


After dealing with my mother yesterday, and dealing with my thoughts on Daniel, school is the last place I want to be. Dodging annoying people who stand in the middle of the hall, I grasp onto my locker and tensely open it up. My mother yelled, yelled some more, then finally accepted my lie about being at Jana's—my excuse being that I forgot to let her know.

Inside my locker is another note.

With my bad attitude, I frown while unfolding it and read what it has to say. Please, Room 1244 at lunch. It really is important!

Maybe they should have shown up the first time then. Tossing the note into my locker, I swing the door shut and head off to my first hour.

After getting settled in my seat, I grumpily wait for the bell to ring so I can get today over with. As usual, Daphne enters with her friend in the class, a girl I think is named Carla. They split up to take their seats, and surprisingly, Daphne turns to me once she's in hers.