
Chapter Six

Italy's POV


The bed shakes wildly and I hear Germany's strong voice shouting my name.

"Italy! Get up! We have training!" I groan in protest, turning over in the sheets and return to my pasta filled dreams. He merely rips off the sheets and yanks on my curl, trying to get me up. My eyes shoot open and a huge blush floods my cheeks as I moan loudly.

"Ah....G-Germany..don't d-do that..."

He gives me a look of confusion, wondering what just happened. Then realization strikes him and his cheeks flush pink.

"Uh..J-just get up, okay? I'll leave you in here to get ready a-and such..." He stutters, then dashes out of the room. Now he'll remember not to do that again...

I stumble out of bed, trying to forget what just happened. A small yawn escapes my lips and slips on a big shirt, making my way tot he kitchen for breakfast. As I walk in, Germany is at the stove making wursts in a skillet, the pink still lingers a bit. He looks up and sees me walk in, the pink once again flaring up at my outfit; one of his shirts, which is three sizes too big, and my Italian flag boxers.

"That's my band shirt you know, Prussia bought it for me on my birthday last year." He says, trying to hide the amusement in his voice. I look down to spell out the name.


"Rammstein" He corrects me, smiling at my failed attempt. He puts the sizzling wursts on a plate and places it on the table.

"Eat, we have training."

"But why can't we eat the leftover pizza from last night?" I protest, poking at my sausage with a fork. He rolls his eyes in an annoyed manner and sits down, cutting into his pieces.

TIME SKIP 7:00 am


Now my day repeats it, the same as yesterday except Japan is still in his country doing paperwork. I'm happy that Fratello does it for me so that I don't accidentally sign a paper that gives apart of my land to a different country. That would be bad....very bad.

"C'mon Italy, raise your arms higher! These are jumping jacks not hopping bunnies!" Germany commands as he performs one-handed push-ups.

"If I look like a bunny.....am I a cute bunny.....?" I ask, super out of breath.

He sighs and rolls his eyes again. While he isn't looking, I run across the field and hid behind a tree to play with a cute little cat that I play with every day. Carino's sleek ginger fur poofs up between my fingers and he rubs his face against my cheeks, making me giggle.

"Italy!!! Your training is not done yet!!!" I hear Germany yell to find my hiding spot behind this tree, he'll never figure it-

"Italy, get back over here." His grumpy voice rumbles behind me, making goosebumps stand up on my arms. I whip my head around to see him towering over me.

He sighs and brings his hand to his hair, closing his eyes. "Alright fine. Here's the deal. You can do all the training that is necessary for today, or you can run two laps. BUT," He pauses, holding up a finger "You have to wear my battle helmet."

My eyes widen in shock, he's never made me do that before.....do I have to wear it? But every time he even suggests me trying it on I freak out, but I want to be a stronger person, don't I?

"O-ok, fine....I'll do it.." I mumbled in a low voice, looking back down at Carino. I can't control my hands as they begin to shake. I glance up at Germany to see his slightly hurt expression. The kind of expression somebody makes when they are trying to hide their sadness.

"...Really? Are you sure? I mean, I made the deal but I didn't think you'd take it... I just wanted you to finish training."

"No Germany, I want to be a strong nation like you. I know I'll have to go into a real war one, not just a small argument. I need to be prepared for what's really out there. I need to see what's really happening in this world and open my eyes for the first time in a long time." I whisper, a small tear rolling down my cheek, a memory of Holy Rome flashes through my mind reminding me that he's never going to return. No matter how much I pray. For years after he disappeared, I hoped he would come back to me and never leave again but when the realization slowly came to mind, I shut my eyes never wanting to see the world for how cruel it is, taking the only person who truly understood me out of my grasp.

He sighs and extends his hand. I take it hesitantly, preparing myself to face my fear. He pulls me to my feet and I follow him to his-or our- house. Every step closer to the building makes me even more nervous. Once inside he opens the closet next to the front door and pulls out a slightly dusty dark green metal helmet, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

"Italy, calm down. It's not like this is your worst enemy." Germany says in a reassuring tone, though it isn't very reassuring.

"Or is it?" I choke out, loosening the collar to my blue uniform. If I could go back in time and sit by the tree, I would have chosen the first option, but it's too late now. Germany gives me a worried look, then walks out the front door, helmet under his arm. I follow suit and we end up at the dirt road a little to fast for comfort. Why can't we be snails? I unbutton my uniform top and slide it off leaving me in a white tank top.

He gazes into my eyes reluctantly, making sure I want to do this. I stand up straighter, fixing my posture and nodding for him to go on. He exhales loudly and slips the metal thing on my head, clicking the latch under my chin. I want to scream and throw it off, but I have to be strong for Germany...

"If you want I can make it o-"

"No," I cut him off "I'll do both laps..."

He steps back and I position myself in the middle of the road, ready to run.

"Ready," Germany starts. A pang of fear hits my heart, but I ignore it, closing my eyes, the eyes I've decided to keep open.

"Set," What if I get shot? That's my biggest fear about this helmet, but I have to know I'm not going to get shot. There's no reason. My face twists slightly in nervousness and discomfort.

"....Go.." The word rings in my head and I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my chest. Through all of this fear, I push myself to move forward my feet move quickly over the wet soil from last night's rain, causing mud to stick to my boots. It reminds me of a rainy battle and I'm running away from the enemy, rifle in hand, though I'm too nervous to remember how to use it. My hands shake uncontrollably and I drop it, but now it's lost, just s I am in this bloody battle. I quickly look around in every direction, trying to see through the fog, or maybe it isn't fog, but tears.

A tall black figure begins to look in front of me, my own rifle in his hands. As the fog leaves my sight letting me see who it is. I find that it is Germany. I reach for my gun but he pulls it back and points the end at me. I try to cry out for him to stop but nothing escapes my cracked lips. I fall to my knees, the mud splashing around me. I instinctively throw my arms in front of me, as if they could penetrate bullets.

"Germany! NO! PLEASE!!" I scream out, the only words that seem to want to come out. O look up through teary eyes to see him bring the gun up to his shoulder, flicking the glock back.

"STOP!!!!" I scream as loud as possible, but it only sounds like a mere echo. "STOP STOP STOP!!"

"Italy!! Italy snap out of it!!!"

My eyes fling open and I see Germany in front of me again. I'm on my knees with my hands unconsciously trying to undo the strap of the helmet.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I shout, scurrying as far away as possible from him.