
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urbain
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26 Chs

chapter 6

I laid in bed and staring at the ceiling.I had a lot of things running through my mind, but I didn't bother about it that much, afterall I was used to it. August was sound asleep beside me with his mouth sucking his thumb.

   I always imagined things that weren't close to realistic happening to me. My phone rang and I quickly picked it up before August woke up.


"Hi baby girl" I stood up and left August's room.

"Wassup Anna" Anna was still as loud as ever. She lives abroad with her family. She has a 3 year old son and a 1 year old daughter.

"I'm good, I just got to the states a few minutes ago and I was wondering if you're free tomorrow"


"Yeah, so are you free, Jamie is having a get together party tomorrow night and I was wondering if we could go together" I felt my throat run dry. I always had this chill run down my spine whenever I heard her name.

"Em-well you see tomorrow is Sunday and I plan on visiting my parents so" I lied.

"Really"my eyes were wide open when I heard August squeal from behind me. This was bad, now I just committed myself.

"Is that August?"

"Yes, wanna say hi"

"Nah, well maybe some other time but I'll call you during the week, I hear you own a fashion plaza, I'd love to purchase some expensive clothes, that's if you have my taste" anna was as boastful and arrogant as always , she always felt she was better and more wealthy than me, not as if I cared i just hate some things she uttered from her mouth.

"I doubt you'll be able to afford a belt" I whispered under my breathe and stretched my hands for August to come hold.

"Hmm..., Did you say something" I was lucky she didn't hear that a loud.

"Nothing, I'll be expecting you"

"Of course you would, any way I have to go my husband needs me, byee" there was a hint of mockery in her statement but I didn't care after all no one at school expected me to get pregnant out of wedlock. I was your typical everyday calm and reserved girl. I remembered vividly the shocked faces of my course mates when I held August in my hands to give my valedictorian speech.

"Mommy are we really going to Gran-nma's place tomorrow" I bit my lower lip, I still got this issue to resolve. I could see the hope in his eyes and the plea as well. I couldn't hurt this child's feeling twice in a day. I helped August get into bed, before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Yes baby, but Just a quick visit okay" a wide smile drew across his face. I couldn't help but blush, my baby was beyond adorable. " get some rest my dear" he nodded and closed his eyes.

I stayed with August till he slept off, after he did I went to my room to get a shut eye.

I felt a little surge in my chest, it was painful but I knew what it was, I was very conversant with this feeling, the feeling called heart ache,Emotional heart ache.

I twisted, rolled and even curled in my bed yet I couldn't sleep. It was difficult to sleep. Anna's last statement echoed in my head "my husband needs me". I've always wondered what love felt, true love not one sided love. For some reason I felt all green in side, I was jealous of what Anna had. A complete family, something I doubt I'd ever have, or will I?.


Sunday afternoon

We got back from church early, August still had his outfit on, he had been obedient since the sun rose and I knew why.

I prepared some home-made cupcakes for our visit. I've known George and Mom for having a sweet tooth. August kept jumping and walking about trying to help me with the preparation.

Although I was really really nervous about visiting my family, I felt at ease watching August play around and hum his nursery rhymes.

Watching August gave me little confidence. I wondered what My Dad would say when he meets August.

I packed up the cupcakes and put it in a huge basket, I also put some fruit juice and a bottle of champagne.

"Are you ready dear" I arranged my hair in the mirror.

"Yes" August stepped in looking way over the top. I had to hold back from laughing at him.

"Don't you think this is a little bit too much, I mean the hat and the tie and the over the top checkered socks" I walked to him and pulled out some off the excess. "There, perfect now let's go before it gets late"

Our ride to my parents place was all good, August kept joking around and singing. He looked happy, if I had known he'll be this glad to spend time at Mom's place I would have taken him a long time ago.


I stepped down from my car but then stepped in. August stared at me, I couldn't blame him I was acting weird. I laughed awkwardly and winded up my glass.

"It's cold baby" I smiled but it soon died down when I saw my brother coming out way. Was he monitoring me or what? At that moment I wanted to drive out of the mansion as quickly as possible.

My throat was dry and I felt uncomfortable. George knocked on my window and I winded down.

"Are you planning on leaving just when you got here?" George had a smirk on his face.

"Good afternoon uncle George" August greeted and George seemed more amused.

"Good afternoon Augie, I can see the doey eyes did pay off" he stared at me with those hazel eyes that keep one still."get out of the car, Mom and I have been expecting you all day"

I smiled meekly and turned to August" let's go baby" stepping out once more, I felt heavy like I was holding up and elephant.

"Breathe Gwen" George called out while he got the things in the back seat.

I exhaled and inhaled harshly,  looking up to the house I once grew up in. It's been 5 good years since I've been here, I could remember the day my father kicked me out like it was yesterday.

The words he uttered that day and how true they were. Tears brimmed in my eyes, how was I going to face him? The hatred and disgust I felt coming from him. I wondered if I and my father would ever have a close relationship like we once did.

I tailed behind George and August, I was a few steps behind them cause I kept memorizing the words I'll say to my father. 'How would I greet him. Maybe I should bow first, no too formal. Smile brightly, no too meek or maybe I can just turn around and leave August with George' "Gwen seriously?" I snapped at my thoughts and gained composure. All I had to do was to be respectful and everything will be okay, right.

"Ohh my dear" I could hear mom's voice echo in the entrance hall.

"Grandma" August ran towards her and jumped on her body, I wish I had August wild spirit right now cause i needed it more than ever.

"Good afternoon mom" I smiled and hurried towards her, even though I had a sour relationship with my Dad, I always had my mom's love and support and that was something I will ever be grateful for. I hugged my Mom tightly while August joined in.

"Hey so everyone forgets about George huh?"

"Stop acting like a kid and get those things to the kitchen..." George rolled his eyes and left us, August got down and ran after George like he was some treat to eat."...I can see his overjoyed" I nodded and walked in with my mom.

"Is Dad home?" I asked while my eyes trailed round looking for at least his shadow.

"No..." Mom didn't seem happy saying that but I could understand what she meant. He was home but didn't want to see me, somehow I expected it. "...dear?"

"It's fine Mom, I'm just glad August could be here" I smiled and pulled her towards the lounge "you've got to show me your recent renovations, George couldn't keep shut about it yesterday"

"Alright alright, there's this new aqua tank I got from the east, oh dear it is so beautiful one of it's kind" Mom took the lead and pulled me to the court room.


Gwen's father watched his daughter walk into the house. His eyes were on the little 5 year old who jumped on his wife. The child was beautiful, but looked nothing like the mother not even in the slightest. The only thing Gwen's father could pin point as Gwen's gene was the complexion. He stood by the door and watched them making sure they wouldn't notice him.

Gwen looked healthy and fully grown. He could remember his little frail girl the day he disowned her. Something he regrets to this very day.

He sighed deeply and walked out of the entrance hall. He had a meeting with a new investor and he wasn't going to miss it.


We all ate on the dinning table, mom's meal was the best as always. Mom made August sit on her leg and fed him throughout. I felt cool and at ease, I guess it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be and watching August smile and laugh with my family made me feel a lot better


Chapter 7