
Itachi Uchiha awakening on Mogar (Supreme Magus SI)

Itachi Uchiha, the terminator of his clan, finds himself living in a new world. Whether it is reincarnation or taking over the body of someone else will only become clear as he navigates this unfamiliar life. This world is one of wonder, filled with griffons, dragons, phoenixes, and magic. What will happen when a ninja who brought peace to the entire Ninja World suddenly loses his purpose? How will he adapt to a place where mythical creatures soar the skies and magic is a reality? What will he feel when confronted with talking legacies and ancient secrets? As Itachi embarks on this new life, he grapples with his past and the weight of his actions. Will he find happiness in this fantastical world, or will he continue to live in guilt over his former life? Follow Itachi’s journey of self-discovery, redemption, and the search for peace in a realm unlike any he has ever known. Credits: All rights of Supreme Magus are held by Legion20. All rights of Naruto characters are held by Masashi Kishimoto. Image is copied and can be changed if requested.

sam0304 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Awakening of Sharingan

The night sky hung heavy over Canra, a blanket of stars casting soft glimmers upon the village below. Samuel, returning from the harrowing rescue of Lyla, found himself grappling with newfound revelations and powers that stirred within him.

As he sat in quiet contemplation, Samuel's mind drifted to the unusual phenomena he had experienced during his recent ordeal. Amidst the chaos of battle, something within him had stirred—a power akin to the legendary Susanoo of his previous life. This manifestation, born of intense emotion and the flow of world energy, had cloaked him in robes and ornate armor, its wings spreading wide like those of an eagle. Samuel marveled at the sight, realizing the extent of his awakening in this magical world.

But along with this awe-inspiring form came the return of his Sharingan—the "Copy Wheel Eye" of the Uchiha clan. Though a potent tool of perception and illusion, it carried with it the weight of history and a legacy of tragedy. Samuel, now called Samuel in honor of his past life, accepted these eyes not out of desire but necessity—a means to protect his newfound family in this unfamiliar world.

With the Sharingan's "Eye of Insight," Samuel found himself capable of analyzing chore magic and other mystical techniques with newfound clarity. The mysteries of ninjutsu and elemental manipulation, once foreign, now felt within reach. He began to adapt techniques like the Body Flicker Jutsu to his current magical repertoire, blending his past expertise with the essence of this new realm.

In his solitude, Samuel honed his skills further. The shadow clone jutsu, a testament to his resilience and dedication, finally took shape after relentless practice. These ethereal doppelgangers, crafted from his own mana and willpower, mirrored his every move and intent—an army of one, ready to defend and deceive at his command.

But it wasn't just his techniques that evolved. Samuel noticed a profound change within his physical being. The process of funneling world energy had fortified his body, granting him resilience and endurance beyond his previous human limits. Each fiber of his being felt tougher, more attuned to the demands of his newfound role as guardian and protector.

As dawn approached, bathing the village in the gentle hues of morning, Samuel stood at the threshold of a new chapter. The events of the night had reshaped him, forging him into something more than a mere child of Canra. 

Gazing out over the slumbering village, Samuel knew that challenges lay ahead. The shadows of betrayal and malevolence loomed, but he was prepared. With the Sharingan blazing in his eyes and the echoes of Susanoo's wings in his heart, he vowed to defend Canra and its people, no matter the cost.

For Samuel, reborn in this world, had embraced his destiny—a destiny intertwined with magic, mystery, and the relentless pursuit of justice in a world where every act of courage echoed across the ages.

After the harrowing events of the night, Samuel escorted Lyla safely back to the orphanage, her unconscious form a solemn reminder of the dangers lurking in Canra. Once assured of her well-being under the care of the nuns, Samuel retreated to the sanctuary of the forest, seeking solace amidst its ancient boughs and whispered secrets.

Here, surrounded by the comforting embrace of nature, Samuel resumed his quest for understanding and mastery of the magic that now coursed through his veins. With the Sharingan's keen insight and the fledgling proficiency of his awakened abilities, he endeavored to replicate and adapt other ninjutsu from his previous life. Yet, the intricate nuances and complexities of these techniques eluded him, their essence bound by knowledge that remained beyond his grasp.

As days turned into weeks, Samuel's solitary existence in the forest provided a sanctuary for reflection and growth. It was during one such tranquil afternoon that fate intervened once more, in the form of an imposing figure that emerged from the verdant depths.

Gaja, the majestic elephant-like creature whose presence had initially struck awe and caution in Samuel, approached with a regal grace that belied his immense size. The feathers of his headdress fluttered softly in the breeze, a testament to the ancient wisdom and power that dwelled within him.

Curiosity mingled with trepidation, Samuel approached Gaja with cautious steps, his heart pounding with anticipation. Could this creature, revered as an emperor beast among his kind, possess the ability to comprehend human speech and emotion?

To Samuel's astonishment, Gaja greeted him with a rumbling voice that resonated through the forest like distant thunder. "Young one," the creature intoned, his eyes like deep pools reflecting the wisdom of ages, "you carry the scent of magic and shadow. Your presence here is both unexpected and intriguing."

Samuel, emboldened by the creature's calm demeanor, dared to speak. "Gaja," he began, choosing his words with care, "do you recognize me? Is there a bond between us, forged in the currents of time?"

The emperor beast regarded him with a knowing gaze, his trunk swaying gently as if in contemplation. "In this vast tapestry of existence," Gaja replied cryptically, "threads intertwine and unravel, weaving tales of kinship and destiny. Whether our paths have crossed before, only time and fate can reveal."

Samuel absorbed Gaja's words, sensing a deeper truth resonating within them. The bond he sought, forged not merely of flesh and bone but of shared experiences and ancient echoes, eluded his grasp yet stirred his soul with a profound sense of purpose.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting dappled shadows upon the forest floor, Samuel and Gaja conversed long into the night. The emperor beast imparted wisdom born of centuries, while Samuel shared tales of his past life and the mysteries that now unfolded before him in Canra.

In the quietude of that enchanted realm, Samuel found a companion in Gaja—an emissary of the natural world who offered guidance and camaraderie on his journey of discovery. Together, beneath the canopy of stars and amidst the murmurs of the forest, they forged a bond that transcended the boundaries of species and time.

And as Samuel gazed into the wise eyes of Gaja, he knew that their meeting heralded the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter filled with magic, friendship, and the unyielding quest for truth in a world where every heartbeat echoed with the pulse of ancient legends.

AN - Gaja have power like soul vision allowing them to see a bit of destiny

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