
Chapter 44

Trev checked the caller ID and felt relieved to see it was Zack. “Are you still at work?” he asked.

“I’ll be off in fifteen, God and emergencies willing. I wanted to know if you’d like to go out for supper.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m at the studio right now.”

“Great. I’ll pick you up there in…half an hour.”

“Okay. Quint called. I’ll tell you what he said when you get here. Be careful.”

“Always. See you in a few,” Zack replied before hanging up.

Talking with Zack had eased some of Trev’s tension, so he went back to work on the mobile, figuring he could get at least a couple more pieces cut out before Zack showed up. He had just started on the fourth one when he heard footsteps in the hallway. Then someone rapped on the door.

“It’s unlocked,” he called out, setting down his tools. Turning, expecting to see Zack, he found himself facing a man he’d never seen before.

* * * *

“I’m fine,” Zack said. “A few bumps and bruises and scrapes. Nothing I haven’t had before when I’ve dumped my bike.”