called GBM again.

"Why are there cat whiskers in the car?" Izuku said.

"I got it used ok, the car has an AI that drives the car itself along with their being weapons in the car. A type of Lamborghini like that when bought new is super expensive. I had to buy one that is used. The AI could learn new things as if it were a child but since I got it used it would most likely act how the original owner taught it to be like," GBM man said.

"Well alright Eren lets get in." Izuku said.

Izuku and Eren then began to walk to the car.

Eren was first unsure on how to open the door but he saw what appeared to be the hand or what would be a car door knob. Eren pulled it causing the door to move up, surprising Eren. Izuku had already opened the car and went in with Eren also going in the car.

Eren went in the shotgun seat while Izuku went in the driver seat. There was a screen that was the size of a laptop screen in between the Driver seat and the shotgun seat in the middle between the air conditioners. A screen lit up as it showed that there was an anime girl that had white cat ears on her head. She had white hair and was wearing a dress with cartoon dogs on it. The dress she was wearing would be something that was worn on a farm.

"Meow hello." The girl said on the monitor.

"What is in this wall?" Eren was shocked as he saw the monitor speak.

"So are you the AI that is in the car." Izuku said.

"Meow yes I can take you to the location that you desire meow." The cat girl said as she made heart shape with her hands.

"Take us to the location of ," Izuku said.

"Sure thing meow." The cat girl siad.

The Lamborghini engine roared causing Eren to move slightly.

As the Lamborghini drove from the dirt path into the road going to The Golden City Izuku began to wonder something.

"So what is your name cat girl?" Izuku said to the monitor.

"My name is Emily." Emily said in a new different female voice on the monetor.

"What was that? Why are you changing voices." Eren said

"I can change my voice as I am the AI of this car. I can change from a male commercial voice to a queen-like voice along with a female cowboy voice and many more. I can also make phone calls to you guys if you need me too also here is my phone number." Emily said as her phone number popped up at the bottom of the screen.

"Uh hello Emily." Eren said.

"Hello now what do you guys plan to do when you get to the location meow?" Emily said.

"Oh well our plan is that we will scout out Mr. Cleans place so that we can take him down. " Izuku said.

"I see meow." Emily said.

The car then made it to what appeared to be the city entrance where it showed a sign of a lego gold mini figure in a comic bubble saying welcome to the Golden City.

Izuku saw that there were buildings that were on the right and left side of the road and that they looked massive.

As they made it into the city Izuku and Eren saw that there were sidewalks of people from different shapes and sizes walking with there being dim yellow lights brightening the sidewalk. There were people that appeared to be selling something like ice cream, people on the ground holding up signs, and people chanting "It's gamer time."

Izuku and Eren also saw that there was a car crash of some sort that was on the road. There appeared to be a penguin police officer along with what appears to be a sock puppet police officer that had a hand up from the ground with a arm down to the ground. It was like someone stook out a sock puppet out of the ground. It appeared the officers were checkin on the accident.

Izuku and Eren then made it to Mr. Clean's place. They were surprised to see that it appeared to be a factory that was square shaped. There was smoke cooking out of the large sphere white chimney there. The building was white and had Mr. Clean's face on it. It was an incredibly huge factory. Izuku and Eren then began to discuss their plan.

"So what is the plan?" Eren said.

"I say that we go in to pretend to be investors that want to invest in the company." Izuku said.

"I see well I am not sure what an investor is but I will do the plan anyway." Eren said.

Izuku then realized that they need business suits to make sure that they think that they are investors.

"We need to buy suits quickly.' Izuku said as he began to take out the phone.

Izuku then called Gamer businessMan again on his phone. After about five seconds the phone was picked up.

"What do you need?" GBM said.

"I was wondering if there was a way that you can lend us money." Izuku said.

"Sure there is money in the trunk, it's different money from different countries that will help you on your mission." GBM said.

Izuku then ordered Emily to go to a clothing store. When they got to the store Izuku and Eren began to get out of the car and open the drunk car where there was a suitcase.

Opening the suitcase they saw that there was lots of cash money from different countries along with there being differnt debit cards from different countries in the pockets at the top of the suitcase part that was opened.

Izuku saw that the money had been labeled and he saw the one that was called Golden Country Money.

They then went to a store as they began to buy the business clothes.

"So this is the clothing in this new world." Eren said he looked in the mirror with his Business suit on.

"Well ya it's interesting that despite this being a different world they still have business suits here." Izuku said

"Have you ever worn a business suit?" Eren said

"Well ya I remember wearing a suit once on a makeshift island." Izuku said.

"Ya well I don't think that this suit is my type but if it helps us do the mission we will wear it." Eren said.

Izuku and Eren made it back inside of the car after buying the suits.

Now Izuku and Eren were now in business suits ready to go into the factory.

"So when we get inside and give a meeting to Mr. Clean we will talk to him then we will lead the conversation to investing in Hitler . That is when we will strike and knock him out and drag him out of the building in secret." Izuku said.

"You sure that is possible there could be many guards there also I think it would be better to just kill him with a knife. Do you know if there is a knife store around here?" Eren said.

"There is no knife store, they sell them at the supermarket where you buy the knives but if we must, which I hope not, then we could buy one for you just in case." Izuku said

"Wait, I just realized something. I forgot to tell you what is your quirk or your power, does your world even have such a thing." izuku said.

"Well I can turn into a titan, a big humanoid when I bite my finger although I am not sure what a quirk is?" Eren said.

"You can turn into a titan wow that is an amazing quirk it's like Mount Lady's quirk." Izuku said with his eyes being bright like headlights.

"Ya I was thinking that I could use my power when we get inside the building and kill Mr clean along with all the other people in the building." Eren said

"Not everyone in that factory could be working for Hitler they might not even know what they are making that cleaning supplies for." Izuku siad.

"But what if they are all in on it? What if they all are monsters that don't care about what people they affect." Eren said.

Izuku then began to take a deep breath. They did not know if Mr. Clean had any powers so maybe killing him with a knife when he least expects it is a good idea but he was doing this to protect people right well they should at least do a meeting with him there could be a chance that they could defeat Mr. Clean without killing him but just in case.

"Sure we will buy a knife also we will get a cake so we can say that we are bringing the knife to cut the cake. You know what I just had this idea, how about we put sleeping pills in the cake and that will make Mr. Clean sleepy but how are we going to put sleepy pills in the cake? That's it, we buy cake mix if this world has any." Izuku said.

"What's cake mix?" Eren said

"Look, Eren lets us go to the supermarket. Emily takes us to the nearest superMarket." Izuku said.

Izuku and Eren then made it to the parking lot of a supermarket that was called Wallget. It had gray and purple karts and the logo was that of a round triangle on the building. There were many cars in the parking lot so it was hard for the AI to find a parking space but they were able to find one once they did.

Looking at the building Izuku saw that it had a glowing purple triangle along with the purple glowing words called Walgett on the front top of the building.

Izuku and Eren got out of the Lamborghini and into Walgett. Izuku then looked for the sleeping pills and Eren looked for the cake mix that they were going to use.

Eren realized that he had no idea where the cake mix was so he knew that he had to ask someone that was at the store. Eren saw that there was an employee with strange clam like hands that were yellow, the legs were squire along with the body being square as well. He was wearing a white employee outfit with a purple triangle marking that was at the right top side of the outfit that he was wearing. The man also had a yellow face and it looked like the outfit was painted on him.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The yellow man said.

"I would like to go to the cake mix section please." Eren said.

"Oh you mean the Aisle 7." here I will show you where it is.' The yellow man said.

Eren was then brought to the spot where there was cake mix on the shelves.

"Are you skipping school?" A female voice said.

Eren turned around to see that there was a blonde women that looked to be in her thirte wearing a blue dress and had bright white skin and green eyes.

"Wait hold up no I am not skipping school." Eren said.

"Well then show me your phone and I will call your mom." The mom said.

Eren thought about giving this stranger his phone but he immediately stopped at the idea. He may be new to this world but he knew that this technology the GBM gave them there might be a chance that this lady had never seen this technology what would happen he would be blowing his cover then that will lead to people going over here and it could lead to Izuku and him failing the mission.

"No, I will not give my phone." Eren said.

The women simply laughed. If you are skipping school well let's at least get to know each other at least so anyway why are you in this store?" The lady said.

Was there a reason to lie to this lady? He was not sure but he should just tell her the truth while leaving the Mr Clean part out.

"Well I am buying this cake mix for someone." Eren said.

"Oh I see then here take this cake mix chocolate is the best flavor." The woman said as she pointed at the chocolate cake mix.

"l see so anyway I was just wondering why are you here." Eren said.

"Oh well I am actually on my break. I have a daughter at the hospital. I was hoping to find cake ingredients to make a get well cake to cheer her up, that's all." The woman said.

"Well I hope that she is glad that you gave her a get well cake." Eren said with a smile.

Eren began to go to Izuku as he had done what Izuku said.

"I got the cake mix." Eren said.

"Ok thanks now let's look at the ingredients so that we know on what to but in the store." Izuku said.

"Huh well I had no idea there was another step to this." Eren said.

Izuku and Eren then got the ingredients and headed to the self checkout.

After checking out Izuku and Eren were in the car again Izuku had also bought a knife that Eren could use.

"All right now let's go back to Carla Where we will be able to cook the cake and put sleeping pills in it." Izuku said.

Eren and Izuku then made it to the spaceship named Carla after Izuku told Emily to drive them back to the spaceship as they were going to cook the cake there. Eren and Izuku then cooked the cake and Izuku put sleeping pills on it in the spaceship.

After the cake creation and using all of the ingredients. Izuku put the knife in the frosting container and wiped it with the cake swiping chocolate frosting on it.

Izuku and Eren looked at the cake that they had both created on a table.

Izuku and Eren knew one thing, it was time to take Mr. Clean down.

Please leave a comment or revew for feedback I want to improve my writeing.

OceanPizza99creators' thoughts